Incivility at Work: Is 'Queen Bee Syndrome' Getting Worse?

Article here. Tangential to MRM issues. It's a stereotype-buster. The notion that workplaces are made hostile for women by men seems a bit misplaced after reading this. But it is just one study. Excerpt:

'The phenomenon of women discriminating against other women in the workplace — particularly as they rise in seniority — has long been documented as the "queen bee syndrome." As women have increased their ranks in the workplace, most will admit to experiencing rude behavior and incivility.

Who is at fault for dishing out these mildly deviant behaviors? Has the syndrome grown more pervasive?

"Studies show women report more incivility experiences overall than men, but we wanted to find out who was targeting women with rude remarks," said Allison Gabriel, assistant professor of management and organizations in the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. 

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Duke Settles Student Lawsuit Over Sexual-Misconduct Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Duke settled a legal dispute Monday about its student conduct process that’s been up in the air for almost four years, the University confirmed. Lewis McLeod enrolled at Duke as part of the Class of 2014. He was [falsely] accused of sexual misconduct by a female student in November 2013. Duke found McLeod responsible for sexual misconduct, and expelled him.'

Ed. note: OP submitted this link but it's paywalled hard. If you have a WSJ subscription, guess you get to read it.

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Another University Will Have To Pay For Its Title IX Zealotry

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Obama administration was notable for its disregard of the rule of law in its avid pursuit of politically desirable outcomes. Law professor David Bernstein’s book on that subject, Lawless examined many such instances (see my review here) including the demand by Department of Education officials that colleges and universities scrap due process for accused male students in pursuit of high numbers of punishments for sexual assault.

Now some of the schools that eagerly complied with the Department’s abuse of Title IX (the 1972 law that was written to keep schools that received federal funds from discriminating against women applicants) are feeling strong repercussions, as students use our justice system to right the wrongs done to them.

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Canada: 'We start with women': 2018 budget unveils new law to ensure men and women receive equal pay

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canada’s self-proclaimed feminist government says it will “lead by example” with new pay equity legislation in this year’s gender-themed budget that aims to tap into the economic potential of more women.

The 2018 spending plan, unveiled Tuesday by Finance Minister Bill Morneau, centres on an argument that women will be crucial to economic growth in the coming years.

To unleash this potential, which Morneau said Tuesday could add billions of dollars to Canada’s economy, the Liberal government is proposing to tackle the pay gap between men and women by implementing a new law to enforce equal pay for equal work in federally regulated sectors.

“What we can do is lead by example,” Morneau told the House of Commons Tuesday as he tabled this year’s budget.

“It is our hope that in doing so, all employers will reflect on the way in which work done by women has been too often undervalued.”'

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College Student Describes Hell of False Rape Allegation

Article here. Excerpt:

'On December 12, my life changed forever.

I became aware that my name was on a “List of Men to Avoid,” compiled by a fellow student at Middlebury College, Elizabeth Dunn. It included the names of male students who had allegedly violated the boundaries of female students at Middlebury, based on accusations sent to Dunn on Facebook.

Each of the 36 names on the list was accompanied by a label in parentheses. Mine read “rapist.”

For the past two months, I’ve dealt with the social and psychological fallout of being anonymously branded a rapist on a small liberal arts campus.

I’ve wracked my brain to figure out what I could have done that a sex partner perceived as rape. I did everything Middlebury tells students to do in order to obtain sexual consent.

Most of my close female friends have abandoned me, and other friends continually make excuses to avoid me. I even considered suicide.

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Understanding the True Character of Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

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Tucker C and Jordan P: Why are so many young men committing mass murder?

Video here. Summary:

'Compared with the peaks of the eighties and nineties, crime is way down in America. But rampage shooters are increasingly common, and almost all the killers are young men.'

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SPLC Slams ‘Factual Feminist’ and Other Women as Part of 'Male Supremacy’ Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the topsy turvy world of Leftist attack dogs, a Muslim reformer is an "anti-Islamic extremist," and the "Factual Feminist" is a "male supremacist." This month, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) expanded its political twisting of "hate" to smear critics of radical feminism.

"Male supremacy is a hateful ideology advocating for the subjugation of women," explained the SPLC's "extremist file" on "Male Supremacy" hate groups. Among those pushing for "the subjugation of women" are female critics of the far-Left push for enforced equality of outcome and abortion on demand, according to the SPLC.

"Women, too, have helped give the men’s rights movement a veneer of even-handedness," the group reported. "Prominent MRAs [Men's Rights Activists] also include anti-feminist female voices, such as popular Canadian YouTube personality Karen Straughan, American psychologist Helen Smith, and the former head of a domestic-violence shelter for women, the British Erin Pizzey."

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Southern Poverty Law Center: "Male Supremacy"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The men’s rights movement lives in a pseudo-academic, seemingly respectable bubble, using litigation to challenge female-only spaces or defend men accused of campus sexual assault though airing more disturbing ideas behind the scene. Often, these men’s rights advocacy groups, like the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), founded in 1977, and on whose board of advisors Farrell sits, distort or cherry-pick statistics to indicate female privilege, blame women or create false equivalences between the oppression of men and of women, rather than simply seek to advance the cause of men and fathers. Groups like NCFM use litigation to challenge what they perceived as discrimination in favor of women and try to influence policy on domestic violence, sexual assault, divorce and custody cases. In reality, they offered little help to men other than blaming women or advocating to deny women the structures that they did have to resort to discrimination or violence — one of the biggest grievances of the men’s rights movement, for instance, is the Violence Against Women Act in 1994.

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New page on our favorite subject

The Patriarchy. Yes. Read it and... do something. Dunno. Comment hereon.

What About This Patriarchy Stuff?

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Australia: Young men search for answers, rising star Jordan Peterson gives them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Could the plight of today’s 20-something white American male be cured with a self-help book?

For thousands, the answer appears to be a surprising yes.
Peterson sees young men as victims of a society that hasn’t prepared them to be men, where postmodern, identity group politics has leaked out of the campuses and into the elementary schools, where being an energetic boy is considered a mental health defect, as social media rumors say.

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PFA order says congressional hopeful Shannon Edwards threatened to kill husband

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Allegheny County judge granted a temporary restraining order in late 2016 against Shannon Edwards, who announced Wednesday she's running for Congress, after her husband accused her of drunkenly attacking him and threatening to kill him, court records show.

Edwards, 33, of Lawrenceville is a psychologist who reportedly had an affair with former Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, who resigned in October.

Edwards announced her intention to campaign as a Republican for Congress on the steps of the Allegheny County Courthouse, a move that surprised GOP officials who said they weren't aware she was considering a run.

Edwards' husband, Jesse Sally, an osteopathic doctor specializing in sports medicine, has been seeking a divorce in a court case that is now sealed.'

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Women-only co-working spaces on rise in Twin Cities

Article here. Excerpt:

'A few dozen women gathered in a brick North Loop building — its entrance marked by pink balloons — for mimosas and a sneak peek.

There was no furniture yet. The floors were still covered in paper. But on a tour, the women were promised couches, tables and benches with a “hotel lobby or art gallery vibe.” A beauty bar packed with products for “all skin and hair types.” Space to work, to meet, to be in “boss mode.”

All without men around.

“If members need to bring men into the space,” said Liz Giel, gesturing to the unfinished conference room behind her, sliding doors will offer privacy, “so that our members will never have to see a dude.”

She winked. The women laughed.'

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"The patriarchal race to colonize Mars is just another example of male entitlement"

Article here. Excerpt:

'These men, particularly Musk, are not only heavily invested in who can get their rocket into space first, but in colonizing Mars. The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one. Indeed, there is no ethical consideration among these billionaires about whether this should be done; rather, the conversation is when it will be done. Because, in the eyes of these intrepid explorers, this is the only way to save humanity.

It is the same instinctual and cultural force that teaches men that everything — and everyone — in their line of vision is theirs for the taking. You know, just like walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the pussy.

It’s there, so just grab it because you can.'

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I’m already equal. So why do today’s feminists keep saying I’m oppressed?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Good morning, America. All your recent talk of gender equality has only shown just how far from woke you really are. Despite best intentions, the current cultural conversation about feminism continues to perpetuate sexism.

From my perspective, I’m already equal and was born that way in 1972. No need to fight about it now. I wasn’t waiting around for anyone to wake up or make space. Instead, I crafted an adventurous, independent, and productive existence with gusto, moxie, and swashbuckle.

Men never seemed inherently better at anything but hauling hay. So I’m impatient with discussions about gender premised on the assumption that I’m struggling at an imaginary starting line. Inequalities certainly exist, but women have been getting ahead, and doing great things, for a while, in the workforce and beyond. Yet the overwhelming messaging now is that we don’t own our power unless we shout about our woes, and that strong ladies talk a lot about how bad they’ve got it.'

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