If you're against International Men's Day, you're not a true feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

'The question shouldn’t be whether we need an International Men's Day but how we can respect the issues and challenges faced by men, so that they in turn show the same respect for their female counterparts. How we can lead and fight by example, not alienate a whole sex.

International Men’s Day doesn’t take away from the issues facing women; we don’t have a monopoly on suffering.

Feminists cannot insist that society listen to the problems women face and take them seriously if they are then going to go out of their way to sneer at a day that is discussing how to combat male suicide. It is contradictory, and just downright unfair on the relatives and friends of those who have lost a son, father, husband or a brother to suicide.'

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Infuriated by condescending men? Call the Australian Mansplaining Hotline today

Article here. Excerpt:

'I for one will wait not a moment longer to fight mansplaining on my own doorstep. Today I launch the Australian Mansplaining Hotline, and I am ready to take your calls.

What sort of services will I be providing on the AMH?

Well, first of all I will listen. You can be certain that in me you will find a sympathetic and patient ear.
Has a colleague given you a detailed explanation of why your work-life balance problems are overstated? Pour your heart out to me.

Did your barista just explain why the wage gap is illusory? Pick up that phone!

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UK: Patronising 'mansplaining' in Whitehall could be a thing of the past as civil servants fear offending Theresa May

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is the bane of women across the country - men 'mansplaining' things to them or talking over them in a patronising manner.

And it appears that even senior politicians aren't immune, as civil servants are reportedly now watching their step around Theresa May.

Whitehall is said to be concerned of committing the faux pas when dealing with Britain's second ever female prime minister and her colleagues, after one of Britain's senior security officials, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, was said to have displeased the Prime Minister with his conduct during a meeting, according to The Times.

Sources have apparently said that male officials are now "hyper-aware" of the need to behave appropriately around senior female politicians.

One said of his meetings with Theresa May's largely female team: "I maintain eye contact, ensure I offer only what's wanted and definitely do not talk over them to avoid causing offence."'

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Lawsuit: Cornell refused to investigate rape alleged by male against female sex partner

Article here. Excerpt:

'Reverse Title IX discrimination got a boost when the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights – not known for caring about the rights of accused males – found that Delaware’s Wesley College had given the kangaroo-court treatment to males accused of sexual misconduct.

Cornell may be the next on the department’s list, at least under a Trump administration.

The Cornell Daily Sun reports that a male student has sued the school because it allegedly refused to investigate his complaint that a female sex partner had sexually assaulted him.'

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Woman Creates Registry For White Men (Until We Figure Out What’s Going On)

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amongst all of the talk about forcing Muslim immigrants to register in a national database, it seems we’ve forgotten who the actual threat to our safety really is: white men.

That’s right. Unlike Muslims in the U.S., white men are demonstrably more likely to commit a mass shooting than any other group and they are the majority of rape perpetrators. So in the spirit of registries, one Brooklyn-based woman, Candace Thompson, created a tongue-in-cheek registration form for members of this most dangerous demographic.

“Forget the nation of Islam, our most immediate threat to domestic security is and always has been white, straight men,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday. “That is why I have decided to do my part as a Red Blooded Patriot by creating The White Male Registry. It is a simple google form complete with questions that will help identify just how much of a threat to American security any individual white male may pose to the general public.”'

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UK: Philip Davies accused of "mansplaining" during International Men's Day debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Tory has been accused of “mansplaining” in the UK after he became embroiled in a row with a female MP during a controversial Commons debate to mark International Men’s Day.

Philip Davies accused the SNP’s justice spokeswoman Joanna Cherry of failing to prepare for the debate after she questioned his claims that fathers were wrongly being denied access to their children.

It came after Davies accused “politically motivated people” of wanting to conduct “a war on gender”.

During the debate Cherry, a QC who has taught law at the University of Edinburgh, challenged Davies over if he was aware of any “empirical research which shows that the legal system in either Scotland or England is biased against fathers, because I’m not”.'

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Mom who fled to England pleads guilty in kidnapping

Article here. This is justice in America for mothers who deny fathers their kids. Excerpt:

'Two decades ago, a Placitas woman left her husband and took their three children with her to England.

Eileen Clark faced a judge and the man she left on Wednesday, pleading guilty in the kidnapping case. In exchange for the plea, she will not face jail time and will be allowed to return to England to her children, who are now adults.

"What she did to me was deny me my parental rights to have an opportunity to grow up and be in their life, to build memories with them. She took all that away from me,” said John Clark.

Eileen Clark’s attorneys said she regrets leaving the way she did, but took off to get out of an unhappy marriage.'

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In bold new step, Dutch science academy holds women-only elections

Article here. Excerpt:

'AMSTERDAM—Sorry guys—this time it’s women only. That’s the message the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) here has for male researchers during two special elections. In order to reduce its perpetual gender imbalance—87% of its 556 members are men—the academy seeks to recruit 10 new members in 2017 and six more in 2018, all with two X chromosomes.

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Let's Talk About Misandry, The Silent Hatred For Men That We Brush Off As Innocent "Male-Bashing"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Male-bashing" is a term I grew up hearing often, and not just by women, but also brothers, fathers and uncles around me. No one took it seriously, but everyone of the second sex did it... the hormonal teenaged girls who were just entering the world of boys, 20-somethings who had boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, the middle-aged married women who were struggling to find the balance between husbands, kids, parents, in-laws, and work, as well as the elderly women who spent their evenings in the park, giggling over the daily spats they had with their husbands. It was all in jest, taken as a frivolous activity that women indulged in. Until, of course, a couple would break into a fight, and the husband, in a fit of anger would spew out the blasphemous words, "God knows what kind of ideas your female friends are feeding you!" It was in statements like this, that the innate misandry in this innocent act of “male-bashing” would be exposed.

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Swedish women get hotline to report mansplaining

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women who have things mansplained to them in the workplace can now report it to a dedicated hotline.

Unionen, Sweden’s largest union, is encouraging members to call up when male colleagues give them unsolicited lectures on things they already understand.

The organisation, which represents 600,000 private sector workers, launched the advice line on Monday and said it will be open from 10am to 4pm everyday for a week as part of a campaign to highlight and stamp out the insidious and damaging practice.'

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DOJ: Va. driver's license suspension law unconstitutional

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Department of Justice is siding with a lawsuit challenging Virginia's practice of suspending the driver's licenses of people who can't pay court costs and fines.

Media outlets report a team of DOJ civil rights lawyers filed a brief last week supporting the class-action lawsuit against the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, saying the practice violates the U.S. Constitution's due process guarantee.

The Legal Aid Justice Center filed the lawsuit in July on behalf of low-income drivers who lost their license for failing to pay court debts. The suit said the state's failure to take into account people's financial circumstances unfairly punishes the poor.'

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Working Class Women Realized Hillary’s ‘Form of Feminism Discriminates Against Their Sons’

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Monday’s Breitbart News Daily, University of Maryland business Professor Peter Morici told SiriusXM host Alex Marlow that Democrats’ constant allegations of racism and sexism – while they, and institutions they dominate, systematically discriminate against white males – were a major reason Donald Trump was able to defeat Hillary Clinton.

“The Democratic Party – and Hillary Clinton, a great champion of this – has been advocating that every group in America practice identity politics, except white heterosexual males,” said Professor Morici.
“That’s why she didn’t get those women voters among folks that had not graduated college in those parts of the country. Her form of feminism discriminates against their sons. It’s racist. It’s sexist. My university practices it. Just about every university in the country practices it,” Morici lamented.

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Congress May Not Require Women to Register for Draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'While U.S. Defense Department officials have made clear it has no problem with requiring women to register for the draft, lawmakers in Congress appear poised to dodge the issue in the upcoming battle over the defense policy bill.

House and Senate negotiators plan to shelve the provision in the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act in favor of ordering up a study of the issue, sources told Politico and the Washington Examiner.

"Neither majorities support it," a source told Politico. "There's bigger things to worry about" in the $602 billion defense bill proposed by the Pentagon and the White House.'

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Sweden’s ‘Gender-Equal’ Snow Clearing Approach Ends In Chaos

Article here. Excerpt:

'Politicians blame a new “gender equal” snow plowing policy for the Swedish capital of Stockholm’s failure to clear roads during the season’s first snow fall.

Stockholm’s center-left government introduced a new “gender equal” approach to clearing the roads of snow last year. The policy states that sidewalks, public transport and bicycle lanes should be cleared before turning attention to the roads. The reason is that women are more likely to use sidewalks while men are overrepresented among commuters driving to work.

When the first major snow storm swept the capital last week, traffic went into a standstill as no one cleared the streets. People couldn’t get to work, schools had to close and commuters were stuck in traffic for hours without moving.'

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Hillary Clinton’s Celebrity Feminism Was a Failure

Article here. Excerpt:

'Clinton’s campaign strategy, especially when it came to appealing to white women, indicates that she and her staffers didn’t quite grasp these dynamics. Her campaign employed a candy-colored brand of female empowerment seemingly based on the assumption that white women’s political priorities are influenced by the pop culture they consume. White working-class women weren’t going to vote for Clinton just because Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lena Dunham, and Sheryl Sandberg were.

These celebrity overtures were out of step with the priorities and concerns of white working-class women. How can you “lean in,” as Sandberg implores working women to do, when it’ll cost you your minimum-wage job? And if you can’t afford HBO, how likely is it you even know who Lena Dunham is, much less care about her political opinions?

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