"I Don’t Know If I Can Raise A Good Man"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Children never fully belong to their parents. I started losing mine to the world of men years ago. My voice is strong, but what chance does it have against the chorus of voices ready to drown me out every time he steps out the front door or turns on the TV? Being told to “raise a good man” is starting to feel like the devil is telling me to keep cool while steadily raising the thermostat in hell.

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Australia: How Victoria's family violence system fails some victims – by assuming they're perpetrators

Article here. Excerpt:

'The research found a proliferation of “systems abuse” by male perpetrators of family violence. This refers to the manipulation of the legal system by perpetrators of family violence. The National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book recently identified this as a form of family violence.

Participants suggested there was a strong link between police misidentifying women as primary aggressors and male perpetrators manipulating the intervention order system. This can occur when police responding to a family violence incident are misled by the genuine perpetrator to believe that the woman has committed family violence and an intervention order should be taken out against her.'

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Wisconsin College Dems leader: ‘I f---ing hate white men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Wisconsin College Democrats Vice Chair lashed out against “white men” last week, tweeting that she feels emphatic hatred toward the demographic.

According to the images obtained by Campus Reform, Sarah Semrad, a junior at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, allegedly wrote that “I f***ing hate white men” in a tweet on Thursday.

Following initial backlash, Media Trackers reports that Semrad proceeded to delete her private Twitter account as well as her Facebook profile.'

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University to help men stop ‘mansplaining,’ ‘interrupting others’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Connecticut is recruiting 20 male students for an 11-week program to help them stop “mansplaining” and “interrupting others.”

The Men’s Project is hosted by the school’s Women’s Center and vows to train men to “positively influence their peers by challenging social norms that promote gender based violence.”

But while the program frames itself as a way to promote bystander intervention, the Men’s Project has a broader agenda, as weekly meetings will feature discussions on “topics related to gender socialization, masculinities, social justice and gender-based violence.”'

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"‘Challenging Misandry’, MRAs, & Empty Vessels That Make The Most Noise"

Article here. Excerpt:

'On November 18th, Men’s Voices Ireland are hosting a unique conference where disgruntled and marginalised Irish men will have the opportunity to vent their frustrations with life in general, the feminist indoctrination that is plaguing Irish media and politics, and the epidemic of political correctness that threatens to end free speech for good.

It will be a safe and non-judgemental environment, free from the scrutiny of feminists, social justice warriors and beta males, who might call them misogynists or rape apologists. These issues of concern for Irish men will be addressed by a star studded panel including, known equality advocate, John Waters and a new young star on the men’s rights activist (MRA) scene, James Behan.


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Canada: Premier Rachel Notley's 'mansplaining' comment not unparliamentary, Speaker rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wanner took a day to review the exchange. He ruled there wasn't an issue with the word, as a word that is unparliamentary in one context may be fine in another.

"I would, however, caution all members about characterizing language in responses, such as saying 'mansplaining,' " Wanner said. "Tone can be as disrespectful as are certain singular words."

Wanner added that he will intervene if he hears sexist or offensive language. He said he had heard a lot of heckling directed towards Infrastructure Minister Sandra Jansen.

"While I did not intervene at the time, I certainly will intervene in the future if that kind of behaviour persists and is continued," he said.'

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Occidental Professor Warns: Be 'Suspicious of Males Who Strongly Identify as Men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an article for Public Books, Lisa Wade, a sociology professor at Occidental College (which, I’m embarrassed to say, is my alma mater) recently wrote that “we should reject the idea that men have a psychic need to distinguish themselves from women.” Why? Because “masculinity is toxic.” In fact, we should be “suspicious of males who strongly identify as men.”

Frankly, I’d be more suspicious of males who identified as something other than males like, say, toasters, or unicorns, or their great-aunt Mildred’s long-lost cat. It seems to me that those males would be delusional and therefore far more suspicious than males who actually identified as males. Since that’s what they are. It would at least display a much stronger grasp on reality than our dear friend professor Wade.

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Critics Blast Newsweek’s ‘Tone Deaf’ Penis Balloon-Popping Trump Cover

Article here. Excerpt:

'Newsweek is facing criticism over its latest cover.

For the upcoming Nov. 17 issue, the weekly news magazine used an image of a feminine hand jabbing a needle into a penis-shaped balloon to promote its lead article about women fighting against systemic sexual harassment.

″#MeToo is taking down powerful men in all fields. Is Donald Trump next?” the publication asks in the cover blurb.
Some critics used Twitter to ask the magazine why it seemed to equate female empowerment with the harming of men. Another accused Newsweek of turning the “exposure of sexual assault into satire.”'

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Canada: Alberta Premier Rachel Notley decries 'mansplaining' by opposition, as gender issue flares in legislature

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gender and vocabulary are clashing on the floor of the Alberta legislature.

Premier Rachel Notley, one day after accusing a male opponent of mansplaining, is calling out another for "hepeating."

It came Wednesday during question period after United Conservative member Jason Nixon lauded Notley for taking his party's advice on the fight to get more pipelines built but also suggested Notley needs to do more.
A day earlier in question period, Notley sarcastically thanked Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark for "mansplaining" to her that there are environmental benefits to pipelines.

Clark and other opposition members asked Notley be sanctioned by Speaker Bob Wanner. They suggested the term mansplaining is not only inaccurate but also prejudicial and unparliamentary.

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College expelled male student after coordinated sexual assault claims fell apart, suit says

Article here. Excerpt:

'A jealous boyfriend convinced four female students to falsely accuse a graduating male of sexual misconduct years after the alleged behavior, according to the former student’s lawsuit against a small New York liberal arts school.

“John Doe” accuses Hamilton College of changing its sexual-misconduct investigative procedures so drastically in response to Obama administration Title IX “guidance” – since rescinded by the Trump administration – that it effectively denied him due process and discriminated against him based on his gender.

As with other lawsuits alleging procedural and gender-related violations by colleges in response to Title IX investigations prompted by accusers, Doe’s complaint alleges Hamilton ignored his text-message evidence that the accusations were a setup.

“Hamilton was under enormous pressure to show it was willing to take a hard line against male students accused of sexual assault in order to dispel the notion that its campus was an unfriendly and unsafe environment for women,” the suit reads.'

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Signs Naming Students Accused of Sexual Assault Reopen Wounds at Atlanta Colleges

Article here. Excerpt:

'For four years, students at three Atlanta-area colleges have expressed outrage over how their institutions handle sexual violence. This week, however, some students went a step further, publicizing the names of peers and others who they say have committed sexual assault.

Signs posted Wednesday throughout the campuses of Morehouse College, a men’s college, and Spelman College, a women’s college, listed names of male students and accused them of rape. Other signs accused Morehouse and Spelman officials of protecting rapists. The signs were later removed by campus police officers. (Morehouse, Spelman, and Clark Atlanta University belong to the Atlanta University Center Consortium, known as the AUC.)

On Thursday morning, the Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel on Morehouse’s campus was spray-painted with the words “Practice what you preach Morehouse + end rape culture.” Campus police officers later covered the graffiti with a brown tarp.

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Sweden’s Sexual Assault Crisis Presents a Feminist Paradox

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sweden prides itself on being a beacon of feminism. It has the most generous parental leave in the developed world, providing for 18 months off work, 15 of which can be used by fathers as paternity leave. A quarter of the paid parental leave is indeed used by men, and this is too little according to the Swedish government, which has made it a political priority to get fathers to stay at home longer with their children.

Sweden has never ranked lower than four in The Global Gender Gap Report, which has measured equality in economics, politics, education, and health for the World Economic Forum since 2006. Of all members of Parliament, 44 percent are women, compared to 19 percent of the United States Congress. Nearly two-thirds of all university degrees are awarded to women. Its government boasts that it is the “first feminist government” in the world, averring that gender equality is central to its priorities in decision-making and resource allocation.

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Do parents of boys view sexual violence differently to parents of girls?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the weeks since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke, we have heard quite a lot of "as the father of a daughter...", implying it takes the birth of a daughter for men to truly appreciate all the discrimination, harassment and assault women seem to be on about.

Now it seems the growing awareness of sexual assault on university campuses in the United States has seen the advent of "as the mother of a son...", implying that the mother-son relationship may have the opposite effect on women.

Last week, The New York Times featured an article chronicling the rise of Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), a movement of hundreds of mothers who have come together to defend sons they say have been wrongly accused of sexual assault.'

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5 Reasons Men Are Reluctant to Get on the Sexual Harassment Bandwagon

Article here. Excerpt:

'1) We keep defining sexual harassment down: If a boss tells you to sleep with him or alternately to watch him shower (ugh….creepy) to keep a job, we can all agree that’s sexual harassment. The further we get from that kind of standard, the less we’re going to agree. Telling a crude joke, having a swimsuit calendar on the wall or a man putting his hand on your shoulder might legally qualify as environmental sexual harassment, but it’s all bullsh*t. Many women may think they deserve money because of those things, but a lot of men think if they can’t handle that, then they’re too delicate for the work force. We’ve even gotten to the point where a 93 year old man in a wheelchair with Parkinson’s pinching a woman’s butt and telling a dirty joke is considered traumatizing sexual harassment. It’s a joke, but it’s not funny.

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Men Need to Change, and Women Need to Change With Them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women may also have to accept that we like some aspects of the way we interact with men just as they are, and what that means. How can we achieve equality and level the playing field when we still expect men to pick up tabs on dates? How can we change a sexual dynamic around power for the better if our sexual ideal is either a big, strapping man or a bad-boy type? What changes to fantasy and romance, and their relationship to lived reality, will we initiate?

We need to abandon the notion that male bosses should take special care to hold the door for us because we are women. If we expect men not to talk about “fat bitches” or “hot bitches” and brag about their sexual conquests, we should probably resist the urge to name call (“those cocky pricks”); to gush over big, strong men; to publicly joke about how someone with an inflated ego must have a small penis.

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