World Can Live Without War On Men In 2018

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'Despite what you’ve read - or have been led to believe - not all men are evil or sex predators or racists or man-bun wearing whiney millennials.

The men I know and choose to associate with are mostly hard working family types who love and respect their wives and mothers and daughters.

And I’m willing to bet that description covers a lot of the men in this country regardless of color or geographic location.

Still, men are under attack from all angles at all times in America today – particularly from Hollywood, which, ironically, is home to the worst of the worst men around today.'

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Sweden plans change in law to require explicit consent before sexual contact

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'Sweden is moving closer to making changes to its rape laws that would require people to get explicit consent before sexual contact.

The deputy prime minister, Isabella Lövin, said the recent #metoo anti-harassment campaign had “shown that there is a need” for the new legislation, which was expected to be approved on Thursday in parliament.

Under current Swedish law someone can be prosecuted for rape only if it has been proved that they used threats or violence. Under the proposal, rape could be proved if the accuser hadn’t given their explicit verbal agreement or clearly demonstrate their desire to engage in sexual activity.

The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said his coalition had been preparing the “historic reform” since taking power in 2014.'

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The disempowering and incoherent modern feminist movement

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'The anonymous attack on comedian Aziz Ansari, essentially for being a lousy date and inconsiderate sex partner, has led some to think that the spate of attacks on men for sexual harassment and assault might be slowing down. Although the account by “Grace,” the pseudonymous accuser, has been defended by many, others who have supported the outing of sexual assaulters have drawn the line at lumping bad dates in with more serious sexual malfeasance. Still others hope that the absurdity of Grace’s charges will force a rollback of the ever-escalating demonization of men guilty of nothing more than failing to fulfill a woman’s subjective expectations even when not made explicit.

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Feminism is not a licence to hate men

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'Anita Erskine has disagreed with feminists who believe they are at war with men, arguing that feminism is more about empowering women than blaming men.

According to the celebrated TV & radio personality, feminism is a positive concept which centres more on a woman and their beliefs and abilities.

It is not about casting blames on men as the cause of everything wrong with women.

“I love being a feminist…a feminist is someone who understands the basis of her beliefs, who is eager to teach another generation of women the rights and wrongs. A feminist is someone who is not afraid to share no matter what,” she said.'

Wikipedia on Erskine here.

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"Will #MeToo be a turning point for younger girls, too?"

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'She said she has also noticed a "huge difference" in relationships with boys. Girls and boys used to feel afraid and ashamed to talk about difficult topics such as rape and consent, but #MeToo has "broken that barrier and made us feel more comfortable" discussing these issues, she said.

Boys also seem to be more comfortable asking questions they might have been afraid or reluctant to ask before, Allegra said. Questions such as, what is healthy masculinity?
They are also getting mixed messages in the classroom, Hurley said.

"We have this dichotomy where girls consistently outperform boys in the classroom, but boys consistently out-talk girls in the classroom," she said.
"Just as girls need to learn to stand up to behavior that silences them, boys need to learn how and when to stand down," Hurley said. "Teaching boys not only to respect their female peers, but to embrace what they have to offer, plays an integral role in shifting the current narrative that holds girls back."'

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Brett Ratner Defends Defamation Lawsuit Against Accuser

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'While several Hollywood men have publicly denied accusations of sexual harassment and assault, Brett Ratner is one of few who have sued over the claims — and he's asking a Hawaii judge to keep his defamation suit alive.

In November, the director sued Melanie Kohler for allegedly publishing false rape claims about him on Facebook.

The lawsuit followed an explosive Los Angeles Times report in which six women, not including Kohler, claimed they were sexually assaulted or harassed by Ratner. In her Facebook post, Kohler said Ratner "preyed" on her while she was drunk more than a decade ago.

Kohler earlier this month asked the court to toss the complaint, arguing it was "threadbare" and failed to demonstrate that she acted with malice. Her attorneys also asked the judge to consider whether California's anti-SLAPP statute, which brings an early end to suits arising from First Amendment protected activities, should apply — even though the suit was filed in Hawaii federal court.

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Why Men Are Being Wrongly Accused Of Rape

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'A false allegation is an accusation that the complainant knows never actually occurred. But, as Professor Phil Rumney details, there may be false allegations that fall outside this definition, such as ‘non-malicious allegations from people with particular medical conditions who genuinely believe they are victims of rape or other sexual offences, but who are mistaken’. For some women, then, a false accusation may be founded upon a genuine belief that they were raped. Additionally, as Rumney points out, a person may allege rape without understanding what the legal definition of rape entails.

We are unlikely to know what drove the women making false accusations against Allan, Mears and Makele. But the #MeToo movement has brought to light a great deal of confusion around the meaning of rape. An Everyday Feminism article titled ‘How do I know if I’ve been raped?’ begins by stating: ‘There are a lot of lies out there that can make it hard to know if you were raped.’ But the difficulty of knowing whether or not you are a victim of a crime suggests the crime itself is now vaguely and subjectively defined.

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Women-only co-working space opens in Chicago

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'There's another new option for entrepreneurs looking for shared office space in downtown Chicago. But not if they have a Y chromosome.

Adding to a flurry of co-working outfits that have popped up around downtown Chicago in recent years, former entertainment and media executive Alicia Driskill last month launched EvolveHer, a collaborative office space in River North meant to offer the same workplace flexibility touted by industry giants like WeWork, but for women only.

Tucked into an open concept, 5,000-square-foot loft at 358 W. Ontario St., the office is a different spin on the co-working trend that Driskill is betting will attract female entrepreneurs looking for shared space that comes with a community of other women in business.

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Jordan Peterson harassed far worse than Cathy Newman after interview

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'After she was crushed by Professor Jordan Peterson in a TV debate, Channel 4’s Cathy Newman claimed to be the victim of a violent online hate campaign, yet a study of tweets proves that it was in fact Peterson who received more violent threats as a result of the controversy.

As we highlighted last week, Newman expected to be able to derail Peterson by trotting out the usual “sexist” and “misogynist” cliches, but she was hit with a relentless barrage of common sense and razor sharp logic from Peterson that literally left her speechless at one point.
However, the only evidence of such threats appeared to be people on social media calling Newman a “bitch” and an “idiot”.

A subsequent investigation of tweets aimed at both Peterson and Newman following the debate found that Peterson received 30 times more abuse than Newman.

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'Davos Man needs to listen': WEF 2018 co-chaired entirely by women

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'For the first time in the 48-year history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 2018 summit in Davos, Switzerland will be chaired entirely by women.

The move, a response to previous criticism about the prominence of men in the running of the event, will see seven women on 2018's meeting.

The co-chairs of the event include International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde, IBM Chief Executive Ginni Rometty and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Solberg told CNBC ahead of the summit that it was "an honor to be asked to be co-chair at the World Economic Forum this year."

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#MeToo and the Taboo Topic of Nature

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'... Even the newest generation of feminists concede this on the quiet. Although they will organize to shut down an entire magazine to prevent an airing of an alternative view of gender, they are not currently campaigning to shut down the Planet Earth series because it reveals that in almost every species, males and females behave differently — very differently — and there appears to be no “patriarchy” in place to bring this about at all. They know enough not to push their argument into places where it will seem to be, quite obviously, ridiculous. But it is strikingly obvious that for today’s progressives, humans are the sole species on this planet where gender differentiation has no clear basis in nature, science, evolution, or biology. This is where they are as hostile to Darwin as any creationist.

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2018 Will Be the Year Feminists Target Little Boys

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A Checklist For Everyday Sexism Against MEN. Are You Guilty?

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1. Expecting him to foot the bill when you go out.
2. Expecting him to pick you up and drop you off when you can easily get a cab instead.
3. Having him do the heavy lifting when you are perfectly capable of it yourself.
4. Expecting him to get you flowers/presents when you don't.
5. Expecting him to make the first move, whether it is calling or kissing or proposing.
6. Telling him he won't understand something because he is a man.
7. Thinking, saying or living on the belief that "all men are assholes".'

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Oxford University extends time for maths and computer science exams in bid to help women get better grades

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'Oxford University has extended time for maths and computer science exams in a bid to help women get better grades.

Undergraduates were given 105 minutes to complete their papers, rather 90.

There was no change in difficulty or the length of questions and female students were said to do better as a result.

Dons trialed the changes to allow women to achieve higher results, with just seven female maths finalists achieving firsts last year compared with 45 men.

The proposals were put forward to reduce the 'undue effects of time pressure' which the prestigious university believe effects women more than men, reports the Sunday Times.

However, critics have slammed the changes as 'sexist' as they believe it suggests that women are the weaker sex.'

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Report: Male Writer Fired from ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ After Complaining About ‘Toxic’ Bullying

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'The male head writer of Megyn Kelly Today was fired after complaining about the show’s reported toxic environment of bullying and harassment, reports the Daily Mail.

Kevin Bleyer, an Emmy winner with a resume that includes the Daily Show and a stint writing speeches for former President Obama, served as the head writer of Megyn Kelly’s hour of the Today Show until he reportedly complained directly to NBC News president Noah Oppenheim about the alleged abusive nature of the show’s top producers, Jackie Levin and Christine Cataldi.

Some of the alleged abuse is directed at female staffers.'

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