Theresa May slams Jeremy Corbyn for ‘mansplaining’ International Women’s Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Prime Minister roasted the Labour leader after he attacked her for welcoming the Saudi crown prince to the UK with “open arms” today.

The row began when Mr Corbyn said in his opening question to Mrs May that: “Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, a chance to both celebrate on how far we’ve come on equality for women.

“But also to reflect on how far we still have to go, not just in this country but around the world.”

He linked the issue to the imminent arrival of Mohammed bin Salman for an official visit, saying despite hgis recent reomrs [sic] there has been a “sharp increase” in arrests and torture of dissidents.
A clearly riled Mrs May replied: “Well first of all can I thank the right honourable gentleman for telling me that it is International Women’s Day tomorrow.”

After much laughter from the Tory benches she added: “I think that’s what’s called mansplaining!”'

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Former Student Sues Emory, Citing Bias in Title IX Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Emory law student has sued the University after it suspended him for engaging in non-consensual sexual intercourse with a former female student and later rejected his appeal. He is seeking re-admission and monetary compensation, alleging that Emory’s Office of Title IX “held biased assumptions that female students would not make false accusations of sexual assault against their fellow male students” and deprived him of due process.

After the Office of Title IX found Troy Daly, 27, responsible for violating the Emory Sexual Misconduct Policy for non-consensual sexual intercourse last year, Daly was involved in a seven-month Title IX process, pursued an appeal and received three separate sets of sanctions. After his appeal failed, Daly filed a March 2017 lawsuit in DeKalb County Superior Court against the University. He denies that he sexually assaulted the woman, who reported that the sexual actions were consensual until sexual intercourse, court documents show. The Wheel is omitting identifying information about the woman to protect her privacy.'

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What Has Campus Feminism Done for Women?

Article here. Excerpt:

'American college campuses are awash in feminist theory, feminist events, feminist centers, and feminist faculty. But has this done anything to improve the lives of women? In today’s Martin Center article, Shannon Watkins argues that it has done the opposite.

In fact, she dares to suggest that the real “war on women” is being waged under the banner of feminism.

“On the surface,” she writes, “feminist ideals seem to have the good of all women in mind: After all, who would characterize him or herself as opposed to women’s ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’? But a closer look at campus culture reveals that, in order to be considered ‘pro-woman,’ one must accept a narrowly defined set of values — values that many women find unrelatable, if not repulsive. This includes the glorification of abortion, the rejection of masculinity, and the exaltation of sexual liberation.”'

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Man becomes first person convicted of sexism under new Belgian law

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man has been convicted of sexism in a public place for the first time under a new law in Belgium.

A court in Brussels fined him €3,000 for insulting a police officer because of her gender, Le Soir reported.

It comes as France prepares to create an offence of street harassment, described as “sexist and sexual outrage”.
The driver was found guilty of three charges: contempt of a police officer, making threats and sexist remarks in public, and a serious violation of another person’s dignity because of her gender.

He was warned that if he failed to pay the fine, a prison term of a month would be imposed.'

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Does Concern For Boys Put You In the Alt-Right?

Article here. Excerpt:

'So there I was, reading a piece in the New Yorker by Steve Coll, titled “Donald Trump’s Fake News Tactics," where Trump was seen as “draw(ing) on the contemporary idioms of the alt-right.” Quoting a report by researchers Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis, Coll describes the alt-right as best understood as “‘an amalgam of conspiracy theorists, techno-libertarians, white nationalists, Men’s Rights advocates, trolls, anti-feminists, anti-immigration activists, and bored young people.’”

One of those categories jumped out at me: “Men’s Rights advocates.” I don’t identify with that group. But as a man who is the father of three sons and grandfather of five grandsons, and an emeritus professor of psychology who has studied gender issues for more than 40 years, the idea of men being concerned about their rights does not seem terribly far-fetched. Cassie Jaye’s 2016 documentary about men’s rights advocates showed some legitimate reasons for their concerns. So to see this group linked in with conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, and anti-Semites troubled me deeply.

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A Shameless Title IX Bureaucrat Poses as a Champion Of Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'During her nearly four years running Barack Obama’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Catherine Lhamon was nothing if not consistent. She sought to use the power of her office—chiefly by threatening to withhold federal funds—to force colleges and universities to change their campus sexual assault policies. Every substantive change demanded by the Obama administration made it more likely an accused student would be found guilty.

So it’s been rather startling in recent days to see Lhamon claim that defending the fair treatment of accused students was a cardinal principle of her OCR tenure. On February 17, she tweeted, “The OCR I led insisted on a rigidly fair process for all parties involved in sexual violence investigations. Resolution agreements demonstrate that, notwithstanding baseless claims to the contrary. Fairness to all involved is essential to justice.”

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Law students caught crying 'wolf' over Christina Hoff Sommers speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'Monday at 12 p.m., PST, controversial author and American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers will give a speech on trigger warnings, safe spaces, and victimhood culture at Portland’s Lewis & Clark Law School. Groups have begun to organize protests, with the Portland-based Twitter account Always Antifascist claiming that Sommers “is basically [a Men's Rights Activist] and rape apologist/denialist.”

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India: “I quit” writes a father of one before hanging self, inlaws booked

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 35-year-old man committed suicide by hanging himself at his house here in Dadumajra Colony, on Monday.

Survived by wife and a three-year-old daughter, Pradeep Kumar, left behind a suicide note blaming his in-laws of harassment.

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8 Million Women Sign Declaration Decrying Radical Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'HomeMakers for America will be in the nation’s capital on March 8 to celebrate a national and international movement that started in May 2017 when the pro-God, pro-family, and pro-freedom organization published its Declaration of Mothers.

Since then, thousands of women in more than 4,000 U.S. cities and all 50 states have signed the declaration, several governors are proclaiming March 8 International Mothers Influence Day, and last month Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) entered the declaration into the Congressional Record.

In January 2018 HomeMakers for America partnered with women around the world to issue the Worldwide Declaration of Mothers, which has since been signed by organizational leaders representing eight million people in more than 150 countries around the world.

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Virginia considering shared parenting legislation

Article here.

'Virginia is among the growing list of states considering legislation to enact shared parenting - a flexible arrangement that gives children approximately 35-50 percent of time with each parent – after divorce. The bill is set to hit the Senate floor any day now, and Christian Paasch, founder of the Virginia Chapter of the National Parents Organization, discussed what this could mean for local families.'

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Do We Need to Redefine Masculinity—or Get Rid of It?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This side of Poppi doesn’t quite fit our country’s definition of “masculine”—which we often assume includes attributes like strong, withdrawn, and violent.
It might sound rash, getting rid of masculinity. But it’s really not a crazy thought. We only have to look back a little over 100 years to understand that, in America, the concept of masculinity was constructed to defend white supremacy and white male dominance over black men and women of all races.'

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Uni Student Arrested For Making False Rape Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Authorities arrested a Clemson University student Wednesday after they discovered she made false claims about a rape.

South Carolina’s Oconee County Sheriff’s Office arrested and charged 18-year-old Sarah Katherine Campbell for filing a false police report of a felony, the department announced in a press release.

Campbell reportedly alleged a fellow student raped her in January at the Delta Chi Fraternity House — an off-campus university frat house. The Criminal Investigations Unit of the Sheriff’s Office concluded the sexual act was consensual amid their investigation into the case.

“The investigation continued and evidence was gathered in the case; and based upon that evidence, it was determined that the sexual relations between Campbell and the male at the Fraternity House was consensual and that Campbell had not been truthful in the information that she provided to the investigator in the case,” the department noted.'

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Firefighting Empowerment Camp for Girls Canceled After Complaint

Article here. Excerpt:

'A firefighting empowerment camp for girls was abruptly canceled after a discrimination complaint to the city.

That complaint came from a boy's father who called it a "girls only" empowerment camp that deterred his son from taking part.

Organizers with the Girls Empowerment Camp told us registration for the March 3 and 4 camp filled up with 100 participants in just three days. There were 40 participants on a wait list too. But now, no one will be taking part.
The foundation also added that gender isn't asked about on the registration. The attorney never filed a lawsuit against the foundation but did cite many anti-discrimination laws in his letter to the city.

He also called the event a "no-boys allowed empowerment camp." Organizers with the Girls Empowerment Camp told NBC 7 the main reason for having this event is to empower girls in a male-dominated industry.'

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Actress Heather Locklear jailed for DV, assaulting a cop

Article here. Excerpt:

'Heather Locklear was arrested Sunday night for felony domestic violence and battery on a cop.

The incident occurred Sunday night. Deputies responded to a home in Thousand Oaks, CA ... someone reported domestic violence.

During the arrest she allegedly became combative and attacked a cop. As a result, she was also arrested on 3 counts of misdemeanor battery on an officer.'

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Incivility at Work: Is 'Queen Bee Syndrome' Getting Worse?

Article here. Tangential to MRM issues. It's a stereotype-buster. The notion that workplaces are made hostile for women by men seems a bit misplaced after reading this. But it is just one study. Excerpt:

'The phenomenon of women discriminating against other women in the workplace — particularly as they rise in seniority — has long been documented as the "queen bee syndrome." As women have increased their ranks in the workplace, most will admit to experiencing rude behavior and incivility.

Who is at fault for dishing out these mildly deviant behaviors? Has the syndrome grown more pervasive?

"Studies show women report more incivility experiences overall than men, but we wanted to find out who was targeting women with rude remarks," said Allison Gabriel, assistant professor of management and organizations in the University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. 

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