"Why the Men's Rights Movement Is Garbage"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I need to take a moment here to talk about the Men's Rights Movement, because there seems to be some confusion. Actually, there seems to be a whole lot of confusion.
Second of all, let's get one thing straight: men, as a group, do not face systematic oppression because of their gender. Am I saying that literally no men out there are oppressed? No, I am for sure not saying that. Men can and do face oppression and marginalization for many reasons -- because of race, class, sexuality, poverty, to name a few. Am I saying that every white cishet dude out there has an amazing life because of all his amassed privilege? Nope, I'm not saying that either. There are many circumstances that might lead to someone living a difficult life. But men do not face oppression because they are men. Misandry is not actually a thing, and pretending that it's an oppressive force on par with or worse than misogyny is offensive, gross, and intellectually dishonest.'

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DeVos says she'll rescind Obama's Title IX sexual assault guidelines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Education Secretary Betsy DeVos intends to revoke former President Obama's 2011 guidelines for schools investigating campus sexual misconduct, she told CBS News' Jan Crawford in an exclusive interview Thursday.

Noting that DeVos, in a speech just before the interview, had announced the Trump administration would revise the current policy but did not say that she planned to rescind the 2011 directive, Crawford asked the Education secretary, "Are you today rescinding the Obama administration guidelines?"

"Well, that's the intention, and we've begun the process to do so," DeVos responded. "And as I've said earlier, in all of this discussion, it really is a process not an event." She reiterated, "But it is the intention to move beyond that and move towards a better way."'

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Twitter as the battleground over "manspreading"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman has taken to social media to take up the 'fight' to 'manspreading' by posting an image claiming a man is taking up too much of the seat.

The Sydney woman posted the image to Twitter accusing the man of hogging the two-person seat on a bus on Tuesday afternoon.

She claims she can 'barely fit' on the seat and nearly falls off every time the vehicle turns.'

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Zambia: "Male circumcision can reduce HIV risk for women by 30 percent"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ground-breaking research presented at the recent International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris, suggested that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) could lower HIV risk for women by as much as 30 percent.

It is already well-known that women whose male partners are circumcised can benefit from a reduced risk of genital ulcers, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as herpes and syphilis, bacterial vaginosis and T vaginalis, but until now, there has been little evidence of its protective benefits against HIV for women.

Rachael Rawlinson, COO for CareWorks, an HIV management organisation, described the research as a break-through discovery.'

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Feminist Clementine Ford sparks walkout by refusing to answer schoolboys’ questions

Article here. Excerpt:

'SOME schoolgirls staged a walkout on feminist Clementine Ford after she refused to take questions from male students at exclusive Aquinas College in Melbourne.

The 35-year-old blogger and controversial, outspoken activist was slammed by parents after she blocked questions from year 10 schoolboys at the private secondary school.

The incident, which caused some female Aquinas students to walk out of Ford’s talk, happened in May this year.

One angry parent claimed Ford had treated the 15-year-old male students “like crap”.

“The boys wanted to ask her questions, and she refused to answer questions from boys. She goes, ‘No no, I’m only taking questions from girls,’” parent Darren told Melbourne Radio 3AW.

“The ones that turned on her after she treated the boys like crap, was the girls who got up and left.”'

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Accused students presumed guilty at three in four top colleges, survey finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you worry that your children could be swept up in a baseless disciplinary investigation at their colleges, a “first-of-its-kind report” by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education will help you choose schools to blacklist.

Sadly, the vast majority of top schools as rated by U.S. News & World Report – including all but one Ivy League school – should be nixed.

The report evaluated the 53 institutions at the top of U.S. Newsrankings, finding that nearly three-quarters presume a student guilty in a disciplinary proceeding. (Most have separate procedures for sexual misconduct, where accused students fare even worse.) Less than half require their fact-finders, “the institution’s version of judge and/or jury,” to be impartial.'

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More than 40 percent of colleges don’t challenge lawsuits filed by railroaded students

Article here. Excerpt:

'This summer has featured a string of bad court rulings for colleges that are being sued by students who were found responsible for sexual misconduct in campus proceedings.

Judges seem increasingly convinced that colleges are hiding or ignoring evidence, preventing accused students from cross-examining witnesses and not following their own rules in their zeal to avoid bad publicity from the accuser-friendly Department of Education, among other violations.'

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Australian Defense Force: Intelligence Analyst (female opportunity)

Link here. Excerpt:

'As an Intelligence Analyst (also known as Analyst Intelligence Operations), you will be part of a team that provides your commanders with critical information, while enjoying:

a good salary plus generous superannuation
ongoing investment in your personal and career development
free medical and dental
job security and a good work/life balance
rewarding work and world-class training
subsidised accommodation
a supportive team environment
travel and leave entitlements
free access to sports and fitness facilities
friendships that last a lifetime
Click on the APPLY FOR THIS JOB button to submit your application. Females are encouraged to apply.'

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Houston Rescuers Prove the Lie of ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men. We are just the worst, with our toxic masculinity and patriarchal privilege. We are the source of literally all of the world’s problems, from war, income inequality, and “rape culture” to the misogynistic microaggressions of “mansplaining” and “manspreading.” If we are ever to create a nonviolent, truly gender-equal world, we must rip away the false, culturally constructed façade of masculinity. We must free ourselves from the strictures of macho posturing, embrace vulnerability, and redefine what it means to be strong.

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Estée Lauder Faces Suit Over Leave

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Wednesday that it has sued Estée Lauder Companies Inc., accusing the beauty giant of violating federal law when it awarded male employees fewer weeks of parental leave than female workers receive.

According to the EEOC, the discrimination suit began when a male stock worker in Maryland was denied the six weeks of paid parental leave for child-bonding that new mothers receive, receiving two weeks instead. Estée Lauder's child-bonding leave is in addition to the paid leave new mothers receive for childbirth recovery.

The EEOC claims the policy violated the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and its suit seeks back pay, damages and injunctive relief for the stock worker and other male employees affected by the discrepancy in leave benefits. It was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.'

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Four feminist law professors seek Title IX remediation

Unexpected, but nice to see: Fairness For All Students Under Title IX

'Abstract: Four feminist law professors at Harvard Law School have called on the U.S. Department of Education to revise the previous Administration’s policies on sexual harassment and sexual assault on campus. In a memo submitted to the Education Department yesterday, they set out an agenda of fairness for all students, accusers and accused. In recent years the Education Department has pressured colleges and universities to adopt overbroad definitions of wrongdoing that are unfair to both men and women, and to set up procedures for handling complaints that are deeply skewed against the accused and also unfair to accusers.'

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The abuse of rape laws is far too rampant in India

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rape is a heinous crime and every person held guilty must be punished in accordance with law, but how far does the law protect an innocent accused of rape? According to National Crime Records Bureau data, offenders in cases of rape were known to the victims in around 95.5 per cent cases. Thus, it will not be incorrect to say, that in a large number of cases, the offender and the victim were known to each other and, perhaps, during a possible love affair, they may have made numerous promises, with intentions of fulfilling these promises. A number of cases are registered where the complainant alleges that rape has been committed on a false promise of marriage.

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Paris Has a New Taxi Service That’s Only For Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even though women make up about 60 percent of taxi passengers around the world, that number does is not mirrored in the front seat.

According to one study, 86 percent of Uber drivers are male. And another estimates that 98 percent of taxi drivers in the U.K. are male. In an effort to counteract industry trends, a new women-only taxi service has started operations in Paris.

Women Drive promises women in Paris transportation “without prying eyes or indelicate questions.”

The company’s founder, Sarra Boubchir,told Le Figaro that Women Drive’s goal is “to prove that transporting people is not a job reserved for men, and that women have the right to be transported in complete peace.”

In addition to a female driver, each car ride comes with water bottles, makeup kits, and computer tablets in the back seat.'

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Father of boy murdered by ex-wife discusses misandrist court system

Article here. Jump the registration wall by Googling the first two paragraphs. Excerpt:

'THE father of a young boy murdered by his mother on the Yorke Peninsula is calling for an overhaul of the family law court system, saying his son would still be alive today if authorities had listened to his fears over his ex-partner’s mental health.

Mick Clarke says the court system is failing children and putting their lives at risk because of a discriminatory attitude towards fathers.

A national fathers’ advocacy group is backing Mr Clarke’s appeal for change, describing family law courts as “gynocentric”.

Mr Clarke, of Hillcrest, spent 18 months pleading with the Federal Circuit Court to act to protect his son Jacob, 7, but said his concerns fell on deaf ears and the boy remained in the care of his mother, Tanyia Hewson, also known as Rose, 42.'

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Woman charged with falsely accusing police officer of sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who sent a Pennsylvania police officer 102 text messages following a hotel tryst falsely accused him of sexual assault, authorities say.

Michelle Milliron was angry that Officer Mike Foley, who has since resigned, repeatedly ignored her following their sexual encounter on April 12, according to Cranberry Township cops.

"I'm coming for you," Milliron texted, according to the complaint. "So now who has the power? U got one more chance to call me and if you don't I'm going to report you because I'm such a good citizen.

"I'll take you down. It's not a threat it's a promise," the text concluded.'

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