Ukraine: Femen activist sets fire to store display

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who photographed herself setting fire to a display outside the flagship Roshen chocolate store of President Petro Poroshenko has been arrested by police in Ukraine.

In a statement on Facebook, authorities in the Vinnytsia region of the country said a 25-year-old woman who has been named by other activists as Alisa Vinogradova was arrested in Kiev for hooliganism. If convicted, she could face between three and seven years in prison.
The self-described “sextremist” protest group Femen posted images on Facebook of Vinogradova setting a decorative tram in front of the shop on fire.

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Topless Femen "activist" tries to snatch Jesus statue from Vatican crib

Article here. Excerpt:

'A topless activist from the feminist group Femen tried to snatch the statue of the baby Jesus from the Nativity scene in St. Peter's Square on Monday but was stopped by police as she grabbed it.

A Reuters photographer said the woman jumped over guard rails and rushed onto the larger-than-life Nativity scene shouting "God is woman". She had the same slogan painted on her bare back.

A Vatican gendarme stopped her from taking the statue and she was detained. The incident happened about two hours before Pope Francis delivered his Christmas message to some 50,000 people in the square.

The group's website identified her as Alisa Vinogradova and called her a "sextremist". It says the goal of the group, which was founded in Ukraine, is "complete victory over patriarchy".'

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Nurse removed from hospital after saying white boys ‘should be sacrificed to the wolves’

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Indiana hospital system says a nurse is no longer an employee after she was tied to a message on Twitter claiming white women are raising sons “with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star.”

Officials at Indiana University Health said over the weekend they were investigating “several troubling posts on social media” that appeared to be made by a recently hired employee identified in news reports as Taiyesha Baker. IU Health spokesman Jason Fechner confirmed Monday that the nurse no longer works at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis but he would not say whether she was fired, citing company policies.

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How too much focus on 'superstar' workers enables harassment

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'These days, no industry, no workplace, no pocket of American life seems to be immune from the long reach of sexual harassment. From Capitol Hill to Hollywood, higher education to hotel housekeeping, women -- and men -- are coming forward to tell their stories.

But certain industries seem to be popping up with particular frequency: Media. Venture capital and finance. Entertainment. And if there's one thing these industries and others have in common, it's an organizational culture that rewards stars and bestows power not just on the chief executive or president at the top of an official hierarchy, but to those who are star performers on screen, behind the scenes or when it comes to the bottom line.

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More than 20 states in 2017 considered laws to promote shared custody of children after divorce

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'The every-other-weekend dad, born from two generations of soaring divorce rates,was once a conventional part of American culture. In recent years, more couples have been agreeing to parent after divorce as they did in marriage: collaboratively.

Now lawmakers are accelerating this trend toward co-parenting, with legislatures in more than 20 states this year considering bills that would encourage shared parenting or make it a legal presumption — even when parents disagree.

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When #MeToo Goes Too Far

Article here. If necessary, jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'Matt Damon gave an interview to ABC News last week in which he offered the following observation: “There’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right? Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?”
Minnie Driver, Damon’s co-star in “Good Will Hunting,” thought so. “There is no hierarchy of abuse — that if a woman is raped [it] is much worse than if a woman has a penis exposed to her that she didn’t want or ask for,” she told The Guardian. “You cannot tell those women that one is supposed to feel worse than the other.”

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#MeToo run amok

Article here. Excerpt:

'Movements collapse when they become more interested in collecting heads than advancing their cause. Unfortunately, the very worthy #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and abuse might have just reached that point.

Last Friday, #MeToo took down Pulitzer Prize-winner Stephen Henderson, the editorial page editor of the liberal Detroit Free Press (or Freep as it is called locally). Henderson was fired for "inappropriate behavior" — even though no women actively complained about it — that allegedly violated the newspaper's "zero tolerance policy." But if this standard — both too vague and too strict — is going to be religiously enforced on workplace interactions in the post-Harvey Weinstein era, few men — or, women, for that matter — will ever feel safe in their jobs.

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Why men don’t care about the health care debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'With another Affordable Care Act open-enrollment period in the rearview mirror, policymakers remain mystified as to why men lag behind when it comes to obtaining health insurance. And young men sometimes catch the blame for high insurance rates, since this relatively healthy segment of the population tends not to buy coverage.

There is no mystery. Women receive substantial gender-based services that personalize health insurance for them and that provide strong incentives to buy coverage. But under the ACA, there are no gender-based services for men and no incentives to buy health insurance other than fines and penalties, which are designed to punish men for not participating in a program that fails to provide for their basic needs.

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Fanboys reporting on "The Last Jedi": This movie hates men/fathers

There are so many fanboy reports on "The Last Jedi" denouncing it as a misandrist franchise-killer, YouTube had to create a mix for it. One such report:

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Woman who killed fiance by kayak sabotage released after five months

Remember this one? They let her go after doing all of five months. Story here. If you get a paywall, jump it by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'Angelika Graswald was released from New York State prison on Thursday, about five months after she pleaded guilty to sabotaging her fiancé’s kayak before he drowned in the cold and choppy waters of the Hudson River in 2015.

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Petition to cut Matt Damon from movie for displaying levelheadedness

Link here. Excerpt:

'As you know, Matt Damon’s been making some interesting (read: really boneheaded) comments related to Hollywood’s current reckoning with sexual predators.

First, the actor told ABC News that he knew Harvey Weinstein — someone he’s worked with regularly — had sexually harassed Gwyneth Paltrow years ago but he “knew that they had come to whatever agreement or understanding that they had come to” and that she “had handled it.” Then, he went on a completely unhelpful “not all men” kick, insisting we should be talking more about the good guys and the spectrum of bad behavior.

Now, Matt Damon may finally see it’s time for him to stop talking and start listening.
And this all feels a little too familiar: Damon previously came under fire for not checking his privilege in comments he’s made about diversity in Hollywood.'

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Men's Rights and Feminism

Found a good site: Just passing it along.

Described as: "A collection of critical essays examining Men's Rights & Feminist perspectives with primary focus on toxic femininity, misandry and androphobia."

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Female police captain suspended after ‘white male privilege’ remark

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Indiana police force placed a female captain on paid administrative leave after she told a fellow officer that he benefited from “white male privilege.” A vote on Capt. Carri Weber’s future with the Plainfield Police Department is scheduled for a commissioner’s meeting on Thursday, according to WRTV.

The incident occurred at a Nov. 1 training seminar on how police should interact with transgender people in their communities, led by a U.S. Department of Justice representative and a U.S. attorney.

During the presentation, an officer who spent 28 years with the department questioned a statistic presented at the conference, that members of the transgender community are 3.32 times as likely to be the victim of police violence than non-transgender people, according to WRTV. The statistic comes from the 2012 annual report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, which describes itself as an advocacy group for “local LGBTQ communities.”'

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UK: Lawyer calls for public register to name people who make false rape allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'A celebrity lawyer is calling for people who make false rape and sex assault allegations to be stripped of their statutory anonymity and named on a public register.

The comments by Nick Freeman, nicknamed ‘Mr Loophole’ for his record helping clients fight motoring offences, come after the trial of 22-year-old student Liam Allan, who was charged with rape, dramatically collapsed.

Mr Freeman, who runs Manchester-based Freeman and Co Solicitors, argues the case is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ and false allegations are being made on a ‘daily basis’.'

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You can’t beat sexism by tolerating it for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last weekend, I went into a shop to buy someone a Christmas present. It was a knick-knacky kind of place — full of those colourful and odd-shaped homewares that you’d never have in your own house, but seem to make good gifts for other people.

So I grabbed something and took it to the woman behind the counter.
“It’s impressive to see a man doing his Christmas shopping a week early and not leaving it until Christmas Eve.”

What? A “man”? Really? Then I watched her wrap the thing and charge my credit card. And I thought about what I wanted to say to her.
What annoyed me most about the situation was that I had just received her gift of sexism, but it was something I couldn’t give back. And I wouldn’t be able to regift to any other woman.

I just had to wear it. Like so many other men who have got the same thing before me.

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