Judge: Male student expelled for sexual assault may have been victim himself

Article here. Excerpt:

'In one of the most absurd cases of campus sexual assault to date, a male student was expelled after he “blacked out” and had oral sex performed on him.

The woman who performed the act would, nearly two years later, accuse him of sexual assault, even though the evidence heavily suggested it was the male student who was the victim.

Now a U.S. district court judge in Massachusetts has vindicated this expelled student, an Asian-American student known only as John Doe in court documents. Judge Mark Mastroianni upheld numerous key claims in Doe’s lawsuit against Amherst College in Massachusetts and some of its employees. Most notably, Mastroianni upheld Doe’s claim that the school breached its contract with him by discriminating against him based on sex.'

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What rights do women not have compared to men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Apparently on March 8th, women nationwide will be walking out of their jobs or not even showing up to work in honor of this “A day without Women” movement. It all started with the women’s march on Washington D.C., which occurred the day after President Trump’s inauguration. I honestly think that anyone who took part in that and thought wearing a vagina shaped hat on their head was a good idea, is really not the brightest crayon in the box. Nor was it a good idea to trash the Nations Capitol in spite of yourself. If you really wanted to protest for women’s rights, you would do so without clothes and fully embrace your womanhood. But then again, we have the same rights as men don’t we? We can vote, as per the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. So what else is there? I asked and I was given a few answers.

Apparently women want equal pay, more representation in congress and Planned Parenthood services.

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'Women's March' feminists want entitlements, not equality

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s the new wave of militant feminism. Like the January march, this latest demonstration is seeking to capitalize on the trendy protests that garner media attention and assert the liberal narrative that Trump’s administration does not value “women’s rights.”

This is absurd. Nothing about the Trump administration or its policies to date have remotely suggested that women are valued less or do not have the same rights or legal protections as men. In fact, Trump’s own campaign manager was the first woman to manage a winning presidential campaign and his cabinet and group of advisors include multiple successful women. So why the outrage over women’s rights?

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A Day Without Women, A Defamation of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Historically Americans have held some significant marches to protest wide-spread injustices and inequalities. The Suffragette Movement and the March in 1913 protested women’s disenfranchisement and inequality under the law. Martin Luther King and the March on Washington demanded a reversal of the institutionalized racism that persisted well into the 1960s. “A Day without Women”, however, – a protest to spotlight the “economic injustices” against women – does not follow suit.

Today women will gather in cities around the country to “call attention to” issues such as pay equity, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity. We are certain to hear about the grossly overstated wage gap, the need for mandated paid leave, and government funded childcare, among other things.

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Feminist Author To Young Girls: Don't Read Books By Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Caitlin Moran, the feminist author of How to Be a Woman, is now insisting that girls eschew reading books by male authors until the girls have become women.

Moran, writing an International Women’s Day article written for the publishing house Penguin, first innocuously lauds feminist icon Gloria Steinem for saying Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women was the book that most changed her life. Then she gets down to feminist business:

Oh man, she’s right - so right I yelped when I read it. Because if I had one piece of advice for young girls, and women, it would be this: girls, don’t read any books by men. Don’t read them. Stay away from them. Or, at least, don’t read them until you’re older, and fully-formed, and battle-ready, and are able to counter someone being rude to you, in conversation, not with silent embarrassment, or internalised, mute fury, but a calm, “Fuck you very much, and goodbye.”

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A Bookstore Is Displaying All Books By Men Backwards

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Mar. 1, the bookstore turned around all books authored by men to illustrate how much more prominent men are in the written world than women, just in time for Women’s History Month.
“I want people to think: Is the gender gap really this uneven, and why? What does my personal library look like? What can be done to change this imbalance? And then go find a title by a female author you may or may not be familiar with — it’s easy to find them — and give it a try,” she said.'

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Woman facing jail for false rape allegations against her ex

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jade Morgan, 25, wanted to end James Grogan’s relationship with his new girlfriend so she started harassing him.

At one point she was sending him 60 messages a day via email, Snapchat and WhatsApp, and on one occasion he had 27 missed calls from her.

Morgan told him she was pregnant and that he was the father, sending him a baby scan she downloaded from Google.

She also sent nude pictures and asked him for sex before making the rape allegation. She was given a restraining order forbidding her from contacting Mr Grogan.'

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Woman Charged With Making False Rape Accusation That Made Two Men Leave School

Article here. Excerpt:

'An 18-year-old New York woman has been charged with two criminal counts after allegedly making false rape accusations that led to two men leaving Sacred Heart University.

Nikki Yovino, in an attempt to get empathy from a guy she liked, reportedly made up a rape hoax against two Sacred Heart football players she had sex with last October.

She was charged on Wednesday with “second-degree false reporting of an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence,” CTPost reports.

Yovino claimed she was forced into a bathroom where the two men, whose names are not being released, took turns assaulting her. The men admitted that sex occurred, but maintained it was consensual.'

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UK: Grad student cleared of rape in changed-mind case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A graduate wept as he was cleared of raping a university student who 'changed her mind' during a drunken one-night stand.

Lewis Tappenden, 24, was 'pulled' by the 18-year-old first year on a night out and taken back to her student accommodation for sex.

But the York St John University scholar changed her mind halfway through and later accused him of rape, a court heard.

A jury took less than two hours to clear Mr Tappenden after a five day trial at York Crown Court, and the ordeal left him 'feeling suicidal'.

Outside court his father Rob Tappenden, 51, said: 'We are not happy, it's not a celebration, it's not a victory.

'We have not won anything. We have lost 18 months of our lives really. I never doubted Lewis, but we've had this cloud over us.'
The defendant, who broke down in tears at the not guilty verdicts, is currently working in a bar in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.'

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On March 8, remember victims of #DayWithoutAWoman co-organizer Rasmea Odeh

Article here. Excerpt:

'March 8 is being organized as “A Day Without A Woman,” and promoted by the people behind the highly-organized Women’s March.

The March 8 protest asks women not to work and to otherwise go on strike.

It was conceived by a small group of radicals, including convicted terrorist murderer Rasmea Odeh.

Rasmea was one of the first female military members of the marxist terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The evidence is overwhelming of Rasmea’s involvement in the February 21, 1969 bombing of the SuperSol supermarket in Jerusalem that killed to Hebrew University Students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.

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Australia: Why the ABC’s International Women’s Day stunt is wrong

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE ABC is kicking its men off the airwaves tomorrow because it wants to promote equality of the sexes.

Do you want to read that sentence again?

Yes, in some misguided gesture to mark International Women’s Day our national taxpayer-funded broadcaster is replacing all its male television and radio hosts with women.

Who knew gender apartheid was in its charter.

Obviously wherever the ABC goes, others follow and so the The Hit Network has announced it will deliver a national breakfast show, hosted by Fox FM’s Fifi Box and 2 Day FM’s Em Rusciano, and featuring only women.

If I was a male host I’d be insulted and if I was a female host I’d feel patronised for a panoply of reasons.

Firstly, women don’t need men to be displaced so we can be elevated. We’re perfectly capable of driving our own agendas and garnering our own status through talent and hard work not via some muddle-headed stunt that draws headlines but not change.'

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Isn’t every day International Women’s Day?

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'Right now, thousands of deluded feminists are clearing their throats ready to start bleating about the oppression of the patriarchy, squawking about the fantasy gender pay gap and banging on drums to the rhythm of “poor me”. Wide-eyed, eager-to-please young minions will be directed to ensure #BeBoldForChange trends on Twitter all day long. If you were planning a digital detox, may I suggest tomorrow.

What exactly would they like to change? Perhaps they could start with their own heinous narrative?

Let’s be clear: in the Western world, every day is International Women’s Day. What precisely is this current redundant wave of feminism trying to achieve? Women already get equal pay for equal work.

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When did men (particularly dads) become so idiotic?

Article here. Excerpt:

'OPINION: It's a wonder they have managed to survive to adulthood, a miracle they could negotiate procreation.

I'm talking about men depicted in advertising, dolts so dumb they can't feed themselves or work an appliance without a smug woman rolling her eyes at their clueless stupidity.

You know who I am talking about: the dropkick who uses his girlfriend's pads as make believe robot armour; the manic moron who stays up all night searching for the best holiday deal while his partner is all over it in a click; the old guy who thinks his missus says he's the best lover when she's talking about insurance cover; the panicking man child left to cook the kids a healthy meal; the goose trying to work out how an air freshener can randomly squirt; the bloke who thinks tampons are cat toys; the baffled dad who explains to his kid the Great Wall of China was built to keep out rabbits…

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Students accused of campus sexual assault are now guilty until proved innocent

Article here. Excerpt:

'After a wave of activism created a frenzy over campus sexual assault, the Obama administration twice rewrote federal rules governing how allegations must be handled at colleges and universities. In response to this movement, too many schools have adopted procedures that force accused students to turn to the courts for any hope of justice.

In particular, since 2011, when the Department of Education reinterpreted Title IX to require that sexual assault cases be judged by a “preponderance of the evidence” — a lower burden of proof than is used in criminal cases — more than 100 accused students have sued their schools. In most of these recent cases the colleges have lost, as they should have.

Our close examination of court records shows how the new mandates and procedures amount to a de facto presumption of guilt. It also shows that colleges are at best incapable of adjudicating allegedly criminal conduct, and at worst hopelessly biased.

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Accused Student Sues UCSB in Assault Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A UCSB freshman is suing the school after being indefinitely suspended following an incident that occurred last August. About a month before he was scheduled to begin classes, UCSB student John Doe, as he is identified in court files, was arrested in San Diego for allegedly hitting his girlfriend. All criminal charges were dropped shortly after, and the woman told authorities her accusation was false, court files state.
In early January, Robert P. Ottilie, Doe’s attorney, took the issue to Santa Barbara County Superior Court. He argued the school has well surpassed the 60-day maximum that Title IX law allots for these cases. (Ottilie has also filed a claim at the 2nd District Court of Appeal.) Meanwhile, Doe remains unable to begin his freshman year at UCSB.

This incident, which occurred in San Diego, involved an edited video posted to Twitter by Doe’s former girlfriend, in which it appears that Doe hits her as the video goes dark, according to court files. The footage was sent to UCSB’s Office of Student Affairs, which forwarded it to the UCSB Police Department. It is unclear who sent in the video, but Ottilie claimed it was not Doe’s ex-girlfriend.
The complicated thing about Judicial Affairs cases is that they operate behind closed doors – there is no public record. This administrative process has received widespread scrutiny in recent years after sexual assault victims contended university administrators essentially swept their cases under the rug. At the same time, accused students — charged with anything from plagiarism to assault — have argued Judicial Affairs offices denied them their due process.

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