America Has A Major Fatherlessness Problem On Its Hands

Article here. Excerpt:

'After yet another school shooting, which we all knew would eventually happen, the connection between fatherlessness and school shooters has finally been seriously exposed. Several videos, discussing the links between fatherlessness and school shooters, generated over ten million views and articles drew an unprecedented level of interest.

In fact, for the first time in decades, the issue broke into the national media, in a significant way. Top rated cable news program Tucker Carlson Tonight is dedicating every Wednesday in March to issues impacting “Men in America”. In announcing the series, he said:

“Does a generation of boys growing up without fathers pose a threat to this country? Of course it does, why wouldn’t it?”

Not to mention it hurts girls too.'

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Paris sex doll brothel 'encourages rape', but police say it's legal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Paris councillors will this week examine calls to shut down France's first ever sex doll brothel, which opened earlier this year and currently has four silicone women ready for "rent".

The move comes after police visited the premises in the middle-class 14th arrondissement and determined that it was breaking no laws and was not a threat to public order.

Communist members of the Paris Council have tabled a motion calling for the closure of the "brothel" on moral grounds, while feminist groups argue that it is encouraging a culture of rape.
“You cannot accuse a man of raping a doll. It is as if a woman were to file a complaint with the police against a dildo,” the source told Le Parisien.'

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Advocacy for the accused?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It was September 2017 when United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos spoke to a crowd at George Mason University about sexual assault on college campuses.

“There is no way to avoid the devastating reality of campus sexual misconduct: lives have been lost. Lives of victims. And lives of the accused,” said DeVos to a room of university students, according to the Washington Post.

This statement, made nearly six months ago, led to a shift in the narrative presented by colleges and universities around the country regarding sexual assault on campus.

UNC Wilmington was not immune to this change.

In the wake of DeVos’s comments, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights issued a statement saying that they were withdrawing the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence, which has been in place since April of 2011.'

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Kathie Lee Gifford Says She Hates 'the Male-Bashing That's Going on in the World Today'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kathie Lee Gifford is standing up for the “good men” amid the #MeToo movement.

The Today show host recently spoke with SiriusXM’s Michelle Collins for an episode of The Michelle Collins Show and discussed a culture of “male-bashing” that she believes is taking place in society

“Any good, decent, wonderful man’s welcome to be along for the ride, because I hate the male-bashing that’s going on in the world today,” said Gifford, 64. “There are a lot of wonderful men.”

“I hate this whole thing of, ‘I’m not going to be happy until there’s not a good man left standing.’ I hate that,” she continued.

When Collins said that she doesn’t “think anyone feels that way,” Gifford insisted, “I do.”

“Oh gosh, I sense it. I hate it, because there are a lot of great men, great men. And let’s celebrate them, let’s be grateful for them,” she continued.'

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UK: Forklift driver killed himself after being falsely accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ross Bullock, 38, met his accuser in February 2015 and the pair had sex at his workplace, before exchanging dozens of flirtatious messages.

But the following month Ross, from Redditch, Worcestershire, was arrested and questioned by cops, after the woman accused him of rape, according to the Mail On Sunday.

Mr Bullock showed officers the texts, including one exchange, where Mr Bullock asked: "Well I hope u had a good time," to which the woman replied: "It was alright I suppose!! X."

Police told him they wouldn't be taking action, but warned he could still be charged at a later date.

After a "year of torment", Mr Bullock hanged himself in the garage of his family home and left a note to say he had "hit rock bottom" and that he would be "free from this living hell".'

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Title IX Balance: Protect Victims or the Accused?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many universities say they are seeing an increase in Title IX complaints in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Title IX was passed as part of the Educational Amendments of 1972, meant to prohibit sexual discrimination or inequality in education programs or activities. The #MeToo movement has helped bring justice to many victims but has also raised concerns about the rights of the accused. Education Sec. Betsy DeVos says she is concerned about the same balance in schools - justice for victims while protecting due process rights. But could a shift in policy once again discourage sexual assault victims from coming forward? Soledad O’Brien sits down with Debora Osgood, an expert in civil rights in education, to discuss.'

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Student disciplined in classroom dispute allowed to return to class

Article here. Excerpt:

'A student at the center of a dispute over free speech and classroom etiquette at Indiana University of Pennsylvania can return to his religious studies class, and disciplinary proceedings have been shelved — at least temporarily, IUP president Michael Driscoll said Monday.

The student, Lake Ingle, faced university sanctions after he complained in class about a speaker’s opinions on topics including white male privilege, sexism and gender pay disparities.

In a prepared statement Monday, Mr. Driscoll said he had decided to “indefinitely pause” the disciplinary proceedings and allow Mr. Ingle to return to class. Mr. Driscoll said the emotionally charged nature of the dispute and media attention led to a “spate of invective, threat, obscene phone calls and misinformation.”

“As a result of how things have played out, I am afraid that the thoughtful, dispassionate review of the matter is impossible,” he said.

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National Geographic shows ad portraying man with mosquito head as "progress" of public health education

Article here. Excerpt:

'Both world wars sparked campaigns against sexually transmitted diseases. World War I–era posters warned soldiers against promiscuity while pointedly avoiding words such as “syphilis” and “gonorrhea.” By World War II, language was more explicit: “You can’t beat the Axis if you get VD,” scolded one American poster. Starting in the 1980s, posters corrected misinformation about HIV/AIDS and urged condom use.'

A Google search for “Zika+honeymoon” turns up hundreds of thousands of results. This playful ad from the Arizona Department of Health Services directs would-be honeymooners to a website to find out more. (This image shows a man with a mosquito head.)"
I guess it's OK when it's men being portrayed as the carriers of disease.

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Book Review: The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell

The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It. By Warren Farrell, Ph.D. and John Gray, Ph.D. Dallas: BenBella Books, Inc., 2018. 493 pages. www. US$25.95. Reviewed by J. Steven Svoboda

Disclaimer: Warren Farrell is a longtime colleague and friend of mine. I co-authored a textbook with him and James Sterba.

Warren Farrell has had a fascinating, amazing life. He started off writing books and giving talks that made him a darling of early feminism and the only man ever elected three times to the board of the New York National Organization for Women (NOW). Then he discovered another side of gender discrimination and started writing primarily about the male experience, after which the great majority of his speaking and television engagements tapered off.

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Silicon Valley’s Favorite Prison Reformer Accused of Sexual Assault and Harassment

Article here. Innocent until proven guilty, for everyone. My point here is that if she were a he, he would have been forced to resign already. Excerpt:

'Regarding Gordon’s allegations, “our investigation is ongoing,” the board said in its statement. “But we now feel compelled to say, based on our preliminary assessment, that Mr. Gordon’s allegations do not appear to be supported by other members of the organization or by other evidence available to the investigators.”

But in interviews with The Daily Beast, other former employees supported some of Gordon’s allegations.

Defy settled a complaint brought by a female former employee who said Hoke “reached her hand up the employee’s skirt twice at a company party,” according to Gordon’s letter to prison officials.

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Yale "trial" report

Article here. Excerpt:

'You could not ask for a more glaring contrast between campus and criminal justice measures of acceptable sexual behavior than those revealed by the recent trial of Yale student Saifullah Khan.

I should know: I sat through the entire seven-day trial because Khan’s parents were not able; as a mother myself, I could not imagine my child enduring such a terrifying experience alone.

As co-president of Families Advocating for Campus Equality, a nonprofit that supports students accused of sexual misconduct on campus, I have met hundreds of students like Khan, caught up in a political and ideological tidal wave leaving devastation in its wake.'

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Women Against Paternity Fraud releases web site introduction video

Nice job. The interns explain it all. Video here.

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The Biggest Legacy Of International Women’s Day Is Communism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obviously, few people celebrating International Women’s Day in 2018 intend to glorify Communism’s dark history. But the day still retains the essence of its Marxist roots by encouraging women to think of themselves as a homogenous class with discrete common interests, in opposition to men’s.

There are almost 3.8 billion women on this planet, and not only do they face vastly varied challenges, they hold different political views, hope for different solutions, and dream different dreams. Women, in other words, are people. The feminist left uses this fact as a slogan, but ignores its deeper significance: Men and women aren’t two uniform interest groups, locked in the kind of Marxist have versus have-not struggle that Communists wanted to recognize with the celebration of International Women’s Day.'

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Monty Python star Terry Gilliam under fire for defending Matt Damon against #MeToo 'mob rule'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Terry Gilliam, the Monty Python star and Hollywood director, is facing a backlash after he defended Matt Damon against the "mob rule" of the #MeToo movement, claiming that while some women suffered, others used Harvey Weinstein to further their careers.

The 77-year-old American-born animator said Weinstein "is a monster" and that there were "plenty of monsters out there... There are other people (still) behaving like Harvey" in the film industry, abusing their power for sex.

Weinstein was exposed because he "is an a**hole and he made so many enemies," he told AFP.

But Gilliam stirred controversy by saying the reaction against the wave of sexual abuse and harassment revelations had become ugly and "simplistic... people are frightened to say things, to think things.

"It is a world of victims. I think some people did very well out of meeting with Harvey and others didn't. The ones who did knew what they were doing. These are adults, we are talking about adults with a lot of ambition.'

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From Suffrage to Suppression: Women Now Lead in Anti-Speech Sentiment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two recent polls, one that sampled college students and another that sampled Americans in general, highlight a disturbing trend among women’s views on free speech rights.

While there are many women who support robust free speech rights, and many well-known women who have made their career working as advocates and activists for free speech, as a group women are increasingly hostile to freedom of speech.

Just this week, Gallup and the Knight Foundation released their newest poll of college students’ attitudes toward free speech, and college women did not answer well on questions of protecting free speech. When asked how important it is to protect citizens’ rights to free speech, a very slim majority of women (51%) responded that it was “extremely important” compared to 62% of men.'

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