USA: TX Teen staged kidnapping, caused her own injuries

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police now believe a kidnapping and sexual assault case that rattled the small North Texas town of Denison earlier this month was a hoax.

Breana Harmon Talbott confessed to investigators Tuesday night and admitted she staged the attack. She also admitted the injuries to her body were self-inflicted, the Denison Police Department said.

Police say shortly after the 18-year-old turned up at a church cut and partially dressed, her story started to unravel. But not before it spun out of control on social media, sparking outrage and fear in the community.

The story made headlines after Talbott’s then-fiancé, Sam Hollingsworth, reported her missing on March 8. He told FOX 4 he asked a neighbor to check on her and that neighbor found her keys and a shoe on the ground outside her apartment.

Hollingsworth says he is now moving on after the terrible betrayal. He said he and Talbott had an argument the day she turned up at the church about the couple moving after he joined the army but can't explain why she'd allegedly stage a rape.

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Boy Positive Shirts

From Dr. Helen at:

'Imagine that instead of negative t-shirts that say "Boys Stink" or "Throw Rocks at Them," there were boy positive shirts that had kind messages. Here is a boy positive site selling shirts that say, "Strong Like Dad" or "Boys Rock." I normally don't like these message t-shirts but nowadays, who cares? It's better to send a good message to boys than sit back and let all the haters have their say.

Update: You can also get them on'

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PH Cosmo: Why I No Longer Call Myself A Feminist

Article here. This article was published in the Filipino edition of Cosmopolitan. It's long but definitely hits some nails on their heads. Excerpt:

'"Being a feminist doesn’t mean the person hates men—it means the person is for gender equality!" So the line goes, which I’ve said countless times over the past few years as I called myself a feminist and believed that others—everyone—should too. But in the past year, it dawned on me how insidious feminism is and can be. Feminists mock boys or men, in spite of their saying they’re not man-haters. They rally for their cause and ask others to do too, but they support it with false information.

It’s easy to say that feminism has imperfections like any other movement does and leave it at that. I’d rather not.

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12-Year-Old Booked For Impregnating A 17-Year-Old, Becomes The Youngest Father In India

Story here. In certain countries where Sharia is law, girls get stoned to death in essence for being rape victims. While he is at least nit being stoned to death, the idea is the same. Excerpt:

'India is swamped with the human crisis- rapes, molestation, child marriages, gender issues have become an everyday thing.

Recently, a 12-year old boy has been booked under the POCSO Act after a teenaged girl, who gave birth to a baby girl, claimed that he had impregnated her, police said on Monday.

Both the boy and the 17-year old girl are relatives and the case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act had been registered on the basis of a statement given by her, they said.

Police said they have decided to conduct a DNA test to verify the claim of the girl, who delivered the baby girl in a private hospital recently, that the boy is the father of the child. He would be prosecuted as per the Juvenile Justice Act.'

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Death Rates Rise for Wide Swath of White Adults, Study Finds

Article here. They are of course failing to point out it's really white men they are talking about. Excerpt:

'In 2015, two Princeton University economists published a landmark paper showing that mortality was rising for white middle-aged Americans after decades of decline, a startling development for an economically advanced nation.

Now a new analysis from the same pair, released Thursday by the Brookings Institution, paints an even bleaker picture of the nation’s largest-population group.

Mortality has been rising since the turn of this century for an even broader swath of white adults, starting at age 25, the researchers found, driven by troubles in a hard-hit working class. Death rates for white non-Hispanics with a high-school education or less now exceed those of blacks overall, the pair said—and they’re 30% higher for whites age 50 to 54 than for blacks overall of that age.'

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American College of Trial Lawyers releases white paper on campus sex assault hearings

White paper here. Excerpt:

'ACTL recognizes, and is deeply concerned by, the problem of sexual assaults on college campuses. ACTL believes in the importance of protecting all students from sexual misconduct and ensuring that they are provided an educational environment free of sexual harassment.

ACTL also believes that it is important to ensure that students investigated for, or charged with, sexual assault or misconduct violations be afforded basic fairness and due process.'

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India: Barber kills self over dowry case, blames in-laws in suicide note

Article here. Excerpt:

'Five days after an NRI committed suicide over a dowry death case filed against him, a 23-year-old barber hung himself to death on Sunday in Ghaziabad. In his suicide note, the deceased accused his in-laws of harassing him after filing a dowry case.

The man has been identified as Monu, a barber. He was a resident of Madhuban Bapudham housing society in Kavinagar. Police said Monu hung himself from a ceiling fan around 12.30pm on Sunday.

"Monu got married in July last year and was depressed as he had a strained relationship with his wife. The husband-wife duo often fought, and they had been living separately for months," said Hemant Kumar Rai, SHO, Kavinagar police station.'

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Sexual-Harassment Claims Against a ‘She-E.O.’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Miki Agrawal, the co-founder of Thinx — a company that makes “period underwear” — doesn’t think much of boundaries. “I just love the taboo space,” she told New York last year, of her mission to (profitably) destigmatize menstruation. And in a promotional video for the product, she said, “My favorite thing to talk about are the things you’re not supposed to talk about.” According to a complaint filed late last week by a former employee (and echoed in interviews with multiple current and former employees), those things have included: the size and shape of her employees’ breasts, an employee’s nipple piercings, her own sexual exploits, her desire to experiment with polyamory, her interest in entering a sexual relationship with one of her employees, and the exact means by which she was brought to female ejaculation. Her alleged boundary-breaking in the workplace isn’t just verbal. Per the detailed complaint, filed with the City of New York Commission on Human Rights, Agrawal also touched an employee’s breasts and asked her to expose them, routinely changed clothes in front of employees, and conducted meetings via videoconference while in bed, apparently unclothed. (She also is said in the filing to have shared nude photos of herself and others — “including but not limited to her fiancé” — with staff.) At least once, she supposedly FaceTimed into a meeting from the toilet.

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Feminist "Mansplaining" Video Goes Wrong

Video here. Description:

'This feminist sets out to prove that mansplaining is a serious issue- and accomplishes the opposite.'

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UK: Rape victims to be spared ordeal of cross-examination in court

Article here. Excerpt:

'The victims’ commissioner, Lady Newlove, welcomed the news that the government is to strengthen the support available to victims in the courtroom. “Prerecorded cross-examination allows vulnerable victims and witnesses to give evidence in a safe environment and I hope these long-awaited measures will provide the protection and reassurance they need to seek justice,” she said.

However, some questioned whether the new measures would place the defendant in rape trials at an unfair disadvantage.

James Conte, who founded the website, a support group for victims of false allegations, said: “Whilst we would welcome measures that would increase the rape convictions of people who really have committed rape, if you are wholly innocent of someone trying to frame you, you will not welcome these changes because they will increase your chances of being wrongfully convicted.”'

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Scholars: ‘Infect’ White Men With The ‘Virus’ of Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'It starts tamely enough. Someone talks passively about the wage gap over dinner. The next week, they retweet J.K. Rowling taking a stab at Piers Morgan. A few months later, suddenly, they’ve changed their major to gender studies and are talking about how men owe them money. The worst part? People around them start to suddenly do the same thing. Anyone who doesn’t is summarily cut out of their life, a relic from their past lives where they lived in ignorance.

If it sounds like succumbing to an illness, right down to the different stages, that’s the point. A 2016 paper that’s currently making the rounds on social media from the Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, titled “Women’s Studies as Virus: Institutional Feminism and the Projection of Danger,” hypothesizes that women’s and gender studies has an “infectious” structure marked by its ability to “infect, unsettle, and disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.”

Penned by Breanne Fahs and Michael Karger, the essay uses the metaphor of the virus as an “ideal” for feminist pedagogy, and investigates how both gender studies and the spread of actual viruses like HIV and Ebola “produce similar kinds of emotional responses in others.”

The paper looks at gender studies as an “infectious, insurrectional, and potentially dangerous field of study,” and goes on to suggest ideas on how to train male students on college campuses as viruses and reframe the negative stereotypes of feminist professors into positive ones to embrace.

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UK: False rape claim costs police nearly £20,000

Story here. Excerpt:

'Chelsea Mackie told officers she had been dragged down a street and had clothing ripped before she was attacked.

However, months later she admitted she had invented the claim and confessed to ripping her own clothes as part of her ruse.

The 23-year-old appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday.

Fiscal depute Kelly Mitchell told the court Mackie had been out with her borther [sic] and boyfriend in the city’s George Street on January 17, 2014, where they saw three men.

Mackie told her brother one of them had previously offered to sell her the date rape drug GHB, this led to a disturbance and police were called.

Officers spoke to Mackie and shortly after saw her walking behind the three men.

Mackie then turned up at a block of flats to see her mother-in-law.

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How Title IX Sexual Assault Injustice Operates

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his Commentaries on the Laws of England, William Blackstone declared, "It is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer." In an 1785 letter, Benjamin Franklin was even more exacting: "That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape, than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approv'd, never that I know of controverted."

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Education took a different position.

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Woman becomes man for 18 months, makes surprising discoveries

This video tells the story. From 2016 but still very worth the watch. Description:

'Vincent's status as a woman is what makes her observations of male behavior fresh - introducing herself to some guys in a bowling league, she's touched by the ritual howyadoin', man-to-man handshake, which, "from the outside . . . had always seemed overdone to me," but from the inside strikes her as remarkably warm and inclusive, worlds away from the "fake and cold" air kisses and limp handshakes exchanged by women. But in its best moments, "Self-Made Man" transcends its premise altogether, offering not an undercover woman's take on male experience, but simply a fascinating, fly-on-the-wall look at various unglamorous male milieus that are well off the radar of most journalists and book authors.'

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Rebecca Solnit, Who Helped Popularize ‘Mansplaining,’ Is the Queen of Fakery

Article here. Excerpt:

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