Beware of an anti-male moral panic

Article here. Excerpt:

'To call the downfall of Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein precipitous feels like an understatement. On Thursday, The New York Times reported that the Miramax chief had quietly settled at least eight sexual harassment complaints over the years. They involved serious allegations that ranged from groping to demanding nude massages. On Sunday, after the mogul’s attempt at rehabilitation and damage control was undercut by new claims of abusive behavior, the Weinstein company fired its co-founder.

It’s a striking morality tale. But what is the moral?

In a climate in which both partisan politics and gender politics are already at fever pitches, responses to the Weinstein revelations have focused mainly on two themes: liberal hypocrisy on women’s issues and male abuse of women.'

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Australia: New Initiatives Offer Jobs, Funding to Women Only

Article here. Excerpt:

'For years, universities and funding organizations have attempted to address women’s underrepresentation among science faculty, whether by removing barriers to recruitment and retention or trying to dispel biases among employers and grant makers. Two newly announced programs take the less common, more contentious approach of affirmative action—offering positions or funding specifically for female investigators.

One program launched in 2017 in Australia, where the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) developed an initiative to fund more research by female scientists. Another is in Germany, where the Max Planck Society created a program to start in 2018 to increase the number of research groups led by women each year.

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It's not just 'mansplaining': Here are some more words to describe things men do wrong

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men do bad things with shocking consistency — that's why we have words like manspreading, mansplaining, and hepeating.

But there's an endless list of other male flaws out there that are as yet unlabeled ... until now. Sort of.

The list below should help better prepare you for the next time you have to interact with a man. Use these words to properly — but probably not that easily — point out bad male behavior.'

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It’s Time to Resist the Excesses of #MeToo

Article here. Excerpt:

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The Misogyny of #MeToo

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you want to see misogyny – real, visceral, woman-shaming misogyny, the kind that views women as incapable of thinking for themselves, or as possessors of such foul thoughts that they shouldn’t think for themselves – look no further than #MeToo. Forget those tragic internet threads inhabited by men whose fury with women is one part concern about feminism and nine parts because they’ve never had sex; look, instead, at the thoroughly mainstream, celebrity-endorsed #MeToo movement whose fear of men is easily matched – outdone now, in fact – by its seething contempt for women who think for themselves.

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Video interview with a male former feminist

Link here. From the interviewer's YouTube page desciption:

'Rogue Conservative - No idea is above scrutiny and every idea deserves it.'

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Uni president exonerated in sexual misconduct investigation report, quits anyway

Article here. Excerpt:

'University of Rochester President Joel Seligman announced his resignation Thursday, just hours after the release of a report on sexual misconduct on campus.

The news came late Thursday afternoon, just as his silence on the Mary Jo White report was becoming conspicuous. That report, which examined the university's response to sexual misconduct allegations in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences department, largely approved the role Seligman and his cabinet played in the affair.

His decision to resign, though, was made before the White report came out.

In an email to the campus, he wrote: "It is clear to me that the best interests of the University are best served with new leadership, and a fresh perspective to focus on healing our campus and moving us forward in a spirit of cooperation and unity."'

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Hoyer calls Pelosi's 'five white guys' remark offensive

Article here. Excerpt:

'Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) on Thursday blasted Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) remarks about white men working on an immigration agreement as "offensive." 

“The five white guys I call them, you know," Pelosi said, referring to five bipartisan lawmakers, including Hoyer, leading efforts to salvage the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. All five of the male lawmakers are white.

"Are they going to open a hamburger stand next or what?" she said, referring to the popular fast food restaurant "Five Guys."

Hoyer pushed back against the remarks.

“That comment is offensive. I am committed to ensuring DREAMers are protected and I will welcome everyone to the table who wants to get this done,” he told Politico in a statement, using the nickname referring to recipients of the DACA program.'

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The Myth of Toxic Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'In these strange political times, it’s very fashionable to trash men. ‘Toxic masculinity’ has become the prefabricated phrase of choice bolted on to every problem involving men. Such lazy use of language would have George Orwell turning in his grave.

The toxic masculinity argument demands that men need to be fixed, re-educated and reprogrammed. This baseless assumption, founded on nonsense psychologism, is deeply insulting. What would happen if another identity group were told that they were flawed and lacking, and must be re-educated? We’re in danger of returning to the days when pathologising certain groups was regarded as normal – when homosexuality was treated and accepted as a mental illness, of women were labelled hysterics.

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Judge approves ‘Title IX retaliation’ claims against university that fired father of accused student

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tom Rossley accused the university he served for 23 years of “Title IX retaliation” when it fired him in 2016, following his unsuccessful pleas for his son, a disabled student accused of sexual assault.

Now a federal judge has allowed the former trustee’s lawsuit against both Drake University and his former colleagues to go forward, saying Rossley’s allegations fit a precedent on “third-party retaliation” under federal discrimination law.

U.S. District Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger denied the private university’s motion to dismiss just before Christmas, even while dismissing some of Rossley’s individual claims.

His son’s own lawsuit moved forward last August when Ebinger, who is also hearing his case, refused Drake’s motion to dismiss.'

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Job Site Finds Women 48 Percent More Likely To Get Hired Than Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A job site found Monday that women are 48 percent more likely to get hired than men.

TalentWorks, a site specializing in mentoring and matching applicants to jobs, reported the statistic after analyzing over 4,000 job applications. The site also laid out 10 tips, such as using buzzwords, applying on Mondays instead of Fridays, and not listing oneself as a “team player” to improve employment prospects.

“Resumes with obviously female names had a +48.3% higher chance of getting an interview,” said Kushal Chakrabarti, CEO of TalentWorks in the report. “Dozens of studies show that women often don’t get what they deserve (basically) because they don’t ask for it. This shows that, when women do ask for what they deserve, they’re often recognized for it. [Emphasis theirs]”'

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"The Red Pill" is on Amazon Prime

For those of you with Amazon Prime, it's here. Quick, before feminists besiege Amazon Customer Service with demands for its removal, let your friends know about it. Description:

"When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men's Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs."

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Woman who made up gang rape story sent to prison after escape attempt

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman who made up a harrowing-yet-false story of kidnapping and gang rape is now headed for prison after she tried to escape the custody of jail officers.

Leiha Ann-Sue Artman, 27, of Montague was sentenced Jan. 4 to 13 months to four years in the Michigan Department of Corrections after she pleaded to a charge of resisting and obstructing police.

Artman told Muskegon County Circuit Judge Annette Smedley that addiction has been the reason for her lawlessness, which has included multiple probation violations.

"I don't want to die before I reach 30," she told Smedley on her sentencing date, which was Artman's 27th birthday.'

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False rape claim case going to trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Sacred Heart University student, accused of making up rape allegations against two football players to gain sympathy from a perspective boyfriend, rejected a plea agreement for the second time Wednesday.

“Rejecting any kind of deal is part of the trial process,” said Stamford lawyer Ryan O’Neill, who represents 19-year-old Nikki Yovino. “We’re eager to get this case—especially the whole story of what happened and didn’t happen at that party—in front of a jury. There’s much more to this case than what’s being reported.”

Superior Court Judge Maureen Dennis tentatively scheduled the case for trial before a jury on Feb. 21.

“Both young men are prepared to testify at trial and let the facts be known,” said Bridgeport lawyer Frank Riccio, who represents the now former football players.'

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Korea: Kang Hyuk Min sues Han Seo Hee and her followers for labeling him a 'rapist-in-training'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Actor Kang Hyuk Min has sued Han Seo Hee.

Back in November last year, the actor had posted about Han Seo Hee reading,

"I think Han Seo Hee is out of her mind.
The feminism I know supports equality among men and women, but she curses out all men, makes fun of them, and puts them down.
The public doesn't listen to her, and real feminists do not support her.
She pollutes the meaning of 'feminism' in Korea, gives them a bad image, and actual feminists find her uncomfortable.
Now, when the public sees her, they just see her as someone who could not heal her injuries from the embarrassment and various comments that came from her scandal with a famous celebrity. That injury has festered, and that damaged person is praised by people who look down on men. It just looks like diseased people are just licking each other."

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