Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Ends Obama Campus Sex Misconduct Policies

Article here. Excerpt:

'In interim guidance released Friday, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ended the campus sexual misconduct policies put forward by former President Barack Obama, stating that, while colleges must continue to combat sexual misconduct on campus, the process must be “fair and impartial,” and inspiring “confidence in its outcomes.”

Following up on her announcement earlier this month that she is scrapping the Obama administration’s policies regarding cases of sexual misconduct on college campuses, DeVos stressed in a new “interim Q & A” that all students must be protected from discrimination in school proceedings to investigate sexual assault allegations.'

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Laura Kipnis Says She Faced Another Title IX Investigation, This Time for Her Book

Article here. Excerpt:

'Laura Kipnis, the Northwestern University professor whose Chronicle article titled “Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe” sparked a chain of events that led to a Title IX investigation of her, faced another inquiry, The New Yorker reports. That one was prompted by the publication of her book Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus, she said.

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Boys Are Not Defective

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jordan has never had a female minister of education, women make up less than a fifth of its workforce, and women hold just 4 percent of board seats at public companies there. But, in school, Jordanian girls are crushing their male peers. The nation’s girls outperform its boys in just about every subject and at every age level. At the University of Jordan, the country’s largest university, women outnumber men by a ratio of two to one—and earn higher grades in math, engineering, computer-information systems, and a range of other subjects.

In fact, across the Arab world, women now earn more science degrees on a percentage basis than women in the United States. In Saudi Arabia alone, women earn half of all science degrees. And yet, most of those women are unlikely to put their degrees to paid use for very long.

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Teacher allegedly slept with 4 teen students, 2 in same night

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former high school teacher in Arkansas accused of sleeping with four different students — two of them in the same night — stood before a judge Wednesday.

Jessie Lorene Goline, 25, faces one count of first-degree sexual assault, Arkansas Online reported.

Four students — three from Marked Tree School District and one from East Poinsett County School District — allegedly had sex with Goline, who was a teacher at Marked Tree High School, from January to April 2016, according to Arkansas Online.

Goline reportedly contacted the students via text messages, which, according to court documents, “became more and more sexual in nature."'

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Woman accused of raping man at knifepoint might dodge prison

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Michigan woman accused of raping a man at knifepoint may dodge prison after pleading no contest to lesser charges.

Lestina Marie Smith was 17 when she allegedly raped a then-19-year-old man inside his car and threatened him with a steak knife before engaging in oral and vaginal sex. The Saginaw woman also videotaped part of the incident on Jan. 11, reported, citing previous testimony in the case.

The male victim testified that the couple dated for about two months in late 2016, months before the alleged attack, and broke up after Smith hit him. He said he was unsure why Smith asked to meet him the day of the alleged attack, but admitted to calling her a “whore” on Facebook several days earlier. She also recently deleted a video he had of them having sex, he testified.'

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UK: 'Drunk' student jailed for falsely accusing taxi driver of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A student has been jailed for falsely accusing a taxi driver of raping her after he refused to accept her kebab-soaked money while she was "extremely drunk".

Sophie Pointon, 22, rang police in the early hours of April 22 and told them she had been molested in the back of a taxi after a night out, The Telegraph reports.

The criminology student then signed a statement giving an account of the alleged attack in Leeds.

The Leeds Crown Court heard the driver, a father-of-five, was kept in custody for six hours and missed four weeks of work as a result of the allegations against him.'

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Canada: Higher ticket price for white men sparks backlash

Article here. Excerpt:

'Organizers of a comedy film series screening at the Roxy Theatre this month are facing a backlash after setting higher ticket prices for white men.

Tickets for the Victoria première of Building the Room are being set with what organizers call “justice pricing.”

When tickets went on sale last week, prices were listed as $20 for “cisgender” white males and $10 for everyone else. Cisgender is a term for someone whose gender identity matches their sex at birth, as opposed to someone who is transgender.

Sid Mohammed, a spokesperson for the event, said the idea behind justice pricing was to “try to combat privilege in a tangible way.”'

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College program will help students cope with 'toxic masculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Missouri State University (MSU) has created a program to help men tackle “toxic masculinity,” citing rising levels of “depression, anxiety and mental health concerns” among male students.”

The program, called “Men Addressing Social Construction” (MASC), is a collaborative effort launched by university officials to facilitate student dialogue and help “men and male-identifying students” appreciate the impact “toxic masculinity” has had on their lives.

Coordinator of Multicultural Programs and LGBT Student Services Matthew Banks told The Standard that students “are struggling with things in a system like toxic masculinity,” which he defined as a “pervasive idea that punishes men who are ‘feminine’ or experience ‘feminine’ tendencies.”'

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RIP, the man who chose sanity over paranoid fear to save humanity

All of us have this saint to thank for being alive today. So much for feminist claims that men just LOVE war, violence, etc. Not that we needed proof. I just think that when a guy saves the lives of billions of people, someone should say something. He's not the only one, too. Check this guy out also. Excerpt:

'Early on the morning of Sept. 26, 1983, Stanislav Petrov helped prevent the outbreak of nuclear war.

A 44-year-old lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defense Forces, he was a few hours into his shift as the duty officer at Serpukhov-15, the secret command center outside Moscow where the Soviet military monitored its early-warning satellites over the United States, when alarms went off.
Colonel Petrov was at a pivotal point in the decision-making chain. His superiors at the warning-system headquarters reported to the general staff of the Soviet military, which would consult with Mr. Andropov on launching a retaliatory attack.

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Campus Rape Hysteria Introduced to Australia

Link here. Excerpt:

'At the request of Australia’s 39 universities, the Australian Human Rights Commission has conducted a national, independent survey of university students to gain greater insight into the nature, prevalence and reporting of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities.

The National university student survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment (the National Survey) also examined the effectiveness of university services and policies that address sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus.

The request to conduct this survey follows decades of advocacy on the topic of sexual assault and sexual harassment at universities both within Australia and overseas. The National Survey is the first of its kind and the first attempt to examine in detail the scale and the nature of the problem in Australia.

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Student On 'Hunger Strike' Until College Fires Professor Cleared Of Sexual Harassment Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lindsay Wrobel is on a "hunger strike" until the University of Rochester fires a professor accused of sexual harassment in a recent EEOC claim.

Wrobel claims she stopped eating on Saturday night and will refrain from food until she's either hospitalized or the professor is fired, whichever comes first.

Professor Florian Jaege was cleared of the sexual harassment allegations by both an internal and an external investigation. University of Rochester President Joel Seligman has publicly stated that "no violation of the law or University policy was found." Moreover, last week, Seligman announced a third investigation of sorts: an "independent investigator" will look into the complaints, too, just in case the school and law enforcement missed anything.

But some at the school, such as Wrobel, are not satisfied.

"Until Professor Jaeger is removed from the university, there’s going to be no trust among the student body," Wrobel told ABC affiliate WHAM 13.'

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Sweden's 'man-free' festival now has a name

Article here. Excerpt:

'After reading through comments and offers to help, the Swede quickly put together a group of 22 project leaders, PR people and organizers to help move the idea forward. Now, the event has been given a title, "Statement Festival".

"The name has been decided as well as that it will be a two-day festival next summer, and we're going to try to have 100 percent women working and playing. We'll gradually release news on things like the location and artists via Kickstarter."
Some have suggested the event could be against anti-discrimination laws, but the organizers insist that after consulting legal experts they have been assured it is OK, noting that "creating a safe space" is the goal.

The people behind the festival have also been careful to point out that it will specifically be free from cisgender men and that transgender people for example are welcome. Cisgender is a term for a person whose gender identity corresponds to their birth sex.'

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Court Keeps Intact Claims of Bias Against University of Pennsylvania Sex Assault Tribunals

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph text. Excerpt:

'U.S. District Judge John Padova of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Wednesday trimmed numerous claims from the lawsuit Doe v. Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, but allowed the plaintiff to proceed on allegations that the university failed to adequately train investigators handling the disciplinary case, or provide a disciplinary process "free of gender bias or discrimination."

The case was lodged last year by a black male student who was expelled, but later sanctioned with a two-year suspension after a white woman alleged he had raped her.

The suit raised seven claims, including breach of contract, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violations of Title IX, IV and the Civil Rights Act.

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Lack of reported sexual assaults on Penn State’s campus raises questions

Story here. Excerpt:

'Four weeks into the fall semester, Penn State has had one sexual assault reported.

Around this time last fall, there were already five sexual assaults reported between Aug. 30 and Sept. 10 , 2016. This time in Fall 2015, there were already three sexual assaults reported via the University Park Timely Warnings.

There were a total of 62 reported sexual assaults by the end of 2015, according to a previous article by The Daily Collegian.

The year with the lowest amount of reported sexual assaults was 2013, with just 28 overall.'

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Australia: 'White Ribbon' accreditation to be introduced across whole of SA public sector.

I found out the other day that the South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission is overseeing the introduction of this initiative across all South Australian public sector agencies (raising serious questions as to whether the commission can impartially fulfill it's conciliatory functions).

Some agencies currently signed up:

SA Attorney General's Department

SA Department of Health and Aging (see also here)

SA Department of the Premier and Cabinet

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