University declares ’emotional manipulation’ to be rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A private Massachusetts university considers coercion to be a form of rape, according to its website.

A part of Clark University’s guide for sexual survivors, “A Definition of Rape, Sexual Assault and Related Terms,” breaks down consent, sexual abuse, stranger rape and heterosexism, among other things.

Coercion, as defined by the university, “is considered rape/sexual assault.”

“Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do — like being sexual or performing sexual acts,” the college’s website states.

“Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting to having sex and is considered rape/sexual assault,” it continues.'

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New court ruling recognizing a due process right to cross-examination at a public institution

Ruling here. Excerpt (pp 10-11):

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Judge rules sperm donor not on hook for child support

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Topeka man who answered a Craigslist ad to donate sperm so two women could have a baby together is not legally the child's father and isn't required to provide financial support, a Kansas judge has ruled.

The state Department for Children and Families had not decided as of Tuesday whether it would appeal last week's ruling by Shawnee County District Judge Mary Mattivi. The department sought to force William Marotta to pay child support for the girl born in December 2009.

Mattivi last year required Marotta to submit a DNA sample to confirm that he was the girl's biological father and declared he was not "a mere donor of sperm." But the judge's Nov. 22 ruling concluded that birth mother's former partner should be considered the child's second parent rather than Marotta, in part because he has had minimal contact with the girl.

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Woman stabs man after bizarre vampirism experiment

Article here. I couldn't make this up if I wanted to. Excerpt:

'It all started with a conversation about vampires.

A man was curious about sucking someone's blood, so Victoria Vanatter, 19, allegedly gave him permission to cut her arm with a razor and drink some of her blood in the kitchen of a Springfield home.

The blood sucking, police say, was followed by arguing.

Court documents say there was some yelling and slapping before Vanatter grabbed a knife and stabbed the man several times.

Vanatter then "came to" and called 911, according to court documents.

Vanatter has been charged with first-degree domestic assault and armed criminal action in connection with the events that occurred Wednesday afternoon in Springfield.
Vanatter said at one point she tried to prevent the man from leaving the home because she was worried about going to jail, but she eventually realized she would go to jail anyway so she called 911, according to the statement.

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College Bathroom Graffiti Campaign Tars Students as ‘Perpetrators of Rape Culture’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Twice in the past month, graffiti appeared in three bathrooms on Pitzer College’s campus, naming students who were allegedly “perpetrators of rape culture” and “perpetrators of sexual assault.”

The first time the names appeared on the bathroom walls, on Oct. 26, administrators painted over them — but the next day, the graffiti was back.

Pitzer has been unable to identify which students or student organizations are behind the bathroom-writing campaign, though an investigation is ongoing.

The Pitzer Advocates for Survivors of Sexual Assault, a student organization, wrote in a campus-wide email that the graffiti was potentially deeply triggering.

“The danger of being confronted with the name of a past assaulter in this manner has the potential to be extremely re-traumatizing, and we want to encourage cognizance of this reality,” they said.

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Canadian military prioritizing female recruiting after report

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canada’s military is moving women to the top of the recruiting line as part of its effort to bring more gender balance to its uniformed ranks.

The announcement came Tuesday after the auditor general concluded that the military’s aspiration of having women make up 25 per cent of its personnel within the next decade appeared to be just that — a dream with no strategy to actually accomplish the goal.
But a report by the auditor general of Canada found that the military lacked a strategy to actually achieve that target.
But on Tuesday, the general in charge of military personnel said there was a strategy ready to recruit more women and improve recruiting overall.

“To increase the representation of women in the (Canadian Armed Forces), women applicants who meet the required entry standards will go to the head of the queue,” Lt.-Gen. Christine Whitecross, commander of Military Personnel Command, said in a statement.

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A Young Feminist's Compassionate View of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'For nearly 25 years I have been concerned about an issue that has received scant attention in the academy or the media: the problems faced by boys and men in our society. My own work on this started with a piece I wrote in 1993, titled “Loving Pale Males,” which talked about the dilemma I found myself in, as the liberal father of three boys, when men—especially white men, but really men in general—were being attacked by a growing feminist movement.

The piece came very close to being published in the New York Times magazine, but didn’t, and I couldn’t find a publisher elsewhere. Naively, I didn’t realize that with so much attention being paid to girls and women and their struggles, there was little room for anything dealing with concerns about males of any age.

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Men to America — Thanks for nothing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Back during the election campaign, a Fiscal Times columnist warned that even as Hillary Clinton played the woman card, more men were being dealt out of American society:

A key indicator of American male decline is the gender ratio at U.S. colleges. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, women accounted for 43% of enrollees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in 1972. The other 57% were men. Forty years later, the ratio had flipped. In 2012, the latest year for which actual data were reported, women made up 57% of the college population, with men representing the remaining 43%. Further, NCES projects that the gap will widen by 2022, when women are expected to reach 61% of the college population. If that projection holds, America will have roughly 14 million female college students and only 10 million male college students.

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‘No-Shave November’ Now Under Attack

Article here. Excerpt:

'For about a decade, men across the globe have forgone shaving in November to raise awareness about men’s health issues, from prostate cancer to male suicide.

The tradition had a good run, but now, suddenly, No-Shave November (also known as Movember) is apparently problematic.

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For Women, a Cheaper, Better Alternative to Prison

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a country, we’ve chosen the expensive option: rather than treat addicts, we incarcerate them. When they reoffend, we incarcerate them again — and again and again and again.

Luckily, the inexpensive solution is also the humane solution. When we talk about female drug addicts, more often than not, we’re talking about women who were molested or beaten in childhood and self-medicated the only way they knew how. The path for them to get clean is to address the traumas that drive their addictions.

In Tulsa, Okla., I visited a female-only drug treatment center called Women in Recovery. Of their patients, 65 percent had been victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Across the country, more than 215,000 women are incarcerated, and women are the fastest-growing segment of the incarcerated population — due in large part to the war on drugs. Diversion programs like Women in Recovery have sprung up in order to address the issues at the root of drug-related crimes.

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Canada: Students' campaign for women-only gym hour gains support, opposition

Article here. Excerpt:

'A student-led campaign at Carleton University to reserve one hour of gymnasium time for women only is gaining supporters, and some detractors.

The campaign was launched in early November by the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) Womyn’s Centre, in partnership with the campus Muslim Students’ Association, the Graduate Students’ Association and a campus residence association.

Program co-ordinator Sydney Schneider said a survey circulated on campus generated 1,200 responses, most of them “overwhelmingly positive,” but the campaign is meeting with its share of detractors as well.

A counter-petition on has garnered 130 signatures, and some students on campus have expressed their dissent in other ways, with several reports of campaign posters being vandalized and torn down. Schneider called that response “disheartening.”

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Woman gets 18 months for false rape report

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who falsely accused a man of raping her was sentenced to 18 months in prison Wednesday.

Katheran M. Lindell, 20, previously pleaded guilty in Muskingum County Common Pleas Court to falsification, a first-degree misdemeanor, and tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony.

Muskingum County Assistant Prosecutor Ron Welch argued that even though Lindell has no prior felonies, she should serve the maximum allowed sentence, which was three years in prison, because of the seriousness of the crime.

What she has done makes it harder for actual rape victims to receive justice, Welch said, which is already a difficult process. And the victim in this case, the man she accused, was the subject of an investigation for no reason.

"There is an individual who did absolutely nothing wrong and had his life turned upside-down," Welch said.'

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Canada: Famous Authors Sign Letter Questioning Due Process For Campus Sexual Assault Cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'Was novelist Steven Galloway’s dismissal from his university position justice for women, or a modern Salem witch hunt?

The former chair of the creative writing program at the University of British Columbia was fired in June following an investigation into multiple allegations of sexual harassment and other improprieties. This week, the Canadian literary world has been wracked with discord over the case following the publication of a scathing open letter to UBC signed by dozens of authors including Margaret Atwood, Yann Martel, Madeleine Thien and Michael Ondaatje.

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Canada: Prof accused of harassing female students for being straight

Article here. Excerpt:

'The lesbian academic who accused Toronto free speech advocate Jordan Peterson of hate speech taught a course full of “misandry,” or hatred of men, according to a former student.

The student who took a fourth-year course at the University of British Columbia from Mary K. Bryson in 1991 told National Post columnist Christie Blatchford she had taken other women’s studies courses but never been in a class “where misandry was taught to you.”

Bryson, a senior associate dean and professor of education at the University of British Columbia, was one of two people brought in for a forum this month at the University of Toronto to challenge psychology professor Jordan Peterson’s claims that federal and provincial human rights legislation and U of T anti-discrimination measures were dangerous attacks on free speech.

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UK: Married teaching assistant jailed for two years for sex acts with 15-YO

Article here. Excerpt:

'A MARRIED teaching assistant who admitted performing a string of sex acts on a schoolboy whilst on a plane home from a school trip has been jailed for more than two years.

Jill Meldrum-Jones, 37, met the pupil at a school where she assisted in PE, science and humanities subjects.

The mum-of-two from Kineton, admitted to performing various sex acts on a 15-year-old boy, including performing oral sex, masturbating him and allowing him to perform sex acts on her.

She was forced to sign the sex offenders’ register after pleading guilty to the incidents, which happened on a school trip after she met the pupil at the school she worked at in Warwickshire.

The court heard the pair became close during a school trip to South Africa last year and started going for walks alone together.

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