Piers Morgan decries indifference to false accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'I'm a man.

There, I've said it. At the risk of offending the world's increasing army of hypersensitive PC-crazed snowflakes, I am proudly and unapologetically identifying as a male.

I realise that for some people, this admission alone is currently tantamount to having me fired, arrested and possibly publicly executed.

Think I'm being ridiculous?

Think again.

Last night, popular US Teen Vogue writer Emily Lindin tweeted this to her 22,000 followers: 'Here's an unpopular opinion. I'm not actually at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.'

So yes, for some people like Ms Lindin, just being a man right now is enough to warrant a career and life being wrongly destroyed.

She is the very worst kind of radical feminist, the kind that hates men so much it blinds her even to basic fairness and justice.'

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Teen Vogue columnist ‘not at all concerned’ about innocent men and false harassment allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'We can always count on Teen Vogue for the hottest of takes, and here’s one from columnist and UnSlut Project founder Emily Linden that should have all men on edge.

"Here's an unpopular opinion: I'm actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations."'

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Jennifer Garner On Sexual Misconduct In Hollywood: We Can’t Assume Every Man Is Guilty

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jennifer Garner spoke out about Hollywood’s sexual misconduct scandals this week during a Hollywood Foreign Press Association conference.

“We can’t lump all men into [the same category]. We can’t just assume that every man has done something awful or that every man is guilty; due process is important and has to take place,” the “Tribes of Palos Verdes” actress said.

As more and more women and men come forward with stories of sexual harassment and assault, the actress said she’s “excited” to see what might change.

“Things have to come out in the open in order to be dealt with, and this is definitely one of those times,” Garner said. “There are a lot of really smart people asking tough questions, and I feel excited to see what the outcome will be.”'

Wiki on Jennifer Garner here.

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Facing Title IX discrimination suit, Penn settles with student accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Pennsylvania has quietly agreed to pay a student accused of rape an undisclosed amount after he sued the school claiming Penn’s investigation into the incident violated his civil rights.

Although the specific terms of the agreement are not public, court records acknowledging the deal follow a rash of lawsuits nationwide filed by men on college campuses maintaining that punishment triggered by internal investigations into sexual misconduct have been biased against them.

According to the lawsuit filed last fall, the Penn student — identified only as John Doe — and a female student — also a Penn undergraduate and known as Jane Doe in the suit — met at a bar in June 2016 after they had completed their junior year. At the bar, flirting led to the young man walking the woman to his apartment about six blocks away.'

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"All men are potential monsters to be constantly feared"

Article here. Excerpt:

'First, a mounting pile of sexual harassment allegations made Sunday the worst International Men’s Day ever, and then on Monday, Farhad Manjoo of the New York Times had this hot take on men to offer:

"I am at the point where i seriously, sincerely wonder how all women don't regard all men as monsters to be constantly feared. the real world turns out to be a legit horror movie that I inhabited and knew nothing about."

That tweet eventually racked up more than 25,000 “likes,” but the highest-profile endorsement likely came from Washington Post style writer Monica Hesse, who seconded the idea that all men are to be treated as potential monsters.

"Surprise! The answer is that we do, and we must, regard all men as potential monsters to be feared. That's why we cross to the other side of the street at night, and why we sometimes obey when men say "Smile, honey!" We are always aware the alternative could be death."

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"White men, sexual assault is our problem and it’s time to acknowledge it"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fellow white males, sexual assault and harassment is our problem. We have to acknowledge the damage we are doing to society. We’ve got to own the idea that an attempt to stop it starts with us.

Trust me, I know a lot of you have already stopped reading this because of those first three sentences. My message to you: you are part of the problem, so get the hell out of the way if you don’t want to acknowledge the issue. As Shooter McGavin in “Happy Gilmore” says, “Damn you people, go back to your shanties”.
First step, stop being terrible people. Not every person wants your advances, so keep your hands and lips to yourself. If you’re in a position of power, treat everyone with the same respect they give to you. It doesn’t give you free rein to live out your creepy sexual desires with innocent people.

Second step, educate yourself. Make sure you understand the severity of the problem and how much it can negatively affect a victim. Ask a survivor and I’m sure they will tell you the scars it has left on them.'

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Australia: Dads should be allowed to take their daughters into women’s toilets

Article here. Excerpt:

'IT’S time to stop acting as if every father is a potential rapist, paedophile or abuser.

Normal dads looking after their own kids are not perverts, and they shouldn’t be treated like them.

This week a UK father was slammed for taking his four-year-old daughter to the ladies’ toilets.

His wife raised the issue on a mothers’ online forum and the reaction was swift and fierce.

As I’ve written before, dads should be able to watch their kids play at the park, help them get changed at a dance concert or take their photo at the beach without being portrayed as a paedophile or creep.

It’s time to stop pathologising dads for merely being dads.'

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Men with Muscles and Money are More Attractive to Straight Women and Gay Men—Showing Gender Roles Aren't Progressing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Muscles and money are qualities that straight women and gay men typically find attractive in men, according to an analysis of Tube Crush—a website where people post unsolicited pictures of men seen on the London Underground.

The study at Coventry and Aberystwyth universities in the United Kingdom, published in Feminist Media Studies in August, analyzed images over a period of three years since 2014. The “guy candy” posted on the website were mostly white men—despite London being a multicultural city—indicating that white male privilege is still an attractive quality.

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Is tax reform the final straw for alimony?

Article here. Excerpt:

'As soon as the House of Representatives' proposed tax reform bill had hit the news, divorce lawyer Malcolm Taub's phone started to buzz.

The tax deduction for alimony was on the chopping block, eliminating the break for the spouse who pays alimony, and the tax hit for the one who receives it.

Because it is impossible to know if the provision will make it all the way through the process, or when it will be implemented, Taub said he was going to try to rush through his pending cases before the end of the year to be safe.

"This deduction is a major, major factor in negotiating a settlement, and in terms of what a judge will give. This will dramatically change the landscape," said Taub.

While alimony is getting statistically rarer, Taub said it still figures into most of the divorces he works on in his New York-based practice. Many of his cases involve long-term marriages and high-earning couples where one spouse — typically the wife — stayed at home to raise children.'

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Are jokes about men ‘hate speech’? Facebook seems to think so

Article here. Excerpt:

'In October, Marcia Belsky received a 30-day Facebook ban for three words: “Men are scum.”

She had posted the sentence without a second thought. It was buried in the comment section of a friend’s photo album showing all the messages she’d received from men in the wake of #MeToo. Belsky’s friend, writer Nicole Silverberg, had written a list of things men can do better and, unsurprisingly, many men did not like that. Their comments were angry, chastising, and some were even anti-Semitic and violent.

Belsky was baffled. Could language as tame as “men are scum” really be construed as hate speech when so much of what she saw on Facebook—threats of rape and violence, profanity, and harassment—seemed so much worse?

According to Facebook’s community guidelines, yes. The guidelines protect groups based on gender, ethnicity, and religion. And those benefits extend to the group “men.” So, unfair as it may seem, any blanket statement about men could potentially qualify as hate speech.

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Weinstein Co. bidder Maria Contreras-Sweet, former Obama official, wants all-female board

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maria Contreras-Sweet has a revolutionary idea for the Weinstein Company: No more men.

Contreras-Sweet, who ran the small Business Administration for President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017, has submitted the first official bid for the production company, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Her offer includes keeping all 157 employees currently on the payroll, but cutting out Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein’s brother.

One major aspect of her pitch would be an all-female board, unlike the company’s former setup.

In a letter, Contreras-Sweet said she has been “profoundly affected by the recent revelations” and that she believes “reorganizing the Company as a woman-led venture will be an inspiration to the industry, and a new model for how an entertainment company can be both financially successful and treat all its employees with dignity and respect," according to the Wall Street Journal.'

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Professor Accused of Stalking and Making up Phony Rape Allegations Against Firefighters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Northern Arizona University professor is facing federal charges for allegedly stalking and making up false rape allegations against firefighters. As AZ Central shares, 36-year-old Melissa Ann Santana is being charged with stalking or making false statements against at least 11 people.
Some victims met her online and others were family members of men she knew. At least one of her male victims said that he had a relationship with her that had ended. He claims that his car was vandalized and he received several negative texts after their affair ended. Some victims said she stalked them on social media or Tinder. One alleges that she started a "smear campaign" against him, falsely posting that he has sexually transmitted diseases.

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Girl Scouts warn parents about forcing kids to hug relatives for the holidays

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girl Scouts of the USA issued a warning to parents this holiday season, asking them to think twice before forcing their daughters to hug relatives at gatherings.

“Think of it this way, telling your child that she owes someone a hug either just because she hasn’t seen this person in a while or because they gave her a gift can set the stage for her questioning whether she ‘owes’ another person any type of physical affection when they have bought her dinner or done something else seemingly nice for her later in life,” reads the post on the Girl Scouts’ website.
The organization’s missive to parents comes as allegations of sexual misconduct by men ring out from every industry, including Hollywood, politics and the media.

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"International Men's Day" Sees Backlash Despite Good Intentions

Article here. Excerpt:

'The marked day, aimed at raising awareness for issues affecting men in society, takes place on November 19 every year. But despite the good intentions of organizer Mark Brooks, the day has become something of a toxic punchline in a year filled with sexual assault allegations against major male figures — including President Donald Trump. It’s not been a banner year for men, as many in positions of power have been exposed as using that influence in cases of sexual harassment and assault.

With all its great intentions at helping men overcome major life obstacles, it seems there is no room for IMD this year. At least not on Twitter.

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First tickets for Sweden's 'man-free' festival to go on sale

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tickets for what has grabbed global headlines as Sweden's first 'man-free' music festival, organized in response to reports of sexual assaults at concerts, will go on sale in less than two weeks.

Emma Knyckare's idea for the festival started with a simple tweet she posted in July after the Bråvalla festival in Norrköping cancelled its 2018 event after reports of a number of sexual offences.

"What do you think about putting together a really cool festival where only non-men are welcome, that we'll run until ALL men have learned how to behave themselves?" she wrote at the time.
The concept is not uncontroversial, and has been criticized by people accusing it of discriminating against men as well as by people questioning why the ban only applies to cis men, men whose gender identity corresponds to their sex at birth, and does not extend to transgender men.

But Knyckare said reactions in Sweden and abroad had on the whole been "overwhelmingly supportive".

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