Malaysia: Teacher charged with spreading false rape allegations in WhatsApp group

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'A 36-year-old teacher has been charged with spreading false information about a man via a WhatsApp group, accusing him of being a rapist.

Rafeah Buang, a teacher in the information technology department of the Community Development Department (Kemas) pleaded not guilty to the charges in front of Tawau Sessions Court judge Awang Krisnada Awang Mahmud on Tuesday.

This is believed to the first case involving the spread of false information via WhatsApp heard in the country.
Rafeah could be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed up to a year, or both.

She could also be subject to a RM1,000 fine for each day the false information was in circulation.'

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Rape Crisis Center says falsely reported rapes affect their work

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police still cannot confirm the circumstances surrounding the arrest of an 18-year-old female they say falsely reported a sexual assault.

Savannah-Chatham Metro Police's Special Victims Unit arrested Jennifer Woodard for an alleged false report on an assault on Deerwood Road on Wilmington Island. Woodard said she was attacked and raped by a black man driving a black Mustang. Police say her facts didn't add up, but because of their investigation, they can't say why.

We met with Rape Crisis Center employees on Friday who say that rape is the most under-reported crime and also only two percent of rapes are determined false. They treated Woodward and worked with her on this case as well. They say it's extremely rare for this to happen, especially because of the invasive testing process and embarrassing questions a victim must answer.

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Tucker Carlson: ‘Moronic’ to Have Only Women Decide Sex Harass Policies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fox News host Tucker Carlson told Laura Ingraham on Thursday morning that it’s ‘moronic’ for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to say he’s leaving it up to the female members of the Senate to decide whether sexual harassers in Congress should be “unmasked.”

“That’s so moronic that I can’t even deal with it,” said Carlson on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”

“I mean, look, the law oughta apply universally to all people regardless of sex or race. Period. So the idea that one sex gets to make decisions for everybody … that’s grotesque. That’s, by definition, a perversion of justice. Why would any normal person go along with that?”'

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Not Content Punishing its Own Students, RPI Goes After a Visitor

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has a growing reputation for sanctioning its student protesters, but the private New York college really overstepped its authority in a recent Title IX investigation.

RPI attempted to hold a student accountable for allegedly violating their sexual misconduct policy. The kicker? He doesn't attend the school.

RPI found John Doe, a graduate student from an unaffiliated university, guilty in a Title IX complaint alleging he raped and abused an RPI student in a year-long relationship that ended in the summer of 2016.
On November 22, 2016, RPI issued John Doe a "persona non grata" letter banning him from campus. Universities—both public and private—can and have banned people from their campuses for a variety of reasons ranging from something as serious as sexual misconduct to being labeled disruptive.

RPI is limited in how they can punish a student from a different school, but they did inform the accuser that she could file a complaint with John Doe's school or local law enforcement.

John Doe sued RPI for violating his due process rights the following month, an increasingly common outcome of Title IX investigations. But on November 6 of this year, the court ruled the university did not have jurisdiction, not surprising since Doe doesn't attend RPI.

Presiding Judge Raymond J. Elliott III, contends the university would have been right to investigate, whether the incident took place on campus or at an RPI sanctioned or sponsored event, but neither were the case.

Even had the university had jurisdiction, Elliott said, "the procedure followed by RPI in this case was arbitrary, capricious, and in clear violation of [the] Petitioner's rights."

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Ireland: University Drops Freshman Label Because it Contains ‘Man’

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'Trinity College Dublin announced this week that they would be dropping usage of the term “freshman” because it contains the word “man.” In a statement, the university announced that the changed is being made to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage in Ireland.

“As we approach 100 years of women’s suffrage in Ireland in 2018,” the statement read, “it is timely to reflect on changes in our student body since “Freshman” first came into use, and to ensure those changes are reflected in the name we give them.”

In place of “freshman,” the term “fresh” will be used. Trinity College Student Union President Kevin Keane called the change “very sensible.” He suggested that the Student Union as a whole supported the change.'

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Is Feminism the Answer to Sexual Harassment?

Article here. Excerpt:

'One popular response to the daily casualty toll of harassers is to suggest that we should all embrace the feminist explanation of male/female relations. That boils down to “believe all women” because women don’t lie about these things. It’s hard to imagine a flimsier philosophy. As the New York Times’s Bari Weiss observed, this fetishizes women as “Truth personified,” which cannot withstand a second’s scrutiny. Of course women lie about these things. The Duke lacrosse team was falsely accused of rape, as was a University of Virginia fraternity. Remember the Scottsboro Boys? And a woman working for the ironically named Project Veritas attempted to sting the Washington Post by spinning a false tale about Roy Moore (in hopes of discrediting the Post and Moore’s truthful accusers).

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Back-touching leads to Garrison Keillor's dismissal

Story here. Excerpt:

'MPR said Wednesday it was cutting ties with Keillor, creator and former host of the popular public radio show "A Prairie Home Companion," over an allegation of workplace misconduct. The network did not give details, but Keillor told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he had put his hand on a woman's bare back while trying to console her.

On Thursday, MPR repeated that it had received just one formal complaint against Keillor, a day after a statement by him raised questions about the extent of the allegations.

Keillor told MPR's news department in an email that two employees had made allegations. MPR spokeswoman Angie Andresen, asked to clear up the discrepancy, said the network has "a formal complaint from an individual that includes multiple allegations related to Garrison's behavior."

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'We Have Rapists Here In This Building’ — California Legislators Hear Horror Stories Of Broken Harassment Reporting System

Article here. Excerpt:

'“We have a whisper network you all know it. Because what everybody here knows is we have rapists here in this building. We have molesters among us,” said Christine Pelosi.

The head of the California Democratic Party’s Women’s Caucus says no one knows about those alleged abusers, because of a deficient system for reporting harassment.

“Isn’t that problematic,” said Vince Fong.

The problem, Assemblyman Vince Fong says, is the Capitol’s human resources department doesn’t record complaints of harassment involving current lawmakers.

Human resources administrators confirmed cases of misconduct are kept secret.

“Those records may have existed they don’t exist,” said one administrator.'

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The War on Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is going to be an unpopular opinion, offered as it is in a maelstrom of headlines and revelations -- many long overdue -- about powerful men who have sexually abused, harassed, assaulted or otherwise exploited others. Each day brings new allegations, and nearly every day, more heads roll. But obscured behind the legitimate outrage against sexual predators is an unceasing cultural onslaught against men that should concern us every bit as much as the predation dominating the news.

I am absolutely not referring to current efforts to expose the men accused of sexual harassment or assault. I am speaking of a longer-term and more insidious attack against men -- and masculinity -- generally.

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The Men’s Movement Deserves More Recognition

Article here. Excerpt:

'The idea of men’s rights is often considered taboo to talk about. It is this idea that a conversation about men’s social concerns would have the power to negate the accomplishments that feminists throughout history have made. The buzzword “equality” has limitations, where the conversation stops right when you start to mention the voice of men. So, what is this movement all about?

These issues are the things that largely go unexamined. These are the things that cannot be heard above the humming of every other right’s movement. We are talking about child custody cases, criminal sentencing, domestic violence, workplace fatalities, men’s reproductive rights, educational inequality, and men’s health issues. I myself was very misinformed about men’s social concerns and grievances and so, like many of us do, defaulted to whatever was easiest to believe. I was looking at this from a woman’s perspective believing that this movement was only a backlash to the momentum of the Women’s Rights Movement- and in some ways, this is true. The men’s rights movement has definitely taken some ideas from the Women’s Movement and tried telling them from their perspective.

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Christina Hoff Sommers' one hour interview with Tucker Carlson

Video here. Description:


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Your Views: Women’s war on men destroying society

Letter here. Google the quoted text to jump the paywall. Excerpt:

'We need more courageous men as leaders in every facet of our lives and society. We certainly don’t need more women in government demanding their special interest, social welfare agenda be passed into law.

It is stunning if one looks at our current society how dominant the influence of women continues to be in this nation. Women are the major influence in today’s world. Count the number of groups supporting or promoting women. Then count the men only organizations. Equality? Hardly, when you look at longevity of life, suicide rates, unemployment, college graduates or personal wealth in the nation.'

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"Mansplaining affects the educational progress for women at IC"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Junior Gillian Friebis said she usually does not speak in class, but that when she decided to raise her hand one day in her politics course, she was shut down by a man in the class. It was an experience she feared would occur after seeing other women being interrupted in the same fashion by other men.

During a class discussion about the political relationship between Catalonia and Spain, Friebis spoke only to be immediately and repeatedly interrupted by a man who said he was trying to play the devil’s advocate to her point.

“After he kept talking over me, I didn’t keep trying, because I knew it was going to happen again, and it reminded me, ‘Oh yeah, this is why I don’t talk in this class,’” Friebis said.

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Michigan Democrat's Insane Anti-Penis Campaign Ad

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Michigan Democrat running for attorney general released a campaign ad this week in which she suggests that not having a penis makes her qualified for the position.

Dana Nessel suggests her answer to stopping sexual harassment in politics is to elect more women because they can be trusted "not to show you their penis in a professional setting."

“If the last few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that we need more women in positions of power, not less,” Nessel says in her ad. “So when you’re choosing Michigan’s next attorney general, ask yourself this: Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a penis? I’d say so.”

“I want to tell you what you can expect me not to do,” Nessel continues. “I will not sexually harass my staff, and I won’t tolerate it in your workplace either. I won’t walk around in a half-open bathrobe, and I’ll continue to take all sex crimes seriously just like I did as a prosecutor.”'

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The Limits of ‘Believe All Women’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In less than two months we’ve moved from uncovering accusations of criminal behavior (Harvey Weinstein) to criminalizing behavior that we previously regarded as presumptuous and boorish (Glenn Thrush). In a climate in which sexual mores are transforming so rapidly, many men are asking: If I were wrongly accused, who would believe me?

I know the answer that many women would give — are giving — is: Good. Be scared. We have been scared for forever. It’s your turn for some sleepless nights. They’ll say: If some innocent men go down in the effort to tear down the patriarchy, so be it.
Ms. Lindin was widely criticized, but say this much for her: At least she had the guts to publicly articulate a view that so many women are sharing with one another in private. Countless innocent women have been robbed of justice, friends of mine insist, so why are we agonizing about the possibility of a few good men going down?

I think the worry is justified. And it’s not because I don’t get the impulse to burn it all down. It’s because I think that “believing all women” can rapidly be transmogrified into an ideological orthodoxy that will not serve women at all.
I believe that the “believe all women” vision of feminism unintentionally fetishizes women. Women are no longer human and flawed. They are Truth personified. They are above reproach.

I believe that it’s condescending to think that women and their claims can’t stand up to interrogation and can’t handle skepticism. I believe that facts serve feminists far better than faith. That due process is better than mob rule.

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