Australia: Lessons on ‘male privilege’ in $21.8m Victorian schools program

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'Victorian students will be taught about “male privilege” and how “masculinity” encourages “control and dominance” over women, as part of a mandatory new school subject aimed at combating family violence.

The Victorian government will push ahead with the rollout of its $21.8 million respectful relationships education program, despite claims the program fails to consider the multiple and complex drivers of family violence, ignores male victims and amounts to the brainwashing of children.

Evidence has emerged the program risks alienating men — by presenting all men as “bad” and all women as “victims” — a point highlighted in a report evaluating a pilot of the program in 19 schools last year.

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Vandals destroy Hoff-Sommers fliers for opposing trigger warnings, victimhood culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Thursday, students hosting an upcoming talk by scholar Christina Hoff Sommers put up roughly 50 flyers promoting the event on four different campus buildings at Columbia University and Barnard College. Within 24 hours, most had been torn down.

The flyers advertised Sommers’ scheduled appearance at Columbia University on Nov. 1 titled “Victims, Victims Everywhere: Trigger Warnings, Liberty, and the Academy.” Flyers advertising Columbia and Barnard’s politically liberal and neutral events were left unharmed.

Sommers is known for her critique of contemporary feminism, arguing it can be faulted for its “irrational hostility to men, its recklessness with facts and statistics, and its inability to take seriously the possibility that the sexes are equal—but different.”'

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Security guards hired for Melbourne screening of The Red Pill

Article here. Excerpt:

'SECURITY guards will be hired to help protect attendees at a controversial men’s rights movie.

Men’s rights advocates have secured a new venue allowing The Red Pill to premier in Melbourne as planned.

The documentary was to have screened at the Kino theatre on November 6 but this week opponents launched a petition and convinced parent company Palace Cinemas to cancel the private screening.

The Red Pill is feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye’s exploration of the men’s rights movement.

She said it changed her thinking, but she has received a backlash from feminist critics.'

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Cassie Jaye’s Red Pill too truthful for feminists to tolerate

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'“The Red Pill: The movie about men that feminists didn’t want you to see.” This was the provocative headline that ran in Britain’s The Telegraph last November, a teaser for a documentary made by a feminist filmmaker who planned to take on men’s rights activists but was won over and crossed to the dark side to take up their cause.

Despite a ferocious campaign to stop the movie being made, it’s finally been released and the Australian screening was due next week in Melbourne. However the gender warriors have struck again, using a petition to persuade Palace Cinemas to cancel the booking. Palace took the decision after being told the movie would offend many in its core audience but by yesterday 8000 had signed petitions protesting the ban. Organisers are now scrambling to find another venue.

Clearly this documentary has the feminists very worried — with good reason. Cassie Jaye is an articulate, 29-year-old blonde whose previous movies on gay marriage and abstinence education won multiple awards. But then she decided to interview leaders of the Men’s Rights Movement for a documentary she was planning about rape culture on American campuses. As a committed feminist, Jaye expected to be unimpressed by these renowned hate-filled misogynists, but to her surprise she was exposed to a whole range of issues she came to see as unfairly stacked against men and boys.

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"Toxic masculinity and us"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is an obvious lethal combination: easy access to guns, obvious hatred and extreme views and mental health issues. There are troublesome questions lurking beneath the surface. What has happened to these young men who are entering what is supposed to be the prime of their lives? Did people close to them miss the warning signs? Are these murderous incidents reflective of cultural, political, or socio-economic cross currents? And does our country accept and tolerate more mass shootings because of the relatively easy access to guns with greater killing capacity?

We may never find all the answers as to how to prevent mass murders and very public suicides, but I do believe we need to dig deeper as a community and ask better questions about what is happening and why. Perhaps we can start by looking inward to family and home and see what can be done to improve the health of our communities.

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Woman allegedly locked 11-year-old son in closets for three years before he died

Story here. Excerpt:

'The last time anyone saw Yonatan Daniel Aguilar in public was in the spring of 2012.

Teachers at his elementary school in Los Angeles were worried about him. One said Yonatan appeared to be hoarding food. Another said he came to school with a black eye. They filed their concerns with county social workers, who in turn alerted police, according to the Los Angeles Times. After interviewing people close to him, authorities found no cause for alarm — school officials told social workers he lived in a safe household.

Not long after, Yonatan vanished.

He did not return to class, nor to his after school program. Although his family had been the subject of a half-dozen reports by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, social workers had no legal ability to inquire about him, the Times reported.

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Canada: Doctor sues gay friend for child support, 16 years after he first donated sperm to her

Story here. Excerpt:

'In 2000, a gay man donated sperm to help a friend from medical school conceive one child, and then another.

Now, 16 years later, the mother, a medical doctor, is suing him for child support using a loophole in Ontario law that means known sperm and egg donors can be held liable for child support based on biology alone.

“He’s really being punished for the fact that he’s a known donor,” and that she didn’t buy sperm from an American bank, said Shirley Levitan, the lawyer for Michael Ranson. Canadians can legally buy sperm from American banks.

A bill before the provincial legislature to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act could close the loophole, but it could be too late for Ranson — or other donors who stay involved in their biological children’s lives and don’t know the law, Levitan said.'

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We Created 'Rape Culture.' Now We Get To Live With It.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Traumatic. For her. But what about those whose reputations have been dragged through the mud by Rolling Stone's libelous “report”? Nicole Eramo, UVA’s former dean of students, is fighting for damages in court right now after she received hundreds of defaming emails and letters calling her a “rape apologist” and a “disgusting, worthless piece of trash” following the article’s publication. While the magazine may have retracted its story, who repairs the damage done?

The answer: no one. And the reason? Because this is the society we created.

It’s the society that demonizes a man for simply being a man, unless he renounces everything male and begs the Holy Vagina to forgive him his natural trespasses. A guy accused of rape is a villain even when his accuser is proved a flat-out liar, so long as she carts a mattress around campus and voluntarily films her own porno afterward.

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This Scientist Says Feminism Is ‘Incompatible With Science’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Modern feminism isn’t compatible with science, a biologist wrote on a science blog Wednesday.

Dr. Alex Berezow, a biomedical scientist with a doctorate in microbiology writing on the blog of the American Council on Science and Health, found that much of mainstream feminist theory directly conflicts with modern biology, as it is inherently built on ideas which cannot be proven or refuted.

“Ideology is a double-edged sword. Dedication to a set of beliefs can be admirable, but when it leads to inflexibility and obstinance in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it is a dangerous thing,” Berezow said. “[F]eminism has been built upon ideas that can neither be proven nor refuted, precisely the sort of evidence-free groupthink that typifies unscientific thinking.”

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South Australian Office for Recreation and Sport Female Facilities Program" grants

Link here. Excerpt:

The Female Facilities Program helps eligible organisations to develop sustainable, functional, inclusive and fit for purpose female change room facilities that meet the current and future needs of the South Australian sporting community.

Annual budget

2016-17 - $4 million

Eligible organisations

State Sport and Active Recreation Organisations, Industry Representative Bodies, Local Government, Community Groups, Incorporated Sport or Active Recreation Clubs that do not hold a gaming machine license.'

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'See Jane Go' rideshare app focuses on safety, comfort of women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's not your ordinary rideshare pick-up. 'See Jane Go' is the first ever rideshare app in the country for women only.

The drivers are women, picking up female passengers with 'See Jane Go' accounts. It's all an effort to make women safer.

Savannah Jordan says, "I don't have to have that little voice in my head saying maybe you shouldn't do this maybe you shouldn't get into this car." The 19-year old says there are plenty of horror stories out there with other rideshare companies.'

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Title IX-Style Campus Rape Investigations Are Coming to the UK

Article here. Excerpt:

'A wave of university rape investigations echoing those brought in under Title IX in the USA is due to be rolled out in Britain.

New guidelines published last week recommend that universities investigate and punish students over alleged sexual offences – even if they are cleared by a court.

A lengthy report by the Universities UK and law firm Pinsent Masons said that institutions should appoint their own investigators and carry out extra discipline after the legal process has ended.

It recommends using a significantly lower standard of evidence than criminal courts, and specifically advises universities to pursue proceedings both when the alleged victim has dropped the case, when prosecutors have dropped it through lack of evidence, and even if the accused stood trial and was cleared.

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Student accused of sexually assaulting woman in her dorm sues over suspension

Article here. Excerpt:

'A suspended St. John’s University student is alleging gender bias and is suing his school and an affiliated college, claiming they falsely found that he probably sexually assaulted a female student after an evening of Halloween partying last year.

Aaron Wildenborg, of Red Wing, Minn., on Tuesday sued St. John’s and the neighboring College of St. Benedict in federal court, alleging that school officials erred in determinations of whether he had consent for sex and whether the woman was vulnerable because she was drunk.

Wildenborg also contends that the investigation was biased against him because he was prevented from fairly challenging her contentions of what happened that night and that she retreated from her initial allegations.

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The Red Pill and censorship

Via Fathers and Families - NY:

'Take a Stand Against Censorship

Several weeks ago, we informed you of a new film, “The Red Pill,” exploring many of the issues that FAFNY members care about and profiling the activists working to raise awareness of them.  Now, it has come to our attention that an extremist group has exerted pressure on the movie theater in Melbourne, Australia, where the film was scheduled to be screened, causing them to cancel the screening.  We cannot allow this to happen.  We’ve all worked so hard and waited so long for an opportunity like this to have our views get a fair hearing in the mainstream culture.  They know that they can’t allow this film to become widespread because it’s simply too powerful.  Only the most closed-minded people could watch it without being moved.

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Railroading the Innocent: SAVE Calls on University Administrators to End ‘Victim-Centered’ Investigations

Press release here. Excerpt:


Contact: Christopher Perry
Telephone: 301-801-0608

Railroading the Innocent: SAVE Calls on University Administrators to End ‘Victim-Centered’ Investigations

WASHINGTON / October 26, 2016 – A report issued today probes a recent spate of lawsuits against universities, and calls on college administrators to stop the use of so-called “victim-centered” investigations to probe allegations of campus sexual assault. The report concludes such methods are “inconsistent with the most basic notions of fairness, repudiate the presumption of innocence, and are likely to lead to wrongful determinations of guilt, thereby increasing schools’ liability exposure.”

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