Good article on male sexual assault victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Caleb Byers still struggles talking about the night he says he was sexually assaulted.

When he starts to describe the scene — the way a male acquaintance he considered a father figure gave him a cup of “basically pure” Bacardi 151 and sat uncomfortably close before dragging a hand up his leg — the normally ebullient, easily excited, nerdy 25-year-old’s face goes blank.
Even five years past, the raw pain of that night and the years of addiction, depression and PTSD that followed are always there, he said, just one memory away.

The Register does not normally identify victims of sexual assault, but Byers, a Council Bluffs native, consented to make his name public in an effort to break the stigma he says exists against male victims of sexual violence. By telling his story, he hopes others feel safe to tell theirs, too.'

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Married substitute teacher, 30, accused of sex acts and lewd sexting with eighth grade student

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former California middle school teacher is heading to trial after she admitted to having sex with a student she initially blamed for instigating the relationship -- and who later outed the married woman by posting nude photos of her online.

A judge ruled Tuesday that Justine Nelson, 30, will stand trial for allegedly engaging in sex acts with a 13-year-old boy she met in the hallway of Tenaya Middle School, KFSN-TV reported. Nelson was arrested in September 2016 and charged with multiple sex crimes.
Nelson admitted to investigators she had sex with the boy two or three times, but she said he initiated the acts, according to KFSN-TV. She also claimed the boy even threatened to ruin her career.

But Nelson later changed her story, telling police she was sending notes to the student professing her love for him, according to KFSN-TV.'

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Inside the Legislative Fight for the Rights of Incarcerated Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a U.S. senator, Harris is trying to do more. Last week, along with fellow Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Dick Durbin, Harris introduced the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act, an ambitious bill that would enact much-needed reforms in the treatment of women in federal prisons. A few of the bill’s provisions cover issues of basic safety and dignity: It would ban the shackling of pregnant women, prevent officials from putting pregnant inmates in solitary confinement, and require prisons to provide free menstrual products to inmates, who currently may be given limited supplies or made to buy their own. Male guards would no longer be allowed to supervise female inmates in bathrooms except during emergencies, and inmates would no longer have to pay to call friends and family members.

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"The Criminal Justice System’s War On Women"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When we talk about the war on women, we often discuss it in terms of health care, reproductive rights and employment. Although these discussions are particularly relevant as the Trump administration and Republican controlled Congress work to repeal the Affordable Care Act and reverse Labor Department protections, they are not the only attacks being used to marginalize, restrict and punish women. They are just the most visible ones. What often goes unreported and frighteningly unnoticed is the war the administration is waging on women through the criminal justice system.


From the same publication: Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says

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What would happen if no men showed up for work today?

This is from 2013, but still very much on target. Excerpt:

'Yesterday’s post got me thinking about what would happen if no men showed up to work today. For certain, the trains would stop running. But before we get into that, I want to tell you a bit about how I came to be – how I came to think the way I do.
My most basic understanding of men is that they keep you from starving or freezing to death.
Commenters have often mentioned that if men didn’t show up for work one day, the entire world would screech to a halt, and today, using data from the US Department of Labor, I want to take a look at just how true that is. Hearing about “male privilege” is so common in the media, but what is hardly ever mentioned is just how many of our own privileges are a direct result of the work that men do.

Perhaps the reason men have historically had the privileges they do is because they EARN THEM BY MAKING OUR LIFE POSSIBLE?

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UK’s Advertising Standards Authority Bans ‘Gender Stereotypes’ In Ads

Article here. Excerpt:

'The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority, the self-regulatory organization of the ad industry across the pond, is seeking to cut the cord on gender stereotypes.

Following a year-long inquiry, the organization has updated its already stringent standards to prohibit advertisements that portray what it refers to as “potentially harmful” gender stereotypes. Fitness ads that depict women in swimsuits and children’s clothing ads that depict boys as geniuses in direct contrast to girls as princesses risk being banned.

The ASA states that a “tougher line” was needed on ads that depicted “stereotypical gender roles or characteristics which can potentially cause harm, including ads which mock people for not conforming to gender stereotypes.”

According to the Telegraph, the new standards are set to be enforced beginning in 2018. The ASA argues that harmful stereotypes “can restrict the choices, aspirations and opportunities of children, young people and adults.”'

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NZ: Drunken sex with stepson led to woman making false rape complaint, Crown says

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Upper Hutt woman is accused of seducing a 14-year-old boy, the son of her lesbian lover.

She says he raped her, and that police did nothing except charge her with having sex with the underage boy.

The woman, who can not be identified to protect the identity of the boy, has pleaded not guilty to three charges of sexual connection with a young person and wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice.

The Crown alleges that, after a party wound down at the home the woman shared with the boy's mother, she and the boy ended up on a couch in the living room, where there was sexual contact and intercourse.

Later, it is alleged, she lied about it to police by making a false statement.

The woman says she did not lie. She went to make a complaint of rape to police after waking up to find that the boy was having sex with her.

The incident ended her relationship with the boy's mother.'

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Student accused of false rape allegations claims mental illness

Article here. Excerpt:

'The former Sacred Heart University student accused of making up rape allegations against two football players to gain sympathy from a prospective boyfriend filed an application in court Friday contending she was suffering from a psychiatric disability.

It will be up to a judge to decide whether to grant 19-year-old Nikki Yovino a pretrial diversionary program that could result in the charges being dismissed against Yovino at a hearing set for Sept. 8. Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Craig Nowak said he is going to object.

Under the Supervised Diversionary Program, the Long Island resident will undergo a psychological evaluation at Southwest Community Mental Health Center. A report of that evaluation will then be sent to a judge who will determine following a hearing whether Yovino is eligible for the program. If she successfully completes the program the charges against her will be dismissed.'

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'Straight white males are an inferior type of human who should know their place'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Instead of dealing with an opposing argument by putting forth a rebuttal, many on the postmodernist left and social justice spectrum will first and foremost attack you and try and dismiss your right to even have an opinion because of your skin colour, gender and sexual orientation. But only if you are a straight, white male.

In the worldview of these people straight, white males are an inferior type of human who should keep their mouths shut and know their place. How is this any different to the bigoted mindset of white supremacists?
These young non-feminist women, as well as feminist dissenters like Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia, are all dismissed as having “internalised misogyny”. Meanwhile, Sharia law supporter Linda Sarsour who is at the forefront of the feminist movement in the USA, is never accused of having “internalised misogyny”, despite supporting a brutal religious legal system that treats women as second class citizens.

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China mall introduces 'husband storage' pods for shopping wives

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to The Paper, the Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has erected a number of glass pods for wives to leave any disgruntled husbands that don't want to be dragged around the shops.

Inside each individual pod is a chair, monitor, computer and gamepad, and men can sit and play retro 1990s games. Currently, the service is free, but staff told the newspaper that in future months, users will be able to scan a QR code and pay a small sum for the service using their mobile phones.

A few men that tried out the pods told The Paper that they thought they were a novel idea.
One user approves the decision, saying that the pods "give these men an incentive to go shopping, and to pick up the bill" for their wives shopping.

But others disagree. "If my husband just wants to go out and play games, what's the point of bringing him out?"'

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Ex-teacher blames student for sexual encounters, gets 90 days

Article here. Excerpt:

'Therese Gunn admitted Friday that she’d had a sexual relationship with one of her students. The 54-year-old, now-former orchestra teacher said she couldn’t believe she’d done it, and that she’d made a poor decision, and that she was sorry.

She then changed course, however briefly, and blamed her victim — claiming the then-17-year-old boy had coerced her into the relationship that developed at South Gwinnett High School.

“He did,” Gunn said in front of Judge Warren Davis. “He was like a used car salesman.”

Davis didn’t care for that argument, nor did prosecutor Karen West. And after Gunn entered her guilty plea to a single count of sexual assault by a person with supervisory authority, the judge sentenced her to serve just 90 days in prison.

The remainder of her 10-year sentence will be spent on probation.

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Is North America's opioid epidemic a crisis of masculinity?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Against this stark backdrop, a professor at the University of British Columbia has highlighted a different statistic from the crisis: in 2016, of the 935 fatal overdoses in the province, 80% were men.

Research that shows men are more likely to use illicit drugs, so it is perhaps logical that they are more likely to overdose. But the clinical psychologist Dan Bilsker argues that the figure suggests a relationship between the crisis and masculinity – one that may offer clues as to why the death toll continues to rise, and where the solutions might lie.

“I think we haven’t really thought deeply or well about who men are, about what the pressures on them are, what we need them to be,” he said.

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Ex-WWE star assaulted by girlfriend, he gets investigated

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alberto Del Rio faces a police probe after the incident at an airport in the US state of Florida.

It's claimed that he and his "female companion" argued and then there was an altercation.

Police told TMZ that Del Rio was not arrested or charged but is under investigation.'


Paige Shared Her Side Of The Alberto Del Rio Airport Incident

'“Alberto didn’t want me to say [the] full story because he didn’t want people to know that I threw a drink on him. But the full story is:

“I had a phone call saying my uncle is in a bad way. I’m crying outside the restaurant. I go in, Alberto is hugging me. I’m a little sensitive and we start bickering about something so small. I say I’m leaving and he says something that I won’t write on here but it wasn’t nice and I, even though I shouldn’t have done it. I threw a drink in his face because I was so angry. Again. Shouldn’t have done it. It was in front of a lot of people.

“I walk out. He follows me a few seconds later and gets the cops and security, and a crazy lady decides to leave whatever she’s doing to follow us and invade our privacy in the completely low way only low life people would do.

“Anyways. It was ME who was being held for battery charges because I threw a drink on him. No. He never touched me and no I never hit him with a glass three times like the internet in all their glory is making out. It’s completely ridiculous how one story can spiral out of control. Oh and guess what internet. He smelt like beer BECAUSE I THREW A BEER ON HIM. Nothing more. Nothing less. No one got arrested. There’s no mug shots. There’s no charges. Nothing.

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Columbia Settles Sex-Discrimination Suit

Article here. Excerpt:

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Feminist profs: Citations perpetuate 'white heteromasculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a recent academic journal article, two feminist professors claim that citing sources in scholarly articles contributes to “white heteromasculinity.”

Rutgers University professor Carrie Mott and University of Waterloo professor Daniel Cockayne advance the claim in an article published last month in the Feminist Journal of Geography, but also suggest that citation can serve as “a feminist and anti-racist technology of resistance” if references are chosen with the explicit intent of promoting “those authors and voices we want to carry forward.”

Mott and Cockayne say citation practices are an issue of scholarly concern because whether a professor's work is cited by other scholars has strong implications for hiring, promotion, tenure, and how “certain voices are represented over others” in academia.'

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