Exactly how many “shitty men” will it take for us to save our sons?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Where are all the good men?

That’s the question for America after a week of truly horrifying news about Harvey Weinstein’s decades of sexually predatory behavior, a few months after Bill Cosby went to trial on charges of drugging and sexually assaulting one of the dozens of women who accused him, and almost exactly a year after the United States elected Donald Trump president even after hearing him brag to Billy Bush that he forced himself on women (and women came forward to substantiate his claim).
I now see that there are no “good men,” as narcotic as the idea of a rarified type may be. I believe that there are plenty of us who are capable of standing up to guys like Weinstein, and not just on behalf of our girlfriends (or while referencing our daughters). There are men who stand up for the legitimate expectations of decency at work, and at school, and among groups of parents, and with our friends, fighting sexism and toxic masculinity for the sake of our collective humanity.

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Northwestern doubles its programming on ‘deconstructing masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The private university that put a female professor through multiple Title IX investigations for criticizing “sexual paranoia” is returning to its man-hating roots.

Northwestern University is adding a second cohort to its six-week “dialogues” on “examining and deconstructing masculinity,” which are run by NÜ Men, a collaboration between its Social Justice Education unit and Center for Awareness, Response and Education, The Daily Northwestern reports.

The assistant director of residence life, Dan Amato, credited “increased interest” for the addition of the second cohort. The program, which features “eight to 10 male-identifying students and two facilitators” in each dialogue, started in spring 2016 with a grant from the U.S. Justice Department.

The first event of this academic year in November will tackle “toxic masculinity” over one to two hours, though this is supposedly a shortening of previous workshops, so as to make attendance easier. It will be open to everyone, male-identified and otherwise.'

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The 'invisible labor' still asked of women at work

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rebecca Erickson, professor of sociology at the University of Akron, says it's a number of tasks that make up the "invisible work" that constitute emotional labor in the workplace.

"These tasks -- mentoring tasks, the process of orienting or onboarding new employees, the process of making sure that when you're in a meeting people stay civil with one another -- those sorts of tasks can often fall to the women in the group, because it's assumed they're 'naturally better' at addressing those issues," she says.'

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Women are angry because of men. Again.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sexual harassment is bad everywherethat men and women work together. The workplace is a steam bath. What can we do? It is a hotbed of hot beds. It is where so much dating action happens. It is where men and women meet. It is difficult to police. If you get the feeling it is total chaos, you are catching on. Young people getting in one another’s pants is the cost of doing business. But powerful old men are supposed to stay in the corner suite where they belong.

Plainly, they don’t.

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Title IX complaint filed on behalf of football team, alleging anti-male bias in athletics department

Article here. Excerpt:

'An anonymous party submitted a Title IX complaint to Occidental College and the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) on behalf of an unspecified number of football players Oct. 4, alleging that Director of Athletics Jaime Hoffman and the department of athletics hold an anti-male bias that has compromised the football team and its players’ reputation.

The complaint implicates President Jonathan Veitch and the Occidental Board of Trustees for their support of Hoffman. The Occidental Weekly obtained the text of this complaint legally from a source on the football team.

According to the text of the complaint, the anonymous party submitted this complaint to Danica Myers, interim Title IX coordinator, and the OCR. The anonymous party copied Veitch, Interim General Counsel Rachel Cronin and Chair of the Board of Trustees Susan Mallory on the same email.

Myers confirmed via email that the college received this Title IX complaint.'

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Men -- it's time for serious change

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men, it’s time for change.

Call it a shift in power or a reculturalization. It’s well past time for men, especially in positions of power, to step up and call out peers’ abuses. Today it’s Harvey Weinstein. Earlier this year it was Bill O’Reilly. Next year it will be some other previously beloved celebrity, followed by a rash of stories of how everyone knew but no one acted. We know the many understandable reasons why those who experience harassment or assault, prominently but not exclusively women, might not act. There’s no excuse for other, powerful men not to step in.
No one should have to choose between a job and dealing with a “handsy” boss or co-worker. “That’s just the way it is” should be unacceptable in Hollywood or the restaurant down the street. And no one should ever be put in a position in which they feel the only way to get ahead is to play along or engage in a relationship, sexual or otherwise, that makes them uncomfortable.'

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California Gov. vetoes proposal to codify federal regulations on campus sexual harassment

Article here. Excerpt:

'California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) has vetoed a California bill (SB169) that would have changed California law to embody certain Obama-era federal regulations related to campus sexual assault proceedings; I thought his veto message was worth passing along:

To the Members of the California State Senate:

I am returning Senate Bill 169 without my signature.

This bill would codify a combination of federal regulations and guidance on sexual harassment — some of which has been repealed, some of which is still in effect — as well as some language from model policies that have been developed by California universities.

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One in nine American men has oral HPV, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'About one in nine American men is infected with the oral form of human papillomavirus (HPV), according to a new study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. Nationwide, rates for oral HPV infections are 11.5% of men and 3.2% of women: 11 million men, compared with 3.2 million women, the researchers estimated.

An infection with this common virus, which is transmitted through intimate skin-to-skin contact, can cause cancer in several areas of the body, including the throat, anus, penis and vagina. Nearly all men and women will become infected with at least one type of HPV, a group of 150 related viruses, at some point in their lives, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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If Not Even The Boy Scouts Can Celebrate Boys, They’re In Serious Trouble

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every other Monday evening, a chaotic scene erupts at our local Presbyterian church. Young boys of all ages dart around, happily calling to each other across the room, alternating between sprints, tackles, and boisterous discussion of the latest update from Minecraft or their favorite YouTube star.
As a mother and an assistant den leader, these bimonthly rituals have a place of sacred significance. I remember watching my older brother advance to Eagle Scout, admiring the practical skills, sense of greater responsibility, and strong self-motivation he developed. I eagerly waited for my son to come of scouting age, and relished watching him throw himself into the activities with reckless abandon.

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"Women face sexism in the sneaker aisle"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The moment Kiah Welsh laid eyes on the sleek black leather Puma Coogi Clydes with a knit fabric stripe and 18-karat gold aglets, she knew she had to have them.

Welsh was well aware that scoring the first release, limited-edition kicks — a nod to rapper Notorious B.I.G. — would take luck; they were expected to sell quickly and generate lineups at sneaker shops.

But this Toronto sneaker collector also knew the chance that she would walk out of the store wearing these new kicks was twice as doubtful simply because she’s a woman.'

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UK: Police officer was on verge of suicide after false rape accusation as woman who accused him is jailed

Article here. Excerpt:

'A police officer was left on the verge of suicide after a woman he met on an Internet dating site falsely accused him of rape.

Samantha Murray-Evans was described by a judge as "wicked" as she was jailed for her "callous" and calculated lies.

Police officer Paul Morgan was arrested at his home in the middle of the night by colleagues and said the ordeal ruined his life and almost caused him to take his own life.

A judge described Murray-Evans’s actions as “wicked” – not just for the impact on the officer but because of the effects false allegations have on the criminal justice system and on genuine rape victims, Wales Online reports.'

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Lawmakers aim to end rape culture on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Reported rapes are up at nine of Michigan's 15 public universities, according to federal statistics.

Many Michigan colleges are stepping up to educate students and now lawmakers are too.

Democratic State Senator from East Lansing, Curtis Hertel Jr., wants to require K-12 schools that teach sex education to also teach affirmative consent.

"We can't wait until they get to college campus," Hertel said. "We have to do it beforehand!"

The bill Hertel is introducing is aimed at ending rape culture on college campuses.

"The idea that one and four women will be sexually assaulted on their college campuses has to be completely unacceptable," Hertel said.

He said the bill would switch from teaching the idea of "no means no" to "yes means yes."'

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Frivolous Title IX investigations are an insult to real sexual assault victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like most, I support the broad aims of Title IX pertaining to gender equity on college campuses. Colleges and the criminal justice system alike have sometimes responded to sexual assault with deplorable laxity. But these issues have nothing to do with the hijacking of Title IX resulting from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights' (OCR) 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter (DCL). I speak from personal experience as a survivor of a Title IX inquisition at the University of Utah, where I’ve been a tenured professor for almost two decades. This is my story about how a Title IX regulatory regime designed to crack down on sexual assault managed to ensnare a professor for telling colleagues about how he proposed to his wife.

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"Circumcision Good for Women’s Health"

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Intactivists”–the nutty name anti-circumcision activists have given themselves–who aim to outlaw infant circumcision, claim that the procedure has no benefits and constitutes child abuse.

Baloney. There are at least mild health benefits for men, to the point that the American College of Pediatricians recommends that the choice of whether to circumcise be left to parental discretion.

Now, it seems that circumcision is also good for women’s health in the reduced transmission of STDs and other benefits. From The Lancet study:'


Wikipedia on the author here.

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Former student sues, claiming university withheld degree over unresolved sex misconduct allegation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former University of Massachusetts Amherst student has sued the school in U.S. District Court over its handling of a sexual misconduct allegation, adding to a growing pile of "Title IX" complaints by male students proliferating at campuses across the country.

Filed in federal court in Springfield on Oct. 11, the complaint alleges a former student was denied a degree over an unresolved 2016 allegation of sexual impropriety. The suit, filed on on behalf of "John Doe," names three college officials including Title IX Coordinator Debora D. Ferreira.

The complaint alleges college officials dragged their feet for nearly one year on the matter, and ignored recent directives from the nation's top education administrators.

The former student has moved on to a job in another state and the lawsuit is seeking an emergency order by the court to force the university to relinquish his diploma.'

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