Woman who allegedly filed false rape complaint with police put in program

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Danbury woman accused of filing a false rape complaint against a man in Bristol has been granted a program that could allow her to elude a conviction.

Mercedes Testone, 21, was granted the Supervised Diversionary Program Tuesday at her hearing in Bristol Superior Court. Judge Richard Dyer, who OK’d the program, said she will get treatment for an “emotional disability” — the details of which were not disclosed.

Dyer made a ruling that Testone’s disability had a “substantially adverse” effect on her behavior and could have contributed to her allegedly making a fake rape story up.

If Testone is successful in treatment, her case will be dismissed on June 19, 2018. She was arrested Sept. 29 and charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident and second-degree false statement.'

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India: False marriage proposals lead to a quarter of registered rape cases in Delhi

Article here. Excerpt:

'Delhi Police data has revealed that a quarter of the total rape cases registered in the national Capital this year belong to accusations of sex under 'false promise of marriage'.

The annual figures also show a marginal dip, 1.93 per cent, in the total rape cases reported.

In 2015, Delhi recorded 2,069 rape cases, the highest in previous 15 years.

Just as promises of marriage can be fraudulent, legal experts say certain grey areas in Section 375 of Indian Penal Code, 1860, allow a complainant to take advantage of the situation when a relationship turns sour and ends.

A few recent observations of higher courts across the country in this regard substantiate this belief.'

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Time to Reform the Kangaroo Courts on Campus

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'The University of Minnesota football team’s dramatic walkout in protest of what they saw as unfair treatment of 10 fellow players in a campus sexual-assault investigation came to an end on Dec. 17. But it made national headlines for imperiling the team’s trip to the Dec. 27 Holiday Bowl and for the players’ demands that their accused teammates receive a “fair hearing” with a “diverse review panel.”

The solidarity shown by the University of Minnesota players and the attention the team’s protest drew could prove a powerful blow to the Education Department’s efforts to regulate sex and speech on campus through the abuse of Title IX, the federal law against sex discrimination in education.

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Fathers Not Included in Minnesota Grants Program for Mothers

Story here. Grants have been made available to single mothers, but not fathers in a Minnesota grant program for single mothers. No justification is given for excluding fathers. Excerpt:

'New grant money is being used by a dozen organizations in Minnesota to help pregnant and parenting women face and conquer their substance-abuse problems. Just over $4 million has been distributed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and the same amount has been approved for the next two years as well.

Clair Wilson with DHS says the Women’s Recovery Services grants allow groups to provide comprehensive, family-centered services that are specific to high-risk women. Since the program began in 2011, she says, “We’ve seen women being less likely to use substances, more likely to stay in recovery, more connected to community support, more likely not to experience homelessness, more likely to be employed.”'

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Myanmar men may face jail for not marrying pregnant women

Article here. The anti-DV laws and making gang rape a capital offense... if they have actual presumed innocence in their courts, not so bad. The capital punishment might be controversal some but you can see why they'd do it. But enforced marriage? Yikes! Let's hope they come to their senses soon. Excerpt:

'Myanmar's government is drafting a law that could see men jailed for up to seven years for getting a woman pregnant but not marrying her, a senior official said on Wednesday.

The provision is part of tough new legislation designed to strengthen women's rights as the country opens up after half a century of military rule.

Director of the social welfare department Naw Tha Wah said the new law would criminalise domestic violence for the first time and make gang-rape a capital offence.

If passed in parliament, the law would also carry a penalty of up to five years in prison for any man who refuses to marry a woman after they have lived together, and up to seven if she is pregnant.

"We are now drafting a bill to protect women and prevent violence against them," Naw Tha Wah told AFP.'

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Former student accused of rape sues school, accuser for defamation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Indiana University student is suing the university, saying it gave preferential treatment to a female student who accused him of rape and makes "numerous mandates to make it more difficult for males accused of sexual misconduct to defend themselves."

Aaron Farrer, a 21-year-old from Lafayette, was accused of rape in September 2015 after a female student said Farrer took advantage of her drunken state. The woman showed police a text message she received from Farrer the next day apologizing for the incident. Farrer told police the woman consented to sex, and initiated the act.

That November, Farrer was expelled from school, according to court documents. The case against him was dismissed in September 2016 in Monroe Superior Court because of insufficient evidence.

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"Homo Obnoxious: Is Toxic Masculinity Really Taking Over the Country?"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Children Don’t Exist to Advance Your Politics

Article here. Excerpt:

'`There were two parts to the feeling: I had to mourn the life I thought I was supposed to have, the elder daughter of my two girls (why do we plan things we cannot control?!), and I had to come to terms with having a relationship with a son that I had never really considered. There were dark moments in the middle of the night (when all those dark thoughts come), when I felt sick at the thought of something male growing inside me.`

And looking to the future, the anxiety grew: How do you raise a white, middle-class boy not to think his own experience is the default experience of the world?

`How do you counter a society that makes things easier for him than for others, and make him see it? See how it is for women, for people of colour?`

But all was not lost. Dunning, refusing to bend to the patriarchy, decided to embrace the opportunity. “I will raise a feminist boy,” she declares.

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Minnesota’s failed football boycott was a blow to fairness in campus sexual assault hearings

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Minnesota football team’s recent failed boycott of their upcoming bowl game represents a terrible blow to those who care about due process on campus.

For a brief, shining moment, it seemed that finally, someone with a measure of power would be willing to stand up to what is often a deeply unfair sexual misconduct process on college campuses.

It was exciting to hear student athletes talking about due process. If the boycott had succeeded, it could have emboldened other students, whether bowl-bound athletes or people of similar stature, to consider standing up for their friends next time something like this happened.

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Meet the 'Mistress Killer' making her fortune catching scorned wives' love rivals and battering them in the street

Story here. Imagine if a group of men were doing this, either to unfaithful women or men. The police would end it immediately. Even in China, nymphotropism knows no limit. Excerpt:

'A scorned woman set up a business catching the mistresses of men who have strayed - and then beating them up in the street.

The 'Mistress Killer', aka Zhang Yufen, is well known in Henan Province, China, for her very unusual private eye agency.

She spies on the mistresses of her clients' husbands and collects information on their cheating behaviour.

Zhang then confronts the 'other women' in the act - earning her title after a string of vicious, and often humiliating, attacks.

She set up the agency after finding out that her husband had played away.'

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Girls in juvenile justice: Treating the victim as a criminal

Article here. Excerpt:

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Women really are better doctors, study suggests

Article here. Excerpt:

'If male doctors were able to do as well as their female counterparts when treating elderly patients in the hospital, they could save 32,000 lives a year, according to a study of 1.5 million hospital visits.

A month after patients were hospitalized, there was a small but significant difference in the likelihood that they were still alive or had to be readmitted to the hospital depending on the gender of the doctor who cared for them, according to the study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Although the analysis can't prove the gender of the physician was the determining factor, the researchers made multiple efforts to rule out other explanations.'

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Manthreading, mansplaining, manflu - man I'm sick of this misandrist nonsense

Article here. Excerpt:

'We all accept that gendering negative behaviour traits like "nagging" or being "bossy" is an unacceptable double standard when the same is celebrated when exhibited by men. So why do we allow some behaviour in men to be deemed negative or problematic, while ignoring it in women?

Last week Alana Hope Levinson wrote for Gizmodo, which has a Twitter audience of 2 million. Alana used this audience to highlight a new form of oppression: manthreading.

Manthreading - or as it's also known, "threading" - is linking together a series of tweets, when you want to say something in more than 140 characters. Threads are usually signposted - "this is a thread". Sometimes they're numbered.
There's no problem with having an issue with threads, but there is with gendering the phenomenon. Is this manthreading? Is this? No. It's sexist to problematise behaviour in one sex and not the other.'

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Hopeless Afghan struggle to save boy sex slaves

Article here. If these were girls, you can bet Obama and the UN would be all over it. Excerpt:

'Shirin is among 13 families AFP traced and interviewed across three Afghan provinces who said their children were taken for the pervasive practice of "bacha bazi", or paedophilic exploitation, in Western-backed security forces.

Their testimonies shine a rare spotlight on the anguished, solitary struggles to free sons, nephews and cousins from a tradition of culturally-sanctioned enslavement and rape.

Shirin recalled how his 13-year-old brother-in-law screamed and writhed as he was taken from his home earlier this year by a police commander in southern Helmand.

"When I begged for his release, his men pointed their guns and said: 'Do you want your family to die? Forget your boy'," Shirin told AFP in Lashkar Gah.

"Our boys are openly abducted for bacha bazi. Where should we go for help? The Taliban?"'

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Gabor's misandry

As the entertainment world marks Zsa Zsa Gabor's passing, they completely fail to call out her misandry. She speaks for herself here. Society may think it's cute, but I don't. Imagine if a man proudly said similar such things. Excerpt:

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