Canada: Transgender rights bill threatens 'female-born' women's spaces, activists say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two feminists are warning the Senate's legal and constitutional affairs committee that passing the federal transgender rights bill could threaten the existence of exclusively "female-born" women's spaces, like rape crisis centres, a controversial argument that has ignited a debate over who should call themselves a woman.

"We are worried that this well-intentioned legislation will be used to undermine the rights of women and the crucial work of women's groups," Hilla Kerner, a collective member of the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, told the Red Chamber committee studying Bill C-16.

"What we are saying is: If you were born a female, you are doomed. You are doomed in our society to be second-class. You do not have the privilege of growing as a male and have a choice to choose to be a woman. Surely, you cannot say these are the same thing."'

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False rape claims have made teaching 'like buying a lottery ticket' for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A deputy head teacher who was falsely accused of rape claims the prospect of similar allegations has made the profession 'like buying a lottery ticket' for men.

In December 2014, having worked his way up to the deputy role at the prestigious St George's School in Ascot, aged just 35, Kato Harris was accused by a 14-year-old at his previous school of raping and sodomising her in his geography classroom.

According to one of her teachers, the girl was competing with a friend 'as to who could have the biggest story'.

He endured a 17-month ordeal during which he was publicly named, humiliated and dragged through the courts, an experience, he says, that left him suicidal.'

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Have Social Media-Driven Feminists Reduced The Concept To Just Male Bashing?

Article here. Excerpt:

'What started as an influential and a noble movement in the 19th century has now been reduced to what we mostly come across on social media – male-bashing or simply put, aggressiveness towards men.
Feminism is about equality. Once you lose sight of that concept, you’ve completely lost sight of feminism. People should be saying “women are just as good as men”, rather than saying “men are terrible.”

While searching for the right ways to accomplish the goal for equality in today’s society, the movement has led to a creation of new goal of for women to fight for – creating a higher status for women than men.'

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Misogyny and Rape Culture in the State House?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There has been a lot of talk about alleged misogyny, and a systemic rape culture in the NH House of Representatives. As a sitting representative serving my second term, I have had a much, much different experience.

Many of the men at the State House have served their communities in other capacities. I am honored to serve with legislators from all walks of life. Some were teachers, firemen, policemen, doctors, and many have served our nation in the armed forces.

Attacking these men collectively is harmful to them, and their families. As a woman, I find these attacks vicious and without merit. I am always treated with respect by my colleagues. My opinion, not only matters, but is often sought out. Each of my votes holds equal value to the vote of every other individual in the State House.

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Australia: Job ad openly seeks 50% female applicants for jobs already largely held by women

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Department of Treasury and Finance is committed to having at least 50% of interviewees for each role being women. We actively promote flexible working arrangements and value diversity in the workplace. Please talk to us about how we could make this role work for you.'

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Football Player Files $102 Million Lawsuit After College Expels Him for Sex Assault Hours Before Cops Cleared Him

Article here. Excerpt:

'In July 2016, Cameron Jackson was a football player for Liberty University. He was also accused of sexually assaulting a female student the previous August. In October 2016, Jackson was expelled from the school for violating policies related to sexual assault, hours before law enforcement officials told Jackson that a police investigation was complete and he would not be facing charges. Now Jackson is suing the school, university officials, and his accuser for defamation.

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Fake Statistics Created 'Rape Anxiety' Among Female Students

Article here. Excerpt:

'While a lot of digital ink has been spread on these pages regarding the negative impact of Title IX on men's due process rights, it is important to remember that rape is a horrific crime that happens to far too many women each year -- more than zero being far too many.

But the claim that massive numbers of women are sexually assaulted on college campuses is simply not true. And that false "one in four" figure is creating real anxiety in many college women:
If feminists care about women more than the "cause," perhaps they should be setting the record straight about the real level of danger out there.'

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Co-eds more likely to get raped at Duke U. than in nation’s most crime-ridden city: survey

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'A recently released Duke University sexual assault survey suggests female students at the prestigious university are raped at a higher rate than in America’s most dangerous city.

But it’s not being taken at face value by due process advocates and skeptics of the campus rape “frenzy,” who say the survey and its results are plagued with errors.

The Duke University Student Experiences Survey, released in February, purports to have found widespread sexual assault at the private North Carolina university. It defines sexual assault as including “any unwanted, nonconsensual sexual contact,” which critics say is misguided and causes confusion on the overall findings.

The survey found 40 percent of undergraduate female respondents and 10 percent of undergraduate male respondents have been sexually assaulted since they enrolled at Duke.

Those figures would make Duke more dangerous than America’s most crime-ridden city, KC Johnson, co-author of The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities, wrote at Minding the Campus.

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Calling George Will A ‘Rape Apologist’ Is Defamation And Bad For Rape Survivors

Article here. Excerpt:

'What undermines women and normalizes sexual violence is calling people who dispute methods of collecting crime statistics “rape apologists.” The broader and therefore more trivial the term “sexual assualt” becomes, the more it is used to delegitimize ideological opponents as inhuman monsters, the less likely rape and assault victims will be heard, believed, and able to get justice.

When a column that disparages rape but criticizes expanding its definition to include “nonconsensual touching” is suddenly a “hateful” “rape apology,” what we have here is people trying to use rape victims as a shield for advancing their political priorities. Which is despicable. Into projection much, Ultraviolet?'

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Student Sues Accuser, School, And Organization That Wrote Disciplinary Procedures

Article here. Excerpt:

'A University of Dayton student referred to in court documents as John Doe alleges he was wrongfully suspended for two years following a night of consensual sexual activity with a fellow student and athletic trainer at the university, identified only as Jane Roe.

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Boy Scout Leaders to Discuss Offering More Opportunities for Girls

Article here. Excerpt:

'Leaders of the Boy Scouts of America will take the first tentative steps Thursday toward considering whether to add more opportunities for girls in an organization that has been primarily for boys since it was founded 107 years ago, according to scouting officials.

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Zimbabwe: News / Local All men are potential rapists - police

Article here.

'Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Precious Simango has made shocking claims that all males are potential rapists.

Simango made the claim as she warned parents from leaving any girl child under the care of male relative this Easter Holidays.

"We want to reiterate that every male is a potential rapist and as such we want to urge the public not to leave the girl child under the guardianship of male relatives.

"We also want to urge the youths not to indulge in activities that may endanger their lives," Simango told state run Chronicle.

However, police have reported on several instances of women raping boys left under their care.

Scores of men have been gang raped by female sperm harvesters countrywide.'

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Prediction: No 2017 graduation speaker will mention this – the growing ‘gender college degree gap’ favoring women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now that we’re at the beginning of college graduation season, I thought it would be a good time to show the updated chart above of the huge college degree gap by gender for this year’s College Class of 2017 (data here). Based on Department of Education estimates, women will earn a disproportionate share of college degrees at every level of higher education in 2017 for the eleventh straight year (since women earned a majority of doctoral degrees in 2007). Overall, women in the Class of 2017 will earn 141 college degrees at all levels for every 100 men (up from 139 last year), and there will be a 659,000 college degree gap (up from 610,000 last year) in favor of women for this year’s college graduates (2.26 million total degrees for women vs. 1.6 million total degrees for men). By level of degree, women will earn: a) 164 associate’s degrees for every 100 men, up from 154:100 last year (female majority in every year since 1978), b) 135 bachelor’s degrees for every 100 men (female majority since 1982), 140 master’s degrees for every 100 men (female majority since 1987) and 109 doctoral degrees for every 100 men, up from 106:100 last year (female majority since 2007).
Here apparently is the standard approach to the goal of gender equity:

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Title IX Rule Keeps Boys Off Dance Team

Article here. Excerpt:

'It comes down to a Minnesota Title IX rule that says boys can’t be on the dance team, and since Minnesota judges were at the competition the Superior, Wisconsin team had to follow their rules.

“I was so angry, so angry because how is this possible that there’s this sort of discrimination? It’s discrimination against the males,” said Miranda Lynch, Johnson’s mother.

We spoke with Kevin Merkle, the Associate Director of the Minnesota High School Dance Team Association over the phone, he said the rule is meant to protect girls in sports.

“It precludes males from being on teams that are for females,” said Merkle.” It was brought in at the time of Title IX when girl’s athletics first started. The idea was to protect those teams, and not take opportunities from females.”

“Because of that law, it’s been on the books these years that females can participate on male teams but not vice versa,” said Merkle.

It’s a law that Johnson says is outdated, and needs to change.

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List alleging names of sexual assaulters appears in campus bathrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'The names started appearing at the end of fall semester. Some lists had three names, others as many as 15 by the time they started cropping up in the middle of spring 2017. Students found them scrawled in black permanent marker in women’s bathroom stalls around campus.

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