Houston’s Coach Pecks Away at Football’s Macho Culture, a Kiss at a Time

Article here. Nice to see it. Excerpt:

'When the University of Houston’s football players arrive for a game, they know what to expect as a prelude to the coming hours of brutality as they file into the stadium: a kiss on the cheek from their head coach, Tom Herman.

It is an unusual ritual in a sport that embodies America’s most rigid ideals of manhood.

“A kiss on the cheek is when he shows his love for us,” Houston safety Garrett Davis said, adding, “No one here is thinking, ‘Oh, I shouldn’t let him kiss me.’”

Physical expressions of affection certainly exist in big-time sports. Nothing says “Good job!” in baseball like a firm pat on the behind from a coach, and in international soccer it is not uncommon to see teammates peck each other on the cheek after a big play.'

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Mother fights boys-only corporal punishment policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Middle Tennessee mother is fighting a corporal punishment policy at her son’s high school.

She said it’s not the hitting she’s concerned with, but who is receiving the punishment.

Misty Kilburn said her son came home from Lawrence County High School with a letter stating the teacher in his construction trade class was going to reinstate corporal punishment due to misbehavior.

Kilburn said she was about to sign it until she learned it only applied to one gender.

The note reads in part: “Due to interruptions and discipline problems in trade classes, we are going to reinstate corporal punishment.”

Kilburn didn’t have a problem with the note, but then her son told her something else.

“The girls were sent into another classroom and the boys were the ones who had to write this out, and the girls were not to be included on the corporal punishment,” she said.'

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Inside The Wing, a women-only coworking space and social club in NYC

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new women’s-only workspace and social club in New York City, created to offer like-minded members a place to network and connect, seeks to offer an alternative to standard coworking spaces and their sometimes “bro-centric” culture, and tap into the “magic that’s created when women gather together.”

The Wing —the brainchild of 29-year-old Audrey Gelman, a PR specialist who was the inspiration for the Marnie character on Girls, and her friend and partner Lauren Kassen, previously a director at ClassPass—came out of a desire to create a women’s-only space that offers the flexibility of coworking spaces and the community of social clubs without being too stuffy. The name itself is a play off the wing of a home, a reference to a space of one’s own.'

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British PM targets finance industry for failing to promote women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prime Minister Theresa May criticized Britain's finance industry for failing to promote and retain women on Tuesday as the government revealed that some of the biggest players have committed to having at least 30 percent in senior roles by 2021.

The Treasury said that for every pound earned by a man in the male-dominated financial services industry - the highest paid sector in Britain - a woman earns just over 60 pence, while women account for only 23 percent of boards and 14 percent of executive committees.

"The UK is a world-leader in financial services, but the sector could do even better if it made the most of many talented women who work in finance. Too few women get to the top and many don't progress as quickly as they should or they leave the sector completely," May said in a statement.'

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Op-Ed: If we really want women in combat, men must do more

Article here. Excerpt:

'We can’t merely open the door to women, we need to help them walk through it with recruitment campaigns to encourage the most qualified to apply, specific messages that explain why they are needed on the battlefield, and special programs to help them prepare physically. Female mentors are important, but experience and common sense indicate that male soldiers and senior leaders have to engage women, face-to-face, if the military is going to be fully integrated.
My experience training women confirms this, and what I tell them about the infantry is that average women shouldn't apply but the above average should: those who are strong both physically and mentally and those who want to lead infantry soldiers in combat. Because it’s crucial to maintain the same physical standards for men and women in close combat assignments, the military should put into place long-term physical training programs to help women develop the abilities to meet those requirements.'

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Australia: Marxist agenda in anti-violence campaign

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'AFTER losing her son to domestic violence in 2014 it’s understandable why Rosie Batty continues to campaign so vigorously on the issue. As someone who, as a child, saw my mother violently beaten by my alcoholic father I understand the urgency of the problem.

At the same time, it is vital not to let the campaign against domestic violence be captured by the sisterhood to force a radical feminist agenda where men and boys are portrayed as miso­gynist and always guilty.

And this is just what is happening with the Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships program being implemented south of the border.

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College expels student for sex misconduct without bothering to interview him, draws sharp government rebuke

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lawsuits are accumulating across the nation brought by students who say they were unfairly disciplined for sexual misconduct by colleges and universities. And increasing numbers of judges are finding their complaints sufficiently valid to move forward.

But few, if any, of the alleged violations of a student’s rights compare in egregiousness to what happened at Wesley College in Delaware, as described in findings by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) made public Wednesday.

What makes the case so unusual, compared to others that have come before the courts and are public, is the sheer number of important procedural protections denied to the accused. In most cases, courts have found one or two things wrong, for example, inadequate access to witnesses or a failure of a school to adhere to the letter of its own written procedures.

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SoHo pharmacy's man tax: Time for action

Recent story on MANN here. Does this annoy you? It does me. The store owner says that men find it "funny" and if it works as a promotion, maybe she'll keep the "man tax" as a permanent thing.

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Here’s what men actually talk about in a locker room

Article here. Funny. Excerpt:

'As a general rule, I do not do a lot of on-the-ground reporting from inside men’s locker rooms. Call me old-fashioned, but when it comes to news, I prefer more traditional locales: press conferences, courtrooms, artisanal doughnut shops.

However, given Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recent insistence that the lewd comments he was recorded making in 2005 were nothing more than “locker-room talk,” I decided it might be worthwhile to check in on the current state of the American locker room.

Having last spent time in one more than a decade ago — back when conversation among my high school cross-country teammates centered primarily on the best way to eradicate Cheetos from one’s braces — it seemed a lot had changed.

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Australia: Position Vacant - "Women's Safety Contact Officer"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Applicants must be prepared to travel intrastate

We have both a full time position - commencement ASAP and a 0.7 FTE, replacing staff on Parental Leave - commencement early January 2017. All positions with WSSSA are dependent on ongoing funding.

Key Functions of the Position include:

Promote and implement quality service responses

Plan, develop and implement client focused interventions using a feminist framework

Identify and develop formal partnerships that enable referral pathways to increase the safety of women and children'

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SAVE: Expert Panel Calls on Lawmakers to Bring an End to Campus ‘Kangaroo Court’ Investigations


Contact: Gina Lauterio
Telephone: 301-801-0608
Email: glauterio@saveservices.org

Expert Panel Calls on Lawmakers to Bring an End to Campus ‘Kangaroo Court’ Investigations

WASHINGTON / October 11, 2016 – Warning “victim-centered” investigations are “inconsistent with basic notions of fairness and justice,” an Expert Panel has issued a report calling on lawmakers to end such approaches in campus sexual assault cases (1). The Expert Panel was convened in observance of Wrongful Conviction Day on October 4 and addressed the growing problem of “victim-centered” investigations at colleges and in the criminal justice system.

“Victim-centered” methods abandon traditional notions of impartiality and objectivity, and instead call on investigators to presume that “all sexual assault cases are valid unless established otherwise by investigative findings,” as one report enjoins (2). Such recommendations represent a negation of the long-held tenet of the presumption of innocence, and are likely to lead to wrongful determinations of guilt.

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SoHo Pharmacy Charging 'Man Tax' To Raise Awareness Of Gender Price Discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'SoHo pharmacy Thompson Chemists has instituted a 7 percent "man tax" for male customers in an effort to raise awareness of gender pricing discrimination.

On Monday, two signs went up in the store's front windows announcing the new policy. A pink sign in one window reads, "New store policy: All Female Customers Shop Tax Free," while a blue sign in the other window, reads "All Male Customers Are Subject To A 7% Man Tax."

Jolie Alony, who has owned the pharmacy for 22 years and lives in SoHo, said she wants men who shop at her store to understand the extra costs that women bear when they shop.

"We want to bring awareness on how it feels to be a woman, so the men actually get to feel it," she said.

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"I’m Against Sexual Assault...and Third-Wave Feminism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I despise feminists for the same reason that I despise people who engage in sexual discrimination and sexual assault. In my experience, discrimination is exactly what feminism is meant to foster. The problem is that the sexual harasser and the feminist are always in cahoots, whether we know it or not. Anybody who just wants to be treated fairly based on individual merit does not have a chance with either one. It’s like trying to choose between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. It’s a no-win situation.

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The Red Pill: the movie about men that feminists didn’t want you to see

Article here. Excerpt:

'A feminist filmmaker has re-ignited the gender war by daring to make a controversial movie about the Men Right’s Movement.

As part of her research for The Red Pill, American film maker Cassie Jaye spent hundreds of hours with the internet’s most notorious Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) over a two-and-a-half year period. For balance, she also interviewed some of their fiercest critics – such as Katherine Spillar, Executive Director of the Feminist Majority Foundation.

Jaye began the process as a feminist, but she ended up not only sympathising with the MRAs, but fundamentally questioning the “aggressive” ethos of modern feminism.

For her efforts, she says she has been smeared, threatened with “career suicide” and even saw her funding dry up – to the point where the movie was unlikely to see the light of day.'

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IMF’s Largarde suggests sexism is at play in Wall Street’s criticism of Yellen

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some of the criticism from Wall Street aimed at Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen is due to sexism, International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde suggested Sunday.

“[Yellen] receives a lot more criticism, in my view, than many of her predecessors in many ways, given the great job she is doing,” Lagarde said during in a conversation with author Michael Lewis before a large audience at IMF headquarters.

Many on Wall Street have said the Yellen Fed lacks a clear road map for interest-rate policy and has suffered from poor communication.

Lewis had started the conversation by saying that whenever he sees a woman given a position of prominence in finance, he has a sense that “she was there for one reason — to take the fall if things go wrong.”'

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