Pentagon brass improperly interfered in Navy SEAL’s sexual-assault case, retired admiral claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'A retired admiral is accusing the highest levels of the Navy legal corps at the Pentagon of improperly interfering in the case of a decorated Navy SEAL convicted of sexual assault.

Retired Rear Adm. Patrick J. Lorge charges in a May 5 signed affidavit that the then-judge advocate general of the Navy and her deputy tried to persuade him not to exonerate the sailor because it would be bad public relations for the Navy and hurt Mr. Lorge’s career.

The extraordinary charges from Mr. Lorge go to the very top of the Navy legal system and throw into question whether a sailor can get a fair trial in the politically charged atmosphere of military sex assault cases.

Based on Mr. Lorge’s testimony, attorneys for Senior Chief Petty Officer Keith E. Barry filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Chief Barry contends that the sexual contact was consensual. The accuser described their relationship as filled with “crazy sex.”

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Amid criticism, Texas theater doubles down on female-only ‘Wonder Woman’ showing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Management at a Texas movie theater laughed off criticism over alleged sexism in its decision to hold a women’s-only premiere of the film “Wonder Woman” starring the Israeli actress Gal Gadot.

The backlash against the Austin franchise of the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema chain took place on Facebook following its announcement on social media that it would be hosting the women’s-only screening on Wednesday. It prompted the chain to expand its women’s-only program to other franchises.

Alamo Drafthouse creative manager Morgan Hendrix told Mashable that his company is “very excited” that it is “providing an experience where women truly reign supreme has incurred the wrath of trolls,” saying it “only serves to deepen our belief that we’re doing something right.”'

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Salon's Misandrist Assault On Critics Of Women-Only 'Wonder Woman' Premiere

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anything that's critical of anything at all to do with a woman is misogynistic. That's what Salon seems to think, at least.

You see, the Alamo Draft House decided to do a women-only premiere of the eagerly anticipated Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot. The film has already sparked controversy for some of the dumbest of reasons, from Gadot's stand on Israel (she's an Israeli who thinks her country should exist. Shocking!) to her lack of armpit hair.

However, some people also took issue with the theater chain deciding to exclude men from the premiere, arguing that the chain would never do a men-only screening of a movie.
That point would stand... if people were complaining about there being a Wonder Woman movie, which they're not. They're complaining about being excluded from a showing of the movie by a business that ordinarily excludes no one. Period.

In other words, the only absurdity that is clear is the hypocrisy involved.

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Debate on bill to prevent campus sexual assault turns to rights of accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the wake of a statewide sexual assault crisis on university campuses, Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston, filed a bill Jan. 23 to penalize staff and student leaders who do not report incidents of campus sexual assault. The Senate State Affairs Committee debated the proposed bill Thursday.
Without reporting the assault, a university employee could face a Class B misdemeanor or a Class A misdemeanor if it is shown the individual intended to conceal the incident should the bill become law.

Class B misdemeanors are punishable by up to a $2,000 fine or 180 days in jail and Class A misdemeanors are punishable by up to a $4,000 fine or one year in jail.

Students would face expulsion should the bill become law.
Debate took an unexpected turn, however, when Sen. Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury, started questioning Huffman on what would happen should someone report an incident based on a rumor or hearsay.

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Circumcised men at twice the risk for cancer-causing HPV, study shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'Circumcised men should be as vigilant in preventing oncogenic HPV infection as those who are uncircumcised, new research suggests.

Circumcised participants in a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association were twice as likely as their uncircumcised counterparts to have either of two HPV strains associated with penile cancer, researchers said. Their findings are not consistent with previous research.

“Classically, circumcision has been shown to be protective against HPV infection and ... we’re not completely sure why, but there was a higher rate of these higher-risk HPV infections in men who are circumcised,” study researcher Mickey Daugherty, MD, a urology resident at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University, told Infectious Disease News.'

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Feminists Sue University for Failing to Protect Them from Mean Internet Comments

Article here. Excerpt:

'A feminist student group at the University of Mary Washington has filed a Title IX lawsuit against the institution for failing to protect them from mean comments on the internet.

Feminists United, a student group at the University of Mary Washington, has claimed in a recently filed lawsuit that the administration failed to protect them from posts made on the anonymous social media app, Yik Yak.

The suit alleges that the university failed to protect the students by refusing to ban access to the app via the university’s wifi system. The complaint ignores the reality that most students have access to the app via LTE internet service on their cellular devices, which would render a ban on the university’s wifi system almost worthless.

The students claim that the university’s decision to allow students to access the app via the school’s wifi network fostered a hostile environment in which the students were subjected to “overtly and/or sexist/threatening” anonymous messages.'

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Bar advertises women-only ‘Wonder Woman’ screening

Article here.

'Amazon sisters, this one is for you. Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse announced a women-only screening of “Wonder Woman” at the downtown Ritz theater on June 6.

“The most iconic superheroine in comic book history finally has her own movie, and what better way to celebrate than with an all-female screening?” the screening announcement on the Drafthouse website reads. The one-night-only event is for “Women (and People Who Identify As Women) Only,” and that includes the theater staff. According to the Drafthouse, the venue staff, projectionist and culinary team for the screening will also all be women.

Unfortunately, the screening is now sold out. But stay tuned, Themyscirans, in case the theater decides to lengthen its lasso for additional dates. According to a comment from the Drafthouse on Facebook, more Amazons’ nights out are on the way.'

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After Manchester: the cowardice of feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The argument that the bombing was ‘a massive act of gender-based violence’ has continued. The headline of one article, ‘The bombing at a Manchester Ariana Grande show was an attack on girls and women’, is as simplistic as it is inaccurate. Most obviously, it overlooks the fact that men died in the attack too – fathers, brothers and boyfriends attending the concert or waiting to take people home. The author goes on to explain how ‘Grande has advanced a renegade, self-reflexive sexuality that’s threatening to the established heteropatriarchal order’. Rubbish. Grande’s Nickelodeon cuteness combines bunny ears with pink balloons. She’s loved by teen girls because her sexuality is safe and fun and threatens no one.

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Feminism takes a hit from Miss USA

Article here. Excerpt:

'SCIENTIST and newly crowned Miss USA Kara McCullough has joined the growing list of women who refuse to identify as a feminist. McCullough isn’t your typical beauty queen; she’s black, bold and brilliant but don’t dare call her the F word.

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Men's rights group banned from forming at university

Article here. Excerpt:

'A campaigner for 'men's rights' has been blocked from setting up an official forum for the second time.

Will Styles has been denied the chance to set up the group by the University Of Plymouth Student' Union (UPSU) - he says on the grounds that men do not suffer discrimination.

The 21-year-old has now handed back all his student voice awards as they've been "awarded by a body that does not represent the student voice".

Third year architecture student Will said the decision was "shocking" and argued that there is a women's forum on campus but no equivalent space for a male student to seek advice.'

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University of Hawaii Professor Demands White Men Quit Their Jobs

Article here. Excerpt:

'A University of Hawaii math professor has urged every white man to quit their job or take a demotion and deemed those who disagree with her proposition as racist, sexist and transphobic.

Piper Harron, an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii who holds a PhD degree in mathematics from Princeton University, has penned an article for the American Mathematical Society (AMS) blog, calling on white men to “Get Out The Way”.
"Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else.”

“If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power,” the professor added.'

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We're appalled at genital mutilation of girls. What about boys (and circumcision)?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bill making it a crime for parents to allow their daughters’ genitals to be cut has passed in Minnesota House committees and is under consideration at the Legislature. If the bill (HF2621), introduced by Rep. Mary Franson, R-Alexandria, becomes law, it would further protect girls born with healthy genitalia from having any part of them cut, permanently altered or removed without their consent (and children are, by law, unable to grant valid consent).

But what about boys?

In the United States, doctors who cut (or “circumcise”) the genitals of little boys are paid for their services. But doctors who cut a girl’s genitals can be prosecuted under federal law. Last month, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was arrested in Michigan for allegedly cutting the genitals of two 7-year-old girls from Minnesota. The girls had been brought to the accused doctor — a mother herself, and a Muslim — by their own moms, to comply with the custom of their culture.

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Oxford student surgeon who stabbed Tinder boyfriend could avoid prison thanks to ‘extraordinary’ talent

Article here. Oh yeah, she's also female. That was a factor too. Given she struggles with staying off booze and drugs, I would prefer she stay away from operating tables and especially scalpels. Excerpt:

'AN Oxford student who knifed her lover in a drug and drink-fuelled frenzy may avoid jail — after a judge hinted she is too clever for prison.

Aspiring heart surgeon Lavinia Woodward, 24, stabbed Thomas Fairclough in the leg with a breadknife and hurled a laptop, glass and jam jar at him.
But Judge Ian Pringle suggested he will waive the usual prison term when he sentences her in case it damages her career.

He said: “It seems to me that if this was a one-off, a complete one-off.
The court heard Woodward had a “very troubled life,” battling addiction and suffering abuse by another ex.

Judge Pringle will sentence her on September 25 but she has been slapped with a restraining order and told to stay drug-free and not to re-offend.

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Man acquitted of rape charges sues over expulsion

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man is suing his former university, saying officials wrongly suspended him days before graduation over two separate rape allegations he was later acquitted of.

Jose Aponte, now 24, wants a federal judge in Pittsburgh to force Indiana University of Pennsylvania to award his bachelor’s degree in criminology or make the school expunge his disciplinary record so he can transfer his credits and get a degree elsewhere.

The Philadelphia native, who now lives and works in New York, also seeks unspecified money damages.

In the lawsuit, Mr. Aponte said he was not given the chance to challenge the allegations made against him in a school disciplinary hearing. On May 1, 2015, he was accused of rape after sexual contact with one woman. The next day, he was accused of rape by a different woman. School officials immediately suspended him. He did not take his final examinations or participate in commencement. He was later expelled.

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Facebook Thinks Saying "Men Are Trash" Is Hate Speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'When we reached out to Facebook, we got an answer: The company said that, under its guidelines, the posts fell under the category of hate speech; it would only allow such posts when it had enough context to know it was meant as humor, or was being used self-referentially. So it’s pretty clear: Facebook considers the phrase “men are trash” hate speech.
More to the point: “men are trash” is not hate speech. Largely, men who act offended by things like “men are trash” or “white people suck” are doing it to make a point, not because they really are offended; they seem to think being offended by a slur is a fun activity they’re being left out of.

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