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'A Michigan college student was charged Monday after she falsely reported to campus police that she was attacked and raped.
Mary Zolkowski, 21, faces felony charges after she told authorities contradictory stories about a rape at Delta College in University Center, according to Michigan Live.
Authorities said the student’s mother initially reported the alleged attack on Feb. 22 to the Delta College Public Safety Office.
Zolkowski then got in contact with police and claimed she was walking to her car when a man grabbed her from behind. According to her account, the man raped her without a condom while holding her face and throat.'
'Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ignited a firestorm in recent months after signaling that she might pull back Obama administration policies intended to protect victims of sexual assault at college campuses. But amid the intense criticism directed toward DeVos, one lawsuit out of Amherst College demonstrates just how unfairly the Obama policies can operate for students wrongly accused of sexual misconduct.
On a factual basis, the Amherst case — settled out of court this month between the university and an expelled student accused of sexual assault — is one of the most egregious since the Obama administration implemented its policy in 2011. The lawsuit revealed documents that the public almost never gets to see, such as the full investigative file, the transcript of the disciplinary hearing and other material from the campus process.
As laid out in the legal complaint and subsequent filings, the controversy over the investigation has focused mostly on a string of texts that the accuser sent the night of the incident. The texts suggest that she had initiated the sexual encounter and that she was in search of a “good lie” to avoid fallout for having hooked up with the accused student, her roommate’s boyfriend.
Initially, the accuser denied sending any texts relevant to the case. During the college’s disciplinary hearing, however, the accuser appeared to contradict that claim, twice admitting that she had sent relevant texts. Inexplicably, none of the panel members asked her to address the contradiction.
'The U.S. Department of Education on Friday asked a federal court to put on hold for 90 days a lawsuit challenging hotly contested guidance from the Obama administration on campus sexual-assault policy, while the department reviews the guidance that is being challenged.
In 2011 the department’s Office for Civil Rights issued a “Dear Colleague” letter that ratcheted up pressure on colleges to deal with reports of sexual misconduct promptly and equitably. The letter argued that the federal gender-equity law known as Title IX compelled colleges to do everything possible to prevent assaults and to punish the perpetrators. Critics of that guidance have said that the directive pushed colleges to trample on the due-process rights of accused students.
'It is not often that the veil of university Title IX procedures is lifted, but when it is, as described in Zoe Katz's heartfelt letter regarding her Orwellian experience at the University of Southern California, the public captures a glimpse of the dystopian inner workings of a system designed to "help" victims of sexual assault.
Article here. Well, when you are supported by everyone else's money, don't have to work too hard, etc., sure, there's more time for all manner of things. Being free of responsibilities is just WONDERFUL! It's also a great way to bankrupt a country and send it spinning into collapse, too. But what does the author care, it was so much FUN for women (not much for men, but so what?) and besides, economic and social collapse is happening in the future. "Not my problem." Excerpt:
'When Americans think of Communism in Eastern Europe, they imagine travel restrictions, bleak landscapes of gray concrete, miserable men and women languishing in long lines to shop in empty markets and security services snooping on the private lives of citizens. While much of this was true, our collective stereotype of Communist life does not tell the whole story.
Some might remember that Eastern bloc women enjoyed many rights and privileges unknown in liberal democracies at the time, including major state investments in their education and training, their full incorporation into the labor force, generous maternity leave allowances and guaranteed free child care. But there’s one advantage that has received little attention: Women under Communism enjoyed more sexual pleasure.
A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women. Researchers marveled at this disparity in reported sexual satisfaction, especially since East German women suffered from the notorious double burden of formal employment and housework. In contrast, postwar West German women had stayed home and enjoyed all the labor-saving devices produced by the roaring capitalist economy. But they had less sex, and less satisfying sex, than women who had to line up for toilet paper.
'Jessica Smith raised an arm and pointed across the lobby of the university student center like an ornithologist who had just spied a rare breed in the underbrush.
“There’s one,” she said.
It was, in fact, an unusual bird that Smith had spotted, especially on this campus: masculum collegium discipulus. A male college student.
Women outnumber men by more than six to one here at Carlow University, where Smith is a senior and an orientation leader who was preparing to welcome incoming freshmen.
That’s an extreme example of a surprising shift besetting all of higher education.
Where men once went to college in proportions far higher than women—58 percent to 42 percent as recently as the 1970s—the ratio has now almost exactly reversed.
'I spent the weekend dog-sitting for a very frisky, very robust black Lab named Chance, as in there wasn’t a Chance in hell he was going to obey me.
We’re taking a walk, and he decides that he wants to smell the flowers on the neighbors’ lawn. I say no; he gives me the same look President Trump gives his advisers, then proceeds to drag me 30 yards toward the hydrangeas. I end up with bruises on both arms, big ones that don’t hurt but look fierce.
I was shocked she could make that sort of comment. And then, after a brief moment’s reflection, I realized that this is exactly what we can expect in the post-sexist society of knitted headwear, overwrought activists and the rush to wage an assault on the patriarchal fortress.
If I were a man and had the same misfortune to be yanked all over somebody’s landscaping, no one would even suggest that my bruises had been inflicted by an abusive partner. And yet, according to statistics, it’s almost as likely that a man would be attacked by a partner (male or female) as a woman. But we have come to a place in society where we reflexively view women as an endangered species.
Nowhere is that more in view than on college campuses. For the last decade or so, we have seen an increase in allegations of sexual assault made by female students against their male counterparts. Some of these claims are obviously legitimate and deserve to be treated as rape. In fact, they should be reported to the police, instead of being adjudicated by college administrators with warped priorities.
'Col. David “Wil” Riggins, after a highly decorated Army career that included multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was on the verge of promotion to brigadier general in July 2013 when he got a phone call at the Pentagon from the Army’s Criminal Investigative Division to come in for a meeting. Once there, he learned that a blogger in Washington state had just accused him of raping her, when both were cadets at West Point in 1986. An investigation was underway.
'Conor Oberst is still reeling from the false rape accusation against him that made headlines in early 2014, a life-altering event he compares to "getting in a car crash" in a new interview with Noisey.
"When something like that -- something random and terrible -- happens to you, it's like… At this point I equate it to getting in a car crash or getting struck by f--king lightning," explains the 37-year-old singer. "I don't feel like there's ever complete closure to something like that in the sense that you carry the psychological things with you."
Oberst was blindsided in the last few days of 2013 when a woman accused him of raping her a decade earlier after a concert for Oberst's band, Bright Eyes. The woman, who first made the accusation in the comments section of the now defunct women's site xoJane, later retracted her statement in an apology letter.
Article here. I've never been so happy NOT to work for a company that supplies its employees three gourmet-quality meals a day gratis. What a world we live in. Excerpt:
'Google CEO Sundar Pichai canceled an employee townhall meeting on Thursday about a controversial anti-diversity memo written by a fired employee because of online harassment concerns, the company said.
Questions from the tech firm’s employees about gender issues were being leaked outside of the company, raising concerns about online harassment. Some of these employees were named on social media and websites.
“Googlers are writing in, concerned about their safety and worried they may be ‘outed’ publicly for asking a question in the Town Hall,” Pichai wrote in a memo to staff. “In recognition of Googlers’ concerns, we need to step back and create a better set of conditions for us to have the discussion.”
'An IPS officer, who was accused of raping a woman on the pretext of marriage, was acquitted of all the charges after he tied the knot with the complainant.
IPS officer Lohit Matani, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) in Nagpur, was booked in Indore on the charges of allegedly raping a woman on the pretext of marriage on December 22, 2015.
According to information, the case was earlier registered by the victim at Jabalpur police station and was later transferred to Indore's Tukoganj police station, where the alleged incident occurred. The victim, who was preparing for UPSC exams back then, had alleged that she got in touch with him on social media website and was later invited to Indore for help. However, Lohit raped her on the false promise of marriage for a few days on various locations they travelled together.
'Alamo Drafthouse’s women-only screenings of “Wonder Woman” that garnered massive attention and positive news coverage may have been against the law. Despite acknowledging complaints, the company has declined to issue a proper apology.
In June, theater chain Alamo Drafthouse announced it would be holding women-only screenings of “Wonder Woman” in select theaters. The media predictably cheered on the company’s feminist-centric marketing.
Stephen Miller, a writer for Heat Street, made the headlines and upset feminists on the Internet when he bought tickets to attend the movie at its women-only screening in New York City. Amid the outpouring of cheers, complaints, and “yas kween, slay!” support on social media, it turns out that Drafthouse was in violation of anti-discrimination laws in Austin, Texas — one of the cities where the theater held such a screening.'
'Female directors who have worked on TV shows like “American Horror Story” and “Scandal” say quotas are necessary to obtain more gender and racial diversity in Hollywood.
“I never want to be hired because I’m a woman director, but maybe at this moment there needs to be quotas,” said Maggie Kiley, speaking at a Television Critics Association (TCA) round table Wednesday with female directors organized by the FX network.
“If that’s what it takes, then that’s what it takes,” added Rachel Goldberg, one of seven directors on the panel.
“Quotas are necessary so women can get that first job, and also to change the culture,” so that people get used to seeing women directors, said panelist Meera Menon, who just finished shooting an episode of “Snowfall,” a TV mini-series about the crack epidemic in Los Angeles.'
'Did David Mueller lift up Taylor Swift’s skirt and grope her? It’s a fairly straightforward fact question. It either happened or not, and that’s the question of fact for the jury to decide. But Swift’s lawyer, Brian Schwalb of Venable, wasn’t willing to take the chance of an adverse finding, so he tried to gild the lily.
Was Mueller a “frustrated” male who believe it was “his prerogative as a radio host who regularly met with famous women” to touch Swift’s butt? Perhaps, and this would no doubt make a wonderful subject for a gender studies doctoral thesis. But the only question before the court is whether he did so, and Bayard de Volo’s masculine fragility mythology has no place before the jury charged to decide that question of fact.'
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