Romeo and Juliet and Sexting: 17-Year-Old Faces Child Porn, Assault Charges for Consensual Sex with Girlfriend

Article here. Excerpt:

'"After being arrested, I was suicidal and hopeless," Austin Yabandith, a 17-year-old from Superior, Wisconsin, recalls. "As of right now, I am just hoping for the best and preparing for the worst."

The "worst" would be pretty bad. After discovering indecent photos of Austin's 15-year-old girlfriend on his cell phone—as well as a video of the couple having sex—authorities charged him with sexual assault of a child, sexual exploitation, and possession of child pornography. The sexual assault charge is considered a Class C felony, and carries a maximum (though unlikely) sentence of 40 years in prison.

One might argue that a sexual predator deserves such a fate. But Austin isn't a sexual predator. He didn't assault anyone, or send child porn. By one important measure, he is a child himself: the age of consent in Wisconsin is 18, which means Austin is technically under-age, just like the girlfriend he is accused of exploiting.'

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Men with anxiety have higher cancer risk, says study

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men who suffer from severe anxiety are twice as likely to die from cancer than men who do not, a study has found.

But women with the mental health condition were at no greater risk, researchers said.

They suggest anxious men may be more likely to ‘self-medicate’ their anxiety by drinking and smoking more than women, both factors that increase the likelihood of getting cancer.

Women may also be quicker at going to the doctor – allowing the cancer to be detected earlier, making it easier to treat.

A study of 15,938 Britons looked at those who had also been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder. The disorder is characterised by excessive, uncontrollable worry about many areas of life, the researchers said.'

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Female teacher goes unpunished for multiple violations of conduct

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson, who is listed on the Dunnville Secondary School’s website as an English teacher, Grades 10 through 12, allegedly instructed one of her students: “Why don’t you lick me where I fart?”

That suggestion is included in two sets of charges before the Ontario College of Teachers, with Green-Johnson’s date for hearings to be set next Friday.

Some teachers we remember for the rest of our lives, because they had a profound effect on shaping young minds or instilling a love of learning or helping us navigate the curriculum. I doubt Green-Johnson’s students will ever forget her, if only for the purported yips and confirmed yaps she brought into the classroom.

This is not Green-Johnson’s first disciplinary rodeo.
In one, relating to the 2015-16 academic year, Green-Johnson is alleged to:

Have told a student who brought coffee to class: “Get that f---king thing out of here.”

Called a student a “bloody pedophile.”

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Obama Blames American Sexism for Hillary Clinton’s Low Poll Numbers

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama suggested at a New York fundraiser that American society is sexist, which is why Hillary Clinton is struggling to beat Donald Trump in the polls.

“There’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman president–that we as a society still grapple with what it means to see powerful women,” Obama said during a speech on Saturday evening. “And it still troubles us in a lot of ways, unfairly, and that expresses itself in all sorts of ways.”

Obama pointed out that the presidential election will be close, but that it should not be, and he took time to defend Clinton’s qualifications to serve as president.

“She’s been in the room where it happens, repeatedly,” Obama said. “And her judgment has been unerring, and she has been disciplined, and she has been extraordinarily effective in every job that she’s had.”'

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Men perform better in bed when put under the spotlight, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Exposure to bright light - similar to daylight - boosts levels of the male hormone testosterone and can triple sexual satisfaction, the new research found.

Low sexual desire affects significant numbers of men after the age of 40.

According to some studies, up to a quarter of men report problems depending on age and other factors.

Because sexual interest varies with the seasons, scientists have suspected that it might be influenced by ambient light levels.

To test the theory a team of Italian researchers from the University of Siena recruited 38 men diagnosed with low libidos and treated half of them with daily doses of bright light.'

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UK: MPs call for end to abusive men using courts against families

Article here. Excerpt:

'The government must carry out a full review of family courts to stop them being used by violent men to perpetuate abuse against their partners and children, MPs have said.

They called on the justice secretary, Liz Truss, to act swiftly to tackle deep-seated cultural attitudes among family court judges which put the rights of abusive men over the safety of women and children.

MPs were debating research by Women’s Aid which revealed that between 2005 and 2015, 19 children in 12 families were killed by violent fathers who had been allowed to see them through formal and informal child contact arrangements.

The debate focused on many personal stories of women who had been subjected to violence and coercive control by their partners, only to have to face them again in the family courts when the men fought for child contact.

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UK: Domestic violence against men soars to record levels as number of cases treble in past decade

Article here. Excerpt:

'DOMESTIC violence against men has trebled in the past decade, shocking official figures reveal.

A record 5,640 wives and girlfriends were convicted of assaulting their male partners last year — up from 1,850 in 2007.

The issue has become a taboo because victims are often too ashamed to talk about their experiences.

But an MP is now calling for action after evidence emerged the problem is growing at an alarming rate.

Stats released by the Attorney General show 177 women are convicted of domestic abuse EVERY WEEK.'

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Milo advocates for circumcision of boys

Article here. The MRM has a wide range of issues. Not all MRAs will agree on specific issues. In this case, Milo is not in agreement with the circumcision issue. Possibly this is because he has not heard the argument. So please, politely contact him and make the case. Flaming the guy will not be constructive. Excerpt:

'Your penis is not a perfect, special snowflake. There are objective standards of beauty for men, just as there are for women. For the edification and enjoyment of your female partners, not to mention the quality of oral sex you’ll get throughout your life, you should get circumcised. And you should do it to your newborn sons, too, as early into their lives as possible.
This shouldn’t be a surprise to us. Circumcision isn’t a recent invention of misandrists, sadists or religious nuts: 15,000 years ago, men realised that making their wieners more attractive improved their chances of oral sex. Perhaps as a gay man I’m biased, but aesthetics matter. And let me tell you – sorry if this veers into “TMI” territory – that I’m infinitely more likely to make you happy down there if you’re cut.

Then there’s the medical stuff. Getting circumcised reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, some sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and penile cancer and cervical cancer in female sex partners. It prevents a whole galaxy of hideous illnesses that come from having a turtleneck: balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis and paraphimosis. (I won’t spell them all out, but they’re all horrible and, more to the point, avoidable.)

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Woman puts lit cigarette in man's eye during argument

Story here. Excerpt:

'Meet Cindy Jean Underwood.

The 39-year-old West Virginian is locked up on $10,000 bail after she allegedly put out a cigarette in her boyfriend’s eye, according to court records.

The attack, cops say, occurred Monday as Underwood and Jeremy Hughes were arguing in the home they share in St. Albans, a city in Kanawha County.

As the pair squabbled, Underwood jammed a lit cigarette into her beau’s eye, police charge. When cops arrived at the residence in response to a destruction of property complaint, they summoned an ambulance, which transported Hughes to a local hospital for treatment of an injury to his left eye.'

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Social Work’s Gender Problem

Article here. Excerpt:

'Social work's diversity problem may be even worse than law enforcement's. While minorities make up more than 27 percent of police departments nationwide, men make up barely 16 percent of the ranks of social workers, according to federal data. And a look at social-work education suggests that the trend continues in the wrong direction: According to the Council on Social Work Education, just 13.3 percent of the recipients of master's degrees in social work in 2015 identified as male. In 1964, the figure was 42.1 percent.

So, ironically, a field that loudly proclaims its commitment to diversity and inclusiveness lags far behind one that is often thought to be insular, secretive, conservative and hidebound. Law enforcement is taking concrete, meaningful action to address its diversity problem. Social work is doing nothing of the sort.

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Arizona yoga instructor acquitted of teen sex charges at party

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Arizona yoga instructor accused of letting boys as young as 11 fondle her breasts at a bar mitzvah party was acquitted of all charges on Wednesday, court officials said.

Lindsey Ann Radomski, 33, was found not guilty of 18 misdemeanor charges in Scottsdale, Arizona, city court stemming from the incident involving seven boys at a suburban Phoenix home in March 2015.

The six-member jury deliberated for three hours before issuing the not guilty verdict on 10 counts of public sexual indecency and indecent exposure following a seven-week trial, officials said.

A judge then immediately cleared Radomski of the remaining counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and disorderly conduct. In Arizona city courts, those misdemeanor accusations are handled by judges, not juries.'

See related post here.

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NPO: Survey: Strong Support in Maryland for Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'The news out of Maryland is good. It’s actually better than good because it corroborates what we’ve long known - that We the People avidly support equal or nearly equal parenting post-divorce. John Chick of the Maryland chapter of National Parents Organization personally commissioned and paid for a survey on Marylanders’ attitudes toward shared parenting. It was conducted by the highly reputable polling organization, Public Policy Polling, from August 5 - 7 of this year. A total of 580 voters were polled. Unsurprisingly, the results strongly support changing state law to promote shared parenting.'

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UK: By making misogyny a crime, we are sleepwalking into tyranny

Article here. Excerpt:

'Should it be a crime to hate women? This unfortunate question is thrown up by the news that misogyny might soon become a hate crime across England and Wales. Two months ago, Nottingham Police launched a trial ‘crackdown on sexism’, investigating cases of, among other things, ‘verbal harassment’ and ‘unwanted advances’ towards women. Now top coppers from across the country are looking into criminalising misogyny elsewhere.

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Motherless babies possible as scientists create live offspring without need for female egg

Article here. Excerpt:

'Motherless babies could be on the horizon after scientists discovered a method of creating offspring without the need for a female egg.

The landmark experiment by the University of Bath rewrites 200 years of biology teaching and could pave the way for a baby to be born from the DNA of two men.

It was always thought that only a female egg could spark the changes in a sperm required to make a baby, because an egg forms from a special kind of cell division in which just half the number of chromosomes are carried over.
But now scientists have shown embryos could be created from cells which carry all their chromosomes which means that, in theory, any cell in the human body could be fertilised by a sperm.

Three generations of mice have already been created using the technique and are fit and healthy and now researchers are planning to test out the theory using skin cells.'

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UK: No, it's not ridiculous to call misogyny a hate crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women have very little idea of how much men hate us, wrote Germaine Greer, and the criminal justice system has hardly gone out of its way to disabuse us. Hate crime monitoring by the police covers disability, race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity, but astonishingly, not sex. While the police have all-too-slowly come to recognise the systemic underpinnings of violence when it affects male victims, the targeting of women because they are women has been left behind. If you want to find out how much men hate women, you won’t find the answer in the official statistics. Until now, because a successful pilot by Nottingham Police to record misogyny as a hate crime is now being considered for adoption by forces across England and Wales.

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