Chilling PSA Features Men Discussing ‘The One That Got Away’

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Who’s the one that got away for you?”

That’s the question asked in a new PSA to three men. Instantly, each man remembered the “one that got away” and all three began reminiscing. While it sounds like three broken-hearted men, this PSA is about a much darker side of love and relationships.

Created by Canadian ad agency Union, the PSA was published on Valentine’s Day for Interval House, the first shelter for abused women and children in Canada. The haunting video slowly shows how possessiveness can actually be a subtle sign of abuse.

Each actor’s description of “the one that got away” starts out romantic and then becomes more and more controlling. “I miss her smile, I miss her friendship,” one man said, with another adding: “I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep” when they broke up.'

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Toxic Femininity — A Male Perspective

Article here. Excerpt:

'Branding men with undesirable character traits has turned into a popular sport. Men are considered by some—a vocal few, at least—to be competitive, aggressive, and violent, while women are thought of as passive and more inclined to collaboration. As an unrepentant male, I take umbrage at the increasing references to “toxic masculinity.” There are two reasons. First, I believe this is pure sexism driven by a small but angry cadre of power-hungry radical feminists. I can see no earthly reason that would require me to defend the values and behavior of my sex. Second, my basic sense of fairness resents the fact that men are often demonized while women get a free pass. If we are going to have a conversation about toxic masculinity, equal time should be devoted to “toxic femininity.”

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SAVE: ‘Kangaroo Courts’ on the Loose: SAVE Urges Lawmakers to End Campus Rape Tribunals

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / February 14, 2017 – Recent reports at Baylor, Stanford, and Tufts universities reveal campus disciplinary committees lack competent staff, adhere to flawed policies, and suffer from severe conflict of interest problems. As a result, sexual assault victims and accused students alike are being shortchanged.

In late January, lawsuits were filed by two former female students against Baylor University. The women charged school coaches were inappropriately involved in disciplinary and criminal matters for sexual assault cases, among other allegations.

Last week, the Editorial Board of the Stanford Review issued a strongly worded verdict on its college’s sexual assault policies: “At Stanford, we have seen firsthand what many students and faculty are recognizing nationally: the reforms have failed. Sexual assault investigations usually fail to secure both relief for victims and civil liberties for the accused.”

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Flowers = domestic violence

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'The day every woman who works in an office dreads because of Flower-Gate. Who gets the first bunch? The biggest bunch? Who gets balloons — and who gets sweet nothing? Such are the awkward highlights of office life for the working girl.

If you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you can now tip your love heart-sequined beret to our good friends at the feminist domestic violence industry.

Apparently their savage, relentless anti-men messaging on every other day of the year isn’t enough. Now they want to cast suspicion on those pesky perennials you see being delivered to your colleague in the corner.

The Full Stop Foundation, which perhaps should literally have stopped there, is now sending out free guilt trips for Valentine’s Day. You’re welcome. Look forward to a balloon pumped full of doubt to burst any hope of enjoying your bouquet when it’s delivered.

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Feminists wage war against romance on Valentine’s Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'Valentine’s Day, we are told by a feminist blogger, is “a consumerist holiday, personified by patriarchal and heteronormative traditions which reinforces sexist stereotypes.” The anonymous 25-year-old assures her readers that she is “a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man.” This is fortunate because, apparently, no man needs her. She is alone and unloved, eating chocolate and watching Netflix while scrolling through profiles on the Tinder dating app — and this is what feminist “success” looks like.

An entire vocabulary of jargon phrases has been created by feminists to express their contempt for all things male and/or heterosexual. It is “sexist” to believe that women enjoy romance — cards and gifts, flowers and candy, etc. — and it is “heteronormative” to think that any woman might actually desire male companionship. Because the feminist is a “strong, independent woman,” she must regard males as utterly useless, insofar as she does not actively hate males as evil oppressors. “We identify the agents of our oppression as men,” Shulamith Firestone and her comrades in the feminist Redstockings collective declared in 1969: “All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.”

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The Failures of Mainstream Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'On paper, at least, 2016 looked to be a banner year for feminism. As the GOP primary field succumbed to Donald Trump’s insurgency, Hillary Clinton’s march to the White House seemed all but inevitable. Discussions about rape on college campuses, workplace harassment, pay disparity, and other feminist issues finally broke through to the mainstream. A-list celebrities began embracing the word feminism—a significant shift after decades when feminists were little more than pop-culture punch lines, derided for their humorlessness, earnestness, and ideological single-mindedness. Seemingly overnight, feminism had become fashionable. Pop stars used the word to sell records, guys used it to get laid, models used it to push product, writers used it to advance their brand.

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Florida man fights for paternity rights of son over mother’s husband

Article here.

'After losing contact with his 3-year-old son when he broke off a relationship with the mother, a Florida man is fighting for paternity rights to his son, WPTV reported.

John Karpinski's legal fight is complicated by the fact that the mother of his child was legally married when the boy was born. Florida law gives all paternal rights to her husband.

The boy's mother says she and her husband recognize the child as their own, and they plan to raise him together, WPTV says.

"Mr. Karpinski was a great dad and was doing all of the things that are expected of a father and then to have that ripped away from him is certainly a different circumstance that even this law ever contemplated," said his attorney, Shaun Plymale.

"I will never stop as long as there is breath in my body," Karpinski told WPTV. "I want my boy home."

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UK: Kids Attending Fathers’ Rights Protests Could be Referred To Government Prevent De-Radicalisation Programme

Article here. Excerpt:

'Children who attend Fathers4Justice and anti-badger cull protests have been considered for the government’s anti-radicalisation programme, Prevent, set up to deter “violent extremism” and terrorism, an MP has claimed.

Conservative MP Lucy Allan said teachers are under increasing pressure to refer children to the Prevent Strategy, for reasons other than radical Islam, to please government inspectors.
Matt O’Connor, founder of Fathers4Justice, told Breitbart London: “A teachers job is to teach, not act as Orwellian thought police.

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UK: Iain Duncan Smith thinktank in ‘fatherless society’ warning

Article here. Excerpt:

'Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.

Andy Cook, who runs the Centre for Social Justice, which is chaired by the former cabinet minister, argued that regular contact with a father figure reduced criminal behaviour in children and boosted cognitive skills including reasoning and language development.

Cook claimed there was too much of a “throwaway culture” to parenting, adding: “Over the last 40 years, the meteoric rise in family breakdown has blighted the lives of the poorest children the most. The relationship children have with their father affects their self-esteem, how well they do at school, even whether they are able to form happy, long-lasting relationships as adults.”'

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Woman, 28, accused of sex with boys in public bathroom

Story here. Excerpt:

'Baker, who was listed as homeless, had been arrested last month on disorderly conduct and trespassing, was adjudicated guilty on those charges and spent 15 days in the Marion County Jail. Baker declined to speak to the Star-Banner on Saturday.

According to police officials, Baker called the agency on Friday night to snitch on the juveniles before they told on her. Baker, however, did not tell officers what the boys had supposedly done.

An officer went to West Silver Springs Boulevard and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, where Baker and another woman were arguing. The woman told the officer that she had evidence Baker was having sexual encounters with boys.

The woman showed the officer a video of Baker having sex with a boy. The officer detained her, and Baker told the officer that she was going to jail anyway so he should arrest her, according to OPD.

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Hillary Clinton Spearheads War On Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a new video produced ahead of the 2017 Makers Conference – an invitation-only feminist leadership retreat held in California – Hillary Clinton boosted the feminist movement with a rallying call for girls and women to be “the glass-ceiling breakers of the future.”

“Despite all the challenges we face, I remain convinced that yes, the future is female,” Clinton said. “Just look at the amazing energy we saw last month as women organised a march that galvanised millions of people all over our country and across the world.”

So why can’t the future be male? Answer: because today’s men are under a full frontal assault by feminists like Clinton who are doing their utmost to erase the concept of masculinity and maleness.

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Why college guys should be terrified of campus hookups

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Men need to feel a cold spike of fear when they begin a sexual encounter.” Those were not the words of a nun at your local Catholic high school 50 years ago. They were written in 2014 by the progressive Ezra Klein, editor of Vox, in explaining the importance of California’s “affirmative consent” law.

Passed in 2015, the law requires that students at the state’s colleges must obtain “affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity” from their partners. If not, they could be subject to disciplinary procedures for sexual assault.

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‘It’s Relentlessly Anti-Men’: Domestic Violence Campaign Set for Valentine’s Day Sparks Battle

Article here. Excerpt:

'To raise awareness about domestic violence, an Australian nonprofit has encouraged women to use the hashtag #IGotFlowersToday on Valentine’s Day in reference to a poem about a battered woman.

The poem, written by Paulette Kelly, “chronicles the life of an abused woman with the gift of flowers used as an apology for a torturous life, rather than a symbol of love and affection,” explained Karen Willis, executive director of the Full Stop Foundation, the group behind the campaign.

But the Full Stop Foundation’s campaign was met with backlash as a Daily Telegraph columnist denounced it as “savage, relentless anti-men messaging.”

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Audi: The Car for the Unhappy Woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'If there was ever a more mendacious or socially destructive ad during the Super Bowl, let alone on television, I am unaware of it.

As a believer in the free market and the free exchange of ideas, I have rarely advocated for or participated in a boycott of a company for the political positions of its owners or directors. I eat Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream despite the fact that I have opposed every left-wing political and social position Ben and Jerry have ever advocated. It's a free country. And I want to keep it free.

But Audi crossed a line. It should pay an appropriate price.

First, we need to stop the politicization of everything in America. We need to be able to watch sports, for example, without the intrusion of left-wing propaganda. I would feel the same about right-wing propaganda, but the right believes in allowing people to enjoy life without injecting politics wherever possible.

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Australia: Position Vacant - "Gender Equality Policy and Data Analyst"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Gender Equality Policy and Data Analyst is responsible for the development and provision of integrated policy and data analysis and advice relating to gender equality issues of interest to the Premier and/or Cabinet. Key characteristics required for this role: a high level of understanding of data analysis and experience translating data; high level understanding of social policy, specifically in relation to gender equality; demonstrated experience in advising on strategic responses to complex policy problems.
Applications from those wishing to work part-time or full-time hours will be equally considered.'

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