New Film ‘The Red Pill’ Asks Whether Men’s Rights Activists Have a Point

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men’s rights activists, or “MRAs,” have long been among the progressive community’s favorite whipping boys — reviled, deplored and mocked as angry, whiny losers pining for their bygone privilege. Right now, they make especially convenient bogeymen in the ugly gender wars of Election 2016. A few days ago, a New York Times article on supposedly resurgent misogyny in American culture singled out the “manosphere” — the male-focused sector of the Internet that includes MRA websites — as a toxic swamp of woman-hating.

Yet at this very moment, a new documentary called The Red Pill takes a mostly sympathetic look at the dreaded MRAs — and it’s made by a woman who began the project as a committed feminist.

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Male Pill moves a step closer: British scientists discover way to stop sperm swimming

Article here. Excerpt:

'British scientists have made a breakthrough in the search for a male contraceptive pill – which could transform the sex lives of millions of couples.

For decades, researchers have tried to produce a reliable alternative to condoms or a vasectomy, but there has been little progress.

Now UK scientists have found the secret of making men temporarily infertile – by ‘switching off’ sperm’s ability to swim.

They have made tiny ‘designer compounds’ which smuggle themselves into sperm, and stop their tails from wiggling. If a sperm can’t swim, it has no chance of naturally fertilising a woman’s egg.'

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Mother confesses to suffocating her three young children

Article here. Excerpt:

'Three-month-old Niall was the first to die, on July 22, 2014.

His brother, 4-year-old Gavin, died nine months later, on April 6, 2015.

Noah was next: He was born just after Gavin’s death — and died on Aug. 18, 2015.

The mother of all three children, Brittany Pilkington, confessed to killing them over a 13-month period, Ohio prosecutors say. The same day her third son died, the 24-year-old mother from Bellefontaine told police that she put a blanket over all three of the children’s faces and placed her hand over their noses and mouths.

Pilkington’s videotaped confession was played in court this week. Her attorneys argued that the confession was coerced and, therefore, unconstitutional; it shouldn’t be used at trial, they say.

Pilkington was indicted on three counts of aggravated murder. If found guilty, she could face the death penalty.'

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Data Reveals Women Overwhelmingly Choose Lower-Paying College Majors

Article here. Excerpt:

'Research on the gender pay gap from the American Enterprise Institute reveals that women overwhelmingly choose less-lucrative university majors.

The research, conducted by AEI scholar Mark J. Perry who is a professor at the University of Michigan in Flint, argues that any gap in earnings between American men and women are the result of the different career field choices rather than employer discrimination.

According to Perry’s research, American women received 57% of all bachelor degrees granted in 2014, which equated to nearly 200,000 more degrees granted to females than to males. Despite this disparity, the degrees granted to women came overwhelmingly in lower-paying majors, such as Nursing, Journalism, and English.'

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Masculinity is not to blame for domestic violence

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'We need to be careful about the messages we send to young men about masculinity.

This week, it was revealed that students in Victoria, from primary school onwards, will be taught about “hegemonic masculinity”.

Don’t know what that is? Well, that state’s new respectful relationships curriculum defines it as the dominant form of masculinity in society that “requires boys and men to be heterosexual, tough, athletic and emotionless, and encourages the control and dominance of men over women”.

In other words, the uncommunicative Aussie bloke who sits in front of the footy on a Saturday arvo and only acknowledges his wife when he’s asking her to grab him another beer from the fridge, is the pinnacle of hegemonic masculinity.

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Rolling Stone Trial: UVA Jackie Invented Rumor Her Friend Had Syphilis

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Columbia University Student Forced To Attend ‘Re-Education’ For Saying He’s Handsome

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'Columbia University student Benjamin Sweetwood recently wrote a piece for The Tab discussing the “re-education” he received from the gender-based misconduct office for daring to refer to himself as “handsome” in class.

Sweetwood was attending a Chinese language class in the fall of 2014. Naturally part of this class was using the vocabulary and grammar learned to create sentences. During one class Sweetwood referred to himself as handsome using the Chinese phrase, “Wǒ hěn shuài”. Sweetwood thought nothing of this, finished the class and went home. The next day however Sweetwood was asked to stay after class by his professor, in Sweetwood’s own words, this is how the exchange went.

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HPV cancer rising in men, Cancer Society wants boys vaccinated

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'The Canadian Cancer Society is warning the Newfoundland and Labrador government that it's no longer enough to vaccinate only girls for the human papillomavirus (HPV).

New statistics suggest boys need the vaccine too.

A report released by the Canadian Cancer Society says the number of Canadian men with HPV-related mouth and throat cancer is rising, and could surpass the rate of cervical cancer caused by HPV.

The study says between 1992 and 2012, the number of men with HPV mouth and throat cancer rose by 56 per cent.'

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Shannon Stubbs To Bill Morneau: 'Thanks For The Mansplain'

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'Conservative MP Shannon Stubbs wasn’t pleased by Finance Minister Bill Morneau's suggestion she doesn’t talk to her constituents, so she called him out for his tone.

“Thanks for the mansplain,” Stubbs said in question period in the House of Commons on Tuesday.

A “mansplanation” is a portmanteau of “man” and “explanation.” It’s loosely defined as a condescending or patronizing remark a man says to the woman under the presumption she is ignorant about a topic.'

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Feminists: The Misandrists of Marxism

Article here. Excerpt:

'“To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.” ~Valerie Solanas,, American radical feminist, best known for writing the SCUM Manifesto

Radical feminism is an oppressive and rather brutal ideology that has vast cultural implications. With a goal of control, radical feminism focuses on destroying traditional relationships using shaming, violence and misrepresentation of facts. And there is nothing feminine about radical feminism or feminists. Celebrating your birthday naked while on a toilet in a public restroom? How lady like.

Women have the power to forge unbreakable family and community ties—or they can use their power for destructive purposes. Women have the power to be encouraging, nurturing, positive and productive; or harmful, lethal and cancerous.

Today’s liberal women are destructive, antagonistic women, devoted to their own misery in undermining traditional institutions crucial for a healthy, dynamic society: marriage, motherhood, and fatherhood.'

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Rolling Stone reporter admits errors in retracted gang rape story

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'The author of a now-retracted Rolling Stone article about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia on Thursday acknowledged Thursday that she made mistakes while reporting the story of the woman identified only as "Jackie."

Sabrina Rubin Erdely took the stand in the defamation trial against the magazine over its 2014 story about a woman identified only as "Jackie." University administrator Nicole Eramo is seeking $7.8 million from the magazine for its portrayal of her in the story.

Libby Locke, an attorney for Eramo, quizzed Erdely about her reporting errors, including her decision not contact the Jackie's friends who went to her aid the night of the alleged assault and failure to raise concerns about changes in Jackie's account over time. Erdley said in her earlier deposition that she was aware that Jackie had initially told her roommate she was attacked by five men, but later said it was seven men.'

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USA Today: I'm the victim says Female Teacher who had sex with 17-YO student

Article here. Of course she is - women are never responsible for their actions. Excerpt:

'A substitute teacher accused of having sex with a 17-year-old high school student in Cedar Rapids claims the student seduced her.

Mary Beth Haglin was charged in July with sexual exploitation by a teacher. On Monday, she appeared on Dr. Phil, accusing the student of seducing her and sharing sexy photos with his friends.

“Many people see him as the victim and me as the perpetrator. From a psychological standpoint and from every other standpoint, I feel like I am the victim,” Haglin said on the Dr. Phil show, citing the student's intelligence and “elevated vocabulary” as part of the seduction.'

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Jury Clears Knicks’ Derrick Rose of Liability in Rape Suit

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'Knicks guard Derrick Rose was cleared on Wednesday in a lawsuit accusing him and two friends of raping a woman who had had a relationship with him. The verdict, from an eight-member jury in a federal civil trial, absolved Rose of wrongdoing, although the damage to his reputation remains to be seen.

The trial began Oct. 4, Rose’s 28th birthday, and the jury started deliberations Wednesday morning. Less than four hours later, it had a verdict.

Just before the decision was read, the woman, 30, who was seeking $21.5 million, bowed her head and hid her face in her hands. She displayed no emotion, although her lawyer, Waukeen McCoy, later described her as devastated.

Referring to some of the arguments Rose and his legal team had made about the woman, McCoy called it “a shame” that a celebrity could claim in court that an accuser was simply seeking money.'

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Rolling Stone Writer Testifies in Defamation Trial Over 'A Rape on Campus' Story

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'Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the reporter behind the now-retracted Rolling Stone article "A Rape on Campus," defended her integrity as a journalist on the stand today as she and the magazine face a nearly $8 million defamation lawsuit.

The defamation suit was filed by Nicole Eramo, the former associate dean of students at the University of Virginia, who is suing Erdely and Rolling Stone over her portrayal in the article.

In the article, a University of Virginia student identified only as "Jackie" described a brutal gang rape at a fraternity party in 2012. "Jackie" was described as facing callous indifference from college authorities, including Eramo.

Rolling Stone ultimately retracted the 2014 story after other media outlets pointed out troubling issues with the story. A police investigation into Jackie's allegations of being raped by seven men failed to uncover any sort of evidence of the alleged assault ever taking place.

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Columbia threatens to punish students who take notes during sexual-misconduct proceedings

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'Columbia University is making it harder for students to hold it accountable for how the Ivy League school runs “gender-based misconduct” proceedings.

It has previously banned students from bringing a recording device into the proceedings, and now Columbia has stopped accusers and accused students from even “transcribing” what happens during proceedings.

The restrictions are being criticized by both a victim-rights group at Columbia and a lawyer for accused students.

Andrew Miltenberg, who has sued several colleges including Columbia on behalf of students found responsible for sexual assault, told The College Fix that college officials “want the ultimate discretion without having to answer for it.”'

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