Cops: Mom texted video of dead toddler during fight with dad

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'A woman jailed on charges she killed her toddler son sent a video of the boy's apparently lifeless body to his father in a jealous, vengeful rage during a text-messaged argument that lasted more than two hours, police said in a criminal complaint.

Christian Clark, 21, of McKeesport, was jailed without bond after being arraigned on charges of criminal homicide in the death of 17-month-old Andre Price III and attempted homicide of his 2-year-old sister, Angel. Clark doesn't have an attorney listed in online court records.
"Ya kids ain't safe here I don't want them here" and "Answer me or im going to jail for child endangerment" were two of the dozens of texts listed in the criminal complaint. Then came a message at 10:01 p.m. that said, "I'm killing them" — followed by a laughing emoji with tears coming from its eyes, police said.'

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Suspended Former State Prosecutor sued for misconduct

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'It's rare for prosecutors to face real scrutiny. "Absolute immunity" allows them to pretty much skate away after maliciously prosecuting an innocent person.

And even when prosecutors are held accountable for their actions, the punishment is minuscule compared to what their victims endure. Take, for instance, Mike Nifong, the prosecutor who went after the Duke Lacrosse team in order to get re-elected. When the case fell apart, Nifong was disbarred and spent one day in jail. That, compared to the scorn, threats and condemnation of the lacrosse players he maligned.

Now we have Mary Kellett, the former assistant district attorney for Hancock County in Maine. In 2007, a man named Vladek Filler was accused of and charged with beating and sexually assaulting his then-wife for the previous two years. The two were locked in a bitter divorce when she made the accusation. She also claimed he molested their children.

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Universities work to purge male students of their ‘toxic’ masculinity

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'Universities across the nation are taking steps to actively purge male students of what’s been labeled “toxic masculinity.”

Examples abound of campuses hosting training sessions, group meetings, lectures and other programs to effectively cleanse what many campus leaders and left-leaning scholars contend is an unhealthy masculinity in young men today.

On campus, toxic masculinity is often blamed for sexual violence, body shaming, a “hyper-masculinized sporting culture,” acts of domestic terrorism and much more.
Various promotional videos promoting health masculinity advocate challenging “the traditional norms of what we envision masculinity to be” by recognizing “male privilege.” Goals touted through the education include undoing a legacy of “harm, oppression and dominance.”

This trend did not emerge over night. Last year, Vanderbilt University hosted “Healthy Masculinities Week,” led in part by Jackson Katz, the first man to minor in women studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.'

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UK: Men urged to speak out on domestic violence after woman tortures partner

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'Men are being urged to “break the taboo” and speak out if they are involved in an abusive relationship.

It comes after Michelle Williamson was jailed after subjecting partner Ian McNicholl to a catalogue of torture and abuse.

During the 18 months of sickening abuse, Ian suffered cracked ribs, a fractured skull, broken cheekbones and a smashed nose.

He was tortured and branded with a red-hot iron by his partner when he refused his abuser sex.

Businessman Ian has been praised for speaking out against the shocking violence he suffered at the hands of his female partner.

Abu Hasnayn Haidari wrote on the Birmingham Mail’s Facebook page: “If a man beats a woman or woman beats a man, either way its still unacceptable.'

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What the Feds Have Done to Colleges and Schools

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'The Obama administration has repeatedly violated civil liberties on campus. The Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has been the chief culprit, but the Department of Justice has played a role too. They have attacked free speech, demanding that school officials censor politically-incorrect speech. They have also pressured colleges to stack the deck against students accused of sexual harassment or assault by denying them the right to due process. The Obama administration has violated the Constitutional guarantee of equal protection by demanding racial quotas in school discipline and turning a blind eye to campus racial violence against whites. It also has shown a contempt for religious freedom and the due process rights of colleges themselves.
The Administration has also stacked the deck against people accused of sexual harassment or assault in campus disciplinary proceedings. For example, in Title IX investigations, it has required that colleges impose “interim measures” against accused students before they ever receive a hearing on the charge against them, measures that can include expulsion from a dorm and classes shared with the accuser. It perversely faulted Michigan State for not investigating a false complaint fast enough, even though the complainant didn’t want a college investigation at all, and it suggested the University might have to offer the false accuser academic “remedies.”

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Michael Douglas, Val Kilmer, and the alarming rise of oral cancers in men

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'The more hopeful prognosis likely matters to a lot of people at a time when oral cancer is on the rise in American men. Health insurance claims for the condition jumped 61 percent from 2011 to 2015, according to a report by FAIR Health, an independent nonprofit. The most dramatic increases were seen in throat and tongue cancer, which were three times more common in men as in women during that same period.

Changing sexual habits are now seen as a frequent culprit for oral cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). That's why health experts are so interested in the success of the HPV vaccine.'

Also see The startling rise in oral cancer in men, and what it says about our changing sexual habits

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Female care workers had sex with child migrants on camera in Danish asylum centre

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'Shocking footage and photographs emerged of an employee at the Børnecenter Tullebølle children's asylum centre having oral sex and full intercourse with at least one child refugee.

Now the head of the Denmark-based refugee centre, Sisi Eibye, has been turfed out of office, although there is no suspicion she engaged in sexual activity with the children.

Officials believe the female employee involved in the sex scandal had inappropriate relationships with at least three boys at the centre, while two other women are understood to have engaged in sexual activity with the minors.

Police are investigating the reports and two of the women involved have lost their jobs.

The Danish Immigration Service also announced it would close down the centre amid the fallout from the claims.'

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UK: Time To Change Our Attitudes To Men And Boys

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'Last month the Time to Change campaign released findings showing that if fathers talked about their own mental health problems it would encourage 70% of teenagers to feel able to do so themselves. Their research showed that a quarter of 16-18 year old young men experience mental health issues on a weekly basis. Later this month, as part of CALM’s work with the Huffington Post series ‘Building Modern Men’ throughout November, we’ll be releasing details of our own Masculinity Audit, which shows that men who’ve been very depressed are less likely than women to talk to anyone about it (55% of men compared to 67% of women).

Scarcely a week passes without a great article about male mental health, and the call for men to talk has been now been adopted by every major mental health charity, alongside LADbible, (#UOKM8? campaign) and UNILAD who have all taken to encouraging men to talk and seek help when they need to. And Men’s Sheds have taken off. What’s all the fuss?

Official UK figures for suicide in 2015 aren’t due for release until 2017, but the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for the second year running, has pulled together ONS figures for England and Wales together with Northern Ireland and Scotland. These show that suicide remains the single biggest cause of death for men aged under 45 in the UK.

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UK: "MP Delivers Spectacular Putdown Over International Men’s Day"

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'The Minister for Women and Equalities shot back at a Tory MP when he asked about plans to commemorate International Men’s day

In the debate in the Commons, Caroline Dinenage said: “Women could be forgiven for thinking every day is International Men’s Day”.

Tory backbencher Philip Davies has been caught up in rows over whether MPs should devote attention to International Men’s day before.

In 2015 Davies said it was not fair that MPs have a debate to mark International Women’s Day but not one to debate International Men’s Day.

In a spat over the matter, Labour MP Jess Phillips dismissed Davies as “very basic”.

Philips had been subject to online abuse, including rape threats, for her role in the argument.

“It seems like every day to me is International Men’s Day,” she told the Tory MP at the time.

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Sassy misandry is good for business – but assault on men is never funny

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'Does the empowerment of women need to take the form beating up on men? And isn’t it anyway something of self-defeating strategy?

These are the questions often lurking in the back of my mind when I read one of those sassy columns that seem to be a list of insults hurled at men – or MEN! – as a sex. But I usually think twice about voicing them.

Apart from anything else, even though it’s almost never stated, it’s straight men as a sex that are in the crosshairs. Since I’m not terribly straight, and thus not exactly a fully paid up member of the patriarchy, it’s generally wise for me to keep my head, er, down in the (hetero)sex war.

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President Obama: "My wife is not just my equal but my superior"

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'Here’s what he said, in case you weren’t lucky enough to catch it live:
"And I know that my wife is not just my equal but my superior. And, I want us, I want every man out there who’s voting to kinda look inside yourself and ask yourself, well, if you’re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is, you know, that we’re just not used to it? So, you know, like, when a guy’s ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, well that’s OK. But when a woman suddenly it, suddenly you’re like, why is she doing that? I’m just being honest. I want you to think about it because she is so much better qualified than the other guy.”'

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"Sexism at its finest: male birth control trial stopped due to side effects"

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'The male injection has been found to be effective in studies involving around 270 men. During the trial only four pregnancies happened among the partners. Because quite a few of the men experienced side effects, including depression, other mood disorders and acne, the study was stopped due to safety reasons. Researchers have been trying to discover a male #contraceptive for the last 20 years. This makes the burden of birth control normally fall onto women's shoulders.
Many of us women who are on the pill have to experience and get over any side effects including, weight gain, depression, migraines and many more. However there are very few advertised options for women and the pill seems the most suitable for many of us.'

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Dear feminists, please stop telling us what to do

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'From our early years of mastering how to walk and talk, we learn how to think and begin honing our decision-making process. So why is our personal responsibility being censored?

Functioning adults should be allowed to decide what they eat, drink, wear, watch and how they choose to feed their mind in their spare time. Those who don’t enjoy watching violence or horror may sensibly opt to steer clear when selecting a movie rather than complaining at the end.

I enjoy watching insightful, thought-provoking documentaries and on my list was The Red Pill by award-winning filmmaker Cassie Jaye. The title is a reference to the reality revealing pill in The Matrix. According to Red Pill’s website it “chronicles Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power and privilege”. Through men’s personal stories, it gives voice to various little aired issues, backed up by statistics and studies.'

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‘The Red Pill’: The Movie Feminists Tried to Ban Gets UK Premier – on International Men’s Day

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'The Red Pill – the inflammatory movie about Men’s Rights Activists that feminist protesters tried (and failed) to ban from Australia – is coming to the UK.

Heat Street has exclusively learned from the movie’s sole UK distributor that its British premiere is planned for November 19th – International Men’s Day – at London’s Soho Hotel.

This comes after three other London venues pulled the plug on The Red Pill after venue owners got cold feet about its “misogynistic” content.'

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TIME Op-Ed: Criticism of Hillary Clinton’s Email Is ‘An Attack on Women’

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'According to an op-ed published by TIME Magazine Monday, attacking Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton‘s handling of her private email server is an attack on womankind itself.

“I am mad,” writes Robin Lakoff, a professor of linguistics at UC Berkeley. “I am mad because I am scared. And if you are a woman, you should be, too. Emailgate is a bitch hunt, but the target is not Hillary Clinton. It’s us.”

“The only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female,” Lakoff continues. “Can you imagine this happening to a man? Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female), and emailgate is just a reminder to us all that she has no business doing what she’s doing and must be punished, for the sake of all decent women everywhere.”'

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