UK: Rape trial collapse over undisclosed sex messages blamed on police funding cuts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police funding cuts have been partly blamed for the collapse of a rape trial amid fears over potential miscarriages of justice.

A judge threw out the charges against 22-year-old Liam Allan after lawyers discovered messages showing the claimant wanted and enjoyed the sex she later claimed was non-consensual.

Mr Allan had been on bail for almost two years by the time the discovery was made, three days into his trial at Croydon Crown Court.

The messages had been obtained by police when they downloaded the contents of the woman’s phone, but investigators later told the lawyers they contained nothing relevant.
Mr Allan was charged with six counts of rape and six of sexual assault after the woman reported him to police, claiming their relationship was unhappy and abusive, and she did not want sex.

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"The View" co-host has her own sexual assault skeletons

Joy Behar, co-host of the daily talk show "The View", a frequent critic of men sexually harassing women (in particular, of Donald Trump), apparently has her own issues. A picture was recently uncovered showing her clearly grabbing Robin Williams' crotch in a supposed moment of levity. Snopes has confirmed the photo as authentic. Snopes, you will note, tries to wave off Behar's behavior as tolerable if not acceptable since she was not in a "position of power" relative to Williams. So, that makes it right? From the Snopes page:

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Canada: RCMP to review 25,000 more sexual assault cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'The RCMP is set to dramatically expand its review of closed sexual assault cases. 

The decision comes after an examination of 2,225 files from 2016 where Mountie investigators had concluded the complainants' allegations were unfounded.

Having identified investigative, supervisory and knowledge gaps, the national police force has decided to re-examine every sexual assault case since 2015 where no charges were laid, no matter the reason.

"We don't have all the file numbers for 2017 yet, but we're expecting something in the vicinity of 25,000 files," Sgt. Wendy Smith told CBC News.'

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CBS' "Mom" vaunts DV against men in its latest episode

This is hard for me to post because "Mom" is hands-down my favorite TV show. However, what I saw this past Thursday was upsetting and annoying, especially as one of my fave actresses was the offending party. I do wonder if maybe there wasn't some controversy in including the man-whack she delivered but the producers went along anyway? Guess we may never know. Anyway, the episode is "Too Many Hippies and Huevos Rancheros" and can be seen here. Jump to time mark 15:30 and watch. Bonnie whacks her boyfriend across the back of the head at 15:38 in chastisement of him not being romantic enough.

Contact CBS about their "humorous" promotion and tacit approval of routinized DV against men delivered by women, something apparently so acceptable that it completely failed to be noticed by CBS' otherwise scrupulously-sensitive content reviewers. I guess so long as the violence is done by a woman against a man, it's OK by CBS. "CBS cares". Well, only if you're female, apparently.

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Kansas Dem Andrea Ramsey, accused of sexual harassment, will drop out of U.S. House race

Article here. Excerpt:

'Andrea Ramsey, a Democratic candidate for Congress, will drop out of the race after the Kansas City Star asked her about accusations in a 2005 lawsuit that she sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who said he had rejected her advances.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the case told The Star that the man reached a settlement with LabOne, the company where Ramsey was executive vice president of human resources. Court documents show that the man, Gary Funkhouser, and LabOne agreed to dismiss the case permanently after mediation in 2006.

Ramsey, a 56-year-old retired business executive from Leawood, was one of the Democratic candidates vying to challenge Republican Rep. Kevin Yoder in 2018 in Kansas’ 3rd District.

She was running with the endorsement of Emily’s List, a liberal women’s group that has raised more than a half-million dollars to help female candidates who support abortion rights.'

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Hymns Are Sexist – Fight The Patriarchy With Hyrrs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are you tired of being festive? Can’t stand singing those cheerful holiday songs? Does the Christmas spirit just seem outdated and offensive to you?

Well, you’re in luck. Because ad agency Grey London has teamed up with Goldstein Music and Refuge Women’s Charity to bring you Hyrrs, the woke alternative to Christmas hymns.

Hyrrs are intended to raise funds and awareness for “women in need,” although it’s not immediately clear who the women are or what they need. Judging by some of these PG-13 lyrics, however, they might just need a bar of soap in the mouth.

Take “Kick The Balls,” for example. It’s an updated version of “Deck The Halls” and is sure to elicit tons of questions about social mores from young aspiring carolers.'

HYRRS - Kick the balls on YouTube.

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Tucker: Noble effort to stop sex harassment turns dark

Video here.

'Tucker, radio host and author Mark Steyn sounds off on the latest high-profile sexual misconduct scandals that have rocked Tavis Smiley, a movie director and led to a lawmaker's apparent suicide. '

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As More College Students Say “Me Too,” Accused Men Are Suing For Defamation

Article here. Excerpt:

'About a month after her divorce was finalized, a PhD student at Washington University in St. Louis was walking across campus when a stranger approached and asked for her name. Once she identified herself, the stranger quickly handed her an envelope before disappearing. Inside, there was some unsettling news: her ex-husband was suing her for defamation. Her offense: reporting to the university’s Title IX office that he had raped her. It was late in the day, so she spent a nerve-wracking night until she could contact an attorney and start on a journey that would drain her savings as she tried to prove she'd told the truth.

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When you don’t need a conviction to be guilty

Letter here. Excerpt:

'In today’s political climate, allegations of sexual abuse and allegations are being thrown out like candy at a Halloween Trunk or Treat.

In these cases, there have been no charges laid or convictions upheld, yet the people at the center of the allegations have lost their jobs, reputations and their family’s name is forever smeared. This is regardless of whether they actually committed the crimes or not, and the world doesn’t care if they committed them – it’s a class case of jumping on the bandwagon and that of mob justice.

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"Sexual Civil War" by Michelle Malkin and Stefan Molyneux

Video here. Interesting discussion.

"Sexual Civil War | Michelle Malkin and Stefan Molyneux"

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UK: Traditional Depictions of Mothers to be Banned in Adverts From Next Year Amid Ongoing War On ‘Gender Stereotypes’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cooking, cleaning mums will be banned in advertisements across the UK from next year, following a study which claimed traditional gender roles are “harmful and outdated”.

The decision to tighten regulation was announced by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) this week, after a report published in summer identified gender stereotypes in adverts as a driver of inequality between men and women.
“Wherever they appear or are reinforced, gender stereotypes can lead to mental, physical and social harm which can limit the potential of groups and individuals,” the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) alleged in its study.

Depictions deemed problematic include “family members creating a mess while a woman has sole responsibility for cleaning it up”, and adverts which “[suggest that] a specific activity is inappropriate for boys because it is stereotypically associated with girls, or vice-versa.”'

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SAG Awards will feature only women presenters at 2018 ceremony

Article here. Excerpt:

'Talk about girl power.

In a year where women have fought to have their voices heard, the Screen Actors Guild announced that in January the annual award ceremony will feature only female presenters for the first time in history, Entertainment Weekly announced.

Executive producer of the SAG Awards Kathy Connell said the idea was to "salute our women" in a year where they have "very, very brave."
"We thought it was an opportunity to salute our women because it's not just about one issue," she said, referencing how so many women — famous and not — came forward with their stories of sexual harassment and assault.
Time Magazine named its "Person of the Year" as the whole "MeToo" movement — or the silence breakers — and Merriam Webster's dictionary named "feminism" as its word of the year.

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Newseek: Women over 85 are happier because their husbands have died

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women become progressively happier as they age, according to a health survey conducted in England. They have higher rates of poor mental health than men throughout much of their lives, until over the age of 85, when women’s overall happiness increases and men’s decreases.

With the exception of the elderly set, women were more likely than men to have poor mental health at nearly every age. Overall, 21 percent of women reported mental health problems, compared to 16 percent of men. The change that occurred over a lifetime—leading to less mental health concerns among women—was likely due to the specific burden of responsibilities that women often carry, according to the dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Kate Lovett. Further, many women are widowed by then, which psychiatrists say may also be a factor.

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Start with bullies, not hugs and holiday parties

Article here. Excerpt:

'After all, workplace behavior doesn’t have to rise to the level of criminality to make it draining, demoralizing and just plain bad management. How much time did employees of the Weinstein company spend ushering women up to hotel rooms and then dealing with the fallout rather than working on putting together great movies? For all the myth of the difficult genius, does anyone have any proof that allegedly blowing up at employees made “Charlie Rose,” or the Spotted Pig, or On Point (a show on which I’ve been a frequent guest) a better television program, restaurant or radio series? You can shove people toward excellence by making them terrified, but there are additional costs to choosing bullying as a management technique, including lost productivity, high turnover and even higher health care expenses.

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Like being "called to Rome", some men now fall on their swords

Article here. Excerpt:

'Morgan Spurlock, the American documentary filmmaker, said in a post published Wednesday that he had committed sexual misconduct in the past, including settling a harassment allegation and cheating on his wives and girlfriends.

In a statement posted on Twitter late on Wednesday, Mr. Spurlock said he was making his admissions while watching women publicly accuse high-profile men in a range of industries of sexual misconduct, and saying it was “time for me to be truthful as well.”

“As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder “who will be next?” he wrote in the statement, which was linked to his verified Twitter account. “I wonder, ‘when will they come for me?’”

“You see, I’ve come to understand after months of these revelations, that I am not some innocent bystander, I am also a part of the problem,” Mr. Spurlock said.

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