Women-only slate to chair elite 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos

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'The World Economic Forum's gathering in Davos, Switzerland will be chaired entirely by women in 2018 — the first time in the 47-year history of the elite group that men will be on the sidelines.

Seven women – and no men – will set the agenda when 3,000 of the world's high-powered corporate, political, entrepreneurial and media leaders converge on the alpine town in January.

The World Economic Forum, or Davos, as it's known by its participants, has taken heat for years for its stark gender imbalance. At this year's conference, men outnumbered women five to one. That's a nudge up from 2015, when women accounted for 17% of the participants.'

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Young women are better than men at 'adulting' in every way—except this one

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'The results are in: Millennial women are better than men at "adulting."

That's according to financial website Earnest, which conducted a survey of more than 1,000 young adults to see how women match up against their male peers in terms of financial responsibility and acting like, well, grown ups. Young women outperform in every way — except one: Earning more money than their parents.

About 31 percent of young men and young women report that they've hit that milestone.
And the future looks promising. Since 2000, one-third more women more women than men have graduated college, according to a Pew Research study. Because of that, some predict they could soon become their generation's top earners and their wages could surpass men's by 2020.'

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Women are better in tech than men, says a report

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'Think men's brains are better suited for tech jobs? Think again.

A report from the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution measured men's and women's digital scores, and found that women had stronger skills than men do.

The Brookings report, called "Digitalization and the American Workforce," looked at "information about the knowledge, skills, tools and technology; education and training; work context; and work activities required" for high tech jobs, and it gave women a digital score of 48 versus 45 for men.

But despite that higher aptitude, the report says, more men than women are filling the highest-level digital jobs in "computer, engineering and management fields, as well as lower-digital occupations such as transportation, construction, natural resources, and building and grounds occupations."'

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"Ban Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The time has come to say goodbye to men, and I can hardly believe you’d need me to tell you why. They murder, a lot. They assault and abuse, a lot. They start international and domestic wars, or at least try to. They talk too much, they don’t listen, and they’re bad at their jobs. They’re not just a problem but one of the biggest problems of our era, though saying so is still uncomfortably received by most.
I bet most of us know and love at least one male individual, maybe even several, but don’t you worry that your favorite guy will go bad? Living with a gender binary is like living in a zombie movie: Of course we want to hang on to the affable dude friend who’s not yet showing symptoms of being like the others. We love him, and he’s on our side. We need all the help we can get. But he could turn into one of them at any moment.

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Opinion: Why do we even need an International Men’s Day?

Article here. Excerpt:

'WHILE MANY GROUPS in society such as women, children, LGBT and others, have long established calendar days to celebrate their existence, it is only in the last 2 to 3 years that International Men’s Day (19 November) has come to be marked by at least some groups in Ireland.

This late coming on the scene marks a certain hesitation. Slowly, haltingly, it is becoming legitimate to celebrate men, their achievements, and their essential role in society.
Historically, men have had no issues organising as trade unionists, or in groups dedicated to protesting against inequalities faced by minorities based on their race or sexuality. This is not the case for men’s advocacy.

Such advocates are typically met with contempt when attempting to add a discussion of men’s issues to the national dialogue on gender equality. Such negative attitudes may well be a factor in why many men are so reluctant to come forward.'

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Ireland: 'Challening Misandry': Men's Voices conference to discuss role of father in family, male suicide

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male suicide and the role of men and masculinity are some of the key issues up for discussion today at a 'Men's Voices' conference in Dublin.

The role of fathers and families also comes under the spotlight, along with the youth perspective on being male in today's society.

Chairman of Men's Voices Ireland David Walshe said men's issues are not discussed enough in the media.

"The theme of the conference is 'Challenging Misandry'. It is a bit provocative," he said.

Misandry is defined as dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men.

"It means that we think that there is not sufficient attention being paid to men's issues by the media in today's world. Men's issues are being closed out from the national conversation," he added.

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DOD Report Shows Sexual Assault Rates Keep Falling

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'The Department of Defense has released data about sexual assault reports for fiscal years 2013-2016, finding the prevalence rate continues to fall.

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Confusing Sexual Harassment With Flirting Hurts Women

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'More than a month after the initial report on numerous allegations of sexual coercion and assault by movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, the national firestorm over workplace sexual harassment shows no sign of slacking off—and many men, it seems, are nervously scrutinizing their behavior. Last Friday, the New York Times reported that some men are forming company or industry text groups “to brainstorm on harassment issues,” avoiding work-related social events where flirting may happen, and asking “odd questions” such as whether it’s ever okay to hug a female co-worker.
At Salon, writer Erin Keane scoffs that “men who haven’t leered, creeped, groped, raped” or used their power for sexual predation should stop being overdramatic and making this moment about themselves.

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Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel at Morehouse College Defaced to Protest ‘Rape Culture’

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'The Martin Luther King Jr. chapel at Morehouse College was defaced, allegedly by students from Morehouse and several nearby colleges, to protest “rape culture.”

Students at Morehouse College, Spelman College, and Clark Atlanta University allegedly defaced the Martin Luther King Jr. chapel at Morehouse College over a two-year-old Title IX investigation by the U.S. Department of Education. The investigation centers on a claim brought by a Spelman student who says that a Morehouse student sexually assaulted her.

Last week, administrators found that the Martin Luther King Jr. chapel on Morehouse College’s campus had been defaced. Spray-painted on the side of the chapel were the words: “Practice what you preach Morehouse + end rape culture.” In addition, signs were posted that accused male students by name of sexual assault. A Twitter account that goes by the name “WeKnoWhatYouDid” has published accusations against students.'

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Half-naked woman steals Uber drivers tip-cash, complains of harassment after video gets out

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'A half-naked woman whose theft of an Uber driver’s tips was caught on video is complaining of online harassment after footage of the brazen incident went viral.

Scantily clad 18 year old Gabrielle Canales – a horrible human being, was caught on surveillance video reaching into the Uber driver’s tip jar after she and two other passengers reached their destination in Brooklyn, New York.

After posting a now-deleted Instagram response in which Canales showed little remorse, the Crown Heights woman finally admitted she was “completely wrong” for stealing the money – $5.00 by her count – which she says she paid back.

“I understand I’m completely wrong and I’m not denying it,” Canales told BuzzFeed. “The lesson was learned that same day. That’s why the gentleman was paid back.”

After the video went viral, Canales told Buzzfeed she’s been subject to harassment and mocking.

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Fired Assistant DA Jody Warner Accuses Uber Driver of Scaring Her. Oh, Please.

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'The way the news is these days: In the middle of a storm of disgusting national stories about male sexual predators, we get our own local countercase — a fired Dallas County assistant district attorney, sobbing on camera, offering every conceivable excuse in the book for her terrible behavior with a young Uber driver.

District Attorney Faith Johnson fired Jody Warner, 32, an experienced assistant prosecutor, on Monday after Johnson reviewed an audio recording of Warner drunkenly threatening and abusing 26-year-old Uber driver Shaun Platt over the weekend. In a press conference Tuesday, Warner set some kind of new world record for the least apologetic apology since Donald Trump did Access Hollywood.

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"'Men, Not Immigrants': Sweden Rules Out Mapping Rapists' Ethnicity"

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'Amid a hot national debate, Swedish Justice Minister Morgan Johansson has firmly ruled out the much-debated idea of publishing statistics on the nationality of sex offenders. He argued against "blaming it on immigrants," when perpetrators "in fact" were men.
However, Social Democrat Justice Minister Morgan Johansson was unimpressed with the Conservatives' proposal, even though he admitted the need for a comprehensive investigation of sex offenses. Such an investigation should specifically exclude ethnic background, he said, arguing the Conservatives were trying "shift the blame on immigrants," while the main problem allegedly was that most perpetrators were men, SVT reported.'

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Police: Woman Falsely Accused State Trooper of Rape

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'A woman who publicly alleged that she was raped by a state trooper in a police car has been charged with making a false report.

Thirty-seven-year-old Christine Cromer previously alleged that she was assaulted by the trooper outside the Mohegan Sun Pocono casino in Wilkes-Barre. She said she in a relationship with him and was attacked after she broke up with him.

The (Wilkes-Barre) Citizens' Voice reports that Cromer then publicized her story by posting flyers around the area. Investigators say the trooper denies having had any kind of relationship with Cromer or ever having been in a car with her.'

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"I Don’t Know If I Can Raise A Good Man"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Children never fully belong to their parents. I started losing mine to the world of men years ago. My voice is strong, but what chance does it have against the chorus of voices ready to drown me out every time he steps out the front door or turns on the TV? Being told to “raise a good man” is starting to feel like the devil is telling me to keep cool while steadily raising the thermostat in hell.

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Australia: How Victoria's family violence system fails some victims – by assuming they're perpetrators

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'The research found a proliferation of “systems abuse” by male perpetrators of family violence. This refers to the manipulation of the legal system by perpetrators of family violence. The National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book recently identified this as a form of family violence.

Participants suggested there was a strong link between police misidentifying women as primary aggressors and male perpetrators manipulating the intervention order system. This can occur when police responding to a family violence incident are misled by the genuine perpetrator to believe that the woman has committed family violence and an intervention order should be taken out against her.'

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