"Male Supremacy Groups Are Officially Considered Hate Groups"

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the first time, the advocacy nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center has included male supremacy groups to their annual hate list, released today. Paul Elam’s "A Voice for Men" and Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh’s "Return of Kings" are the two active groups added to the roundup of hate groups which includes organizations which attack or malign an entire class of people.

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Stanford Promotes ‘Inclusivity’ by Banning Men from the Gym Twice a Week

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'Stanford University announced this semester that male students are banned from the university gym twice a week in order to promote “inclusivity.”
The prestigious Stanford University has introduced a new policy that bans male students from the campus gym for two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays. University of Michigan-Flint professor Mark Perry has filed a civil rights complaint against Stanford over the practice.

According to the Stanford website, the women’s only gym access takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. Trans-females are welcome to participate in the women’s only hours.
The decision was made based on survey feedback from female students who said they “didn’t feel comfortable in large gym spaces.”'

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College disciplines student who posted names and accusations against others

Article here. Excerpt:

'Elizabeth Dunn ’18, who on Dec. 12 posted a list on Facebook accusing 36 current and former male students of sexual misconduct, has received official college discipline in the form of a letter in their file.

Official college discipline is a permanent attachment to a student’s file and must be reported if a student is asked whether they have received college discipline. It is also reported to the parents and guardians of the student.

“I’ve received official college discipline in the form of a letter that goes on my permanent record, for violating the respect for persons policy and obstructing a Title IX investigation (i.e. not sharing the names of survivors),” said Dunn, who uses they/them pronouns.'

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College Activism Needs to Get Better Than This Student Accusing Dozens of Peers of Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let me say this right off the bat: Publicly calling people rapists is a serious, potentially damning accusation that has the capacity to ruin innocent people’s lives. It also feels inappropriate at best to mention alleged “rapists” and “fetishistic” men in the same breath, as pointed out by someone who was named on the list and spoke with Babe about the events. That being said, when I first heard this happened, I thought Elizabeth was brave to disseminate a list of names of potential abusers. More than that, I loved the diligence required to confirm with every last one of the survivors who had been abused that the names should be published so that others might be spared.

Assuming Elizabeth had that level of follow-through was my mistake.'

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The Feminist Delusion of Toxic Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Just as the phrase "climate change" fails to capture the fundamental nature of a theory that was originally labeled "global warming," the commonly heard phrase "toxic masculinity" substitutes similarly imprecise language for the more explicit notion that the biologically ordained striving by men to achieve dominance is bad. Many women nowadays wish to bury the fact that their female ancestors sought protection by attaching themselves to dominant males; they suffer under the illusion that the cave man days are over and that as a result, men must now change their biology.

These women presume that civilization protects them sufficiently that they no longer need seek out protection by a loyal male.  They are delusional.  They think themselves capable of achieving the sort of competitive dominance needed to maintain their own autonomy because they view the abstract concept of society – or civilization – as an imperishable item largely immune from destruction.

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Let's Hear It For The Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the greater disparities between male and female students can be seen in the College of Veterinary Medicine, where out of 277 students, 96.39 percent of undergraduates are women, leaving 10 men in the minority in 2017.
Some might think that such a discrepancy would result in the creation of education or nursing groups for men, but there doesn’t seem to be a male-centered group yet at Purdue.

While no one should be encouraged to go into an area of study they truly do not want to enter, there’s something distinctly unfair about the lack of men’s programs, not just at Purdue, but around the nation. The recent push for women in STEM is admirable, but the same encouragement should be offered to men.'

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UK: Women open women-only club... to tackle sexism

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California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia denies groping accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a #MeToo activist, she's called on those accused of harassment to resign immediately – but she does not plan to do so herself.

"I don't know if I would go so far as to say that it's hypocritical. What I do know is that it's incredibly questionable," Fierro said.

"I'm going to be respectful of the process. I've been trying really hard to be respectful of people coming forward," Garcia said. "I've never had allegations like this against me."

Garcia has yet to be interviewed by investigators. She's on unpaid leave until the investigation is complete. There's no clear timeline on when that will be.'

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The desperate cry of America's boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mr. Black is not the first to attack masculinity and suggest it’s at the root of all evil. Indeed, the phrase ‘toxic masculinity’ has become boilerplate language in America.

It’s not a hard sell, either. After all, it is boys and men who are typically to blame for violent acts of aggression. Ergo, testosterone—the defining hormone of masculinity—must be to blame. But testosterone has been around forever. School shootings have not.

Mr. Black is correct that boys are broken. But they're not broken as a result of being cavemen who haven’t “evolved” the way women have. They’re broken for another reason.

They are fatherless.

Broken homes, or homes without a physically and emotionally present mother and father, are the cause of most of society’s ills. “Unstable homes produce unstable children,” writes Peter Hasson at The Federalist.

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Protesters Try Everything To Keep Fired Google Employee James Damore From Speaking But Totally Fail

Article here. Excerpt:

'A protester tried pulling the plug on fired Google employee James Damore and the rest of a panel at Portland State University Saturday by tampering with the audio system.

Portland State’s Freethinkers group hosted Damore, along with professor Peter Boghossian, writer Helen Pluckrose, and Evergreen State professors Bret Weinstein and Heather E. Heying, reported The College Fix.

Non-student protester Heather Clark, whose attempted dismantling of the panel’s sound system resulted in a 10-minute audio outage, received a second degree criminal mischief citation, as well as a two-year campus ban.

"I know that some were expecting a violent disruption,” Clark told The Fix. “I don’t think that was ever on the table. Bottom line, people like James Damore are absolutely not welcome here. We must make that clear. A small walkout and some equipment damage isn’t saying much, but it’s a whole lot louder than nothing.”'

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Even Justice Ginsburg Thinks Colleges Handle Misconduct Allegations Unfairly

Article here. Excerpt:

'Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said colleges and universities have not respected the due process rights of the accused when resolving allegations of sexual misconduct during public remarks earlier this week.

A feminist icon and patroness of the #MeToo movement, the justice expressed sympathy with widely-held perceptions about systemic injustice in college rape tribunals.

Ginsburg told The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Rosen that women should never be afraid to complain about disparate treatment, but added that the accused must be handled fairly. She then noted that campus administrators often fail to abide by these tenets when adjudicating assault or harassment allegations.'

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#MeToo movement lawmaker faces new sexual misconduct allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'SAN FRANCISCO — New misconduct allegations have been leveled against California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia — the high-profile #MeToo movement activist under investigation herself for alleged sexual harassment — including a claim that Garcia urged staffers to play “spin the bottle” after a political fundraiser.

David John Kernick has filed a formal complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing claiming he was dismissed from his job in Garcia’s district office for questioning the propriety of asking staffers to play the game.

Kernick, 38, who worked for the assemblywoman for five months in 2014, described to POLITICO an evening of heavy drinking in which Garcia ended up sitting on a hotel room floor with about half-dozen people — including her staffers and at least one male friend — and prompted them to play a game that results in participants kissing each other.

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Woman pursues and murders driver in road rage incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marc Devoe, a Peabody construction worker, was on his lunch break from a project at the future Thorndike Exchange when he realized another driver that he may have cut off was following him, according to a police report.

"Someone is following us," Devoe told a coworker. "I think we have a problem."

Devoe was dead less than two hours later.

Devoe, 34, was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest that police say the other driver fired following a confrontation near the Gallagher Intermodal Terminal.

That driver, Graciela Paulino, 20, of 1010 Gorham St., Unit 3, was ordered held without bail on Friday, arraigned on a single count of murder in Lowell District Court.'

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What Do ALL the Mass Shooters Have in Common?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The one common thread among all the recent mass shooters is they are children of single of mothers.  These young men had no male role models in their homes.  For 50 years, our society has encouraged women to be single mothers despite all the research proving it is detrimental to a child to be born into a home without a father.  Children born to single mothers are twice as likely to become delinquent. 

Children of single mothers are more likely to be in special education classes in school, more likely to drop out of school, more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol at an early age, and more likely to become delinquent and to be incarcerated.  There are no men on death row from intact families.  Children of single mothers are more likely to witness domestic violence in their homes and more likely to repeat the pattern of domestic violence. Children born to a married couple are more likely to attend college, less likely to be abused, and more likely to grow up mentally and physically healthier.  A child born to a single mother has close to a 40% chance of growing up in poverty while a child born to a married couple has less than 4% chance of growing up in poverty. Children of single mothers are 14 times more likely to suffer abuse and if the mother lives with a man who is not the father of the child, the chances of abuse increase to 33 times that of a married couple. Worse, the children of single parents are more likely to grow up and repeat the pattern, a pattern that is detrimental to children.  Despite what the liberals have told us, children need fathers in their lives and in their homes.

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James Madison University’s Sexual-Assault Star Chamber

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may finally be payback time for one student at James Madison University.

In a case involving a dubious sexual-assault claim and a proceeding reminiscent of Franz Kafka’s The Trial, “John Doe,” the accused male student, received a five-year suspension from the university. A court later reinstated him. And now the university may be required to pay Doe a cool $849,231.25 to cover his legal costs — if the judge on the case accepts the recommendation of a federal magistrate.

The report filed by U.S. magistrate Joel Hoppe in John Doe v. Alger says that the school unfairly suspended the student for a sexual assault that was alleged but never proven. In fact, Doe was found innocent by the campus tribunal that originally heard the claim.'

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