Report highlights failure of Education Department’s overreach on campus sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'While OCR claimed the letter was merely “guidance,” it carried with it the threat of a loss of federal funding for failing to comply. In the years after the guidance was issued, OCR opened more than 300 investigations into schools alleged to have violated Title IX by not adequately responding to accusations of sexual assault. In every investigation conducted by OCR, some violation of Title IX has been found, even if the findings are inconsistent with each other.

For example, in one finding, even OCR determined it was more likely than not that the accused student hadn’t committed sexual assault, but found the school in violation of Title IX because it did not immediately open an investigation (because the accuser didn’t want one) and because the school didn’t find the accused to be “not responsible” fast enough.

Schools, predictably, sign on to change their policies (often further reducing the due process rights of accused students) in order to satiate OCR and avoid losing federal funding.'

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Huffington Post Uses Flawed Data From Elizabeth Warren’s Office in Failed Attempt to Erase Her Gender Pay Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'Salary data provided by Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s office to outlets such as the Huffington Post paint a misleading picture of employment in the Massachusetts Democratic senator’s office and fail to disprove the fact reported Tuesday that Warren paid men significantly more than women in 2016.

Warren’s office failed to respond to numerous emails from the Washington Free Beacon for the Tuesday report, which found that the median salary for men that worked for Warren in 2016 was $21,000 higher than the median salary for women.

Instead it reached out to the Huffington Post, a liberal publication owned by telecom giant Verizon, which on Wednesday published an article titled "No, Elizabeth Warren Doesn’t Pay Women Less Than Men" that said the Free Beacon "misleadingly accused" the Massachusetts senator of gender pay inequality by using "incomplete data."'

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Widely divergent campus sexual assault bills move forward in two states

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bills relating to campus sexual assault in Maryland and Georgia have moved forward after previously appearing to have stalled in each state’s legislature.

In Maryland, a bill that would require K-12 students be taught the policy of affirmative consent during sexual education classes received an “unfavorable report” from the state’s House Ways and Means committee and was subsequently withdrawn.

The Maryland victory was short-lived, however. A separate bill, HB 1560 that requires children as young as 10 receive affirmative consent training passed the Maryland House of Representatives in mid-March.

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Protests prompt Calgary theatre to cancel men’s rights films — and become target of a backlash against protest

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the second time in a month, a Calgary showing of a documentary chronicling a feminist’s change of heart has been scrubbed.

The latest cancellation is Tuesday’s screening of The Red Pill and discussion arranged by the group Fathers Rights Alberta at Plaza Theatre.

Plaza manager Logan Cameron said the decision was made after they were bombarded with complaints by people who contend the film champions misogyny.

“There were just numerous complaints — calls, social media, emails,” said Cameron.

But he said the backlash over the move to cancel the private, free-admission event has proven even more harsh.

“It seems to be greater than the protest for running it. … It’s a lose-lose situation right now,” he said.'

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Irate Passenger Who Falsely Accused Uber Driver of Rape Banned For Life

Article here. Excerpt:

'The ride sharing service Uber has reportedly banned a passenger for life after she became irate at her driver and threatened to call the police and falsely accuse the driver with rape, the company says.

The New York Post placed portions of the dash-cam footage of the insane incident online earlier this week and it shows the female passenger angrily berating the male driver for several minutes. She was apparently upset that he did not have an iPhone charger available for her use.

The driver appears to remain calm and eventually informs the passenger he will terminate the ride immediately, unless she calms down.

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Canada: Christie Blatchford series on "Broken Family Courts" - Ont dad pays twice income to ex-wife

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two different Ontario Superior Court judges have found that Rob. R., an Oshawa-area father of two, is in effect the proverbial stone from which no more blood can be drawn after and Ontario father complained that he was paying twice his after-tax monthly income to his ex-wife.

Judge Paul Nicholson, in a Nov. 28, 2016 decision, wrote that Rob is “currently suffering dire financial circumstances” and “appears to have been suffering financially for some time.”

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Six Years Ago Today, Obama’s Education Department Made All Sex Unsafe on Campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today marks six years to the day since the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights released the infamous "Dear Colleague" letter obligating universities to investigate sexual assault and harassment.

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New Report on Colleges and Sex Assault Cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'With the Trump administration reportedly debating whether to reverse Obama administration guidance on how colleges should investigate sexual assault, a group of trial lawyers has released a report suggesting the current processes on many campuses are unfairly slanted against the accused.

The guidance, issued in a 2011 Dear Colleague letter, was meant to clarify areas of the law, the administration said at the time. It beefed up protections for victims of sexual assault and was a way to push colleges to more thoroughly respond to complaints. Such guidance does not carry the force of law, but it did contain a threat that colleges’ federal funding could be revoked should they fail to comply.

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Businesses Offer 20-Percent Discounts For Equal Pay Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'To raise awareness of the pay gap and how reducing it can improve the economy and quality of life, is creating a one-day campaign called #20percentcounts.

More than 300 businesses in 25 cities will offer 20-percent discounts to women (and men as well), according to a press release.

The complete list can be found at Participants include major companies like Lyft, Procter & Gamble and Salesforce. founder Sheryl Sandberg, who also is Facebook COO, said the campaign’s goal is demonstrating how equal pay “is essential to the goal of gender equality.”

“This issue speaks to how we value women’s labor, knowledge, time, training, and so much more,” Sandberg said in a statement. “In short, it’s about women’s worth. There’s nothing more fundamental than that.”'

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March for Science Organizers Don’t Want Bill Nye as Leader Because He’s a ‘White Male’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The March for Science is having a tough time deciding whether the march should focus on “diversity and inclusion” or health and climate policy.

They were supposed to have gotten their internal issues under control, but this week a new fight broke out over whether Bill Nye the Science Guy, the former children’s television host who considers himself the leader of the “pro-science movement” should lead the protest. The problem? Nye is a “white male.”

Nye, who is not, in fact, a scientist, except on television (he’s an engineer by trade), was slated to be the March’s chair, and an announcement was made last week. But organizers quickly panicked that having Nye at the forefront of the event meant they might be substantiating the idea that scientists are only old white men.

Again, Nye actually isn’t a scientist, but whatever.'

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Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus

Article here. Excerpt:

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‘Sex Mad’ Mom Jailed for Wild Sex Romps With Underage Boys

Article here. Seven years. If a man had done this with girls, it'd be some type of sentencing that kept him in for life. Excerpt:

'A British mother-of-three who performed a “dreadful catalog” of sex acts with underage boys was sentenced to seven years’ in prison on Friday. The court heard that Amanda Tompkins performed a ‘striptease’ and sexually abused the boys while her own children were inside the house. The 39-year-old was sentenced for 10 counts of physical and sexual abuse of six boys.

According to reports by the Mail Online and the Mirror, the court heard that Tompkins invited the group of boys between the ages of 13 and 15 to her home, furnishing them with marijuana and alcohol, before engaging them in oral sex and full-on intercourse. She also told one of the boys that he’d gotten her pregnant and that she needed an abortion. She communicated with him via Facebook, which she also used to send him nude photos of herself.

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Maryland schools would teach kids that boys are presumed guilty of rape under approved bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maryland lawmakers introduced two bills this year that would teach “affirmative consent,” an impractical sexual-consent standard common on college campuses, in public school sex-ed classes. One was a countywide pilot program; the other would apply statewide.

Apparently the House of Delegates didn’t want to wait to see how the program worked in Montgomery County, just outside Washington, D.C.

The Washington Post reports the statewide “yes mean yes” bill (HB 1560) passed overwhelmingly in the House, with bipartisan support, and will be taken up in a Senate committee hearing April 5. (See how your member voted here.)'

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Equality activists praise 'courageous' Plymouth student for men's rights fight

Article here. Excerpt:

'Equality activists have praised a "courageous" Plymouth University student for fighting an "appalling decision" banning him from setting up a men's forum on campus.

Yesterday The Herald reported on 21-year-old Will Styles, who was told equal opportunities legislation only applies to groups who have suffered "historic and ongoing discrimination".

His bid to establish a men's forum, to run alongside the existing women's forum, was rejected by the University of Plymouth Students' Union (UPSU).

Campaigner Mike Buchanan, who runs an organisation called Justice for Men and Boys, said: "We wish this courageous young man every success in establishing a men's forum.'

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Do's and don'ts for men at work and in life

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men today are relearning social etiquette in an age of renewed feminism.

Despite societal advances toward feminist policies and attitudes, women are still sometimes condescended to, overlooked and objectified. Men who resort to the lessons of their fathers and grandfathers may intend to be chivalrous but come off as lacking professionalism.

It all makes for a tangy soup of awkwardness.

"I don't think anyone knows what the new rules are," said Jackson Katz, an author and educator on feminist issues. Katz and other men like him identify as "pro-feminists," meaning they support feminism — defined as social, political and economic equality between the sexes — but recognize the centrality of women to the movement.

Men and women, he said, are constantly renegotiating their terms, making proper etiquette a moving target. So, how can men who identify as feminists avoid social hiccups? Here's what experts say:'

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