Why are some feminists siding with Trump on sexual assault policy?

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Education Secretary Betsy DeVos last week announced plans to revise the nation’s guidelines on campus sexual assault, the predictable din of outrage drowned out the applause from some unlikely corners of college campuses: Many liberals actually approve.

Groups of Harvard Law scholars, feminist lawyers, and other university professors had long argued that the Obama-era policy for policing student sexual charges was unfair, creating a Kafkaesque system that presumed guilt rather than innocence. Now, those academics find themselves atypically aligned with the Trump administration on an issue as contentious as sexual violence.

“Betsy DeVos and I don’t have many overlapping normative and political views,” said Janet Halley, a Harvard Law School professor and expert on sexual harassment who supports the change. “But I’m a human being, and I’m entitled to say what I think.”'

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Zambia: Minister calls for 'non-stop' circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Jabbin Mulwanda has urged health institutions to continuously conduct male circumcision.

Dr. Mulwanda says health workers should not wait for the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision campaign that falls in August and September every year.

The Permanent Secretary says people should be circumcised at every stage when they make the decision without waiting for the campaign to start.

Dr. Mulwanda said this when He toured Kanakantapa Clinic in Chongwe constituency.

And District Health officer Mable Changala informed Mr. Mulwanda that about one thousand and twelve men have been circumcised in Chongwe district so far.'

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College imposes gender quotas on conference panels to prevent ‘sausage fests’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an effort to enforce diversity and inclusion, George Washington University’s international affairs school will no longer permit any “multi-speaker event” that does not meet a female quota, even if attempts are made to ensure women participate.

“For any panel, symposium, or multi-speaker event (3 or more speakers) held at the Elliott School, there should be no single-gender discussion panels,” Elliott School Dean Reuben Brigety wrote in an email to faculty and staff.

“If a panel consists of a single-gender [sic], please ensure that the moderator is of a different gender,” said Brigety (below), adding: “Non-adherence to this policy could result in cancellation of the event.” Its stated effective date was July 1.'

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University Investigates Title IX Coordinator For Questioning Controversial Campus Rape Statistic

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fordham University has launched an investigation into one of its Title IX coordinators after he screened a Prager University educational video that called into doubt the controversial “1-in-5” campus rape statistic.

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Duke University Goes After Men’s ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In laypersons terms: The goal appears to revolve around instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment toward changing the behavior of all men for the behavior of some men. The verbiage suggests the existence of masculinity in general results in oppression — including but not limited to violence, racism, and sexuality-based forms of bias and prejudice.

In an interview with LifeZette, psychologist, counselor educator, mother and grandmother Dr. DeAnne Terrell of John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, said she finds Duke's program "really troubling." She said that while the program was likely developed with good intentions, it is based on a false premise.

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Paper asks, "Where are the female firefighters?"

This article is from the Prescott, Arizona Daily Courier. Four years ago, there was a tragic fire where 19 firemen (all men) died. Yet this isn't even mentioned in the article as all it asks is why there are so few female firefighters. Excerpt:

'Women have been among the ranks of firefighters since the late 1800s, but now, over 130 years later, they still make up a tiny minority of the fire service, with just three in the Quad Cities.
With both the Phoenix and Mesa fire departments headed up by female chiefs, it might seem that woman have made significant inroads in the firefighting business — and they have, as far as treatment by their colleagues is concerned.

“When I got on (with Phoenix Fire), it was 2001 and it was much different than it is now,” Captain Reda Bigler said. “And I think now those ladies that are trying to be hired into the fire service have it better.”

But of the 1,900 or so Phoenix firefighters, just 4 percent are women.

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Wichita State witch hunt demonstrates why Betsy DeVos is right on Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'A couple of fraternity brothers at Wichita State University did something college men often do -- they slightly changed their behavior in order to slightly increase the odds they'd meet some college girls.

The men in this case hung a banner advertising free house tours for new members in the direction of where sorority recruitment was going on. Now they are under fire for sexual harassment.

A school administrator further argued the timing of their dastardly deed exacerbated its impact, claiming sensitivity on matters related to sexual assault was heightened across campus because of Education Secretary Betsy's DeVos speech last week.

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Entry-level Circumcision Debate website launched

The Internet has made it easier for expectant parents to research everything about having a baby, from choosing a stroller to buying the right diapers. But it hasn't been easy for parents to find reliable information on a question that invariably arises: whether or not to circumcise their son?

Now, a website called CircumcisionDebate.org can give parents, as well as anyone else interested in knowing more about the surgery, an overview from different viewpoints on the topic.

Consumer-friendly and easy-to-use, this new online reference includes a parents’ guide and advice on how to talk to your doctor, as well as possible benefits, harms, and risks from circumcision.

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Hillary Says Women Who Voted Against Her Caved To Pressure From Fathers, Husbands

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary Clinton has an explanation for why women — white women, in particular — voted against her last November: they caved in to pressure from their husbands, fathers, boyfriends and male bosses.

Clinton made the excuse during an interview with NPR’s Rachel Martin during a promotional tour of her book, “What Happened.”

In the interview, Clinton was asked why, given that she was the first female presidential candidate, she fared worse than expected among female voters.

In typical Clinton fashion, she deflected the blame, suggesting that women who voted against her were somehow manipulated by men in their lives. She also claimed that “sexism” from supporters of Bernie Sanders might have played a part in her poor showing among female voters.'

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Duke recruits men for program to fight 'toxic' masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Duke University is recruiting male students for a nine-week program that pledges to “destabilize masculine privilege” and “interrogate masculinity.”

The program, known as the Duke University Men’s Project, seeks to help men examine how their masculinities exist “often in toxic ways” while beginning “the work of unlearning violence.”
Over the course of the nine-week program, men will participate in weekly discussion groups conducted through an “intersectional feminist lens,” with the hope of helping male students learn an “intersectional understanding of masculinity” and creating “spaces to destabilize masculine privilege.”

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Women's Group to Hold "Men's Conference"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Women's Foundation of Minnesota is sponsoring a national conference. For men.

The foundation is lead sponsor this week of "The Many Faces of Manhood," a conference in Bloomington organized by A Call to Men that will explore "healthy, respectful manhood in athletics, education, incarceration, fatherhood, faith communities and issues of gender."

Founded in 1983, the Women's Foundation is the oldest and largest statewide women's foundation in the nation dedicated to growing equality for women and girls. Six years ago, it opened its governing board to men after deciding that ensuring opportunity, safety and leadership for girls and women required both sexes at the table.

Throwing their weight behind a conference for men is another step in that direction, said Mary Beth Hanson, the foundation's vice president of external relations.

"To end violence and guarantee safety for girls and women, we have to meaningfully engage boys and men as partners and leaders in the movement," she said.'

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Gender quotas and the crisis of the mediocre man

Article here. Excerpt:

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Court Order: Former University of California, Santa Barbara Administrator Concealed Evidence in Title IX Investigation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sandra Vasquez, Pitzer College's new Dean of Students, was cited in a court order for concealing evidence in a Title IX investigation during her tenure at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Vasquez, who holds a doctorate in education, was one of several UCSB officials cited for concealing two key pieces of evidence from a student who was under investigation for allegedly hitting his ex-girlfriend. The evidence turned out to be completely fabricated, but not before the accused student was punished with a suspension.
On March 21, Judge Thomas Anderle of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara, enjoined various UCSB officials. In his ruling, he chastised Vasquez and her colleagues for violating the student's due process rights and ordered the university to lift the suspension against him.'

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Betsy DeVos’s Critics Rely on Junk Science and Sheer Malice

Article here. Excerpt:

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Why Moms Whose Sons Have Been Accused of Campus Sexual Assault Are Banding Together

Article here. Excerpt:

'In July, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos met with a handful of groups that believe rape is often a lie to hear their opinions about collegiate sexual assault. Liberals tarred these groups “men’s rights activists.” But one of them didn’t quite fit that profile. This one, FACE — Families Advocating for Campus Equality — largely comprises moms whose sons have been accused of sexual assault in college.

In our Trumpian age of political hand-to-hand combat (metaphorical and literal), moms don’t take their accused sons back home and lick their wounds. They organize. They fight publicly. “This is a witch hunt, no different than the Salem witch trials or McCarthyism,”a FACE organizer says in a raspy voice when she calls me from a state far away. “A fear has been sold to the country, that every man is a potential rapist. This is now an American truth, just the way the Communists infiltrating and taking over our country was a truth of McCarthyism. For our American boys today, it’s guilty before innocent.”'

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