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'“To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.” ~Valerie Solanas,, American radical feminist, best known for writing the SCUM Manifesto
Radical feminism is an oppressive and rather brutal ideology that has vast cultural implications. With a goal of control, radical feminism focuses on destroying traditional relationships using shaming, violence and misrepresentation of facts. And there is nothing feminine about radical feminism or feminists. Celebrating your birthday naked while on a toilet in a public restroom? How lady like.
Women have the power to forge unbreakable family and community ties—or they can use their power for destructive purposes. Women have the power to be encouraging, nurturing, positive and productive; or harmful, lethal and cancerous.
Today’s liberal women are destructive, antagonistic women, devoted to their own misery in undermining traditional institutions crucial for a healthy, dynamic society: marriage, motherhood, and fatherhood.'
'The author of a now-retracted Rolling Stone article about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia on Thursday acknowledged Thursday that she made mistakes while reporting the story of the woman identified only as "Jackie."
Sabrina Rubin Erdely took the stand in the defamation trial against the magazine over its 2014 story about a woman identified only as "Jackie." University administrator Nicole Eramo is seeking $7.8 million from the magazine for its portrayal of her in the story.
Libby Locke, an attorney for Eramo, quizzed Erdely about her reporting errors, including her decision not contact the Jackie's friends who went to her aid the night of the alleged assault and failure to raise concerns about changes in Jackie's account over time. Erdley said in her earlier deposition that she was aware that Jackie had initially told her roommate she was attacked by five men, but later said it was seven men.'
Submitted by fathers4fairness on Fri, 2016-10-21 01:32
Article here. Of course she is - women are never responsible for their actions. Excerpt:
'A substitute teacher accused of having sex with a 17-year-old high school student in Cedar Rapids claims the student seduced her.
Mary Beth Haglin was charged in July with sexual exploitation by a teacher. On Monday, she appeared on Dr. Phil, accusing the student of seducing her and sharing sexy photos with his friends.
“Many people see him as the victim and me as the perpetrator. From a psychological standpoint and from every other standpoint, I feel like I am the victim,” Haglin said on the Dr. Phil show, citing the student's intelligence and “elevated vocabulary” as part of the seduction.'
'Knicks guard Derrick Rose was cleared on Wednesday in a lawsuit accusing him and two friends of raping a woman who had had a relationship with him. The verdict, from an eight-member jury in a federal civil trial, absolved Rose of wrongdoing, although the damage to his reputation remains to be seen.
The trial began Oct. 4, Rose’s 28th birthday, and the jury started deliberations Wednesday morning. Less than four hours later, it had a verdict.
Just before the decision was read, the woman, 30, who was seeking $21.5 million, bowed her head and hid her face in her hands. She displayed no emotion, although her lawyer, Waukeen McCoy, later described her as devastated.
Referring to some of the arguments Rose and his legal team had made about the woman, McCoy called it “a shame” that a celebrity could claim in court that an accuser was simply seeking money.'
'Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the reporter behind the now-retracted Rolling Stone article "A Rape on Campus," defended her integrity as a journalist on the stand today as she and the magazine face a nearly $8 million defamation lawsuit.
The defamation suit was filed by Nicole Eramo, the former associate dean of students at the University of Virginia, who is suing Erdely and Rolling Stone over her portrayal in the article.
In the article, a University of Virginia student identified only as "Jackie" described a brutal gang rape at a fraternity party in 2012. "Jackie" was described as facing callous indifference from college authorities, including Eramo.
Rolling Stone ultimately retracted the 2014 story after other media outlets pointed out troubling issues with the story. A police investigation into Jackie's allegations of being raped by seven men failed to uncover any sort of evidence of the alleged assault ever taking place.
'Columbia University is making it harder for students to hold it accountable for how the Ivy League school runs “gender-based misconduct” proceedings.
It has previously banned students from bringing a recording device into the proceedings, and now Columbia has stopped accusers and accused students from even “transcribing” what happens during proceedings.
The restrictions are being criticized by both a victim-rights group at Columbia and a lawyer for accused students.
Andrew Miltenberg, who has sued several colleges including Columbia on behalf of students found responsible for sexual assault, told The College Fix that college officials “want the ultimate discretion without having to answer for it.”'
'Last Wednesday, Rolling Stone‘s website published an article titled: “Why Derrick Rose Rape Trial May Wreck NBA Commissioner Adam Silver’s Legacy.” Friday, Rolling Stone deleted the article from its site. (An archived version can be found here.)
Politico reports that Rolling Stone was contacted by the NBA, which had a number of objections to the story. Rolling Stone subsequently issued two corrections.
Deadspin reports that Rolling Stone sports editor Jason Diamond was going back-and-forth on the corrections with the NBA before unnamed superiors on the masthead got involved, and apparently made the decision to take the piece down Friday morning.'
'The University of Cincinnati suspended a male student accused of sexual assault “in order to look good for the Department of Education” and campus advocates who believe there’s a “rape culture” at the school, according to a lawsuit by the student.
The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that it couldn’t find a Title IX complaint filed against the student from its review of university records, suggesting that a campus official initiated disciplinary proceedings, not the accuser.
The lawsuit says “John Doe” has been suspended until January 2018 in response to allegations from September 2015, following a Tinder date with another student. That female reported him to campus police about a month later, but Doe claims the sex was consensual:'
'Shannon Stubbs, the Conservative party’s deputy critic for natural resources, accused Canada’s finance minister of “mansplaining” today.
Stubbs, who represents the riding of Lakeland in Alberta, rose this afternoon to call into question the Liberal government’s treatment of Albertans during an economically difficult time.
In response to her question, Morneau pointed to federal government’s tax cuts for middle-class Canadians.
“We have lowered taxes on Albertans this year, so we’ve made sure they have more money in their pocket this year than they did last year,” he said.
Stubbs was not impressed.
“Well, thanks for the mansplain,” she said, before continuing onto her second question.
'University of Notre Dame anthropologist Michael Jindra first noticed in the late 1990s that more and more, his students, particularly the young men, seemed less invested in their studies.
“It’s hard to describe. It just seemed like their heads were someplace else,” Jindra said. “More than in the past.”
Jindra talked to some of his struggling students and found various reasons for their academic performance, but one thing stood out: all-night video game marathons.
A theory took root that Jindra's been studying ever since — a cultural shift is under way, a kind of escapism where a growing number of young people, especially men, are becoming more invested in recreational pursuits to “escape” their traditional social roles, like being fathers or career-driven providers.'
'The toxic poison of feminism has caused a lot of damage to society, devaluing and degrading men. Is it any surprise, then, that brainwashed women and even some brainwashed men are hoping to only give birth to daughters and not sons?
Congratulations to feminists! Years of browbeating men as hostile, brute oppressors of women have paid off. Not only have you convinced some women that men are the enemy, but you have even got some men hating themselves, to the point that they do not wish to see more of their kind populate the earth.'
Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:
'Daniel Andrews’ government is either so asinine that it is being led by the nose by far-Left social engineers or it is consciously pursuing an agenda most Australians would recognise as harmful and sinister. Either way, it’s time the Victorian community and the state’s opposition declared: “enough!” Imagine the uproar if preschoolers were indoctrinated with propaganda that set them on guard against their mothers, grandmothers, female teachers or other women. That is precisely what the state’s preschoolers will be subjected to in a new program — though it should surprise nobody that the “villains” they will be warned against are men.
As Rebecca Urban reports today, the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program, to be rolled out next year, will associate masculinity with dominance, control and violence against women. It is misnamed. But children will need to be resilient to withstand it, and it shows little respect for families’ rights or children’s relationships with their fathers and other men.
'Martyrs of Marriage is a documentary film that documents the injustice that has been perpetrated on people because of misuse of section 498A of Indian Penal Code commonly known as the Anti Dowry law in India. A feature length, first person account of those who have suffered at the hands of abuse of this provision, the film delves deep into the problem, the reasons behind it and the repercussions of the same.
For long, people have believed that it is only women who suffer or give up their lives because of harassment by her husband and in-laws. But there's an other side of the story as well. The film intends to wake up the society to the fact that “men” can be victims too in marital relationships and that the laws that have been made for protection of women have been and are being misused to harass men, women and their families too.'
Malecare recently launched Cancergraph - an iPhone application that tracks cancer symptoms. It's free and ready for you to download, today.
Designed by prostate cancer survivors and caregivers, Cancergraph focuses on the unique experiences faced by those who are diagnosed with one or more cancers.
Cancergraph serves as a memory tool, giving patients and their doctors reliable reports about day-to-day cancer-related experiences. With an easy-to-navigate interface, patients can choose from a list of over 200 symptoms and side effects, and have the option to include cancer types, medications and concerns. Cancergraph then distills the data into a report that patients can view on their phone or email to doctors.
Patients can also take disease- and symptom-related photos to be added to a secure photo storage area on their mobile device. Additionally, Cancergraph has a journal feature so patients can document their experiences in more detail.
'Gettysburg College freshman James Goodman began his first moments of higher education by being lectured by campus leaders about “toxic masculinity,” he tells The College Fix in an interview.
Students who “identify as male” were shown a docudrama film about masculinity. The film, titled “The Mask You Live In,” was part of the lessons warning students that the notion of masculinity comes with harmful side effects, he said.
According to the trailer of the film, it teaches that the “three most destructive words” a boy can hear growing up is “be a man.” Experts quoted therein also suggest that violent outbursts are prompted by masculinity pressures because “respect is linked to violence.”'
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