UK: Rape victims to be spared ordeal of cross-examination in court

Article here. Excerpt:

'The victims’ commissioner, Lady Newlove, welcomed the news that the government is to strengthen the support available to victims in the courtroom. “Prerecorded cross-examination allows vulnerable victims and witnesses to give evidence in a safe environment and I hope these long-awaited measures will provide the protection and reassurance they need to seek justice,” she said.

However, some questioned whether the new measures would place the defendant in rape trials at an unfair disadvantage.

James Conte, who founded the website, a support group for victims of false allegations, said: “Whilst we would welcome measures that would increase the rape convictions of people who really have committed rape, if you are wholly innocent of someone trying to frame you, you will not welcome these changes because they will increase your chances of being wrongfully convicted.”'

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Scholars: ‘Infect’ White Men With The ‘Virus’ of Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'It starts tamely enough. Someone talks passively about the wage gap over dinner. The next week, they retweet J.K. Rowling taking a stab at Piers Morgan. A few months later, suddenly, they’ve changed their major to gender studies and are talking about how men owe them money. The worst part? People around them start to suddenly do the same thing. Anyone who doesn’t is summarily cut out of their life, a relic from their past lives where they lived in ignorance.

If it sounds like succumbing to an illness, right down to the different stages, that’s the point. A 2016 paper that’s currently making the rounds on social media from the Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, titled “Women’s Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism and the Projection of Danger,” hypothesizes that women’s and gender studies has an “infectious” structure marked by its ability to “infect, unsettle, and disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.”

Penned by Breanne Fahs and Michael Karger, the essay uses the metaphor of the virus as an “ideal” for feminist pedagogy, and investigates how both gender studies and the spread of actual viruses like HIV and Ebola “produce similar kinds of emotional responses in others.”

The paper looks at gender studies as an “infectious, insurrectional, and potentially dangerous field of study,” and goes on to suggest ideas on how to train male students on college campuses as viruses and reframe the negative stereotypes of feminist professors into positive ones to embrace.

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UK: False rape claim costs police nearly £20,000

Story here. Excerpt:

'Chelsea Mackie told officers she had been dragged down a street and had clothing ripped before she was attacked.

However, months later she admitted she had invented the claim and confessed to ripping her own clothes as part of her ruse.

The 23-year-old appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday.

Fiscal depute Kelly Mitchell told the court Mackie had been out with her borther [sic] and boyfriend in the city’s George Street on January 17, 2014, where they saw three men.

Mackie told her brother one of them had previously offered to sell her the date rape drug GHB, this led to a disturbance and police were called.

Officers spoke to Mackie and shortly after saw her walking behind the three men.

Mackie then turned up at a block of flats to see her mother-in-law.

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How Title IX Sexual Assault Injustice Operates

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his Commentaries on the Laws of England, William Blackstone declared, "It is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer." In an 1785 letter, Benjamin Franklin was even more exacting: "That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape, than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approv'd, never that I know of controverted."

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Education took a different position.

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Woman becomes man for 18 months, makes surprising discoveries

This video tells the story. From 2016 but still very worth the watch. Description:

'Vincent's status as a woman is what makes her observations of male behavior fresh - introducing herself to some guys in a bowling league, she's touched by the ritual howyadoin', man-to-man handshake, which, "from the outside . . . had always seemed overdone to me," but from the inside strikes her as remarkably warm and inclusive, worlds away from the "fake and cold" air kisses and limp handshakes exchanged by women. But in its best moments, "Self-Made Man" transcends its premise altogether, offering not an undercover woman's take on male experience, but simply a fascinating, fly-on-the-wall look at various unglamorous male milieus that are well off the radar of most journalists and book authors.'

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Rebecca Solnit, Who Helped Popularize ‘Mansplaining,’ Is the Queen of Fakery

Article here. Excerpt:

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"What Men Need to Know During Their Divorce"

An original piece by a MANN reader. About the author:

Tabitha Geller is a writer based in Dallas. She loves reading, writing, and skateboarding. She loves to learn new things especially when it's centered on law, technology, and medicine. Tabitha loves to share her learnings and experiences through writing.

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Camille Paglia Discusses Her War on 'Elitist Garbage' and Contemporary Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'What I'm saying in Free Women, Free Men is that women can never be truly free until they let men too be free—which means that men have every right to determine their own identities, interests, and passions without intrusive surveillance and censorship by women with their own political agenda. For example, if there is an official Women's Center on the Yale University campus (which there is), then there should be a Men's Center too—and Yale men should be free to carry on and carouse there and say whatever the hell they want to each other, without snoops outside the door ready to report them to the totalitarian sexual harassment office.

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‘Toni the Tampon’ Teaches Children Men Can Menstruate

Article here. Excerpt:

'The author of a children’s coloring book has invented a character named “Toni the Tampon” to instruct children that men can menstruate.

Cass Clemmer, the author of The Adventures of Toni the Tampon, has been using her coloring book character to “destigmatize” menstruation. Now, however, she also wants to “de-gender” the female biological process and to persuade children that men get periods too.

Clemmer’s latest adventure of Toni the Tampon is one aspect of the progressive campaign to blur the differences between male and female, and to ultimately create a “genderless” society which bars the commonplace civic distinctions between biological males and biological females in a heterosexual society.'

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Circumcision should be delayed to adulthood for informed consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'The conversation regarding whether babies born with male genitalia should be circumcised has resurfaced recently with more urgency due to the renewed public vigor about personal bodily autonomy and consent.

It is expected that parents make most decisions regarding their child’s health and happiness during infancy. While babies are limited to crying to communicate their needs, parents are left to make major life decisions for the child that bypass the usual realm of what they should wear or what they should eat.

A parent piercing their child’s ears so they look “pretty,” for example, is a contested issue. This issue pales in comparison, however, to the irreversible practice of penile circumcision. Many are starting to see circumcision as a question of bodily autonomy and as a form of bodily mutilation. At the very least, information about the concerns of circumcision should be available to parents.

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Study: Circumcision makes sex better for men

Article here. Check out the comments. Excerpt:

'Circumcision is the answer, according to a team of experts at the University of Chicago.

They found the simple op made sex more enjoyable for two thirds of blokes.

The researchers were tasked with looking at a man’s sexual pleasure, and function in the bedroom – as well as the risk of injury during sex.

The 362 men taking part were quizzed six and 24 months after having their circumcision.

The researchers said: “The study confirmed men’s long-term satisfaction with the outcome of their voluntary medical male circumcision.

“It improved sexual pleasure and function for most men and significantly decreased coital injuries.”

Of the 362 circumcised men taking part, 98 per cent reported being happy with their op.

Most, 95 per cent, told researchers their female partners were satisfied after the procedure.'

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Swedish Woman of the Year Runner-Up Advocates Banning Men from Television

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist writer and professor of literature Ebba Witt-Brattström, who recently came second in Sweden’s “Woman of the Year 2017”, has advocated getting rid of all men on Swedish television.

Feminist Ebba Witt-Brattström claims there are far too many men on Swedish television and that not only should there be more women on programmes, but men shouldn’t be allowed on TV at all. After coming second in the Swedish woman of the year competition, the writer said she wants a “brilliant culture of women” on Swedish television in an interview with Swedish paper Expressen.

Ms. Witt-Brattström singled out Swedish painter and author Lars Lerin and musician Karl Anders “Kalle” Moraeus saying she would like to see far less of them. “We may as well remove them all,” she said referring to men on television. “We can take them all away and add a brilliant culture of women instead.”'

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What if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Had Swapped Genders?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Sheryl Sandberg: Women work more hours than men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sandberg also discussed the wage gap: "Even though women work more hours per day and more days per year than men, we earn only a small percentage of the world's income and own even less of the world's property."
It's not clear whether Sandberg is striking or taking action today. "If people want to support the strike, we support them. We support our employees' rights and freedoms to express their beliefs," Joe Benarroch, communication manager at Facebook, told CNNTech.'


What is the Average Hours Per Week Worked in the US?

Men worked an average of 41.1 hours per week. Woman worked an average of 36.4 hours per week in paid employment.

Married men worked 5.1 hours more per week than men who were never married. Married women worked 1.7 hours more than women who were never married.'

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States consider stacking the deck against accused students as Trump administration pulls back

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maine, Maryland and Texas lawmakers are looking to codify affirmative consent, “an extreme set of rules for engaging in sexual activity that are almost impossible to follow,” Schow says. Here are the conditions under which a student can be found at fault for not getting affirmative consent:

Not obtained at “every step” of the sexual encounter

Sexual activity after drinking any amount of alcohol

Accuser “felt pressured into having sex or was too afraid to leave”

California, Connecticut and Mississippi are looking to codify parts of the 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter from the feds, which “threatened to remove federal funding if schools didn’t comply” and incentivized false accusations, Schow says.

California: “all forms” of “sexual violence” (including rebuffed sexual requests) are harassment under Title IX

Connecticut: Multiple stats on sexual-assault reports and adjudication results, the better to shame schools with few reports or few harsh penalties on accused students

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