Campus civil rights groups begin making case to Trump administration

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two organizations dedicated to students’ rights have begun lobbying the Trump administration and lawmakers to correct what they see as years of over-reaching by the Obama administration.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education sent an open letter to President Donald Trump on Inauguration Day, offering advice on how the new administration could “help protect free speech, academic freedom and due process on college campuses.”

FIRE President Greg Lukianoff included a description of the major culture problems facing today’s campuses, and provided a solution for each.

The first problem noted by Lukianoff was the lack of free speech on college campuses. To combat this problem, Lukianoff suggested issuing a “stern reminder” to administrators that they risk personal liability for violating the First Amendment by controlling what their students say.'

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Sperm theft lawsuit leaves appeals court weighing how much a life is worth

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'How much is a life worth?

That was the crux of the argument between a Louisiana man and the woman who gave birth to his son in 2010 after taking his sperm without permission from a fertility clinic and being artificially inseminated.
"The (judge) decided, in his opinion, that the law didn't allow those damages, which leaves a gap," said David Bernsen, an attorney for Layne Hardin. "We, as a society, have to decide whether this type of behavior is acceptable in Texas and I don't think it is."
Hardin won a lawsuit in 2015 against his former girlfriend, Tobie Devall, and Texas Andrology, the sperm bank that gave Devall two samples without Hardin's permission.

She gave birth to Hardin's son, then refused to allow any custodial rights with the boy, now 6. The two had a long custody battle in Louisiana, where Hardin lives.'

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SAVE Calls for End of Campus 'Kangaroo Courts'

For many years now, SAVE has focused on restoring due process rights at colleges across the nation and putting a stop to the mistreatment of students by campus tribunals. Today, we continue to read horrific stories of colleges fumbling campus proceedings and putting the education of our students at risk. 

That's why SAVE is proud to announce the launch of our new campaign "End Kangaroo Courts," calling for an end to the unfair campus proceedings that all too often put the complainant and the accused in compromising situations.   

To find out more about our new campaign, please visit

Thank you!

Very best,

Jonathon P Andrews
Project Coordinator
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE)

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Attempted Murderer ‘So Proud of Herself’ After Randomly Stabbing Nurse 21 Times

Story here. That face. Excerpt:

'A Texas woman who wrote that she got a “high unlike any other” from stabbing another woman 21 times has been sentenced to prison, PEOPLE confirms.

Pearl Moen, who was 17 at the time of the seemingly random November 2015 attack in Austin, Texas, will serve 15 years behind bars, the Travis County District Attorney said in a news release. She was sentenced on Friday.

Prosecutors said Moen’s diary entries show she stabbed her 23-year-old victim, a nurse, because she wanted to see what it would feel like to kill someone. Moen has a history of drug use and psychological issues but no previous criminal record, the DA’s office said.

“I stabbed an innocent woman to death earlier today … It was absolutely fantastic,” Moen wrote in her diary, according to prosecutors. “Murder gives me a high unlike any other, it feels like this crisp unreality, flashing and sparkling, adrenaline and shock.”

“How do I even go about describing it. The whole thing was unreal,” she added. “I’m so proud of myself."'

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New ABA task force will consider due process rights in college sexual-misconduct cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'The ABA’s Criminal Justice Section has formed a task force to develop guidelines and best practices for the handling of sexual misconduct cases on college campuses.

The guidelines are intended to ensure due process for both the victim and the accused, according to an ABA press release.

The ABA Task Force on College Due Process Rights and Victim Protections will be led by Andrew Boutros, co-chair of Seyfarth Shaw’s white collar, internal investigations and False Claims Act practice.

Standards for deciding sexual misconduct cases have been dividing victim advocates and defense lawyers. Some lawyers have complained that accused students can’t ask questions in hearings, and aren’t allowed to learn the name of their accusers.'

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Here are 3 ways Trump can Make College Great Again for young men

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the Obama administration, colleges have become increasingly hostile to young men.

Their free speech is under fire, their access to due process is being whittled away, and they are often forced into curricula that pathologize their masculinity.

Young women are often spared from this administrative overreach, and it may partly explain why they attend college in far greater numbers than men and also drop out less frequently.

President-elect Donald Trump promises to Make America Great Again, which begs the question: Will he Make College Great Again, as well?

Here are three ways young men could have better college experiences under Trump.

1) Recentering the due process rights of the accused
2) Free speech protections
3) Less political indoctrination at universities
The University of North Carolina, Duke University, Dartmouth College, Gettysburg College and Vanderbilt University all have social justice programming of some sort dedicated to purging male students of their toxic masculinity.'

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Attacks on Betsy DeVos Reveal ‘How Ideological’ the Campus Rape Debate Has Become

Article here. Excerpt:

'An editorial from The Boston Globe argues that the intense reaction to Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s nominee for the Secretary of Education, reveals “how ideological and unmoored” the debate on campus rape culture has become.
Many students accused of sexual assault aren’t given legitimate legal hearings. Rather, schools investigate incidents internally, often times not telling offending students the details of the accusations against them.

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Malecare: Petition for Office of Men's Health

Our best chance for establishing an Office of Men's Health in the USA is now, in the early days of this new administration. Our Petition at is a first and important step. Please sign and spread the word. This effort is entirely up to us. We can do this!

Click and Sign here:

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'It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'People often quote the dictionary at me - “Sexism is discrimination on the basis of one’s sex” - because, as we know, all complex ideologies are easily explained in one sentence.

This definition would seem to imply that either gender can be sexist but I’m going to make a rather bold assertion today. That isn’t true. It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men.

Women can, as Melissa A. Fabello writes in her excellent essay, Why Reverse Oppression Simply Cannot Exist, make stereotypical assumptions about men, they can be prejudiced towards men, they can discriminate against men based on those prejudices.

“However,” she writes, “only oppressed people experience all of that and institutionalised violence and systematic erasure... That’s why it’s not possible to be sexist against men.”

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Protest at Milo Yiannopoulos Event at University of Washington Ends in Gunfire

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'A protest outside of a Milo Yiannopoulos event this past Friday at the University of Washington in Seattle turned violent after a scuffle erupted between anti-Trump protesters and prospective event attendees in the Red Square area of the campus. The protest ended in gunfire.

A previous event at UC Davis with Yiannopoulos, the alt-right provocateur, and Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli was canceled last week amid a storm of protest and warnings by campus police that it could turn violent.

Anti-Milo protesters from various groups—including student activists, anarchists and Antifa (self-styled anti-fascists)—were on site before the start of the event and formed a human wall in front of the police barricade. Many wore masks and covered their faces with hoodies and bandanas. Police were forced to push them away from the barricade while prospective event attendees made their way in.'

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Agenda for Women’s March has been hijacked by organizers bent on highlighting women’s differences

Article here. Excerpt:

'The controversy surrounding the exclusionary identity politics unsettling what should be a unifying event — Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington — shows that the fractures underpinning Hillary Clinton’s devastating election loss have not healed.

Unfortunately, the activist wing of the Democratic Party and many leading progressives are clinging to a profound disconnect with the broader mass of Americans, both women and men.

I live in Washington and plan to attend the protest because Donald Trump’s presidency, and what it portends for America and the democratic world, demands such action. A commander-in-chief who revels in grabbing women “by the pussy,” myriad insults to women, cozies up to a Russian dictator who hacked the U.S. election, spews contempt for our allies including Angela Merkel, wants to build a wall to keep out Mexicans, or target people because they are of the Muslim faith, merits a strong collective response.

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Some states pushing for free vasectomies

Story here. Excerpt:

'Call it contraception equality.

Vasectomies, which are not covered under President Barack Obama’s health care law, are increasingly being included in state measures that would require insurers to provide cost-free coverage of birth control.

Backers of laws and proposals in such states as Illinois, Vermont, Maryland and most recently New York say that if women can get tubal ligations with no out-of-pocket costs, men should be able to get their surgical sterilization covered cost-free as well. Such state measures are seen as a key backup if the federal mandate is repealed.

“What we have are couples facing a decision about which birth control method to use and they see that methods used by women have no out-of-pocket cost while there would be a cost, in some cases a fairly substantial cost, for men’s,” said Adam Sonfield, a policy analyst for the Guttmacher Institute, which studies reproductive health issues.'

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'Gender aware and gender sensitive': European bank's new lending criteria

Article here. Excerpt:

'The European Investment Bank (EIB), the money-lending arm of the EU, is to launch a new gender strategy to increase women’s participation in global economies.

From 1 January the bank will implement new rules designed to ensure its lending will help women and men equally, following growing evidence of the economic advantages of female equality.

According to the bank, up to $12tn could be added to global GDP by 2025 by advancing women’s equality. It says the public, private, and social sectors need to act to close gender gaps in work and society, and acknowledges that it, along with other multilateral development bank, has a seminal role to play in making this happen.

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Revealed: The Gender Pay Gap Feminists Don’t Want to Talk About

Article here. Excerpt:

'To little fanfare from the usual trumpeters of pay inequality, figures released last week highlighted a new, and growing, gender pay gap.

Perhaps we can gain some insight into why the usual suspects lay silent when the latest tranche of data emerged from one of the few headlines it did garner: Earnings inequality among men soars.
Twenty years ago only 1 man in 20 aged 25-55 with low hourly wages worked part-time. Today the figure is one in five.

Furthermore, while 95% of top-earning men normally work full-time, 20% of the lowest-paid are now part-timers.

That means wage inequality for men has risen over two decades, while for women the opposite has been true.

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Along With Beer, Toronto Bars Offer Lessons in Consent, Sexual Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Order a beer, get a lesson about consent, gender-based violence and sexual harassment– at least in Toronto through Jan. 22.

On Monday, at least 15 of the city’s bars kicked off the “On the Table” campaign, where they’ll distribute 10,000 message-bearing coasters.

Funded in part by the City of Toronto’s Arts Council, the project was created by Aisle 4, a “curatorial project that initiates and promotes socially engaged artwork.”'

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