She wanted more attention from a top football player, so out came boiling water

Article here. Excerpt:

'The college career of FIU senior tight end Jonnu Smith, the team’s premier offensive player over his four seasons and easily the Panthers’ best 2017 NFL Draft prospect, ended on Halloween when his girlfriend doused him with boiling water. According to the arrest affidavit, Smith suffered severe burns on his head, neck, back, a shoulder and an arm.

Miami Gardens resident Mary Gaspar, five months pregnant with Smith’s child, was charged with aggravated battery. Gaspar entered a not guilty plea. She’s been released on a pretrial release order.

The early 2017 NFL Draft projections have Smith as a late-round pick or undrafted free agent. He made the midseason John Mackey Award (best college tight end) watch list in 2014 and 2015, and the preseason Mackey Award watch list in 2015 and 2016.

According to the arrest affidavit, Gaspar gave this account at Florida International University police headquarters:

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Due Process Legal Update: Filings, Rulings, and a Kangaroo

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has been a while since my last due process legal update, and there are some new developments to report.

First of all, the complaints continue to roll in. Since I last wrote in late September, at least five new lawsuits have been filed. Students at Albany Medical College, the College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University, Shenandoah University, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Maryland have all filed new federal lawsuits alleging that they were unfairly treated in campus sexual misconduct proceedings.

On Monday, in an important ruling, an Ohio federal judge allowed several of an Ohio State University (OSU) student’s due process claims to survive a motion to dismiss, even holding that several OSU administrators might not be entitled to qualified immunity on those claims.'

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"Memo to White Male America"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am angry.

You want my skills, my experience, my heart, my patience, which you demand from me so that I can keep my health insurance? You're going to have to earn it back, White Male America. I'm done being patient with your ignorance, your microaggressions, your smug superiority. There will be no more smiling when you say, "Smile, it's not that bad!" I'm not going to do you any favors that do not compensate me for my time and effort, but "look good on a resume." And, from now on, you're getting out of the elevator first so that I can be the threatening presence behind you. And, boy, can I be a menace when I want to be.
You just created some wild new monsters. The only way you can silence us is with your stockpile of guns, but I assume you'll still go to jail for that.'

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Millennial Men Rush to Restore Their Foreskins, ‘Feel Whole Again’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A few years ago, Robbie Boucher (now a 32 year old father of two) noticed the sensitivity of his penis was dropping dramatically. Turning to the Internet for answers, it wasn’t long before he came across an uncomfortable idea: what if the reason he was losing sensitivity was a result of being circumcised as an infant? The theory went this way: had the exposed glans of his penis built up extra layers of tissue over the years, much as a foot would get calluses after walking barefoot? Had Robbie’s penis been surgically de-sensitized?

Robbie felt cheated and left reeling from a deep sense of loss. So he joined the growing ranks of American men attempting to restore their foreskins. We’ve witnessed some of Robbie’s journey, and his quest to create the ultimate tugger, in this short documentary produced with our partners at FreeMedia.

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Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It’s Not Subjective

Article here. To be fair, this is feminist larva here, and the product of our "modern" academy. Her elders in the sisterhood may find her work as ludicrous as we do. Still, these younger people, feminist or not, are the future, for right or wrong. God help the future. Excerpt:

'College science classes are hostile to women and minorities because they use the scientific method, which assumes people can find reliable truths about the natural world through careful and sustained experimentation, concludes a recent dissertation by a doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota.

Laura Parson, a student in the university’s education department, reviewed eight science class syllabi at a “Midwest public university” and said she discovered in them a hidden hostility to women and minorities:

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Jury awards $3 million in damages to U-Va. dean for Rolling Stone defamation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal jury has awarded $3 million in damages to a former University of Virginia associate dean after finding that a Rolling Stone magazine article sullied her reputation by alleging that she was indifferent to allegations of a gang rape on campus.

The 10 jurors heard arguments for damages in the case Monday, determining that Nicole Eramo’s suffering should cost a reporter and Rolling Stone multiple millions as a result of the article, which was retracted after its serious flaws were exposed. Eramo testified during the trial that after the article published, she faced threats, lost her ability to pursue her life’s work as a sexual assault prevention advocate, and took a major hit to her professional credibility.

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University expands policies with new consent definition, Va. transcript law

Article here. Excerpt:

'University policies on sexual assault and acts of violence were updated last week to feature broadened definitions of sexual assault crimes and reflect new laws about how those crimes are reported.

These changes include a more detailed definition of consent and new guidelines on how sexual assault accusations and records should be marked on transcripts. Experts on campus sexual assault said it is important for these policies to be constantly updated because the documents are resources for survivors of violence.

The definition of consent in the Threats and Acts of Violence Policy was broadened to explain that an individual's voluntary words or actions do not necessarily mean that future sexual activity is consensual.

University spokeswoman Maralee Csellar said the definition of consent was revised with guidance from the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Education, according to University obligations under Title IX.

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SAVE: Rolling Stone Verdict Highlights Need for State Lawmakers to Bring an End to Campus Rape Vigilantism

Press release here. Excerpt:

'A federal jury decided on Friday that Rolling Stone magazine was responsible for libel and acted with “actual malice” in its reporting of an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia. Later this week the jurors will decide on UVA dean Nicole Eramo’s $7.5 million lawsuit demand.

Thousands of news accounts and internet sites have now identified the UVA rape accuser as Jackie Coakley of Charlottesville, Virginia.

Coakley alleged that a student named “Drew” brought her to the fraternity house where she was led upstairs and brutally raped by seven men. When the assault was reported to Nicole Eramo, head of UVA’s Sexual Misconduct Board, Coakley alleged Eramo was more interested in protecting the university’s reputation than helping sexual assault survivors.'

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Louis C.K., Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, and the rise of benevolent sexism in liberal men

Article here. Excerpt:

'C.K. obviously means well. He’s trying to compliment mothers in general and Hillary in particular, and to reframe the political liability of her gender into an asset. But he’s playing into a very old and unpleasant narrative that’s become weirdly popular among liberal men this election cycle: the idea that we need women in government because they are intrinsically morally superior to men. Women should be represented in our government, this story goes, not because they are people, but because they are better than people: They are angelic; they are virtuous; they are pure.

That’s the story Michael Moore was telling when he tweeted a few days ago that women have not, historically, committed atrocities, implying that women have the kind of moral purity we need in our elected representatives.

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NYT on the NY Marathon: Every year, the women win

Article here. Once again, the NY Times repeats the news headline. A woman won the race. But the man only won the men's race. Excerpt:

'In an extraordinary race of one, Mary Keitany of Kenya ran to her third consecutive victory on Sunday in the New York City Marathon, finishing completely out of sight of the rest of the field, in 2 hours 24 minutes 26 seconds. Pulling away from her rivals before the 10-mile mark and never needing to look back, she covered more than half of the course entirely alone.

The men’s race was won by a 20-year-old Eritrean, Ghirmay Ghebreslassie, who pulled away from a tight pack of three at Mile 20 and blew kisses to his onlookers as he won in 2:07:51. He is the youngest winner in race history.

Ghebreslassie was followed by Lucas Rotich of Kenya in second (2:08:53). Abdi Abdirahman, a Somali-born American who is based in Arizona, finished in third (2:11:23). Abdirahman, 39, is almost a generation older than Ghebreslassie.'

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NY Times: The Men Feminists Left Behind

Article here. The latest anti-male feminist rant from the NY Times. Condescending articles like these that demean men and further the antagonistic relationship between the sexes are what alienated me from the MSM many years ago. Excerpt:

'On Nov. 8, Americans may elect our first female president. While many of us are exhilarated at the idea of this feminist victory, the toll we’ve paid for coming so close to that historic barrier has been the most graphically sexist election in living memory.

What this campaign has shown us is that while feminism has transformed American culture, our politics and the lives of women, men haven’t evolved nearly as rapidly. Women changed. Too many men didn’t. What happens next?

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Man’s conviction for sex assault against ex-wife tossed over seven-year-old Facebook message

Story here. Excerpt:

'A seven-year-old Facebook message has scuttled a conviction against a man accused by his ex-wife of sexually assaulting and threatening to kill her.

In a decision released Friday, Ontario’s top court said evidence about the message, had it been allowed at trial, could have affected the guilty verdict handed down to the man, who can only be identified as A.B.

“The message was allegedly sent about midpoint in the time frame of the sexual assault allegations,” the Appeal Court said in its decision. “It would not be unfair to say that the message recounted several incidents of sexual activity between the appellant and complainant, and made it clear that the sexual activity was consensual on the complainant’s part.”

Police charged A.B. with sexually assaulting the woman after they had separated and he was living with a new partner. The complainant said her ex had forced himself on her three times, but he insisted the sex was entirely consensual.

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Jury finds reporter, Rolling Stone responsible for defaming U-Va. dean with gang rape story

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal court jury decided Friday that a Rolling Stone journalist defamed a former University of Virginia associate dean in a 2014 magazine article about sexual assault on campus that included a debunked account of a fraternity gang rape.

The 10-member jury concluded that the Rolling Stone reporter, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, was responsible for defamation, with actual malice, in the case brought by Nicole Eramo, a U-Va. administrator who oversaw sexual violence cases at the time of the article’s publication. The jury also found the magazine and its parent company, Wenner Media, responsible for defaming Eramo, who has said her life’s work helping sexual assault victims was devastated as a result of Rolling Stone’s article and its aftermath.'

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Dispirited Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last night, I saw a pre-release screening of the movie, The Red Pill. It was created by self-described fervent feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye, who planned on it being a hit piece on the men's movement.

Indeed, the movie begins in that vein. For example, she interviews Katherine Spillar, Executive Editor of Ms. magazine and Executive Director of the Feminist Majority Foundation, and raises no questions about Spillar's contentions that "it's still a man's world."

But the film then moves to documenting Cassie's painful, conflict-inducing journey toward understanding men's perspectives. The movie shows her many interviews with men and women in the men's movement juxtaposed against its most credible female and male opponents, including SUNY Stony Brook sociology professor Michael Kimmel.

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It’s time we started celebrating masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Masculinity has become an unfashionable concept of late, called into question by Grayson Perry – who, recently examined its purpose for his book The Descent of Man. Earlier in the year on Channel 4, he said it was “decorative” and “counterproductive”, before adding that Bear Grylls “celebrates a masculinity that is useless”.

Such snobbery against machismo is commonplace now. From the playground to modern life, expressions of testosterone are frowned upon. “Lad culture“ is dirty and dangerous; physical fighting practically banned, with men told to "walk away" from conflict and “be the bigger man”. Now we must solve all our problems through a chat and cup of tea.

But the truth is that masculinity is useful. This primitive instinct has a protective function and – this year alone – I’ve never been more grateful for the very trait that has, and will, help nations battle against evil forces. Masculinity has, arguably, inspired immense bravery from the public.'

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