Australia: Top Liberal women blast party’s sexist, mansplaining, idea-stealing men

Article here. Excerpt:

'“When a woman starts speaking at the table – don’t talk over her, listen to her, acknowledge the points that she’s made and give her credit for the ideas and don’t steal them.”

She said there’s an over-representation of male candidates while female talent is wasted because the Liberal Party is focused on “control and power and not good government”.

“It happens because the male factional leaders pulling the strings are focused only on who they think will be good puppets that they can control at the end of their strings,” she said.

“Not who will bring the best reliability and representation to their electorate.'

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Plunging Sperm Counts a ‘Major Public Health’ Crisis

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'Sperm count is in steep decline. A large review has found a 40-year plunge in sperm count, specifically in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand — and the reason may be associated with common factors in our daily lives.

Scientists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Icahn School of Medicine in New York analyzed 185 studies from 1973 to 2011, including almost 43,000 men. The results were stunning: Researchers found a 52 percent decline in sperm concentration and a 59 percent decline in total sperm count.

The meta-analysis published in the Oxford University journal, Human Reproduction Update, shows that the continued decline doesn’t appear to be leveling off, raising questions about the future of male reproductive health in western males.

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The Female Malignant Narcissist is Just as Dangerous as Her Male Counterpart

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is quite easy to overlook female narcissists and their even more ruthless cousins, sociopaths. Since female narcissists engage in the same type of relational aggression that teenage girls do, they can easily fly under the radar as the “mean girl” motif coming to life in high definition – something we all assume they will eventually grow out of.

Yet research indicates that adolescent girls who use high levels of relational aggression also demonstrate low levels of empathy and caring towards others (Centifanti, et. al 2015). This suggests that the behaviors of gossiping, exclusion and sabotaging relationships may actually be more common among those with existing narcissistic and antisocial traits.

The problem is, the malignant female narcissist rarely outgrows her excessive sense of entitlement, lack of empathy and thirst for interpersonal exploitation – she merely adjusts these traits to her changing environment.

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Princeton’s new ‘men’s engagement manager’ to combat aggressive masculinity on campus

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'Are young men at Princeton University violent, aggressive, hyper-masculine, stalkers, or rapists?

A new position at the Ivy League institution indicates campus officials apparently think enough of its male students grapple with such problems that it warrants hiring a certified clinician dedicated to combating them.

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Chemical Castration – Not the Best for Children

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'The American College of Pediatricians (The College) is alarmed by the increasingly prevalent and unscientific trend to treat Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in children as an inborn trait rather than as the treatable psychological condition it is. GID in children is manifest as a strong desire to be the opposite sex, and/or the belief that he or she actually is the opposite sex.

The story of a California physician who prescribed hormone blockers to an 11 year old boy to delay the onset of puberty and allow him more time to “decide” his gender, recently made national headlines. The boy’s lesbian parents now call him Tammy instead of Tommy, and allow him to cross-dress. This is scientifically and ethically disturbing.

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UK: BBC plans a Title IX-like "solution" to "the gender gap"

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'The BBC is planning to take men off radio and television programmes and replace them with women in an attempt to close the gender pay gap, The Telegraph can disclose.

But the prospect of replacing high-earning male stars when contracts come up for renewal could further open the BBC up to sex discrimination claims by male celebrities.

Lord Hall, the BBC’s director-general, has promised to end the gender pay gap by 2020, giving the corporation just three years to ensure women receive equal pay.

On Sunday, more than 40 high-profile women at the BBC wrote him an open letter demanding that he "act now" and speed up the process.

With the budget for "BBC talent" earning more than £150,000 constrained by strict spending controls, the BBC can largely only increase women’s pay by cutting men’s.'

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Barbara Kay: Misandrist mother sure to damage her vulnerable sons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gru succeeds in transcending his mother’s terrible parenting, because any other outcome in a kids’ film is unthinkable. In real life, such a scenario can end quite otherwise. Mothers who hack away at their children’s self-esteem are by no means rare, but there aren’t many like freelance Seattle writer Jody Allard, who actually boasts in respectable publications about her methods for producing Despicable Me’s.

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This Women-Only Gym Wants to Create a Female Society

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'“We want to be a home for every woman—we want to expand from a fitness studio to a female society,” Leanne Shear, founder of the women’s only workout spotUplift Studios, told the Observer. “There’s an interesting confluence of the political landscape and the zeitgeist, women’s progress in general—I think the time is right in a multitude of ways and it’s all converging right now.”

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Women-only business lounge opening in downtown Detroit for entrepreneurs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Meagan Ward vividly recalls when she decided to step out on faith, quit her job and pursue her dream of owning a business.

She was working in a marketing role at a local company in 2015 when she was passed over for a raise, despite her hard work.

And that moment made one thing clear: Ward was ready to make the entrepreneurial plunge and make it her mission to spend her career empowering other women to achieve their goals.

Now, the Detroit entrepreneur is furthering that mission with the grand opening of Femology, an all-women modern business lounge made for entrepreneurial women who are looking for a workspace. She plans on opening the lounge in the heart of downtown Detroit on Monday.'

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Man must pay child support for kid that's not his

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'A Houston man is on the hook for $65,000 in child support for a child that's not his.

Gabriel Cornejo, 45, took a DNA test proving a child his ex-girlfriend had 16 years ago was not his.

The test was too late. In 2003, a child support court in Houston ruled that Cornejo owed his ex-girlfriend child support because, she claims, there was no way he wasn't the father.

At the crux of why Cornejo must pay up is Texas' family code, chapter 161, which states, even if you're not the biological father, you still owe child support that accrued before the DNA test proves you're not the father, Cornejo's lawyer Cheryl Coleman told'

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The Factual Feminist: McEnroe vs. the Media

Latest installment here.

'During an interview with NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro on June 25th, 2017, tennis great John McEnroe said that tennis great Serena Williams would rank about "700 in the world" if she played against men. The outcry on social media and in the press was swift, harsh, and omnipresent. But was it deserved? Christina Hoff Sommers, AEI Resident Scholar and Factual Feminist, serves up her analysis.'

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UK: Man stabbed 32 times 'over false rape claim'

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'A murdered man was stabbed 32 times by his friend who falsely accused him of being a rapist, a court has heard.

Ryan Merna, the son of the owners of Compton Acres botanical gardens in Poole, suffered wounds to his head, groin and chest in the attack at his flat in the town in August last year.

Paul Taylor, 50, "whooped and shouted" in celebration when he learned of the death, Winchester Crown Court was told.

Mr Taylor, who denies murder, told police he acted in self-defence.
Ms Maylin said Mr Taylor told officers who arrested him: "I have killed a rapist. I really hope he is dead.

"I came here to murder him, he needs to pay for what he has done."

But she said the woman concerned had denied there had been any sexual assault.

Mr Taylor was assessed as being sane but suffering from a personality disorder at the time of the attack, the court heard.

The trial continues.'

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Teacher of the year in jail for sex with student now suing teen for defamation

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'A former teacher of the year who cheated on her firefighter husband with a 16-year-old student is now suing the teen for defamation -- from behind bars.
Tara Stumph, 36, who taught at Arroyo Grande High School in California is serving 180 days in San Luis Obispo County Jail for having sex with a 16-year-old student, according to The Tribune of San Luis Obispo.

But Stumph is now suing the student, claiming he damaged her reputation. Stumph’s counterclaim said the young man defamed the former teacher “to various classmates, family and other members of the community.”
Stumph lost her teaching license after being convicted, but she does not have to register as a sex offender once she is released from jail.

The student is returning fire. Lucia Mar school district, Stumph’s former employer, and the former teacher have been named as defendants in a lawsuit from the student’s family.'

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Canada: New trial ordered for man accused of sexual assault

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'An Ontario judge inappropriately relied on "rape literature" to assess evidence in the case of a man found guilty last year of sexually assaulting a woman with whom he had a casual relationship, an appeal judge said Thursday in overturning the conviction.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Michael Dambrot said he was ordering a new trial for Mustafa Ururyar "with considerable regret," noting that doing so "because of inadequacies and excesses in the reasons for judgment does no service to the complainant or the appellant."

Dambrot said Justice Marvin Zuker gave no explanation for dismissing Ururyar's evidence, which included testimony that he had consensual sex with Mandi Gray, who waived the standard publication ban on the identity of sexual assault complainants.

Instead, the trial judge appeared to "reason backwards from literature about rape and how rapists behave to the identification of the accused as a rapist," Dambrot said.'

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Tennessee County Jail Offers Reduced Sentences for Inmates Who Get ‘Voluntarily’ Sterilized

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to an ABC15 report from this week, the White County jail in Tennessee is offering inmates reduced sentences if they “voluntarily” get sterilizations or vasectomies. A sterilization or vasectomy will county [sic] for 30 days of jail time, the report says.

The program was created by General Sessions Judge Sam Benningfield, who says high volumes of repeat offenders unable to pay child support due their criminal records inspired him to launch the program.

“I hope to encourage them to take personal responsibility and give them a chance, when they do get out, to not to be burdened with children,” Benningfield reportedly told a CNN affiliate. “This gives them a chance to get on their feet and make something of themselves.”'

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