When Your Rapist Is a Woman

Article here. An older article but still very germane, it exposes the lie that women don't sexually assault others. Excerpt:

'Sexual assault is perceived as a straight issue, perpetrated by men against women. Thanks in part to the battered women's movement of the 1980s and the growing awareness of the current rape culture in the United States—from assaults on college campuses to abuse within relationships—we've been hearing a predominantly heterosexual story. But there's a scenario that, while less frequent, is no less damaging to the victims it claims: rape between women.

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Has Academia Become More Gender-Fair for Women? Findings From an Adversarial Analysis of Gender Bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'These findings, Ceci said, suggest that academia now offers a largely gender-fair, and in some cases female-advantaged, environment:

Women who earn PhDs and apply for tenure-track positions are often more likely to be hired than their male peers, the authors found through a review of existing studies and their own analysis of data from the National Science Foundation.

Grants are awarded to women and men at approximately equal rates, the authors found from a meta-analysis of 39 studies including data from more than 2 million applications to 27 grant agencies.

Scientific articles where women are the first or last authors were about as likely to be accepted for publication as those written by men, according to the authors’ meta-analysis of 33 articles on journal acceptance rates.

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High school boys are trending conservative

Article here. So-called "liberal" ideology is a bed-fellow of 4th-wave feminism which despises males and maleness. Why should it be any surprise that boys and young men instead embrace the opposite of so-called liberalism (which is as classically "liberal" as is fascism, IMO). Excerpt:

'A popular narrative suggests young people are liberal and getting more liberal. Thus, social media buzzed when a chart surfaced in spring that seemed to suggest 12th-grade boys had become overwhelmingly conservative.

As with many Reddit posts and viral tweets, the truth was more complicated. But the numbers do say this: Twelfth-grade boys are nearly twice as likely to identify as conservative versus liberal, according to a respected federal survey of American youth.

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Sports radio host Don Geronimo fired after sexist ‘Barbie’ comments toward female reporter

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sports radio host Michael Sorce, who goes by the name Don Geronimo on air, was fired by WBIG-FM on Sunday following sexist remarks he made toward a female reporter at Washington Commanders training camp.

While speaking with co-host Crash Young, Geronimo made several offensive comments about WUSA9 Washington D.C. reporter Sharla McBride, including shouting, “Hi, Barbie girl” as she walked past him.

iHeartMedia is the parent company of WBIG-FM, which signed a three-year partnership with the Commanders in 2022.

“After an internal review, Don Geronimo is no longer an employee of WBIG,” iHeartMedia’s D.C. Region president Aaron Hyland said in a statement to the Washington Post. “We take matters of this nature very seriously and this behavior does not align with our core values.”'

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Douglas County homicide victim’s family speaks out

An awful story that illustrates domestic violence against men. Excerpt:

'Outside the Sonesta Hotel in Park Meadows, a memorial garden to Colin Grice is being constructed.

Grice, a 57-year-old hotel manager, was found shot to death in his Highlands Ranch home last week.

His wife, 55-year-old Victorine Grice was found dead inside her Douglas County jail cell Friday morning.

Grice had been facing murder charges, and the cause of her death remains under investigation.
"Throughout my years as an investigator, I’ve learned that domestic violence knows no gender boundaries. It’s a haunting reality that men, too, bear the scars of abuse and often endure the torment in silence. I hope all domestic violence victims, regardless of gender, can find the strength and courage to come forward and get help before it is too late."'

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"Leave men alone"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why won’t they leave us alone? I find the chattering-class crusade against ‘toxic masculinity’ deeply unsettling. Not to be too blokeish about it, but it is masculinity that keeps society safe. It is muscular, mostly working-class men who make society work; who empty Caitlin Moran’s trash, police the street she lives on, ensure a foreign army never crosses the borders of her nation. As Camille Paglia once said: ‘The women’s movement is rooted in the belief that we don’t even need men. All it will take is one natural disaster to prove how wrong that is. Then, the only thing holding this culture together will be masculine men of the working class.’'

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NAACP Convention session to address healthy masculinity in the age of GenZ

Article here. Excerpt:

'This year the NAACP is bringing conversations around healthy masculinity to the main stage to educate young men and women on allyship and leadership.
“I think every man should take on as a personal declaration of manhood that it’s not just about promoting what men want, but that we make safe spaces for everybody, including primarily women because without women, we weren’t able to create anything,” he said.

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Michigan teen freed from jail after fatally dousing father with chemical drain cleaner

Article here. Excerpt:

'Megan Imirowicz, a Michigan teen who fatally doused her father with chemical drain cleaner because he was too drunk to take her to a hair appointment, was freed from jail after spending just over 500 days behind bars.

Imirowicz was facing a life sentence in connection with death of her father, 64-year-old Konrad Imirowicz, the Oakland Press reported. Back in March 2021, Imirowicz dumped lye powder on him as he slept, resulting in severe chemical burns.'

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YT's Pearl interviews Paul Elam

Video here. If you don't know who Pearl is, she's a former feminist who YT-casts on topics around the effects of feminism on society, men and men's issues, etc., from her own perspective, which is sympathetic to the MRM. She's definitely worth subscribing to.

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Florida woman gets more than four years in prison for swindling Holocaust survivor out of millions

Article here. Four years?! If this had been a man swindling a woman under the same circumstances, he'd (rightly) be put away for at least 10 years. She's getting the Female Discount. Excerpt:

'A New York judge has sentenced a Florida woman to more than four years in prison for swindling a Holocaust survivor out of his life savings after meeting him on a dating website.

Peaches Stergo, 36, was sentenced Thursday, according to a news release from the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York. She had been charged six months earlier with one count of wire fraud for bilking the 87-year-old victim out of $2.8 million.
According to prosecutors, Stergo used the money to live a life of luxury. She purchased a home in a gated community in Florida, took vacations at hotels such as the Ritz Carlton, and bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of designer clothing, the release stated.

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Dads may want to do more caretaking — but then face barriers, one study finds

Article here. Look, another "study" promulgating the Wage Gap Myth, decrying maternal "unpaid labor", and saying dads should "do more". Hey, if taking care of your family is "unpaid labor" deserving of monetary compensation, shouldn't men be paid by *someone* for mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage, taking the kids to school, etc. just like mom should? Sorry but this article annoys me. Why men keep having kids with women, I dunno. Excerpt:

'The concept of "providing care" could mean a myriad things beyond emotional support. It could be cooking meals for the family, cleaning the house, or taking a relative to the doctor — in other words, the unpaid labor many mothers do every day.

While progress has been made towards sharing these responsibilities in the home, there's still a long way to go.

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In Biden's America, Black men and boys have little chance for success

Article here. Excerpt:

'New research shows that 38% of the people in prison are Black, despite making up barely 14% of the U.S. population. The problem isn’t "systemic racism," as Democrats so quickly claim. (After all, there are significantly more White Americans in prison.) The problem is fatherlessness, and it has been that way for decades.

America is suffering through an epidemic of fatherlessness. It is our nation’s top domestic problem, given the residual consequences such as crime. While a lack of fathers can afflict all American households, including White households, it is a particularly severe phenomenon in the Black community.

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Men have a problem – and it won’t be solved by either Andrew Tate or Caitlin Moran

Article here. Excerpt:

'The real problem, he claims, is that masculinity cannot be discussed in such singular terms. “If we asked a football fan, a vicar, and a banker to define ‘manliness’, we would probably get three very different answers,” he says. “When people talk about a ‘crisis of masculinity’, they are usually complaining that their preferred variety of masculinity seems to be losing prestige or influence relative to other forms of masculinity.” Today, we have ideas of masculinity coming from all angles, whether it’s in sociology, pop culture, advertising, charities, TikTok, government campaigns, or around a table in the pub. “Amid this cacophony of competing voices, it is harder than ever for any one form of masculinity to establish itself as culturally dominant,” says Dr Griffin. “To some people, that looks like a crisis.”'

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"To Be a Man" video

A great song on what it's like to be a man and the empathy gap towards men.


Ed.: Good remix version here.

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Candace Owens: The Circumcision Decision

Video here. Candace reports on the factors that drive the circumcision industry in the US.

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