Katie Roiphe on attacks by "Twitter feminists"

Video here. Description:

'Author and journalist Katie Roiphe has written provocatively about feminism in the past, so when a magazine piece of hers about the #MeToo movement was announced, Twitter exploded, with criticism denouncing her before her story was even published. Roiphe discusses how an Orwellian "thought police" on feminist orthodoxy has invaded social media at a time when thoughtful discussion of sexual harassment is needed.'

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Ryan Seacrest: What Happened After I Was Wrongly Accused of Harassment

Article here. Excerpt:

'I do not take things for granted. Every day I am living my childhood dream because of the efforts of so many other people. I do my best to show and express my gratitude to my co-hosts, producers, guests, audiences, executives, partners and fans for the privilege of their collaboration and participation, and for the unwavering support of my loved ones and team.

In November, I received a letter from a lawyer representing a former show stylist. She claimed that I mistreated her more than a decade ago when we worked together. This arrived during an unprecedented public reckoning by women in our industry and beyond, courageously coming forward to share their stories, many of them heartbreaking. These women sought to bring attention to the systemic gender inequality that has occurred for decades. I was — and am — amazed at their bravery.

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Harvard University Bans Single-Gender Clubs — Unless They're Women-Only

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last year, Harvard University took the unprecedented step of banning on- and off-campus single-gender organizations. The ban targeted sororities and fraternities, but also "unrecognized single-gender social organizations" called "Finals Clubs" that served as gathering places for the school's legacy students.

In early February, after several rounds of appeals, the school finalized the ban — but, because of a campus-wide outcry from feminists, only leaders and members of "male-focused" single-gender clubs will face repercussions from Harvard's administration.

According to Harvard, the single-gender clubs "propagated exclusionary values" and maintained "forms of privilege" that the school found distasteful and outdated. Those who remain in such clubs, reports Reason Magazine, risk being barred "from leadership positions, athletic teams, and scholarships."'

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Catharine MacKinnon, Mother Of The Mob

Article here. Excerpt:

'Catharine MacKinnon is being far too modest. Much as the movement may be the culmination of social factors that caused, and gave us, the current administration, she’s dedicated her life to making those factors happen, creating the narrative that allowed that confluence of events, beliefs and feelings that would result in a time when extrajudicial unproven allegations by women would, without more, destroy men.

Her first goal was the campus. but her baby has now grown to take its place in the real world. She must be very proud.

"Sexual harassment law — the first law to conceive sexual violation in inequality terms — created the preconditions for this moment. Yet denial by abusers and devaluing of accusers could still be reasonably counted on by perpetrators to shield their actions."

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Canada's Prime Minister Stops Girl When She Says 'Mankind' — Asks Her to Use Another Phrase

Article here. Excerpt:

'Justin Trudeau has been the prime minister of Canada since 2015.

Trudeau leans to the far left with his politics. In the past, he has called Fidel Castro a “remarkable leader.” In addition, while commenting on ISIS terrorists coming back to Canada, he suggested that they can help “deradicalize” others. But his latest comment is generating a lot of backlash, too.

During an event, a girl in the audience said:

“We came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislation so it can also be changed. Because maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind.”

Trudeau cut the girl off, waving his hand and correcting her word choice. “We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind,” he said.'

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Letter: Unproven accusations costing men jobs

Letter here.

'I agree that Patrick Brown should have been considered innocent until proven guilty. He and many others are losing their jobs because of hearsay and accusations that have not been proven.

Maybe some men should come forward with accusations about the women that have hit on them or propositioned them. I am sure there are many.

Pam Savarie


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Men still characterized as reticent to discuss intimate health issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are still dying of prostate cancer because they are too embarrassed to visit a doctor.

They see medical examinations and discussions of intimate problems as a ‘violation’ of their privacy and masculinity, a study shows.

Despite decades of campaigning to raise awareness of prostate cancer many men are ignorant about the disease and its effects. It is now a bigger killer than breast cancer.

A second study – of more than 800,000 patients in England – found that men with full-time jobs are twice as likely as women not to have seen a GP over the past year.'


What needs to be done on prostate cancer: Britain's top experts reveal why the funding of research into the disease desperately needs to match that of breast cancer

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A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are scared, and feminists are delighted. But the urge to call out and punish male sexual transgression is bound to clash with an inescapable truth: We’re all in this together, men and women.

Consider what’s happening in the capital of Florida. Female staffers and lobbyists have found “many male legislators will no longer meet with them privately,” reported The Miami Herald. “I had a senator say, ‘I need my aide here in the room because I need a chaperone,’ ” lobbyist Jennifer Green told the paper. “I said, ‘Senator, why do you need a chaperone? . . . Do you feel uncomfortable around me?’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘anyone can say anything with the door shut.’"

“I’m getting the feeling that we’re going back 20 years as female professionals,” said Green, who owns her company. “I fully anticipate I’m going to be competing with another firm that is currently owned by some male, and the deciding factor is going to be: ‘You don’t want to hire a female lobbying firm in this environment.’"'

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NYC School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance to Comply With New Gender Guidelines

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Staten Island elementary school cancelled its traditional father-daughter dance because of the Department of Education’s (DOE) new gender guidelines.

PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school's parent-teacher association realized it would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.

The school’s PTA will reschedule a dance for kids and caregivers of any gender on March 2, according to the DOE.

“Father-daughter dances inherently leave people out. Not just because of transgender status, just life in general,” said Jared Fox, the DOE’s LGBT community liaison. “These can be really uncomfortable and triggering events.”'

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The Other Whisper Network

Article here. Excerpt:

'No one would talk to me for this piece. Or rather, more than twenty women talked to me, sometimes for hours at a time, but only after I promised to leave out their names, and give them what I began to call deep anonymity. This was strange, because what they were saying did not always seem that extreme. Yet here in my living room, at coffee shops, in my inbox and on my voicemail, were otherwise outspoken female novelists, editors, writers, real estate agents, professors, and journalists of various ages so afraid of appearing politically insensitive that they wouldn’t put their names to their thoughts, and I couldn’t blame them.

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Judge grants largest award in history of cases of men suing unis over discrimination

Decision here. Excerpt:

'Before the Court is plaintiff John Doe’s Petition for Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses, ECF No. 180, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988. This matter is before me by referral under 28 U.S.C. § 636(1)(B). The issues presented are fully briefed by both parties, ECF Nos. 180, 183, 187, and oral argument is dispensed with because it was not requested and would not aid in the decisional process. Having considered the parties’ briefs, the evidence, and the applicable law, I recommend that the presiding District Judge grant the petition and award attorneys’ fees in the amount of $795,691.50 and litigation costs in the amount of $53,539.75, for a total award of $849,231.25.

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Student claims Penn State encourages false reports of sexual misconduct

Article here. Excerpt:

'A pre-med student at Penn State claims the university has policies in place that discriminate against men on campus ― and promote false reports of sexual misconduct.

The young man has slapped the school with a lawsuit, accusing it of “systematic gender bias and discrimination,” according to PennLive.com.

He filed an amended complaint in US Middle District Court on Monday night, which outlined allegations of improper disciplinary processes and “biased” investigation tactics.

In it, the student ― who has only been identified as John Doe ― accuses Penn State of demonstrating “a pattern of inherent and systematic gender bias and discrimination against male students accused of misconduct.” He claims to be one of these men.'

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Stanford caught lying about gender bias in financial aid decisions

Article here. Excerpt:

'Do you want a better financial-aid offer from Stanford’s $225,000 MBA program? Self-identify as a woman.

The elite university was caught lying to applicants going back to 2008 by claiming that “financial assistance was determined solely by a student’s calculated financial need.” Its average awards actually favored women over men regardless of their finances.

The Wall Street Journal reports that eight years of financial data (2008-2015) on a shared storage drive were accessible to the entire Graduate School of Business for six months.
In a campuswide email following his meeting with Allcock, Levin tried to spin Allcock’s findings (by then widely available on campus) by claiming that Stanford was actually just giving “incremental fellowship awards” to applicants “whose biographies make them particularly compelling and competitive in trying to attract a diverse class.”

Those “incremental” awards – which Levin admits Stanford never disclosed – just happen to favor women and domestic students regardless of their finances.'

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‘Believe the Victim’? The Biological Reason Why Accusers Aren’t Always Telling the Truth

Article here. Excerpt:

'In recent years there have been hundreds of cases across the country of men having allegedly sexually assaulted women where there was insufficient objective evidence to determine whether a crime had occurred, and in some cases, whether any kind of sex or even encounter had occurred.  Examples include the “Mattress Girl” case in NY, the Corey Mock case in TN, the Jordy Johnson case in MT, the Owen Labrie case in NH, dozens of “John Doe” cases in nearly all states, and most infamous of all, the Rolling Stone hoax about events that never happened in VA or anywhere else.

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CPI Fights 'Start By Believing' Investigations

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Center for Prosecutor Integrity has filed a complaint with the Department of Justice against the Start By Believing program. The complaint alleges the Start By Believing concepts and investigative methods:

“…abuse the mission of the Department of Justice, which states in part, “…to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. Termed a ‘multimillion dollar threat to justice,’ they abuse the purpose and intent of Congressional appropriations. And they abuse the public trust, which is critical to the effective functioning of our criminal justice system.”

See complaint HERE.'

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