Bette Midler: It's 62 Degrees in NY! Global Warming! Blame Men!

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'On Thursday, Bette Midler, who uses so much hair spray she has personally engendered global warming, was panicked in New York as the temperature rose to a balmy 62 degrees in the middle of winter.
Certainly the problems of global warming weigh on Midler like a Beast of Burden, but she would likely claim that the unusual climes of New York would be “All I Need To Know” that men had, through their fecklessnes(s), malevolence and greed, destroyed the earth, as evidenced by the warm wafting breezes she is experiencing whistling through her ears.

Man-hating and global-warming fear-mongering. What song should she be singing now?'

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Pamela Anderson will campaign for men falsely accused of rape because of Julian Assange friendship

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'Pamela Anderson has revealed she wants to start campaigning for men who have been falsely accused of rape.

The former Baywatch actress and glamour model is now an activist, and she has criticised Sweden for its "almost paralysing" laws against sexual crimes.

Speaking on RT's Going Underground, she said: "Sweden has these very progressive laws against sexual crimes, whatever you want to call it. It’s almost too progressive, it’s almost paralysing.

"I’m going to actually start campaigning for men who have been victims of being accused of rape when they haven’t actually done anything.”

The star - who has previously campaigned for women's rights, and against domestic violence - insisted that Sweden as a nation "doesn't really know what to do".

She added: "We all of course gravitate towards vulnerable people and we consider that to be women and children first and foremost which is important but there’s also a lot of men who are in a vulnerable situation."'

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This Almost Famous Actor Says a False Rape Allegation Hurt His Career

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'Clifton Powell‘s acting catalogue is pretty impressive.

The actor played notable roles in everything from Next Friday to Ray, but he stopped acting and disappeared from Hollywood altogether. TMZ caught up with Powell at LAX and he spoke about trying to put his old rape allegations behind him, which he claims costed him his acting career.

Powell got emotional after explaining that the 4-year-old civil rape case against him has been thrown out, but not without causing tremendous collateral damage. He revealed, “It’s been the worst time of my life, Joe. I have a 22-year-old daughter, I would never hurt anyone. I’m just glad that my friends, family, TMZ, my attorneys have supported me through this whole ordeal. It’s been the most emotional ordeal I had to deal with since my father died in the 80’s”

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Police: Football players falsely accused of rape

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'It was another harrowing case of an alleged rape occurring at an off-campus drinking party of underage college students.

In this instance, a teen claimed she was repeatedly raped by two Sacred Heart University football players in a tiny basement bathroom while the party raged on.

But months after the players were dismissed from the team and had withdrawn from the school 18-year-old Nikki Yovino confessed she had made the rape allegations up to gain the sympathy of a prospective boyfriend, police said.

On Wednesday, Yovino, of South Setauket, N.Y., was charged with second-degree false reporting of an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.

The tampering charge is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

After surrendering to police here, Yovino was released after posting $150,000 bond. She is scheduled to be arraigned in Superior Court on March 3.'

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Woman Charged With Making False Rape Accusation That Got Two Men Kicked Out Of School

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'An 18-year-old New York woman has been charged with two criminal counts after allegedly making false rape accusations that led to two men leaving Sacred Heart University.

Nikki Yovino, in an attempt to get empathy from a guy she liked, reportedly made up a rape hoax against two Sacred Heart football players she had sex with last October.

She was charged on Wednesday with “second-degree false reporting of an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence,” CTPost reports.

Yovino claimed she was forced into a bathroom where the two men, whose names are not being released, took turns assaulting her. The men admitted that sex occurred, but maintained it was consensual.

After Yovino reported the rape, the two men agreed to leave school after their scholarships were revoked and would have to face a disciplinary board.
One of the men has now been readmitted to Sacred Heart.'

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Judge Sees Bias in College Action Against Alleged Rapist

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'A federal judge refused to dismiss most claims from a former Colorado State student who accuses the school of gender bias in suspending him and stripping him of his athletic scholarships after what he calls a false accusation of rape.

Grant Neal sued Colorado State University, Pueblo in April last year on eight causes of action, including breach of contract, breach of faith, violations of Title IX and due process, and procedural matters. The school had suspended him and took away his wrestling and football scholarships.

On Thursday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Craig Shaffer wrote in a 58-page recommendation that the school’s investigation was wrought with “bias and inaccuracy.”

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The 'Factual Feminist' debunks stats about sexual assault and the wage gap

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'When Christina Hoff Sommers, a “former ’60s flower child” turned philosophy professor, began investigating academic feminism, she discovered numerous “mistakes, half-truths and untruths.”

“As a feminist and an academic, I felt the need to set things right,” she told USA TODAY College.

Hoff Sommers is now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where she produces the Factual Feminist video series, where she gives talks on topics such as “The top five feminist myths of all time” and “The real reason there aren’t more female scientists.”

The theme in Hoff Sommers’ work is that academic feminism — the type of feminism taught to students in the university environment — exaggerates the plight of women while ignoring the plight of men.

For example, take the oft-repeated gender wage-gap statistic that women make 23 cents less on the dollar than men do for the same job. Last July, for example, Pew Research Center reported that women’s earnings were 83% of men’s.

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‘No Campus for White Men’ — new book details the harsh reality in higher education today

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'A new book by Daily Caller writer Scott Greer, “No Campus for White Men,” sums it up pretty succinctly.

“The problem is not just overgrown crybabies and helicopter parenting, but an extreme version of identity politics, which encourages students to demand power and privilege on the sole basis of their race, gender, or sexual orientation,” Greer writes. “The flipside is that they want to disenfranchise and humiliate everyone who is not part of their designated victim groups—especially straight, white men.”

With chapters titled “Political Correctness in the Age of Microaggressions,” “Guilty of Being White,” “Greeks under Siege” and “Art of the Hoax,” Greer offers a summary of the campus craziness that has seized higher education over the last several years.

To be sure, the sickness eating away at the heart of higher ed is nothing new — but it is as bad as ever, Greer said in an interview with The College Fix.'

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Teen charged with lying about being raped by college football players

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'Two college football players who were suspended from their team last year and saw their scholarships revoked after rape accusations have been cleared by police after authorities say their accuser recanted her story.

Nikki Yovino, 18, of South Setauket, NY, has been charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence in connection to an incident at a Sacred Heart University football party in October, the Connecticut Post reports.

When pressed about inconsistencies in her original statement, Yovino admitted that she made up the rape allegations against the two football players in hopes of gaining sympathy from another man — a prospective boyfriend, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.'

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Male student sues Allegheny College after ‘false accusation’ of sexual assault

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'A former male student from Allegheny College is suing after he was expelled for what he and his attorneys claim was a false accusation of sexual assault.

The student, identified only as John Doe in court documents, alleges that he attempted to present evidence that made it clear his accuser was only angry because they were no longer speaking and wanted him expelled out of spite. He says this evidence and witness testimony was ignored by Allegheny.

The incident that led to John’s accusation occurred in late September 2014. John and some of his track teammates had gathered to celebrate their recent time trials. John’s accuser, listed in court documents as Jane Doe, attended the celebration. John alleges that Jane brought a bottle of tequila with her to the party but says she did not consume any alcoholic beverages and was sober.'

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Aggressive campus anti-rape laws proposed for Texas colleges in wake of Baylor scandal

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'He also wants Texas to join California, New York and the handful of other states that have passed “affirmative consent” laws requiring colleges to tell students their sexual partner must indicate — either through words or actions — that they are OK with sexual contact before initiating it.
Watson is also co-sponsoring a bill with Sen. Joan Huffman, a Houston Republican and former judge, that would put in place some of the most stringent rules against rape on campus in the country.

Senate Bill 576 would require any school employee, and some student leaders, to report instances of “sexual harassment, sexual assault, family violence or stalking” to the campus president within 48 hours of becoming aware of the incident, or else face serious consequences.

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"Beware white male pushback"

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'To my beautiful, treasured granddaughter, it’s official. The future is female. I encourage you to become knowledgeable about the positive changes rapidly developing in our world. The vast majority of straight white American males deplores and dreads this change.

The males will continue to defy our progress with every weapon they can muster. I encourage you to connect with progressive women. Males fear us, and they want you to fear us, too. We threaten their sweet white empire. We are everywhere.

Our numbers are exponentially rising. As typical of males in “Red” American states, I surmise that at the core, all or most of the males in your life morbidly fear and despise the following: self-assured, male-BS-intolerant women and supporters of women; non-whites (unworthy, nefarious, did not earn America’s goodies); non-straight males (pervert sissies).'

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A ‘factual feminist’ critiques modern campus activism and feminism

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'An American author, former philosophy professor, and a resident scholar at the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Christina Hoff Sommers also considers herself a “factual feminist” who actively speaks on college campuses nationwide regarding her unique perspective on political activism, free speech, and “campus feminism.” She made her most recent appearance at the University on Feb. 9 when she was invited to speak by the Bucknell University Conservatives Club (BUCC).

Sommers is best known for her public critique of contemporary feminism in her books, including “Who Stole Feminism?” (1994) and “The War Against Boys” (2000). Her writing has also been featured in a variety of media outlets, including The New York Times, Time, and The Atlantic.

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Suspended student apparently called feminism a cancer

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'A video of a student making inflammatory comments about feminism has surfaced after he was suspended from Orange Coast College for recording his instructor making her own controversial comments about President Donald Trump.

Caleb O’Neil, a 19-year-old business major, apparently could be seen wearing Trump’s signature Make America Great Again hat and a Hillary for Prison shirt in a video shared on Facebook Thursday. The video, originally posted April 20 on Instagram, showed O’Neil in a crowd yelling “feminism is cancer.”

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End Federal Micromanagement of College Discipline Under Title IX

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'Vice President Pence said that he and President Trump “believe that education is a state and local function that should be controlled by” states, not the federal government. A great way to restore local control would be rescind the Obama administration’s federal micromanagement of college discipline. Under Obama, the Education Department sometimes pressured colleges to do things that could lead to lawsuits being filed against them by their students.

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