Woman given 2½-year suspended sentence over false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been given a 2½ year suspended sentence for falsely making an allegation of rape after a night out in Killarney, Co Kerry almost four years ago.

Jacinta O’Connor (28), of Steelroe, Killorglin, had denied “knowingly” making a false report of a rape and wasting Garda time on Sepember 22nd, 2014 but was found guilty by a jury in late 2016.

The finalisation of the case had been adjourned a number of times to allow for probation and other reports.'

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Why young men are being left out of Alberta's economic recovery

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recession saw thousands of people leaving Calgary office towers with cardboard boxes in hand. Many managers, engineers, administrative staff and so on were let go as oil prices fell. Today, most are finding opportunities elsewhere.

While perhaps the jobs they find are not as good or as high paying, and certainly not without costs along the way, for many the recovery is real. But for young men, it's actually gotten worse.
Consider the following chart created with Statistics Canada data.

It illustrates the change in employment rates for Albertans of different age and gender. That is, it shows the change in the share of each group that has a job. One group is clearly not like the others.'

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UK: Movement to create special prisons etc. for women still on

Article here. Excerpt:

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Miami University paying students to promote ‘radical feminism’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Women’s Center at Miami University is paying students to organize events that promote “social justice and radical feminism” on campus.

Launched in 2017, the Women’s Center Internship recruits up to seven interns per year to organize events for students, such as World Hijab Day and the Male Ally Awards, that align with the Center’s mission to promote “women’s empowerment.”

Although the Center will soon hire a new batch of interns for the upcoming school year, student Elisabeth Dodd is now in her second year of the internship program.'

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Not 'Toxic Masculinity,' but None: Most Mass Shooters Are Fatherless

Article here. Excerpt:

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College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders

Article here. Excerpt:

'A religious studies major was barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying during class that there are only two genders.

Lake Ingle, a senior at the university, said he was silenced and punished by IUP Professor Alison Downie for questioning her during a Feb. 28 “Christianity 481: Self, Sin, and Salvation” lecture.

After showing a 15-minute TED Talk by transgender ex-pastor Paula Stone Williams discussing the “reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,” the professor asked the women in the class to share their thoughts. When no women in the class said anything, Ingle spoke up, challenging the professor on biology and the gender wage gap.

He told the class that the official view of biologists is that there are only two genders.

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Actor’s suicide triggers backlash against #MeToo movement in South Korea

Article here. Excerpt:

'The suicide of a leading South Korean actor accused of sexual assault has triggered a backlash against the nation’s growing #MeToo movement, with critics charging that it has devolved into a witch hunt that promotes prejudice against men.

Jo Min-ki hanged himself in the basement of his apartment building in Seoul on Friday afternoon. Mr Jo, 52, was best known for his roles in a number of television series, including “Love and Ambition”, but had been fired in February from his position as a drama professor at Cheongju University after eight women came forward to allege that he had raped and sexually assaulted them.'

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Steven Crowder: Male privilege is a myth

Article and video here. Excerpt:

'The man, the meme, the legend, Steven Crowder went to TCU to have Real Conversations. This one challenged the concept of male privilege. This isn’t the most productive topic to talk about, evidently, but nonetheless Crowder shows an interesting conversation. As soon as his subject uttered the words “yoga” it became clear that he was talking to a beta male. The guy brought up a story about how his friend was “raped”. Crowder, without disproving the rape claim still demonstrated that rape culture on college campuses is mythical. The conversation wasn’t focused as much on inequality as one might have hoped for, but physical privilege and rape culture were well discussed.'

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"Commitment-phobic men are the real reason women are having children later"

Article here. Excerpt:

'We are becoming a nation of older mothers. The average age at which a woman has her first child is now 30, a fifth reach 45 without having a baby and the usual busybodies are in a flap. The government, which had anyway decided on compulsory relationship classes, thinks the answer lies in more of the same. If we only explain to 11-year-olds how hard it is to conceive at 40, the creep towards geriatric motherhood can be reversed. Expect your small daughter to bring home fertility awareness posters designed in PSHE, perhaps papier-mâché models of a deteriorating human egg.
I hate to kick men when they’re down, ducked beneath the parapet for fear of angry feminists, but I suspect the real problem here isn’t ignorant girls but unwilling boys.

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Two Penn profs sign letter denouncing 'believe the victim' policies for sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two Penn professors signed a letter openly denouncing victim-centered approaches to university sexual assault and harassment investigations.

The letter argues that the "believe the victim" approach endangers the accused’s rights to due process, or fair treatment in determining the person's guilt.

"The undersigned professors and legal experts write regarding the use of investigative 'victim-centered' practices that threaten to subvert the objective collection and presentation of evidence in administrative, civil, and criminal sexual assault proceedings," the letter reads. "These guilt-presuming methods include 'victim-centered' investigations, 'trauma-informed' theories, and the admonition to always 'believe the victim.'"'

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Greece: Labour minister has serious reservations over paternity leave for single fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Labour Minister Zeta Emilianidou said Tuesday she had serious reservations over an opposition proposal to extend paternity leave to single fathers who live with the mother of their child.

“I have serious reservations,” she told MPs during a discussion before the House labour committee. “If something happens to the man neither the woman nor the child will have any rights to his property.”

The proposal, submitted by Akel, extends the eligibility criteria to include fathers who live with the mother of their child but were not married or had entered a civil partnership.

The proposal provides for a sworn statement by both parents that they live under the same roof.

Emilianidou argued that the proposal would hurt the rights of women.'

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‘Special interests block reform to give fathers more rights’ - National Parents Organization to RT

Article here. Excerpt:

'The founder of the National Parents Organization has told RT that special interests in the law industry are blocking reforms that would give fathers more rights to see their children following divorce.

There are over one million divorces every year in the United States. The system for dealing with family break-ups was introduced by President Gerald Ford in 1975. It was designed to punish men who did not want to be responsible for their children, not fathers who wanted to play an active role in their child's life.

Courts rule in favor of mothers in five out of every six custodial hearings. Statistics also show that custodial mothers are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty as custodial fathers.

Dr. Ned Holstein, the founder of the National Parents Organization, which promotes shared parenting legislation, argues that the legal establishment is preventing reform.

“This is a classic case of special interests versus what the public generally believes,” he said to Manila Chan of RT America.'

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Why having a husband can be like having a third child

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Having a husband is like having an extra child.”

I’ve heard this countless times in various forms from mothers.

Mothers with two kids will joke that they have three children at home. Or they’ll say that they’ve got three biological kids and an adult step-child who also answers to “husband”.

And then there are the women who genuinely look forward to their partner’s business trips because they get to lower their standards for a week or two without complaint or insinuation that they’ve violated some unspoken marital contract.

It turns out that all of these “jokes” aren’t just baseless husband-bashing banter between mother friends. New research suggests that these married mothers are on the money: husbands are hard work.'

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UK: Sarah Champion: Misogyny Is A Hate Crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last year, Superintendent Ted Antill, the hate crime lead at Nottinghamshire Police, explained to the Home Affairs Committee that recording incidents of misogyny helps the police improve their understanding of hate crime and target their activities to prevent and detect it.

But recognising misogyny as a hate crime is not just about data collection. It’s about telling victims that you recognise the impact of what has happened to them, it’s about giving women the confidence to speak out, and it’s about making it clear to everyone that misogynistic behaviour will no longer be tolerated.

Last year, the APPG on domestic violence, of which I am an officer, convened a meeting to consider tackling misogyny as a hate crime. At the meeting, Rosemary Mansfield shared her personal experience of reporting a misogynistic incident of verbal abuse at a building site in Nottingham.'

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Manspreaders and cat-callers must be lashed, Iranian women demand

Article here. Excerpt:

I'Iranian women's rights activists are demanding the authorities enforce a law that would see men guilty of harassment, catcalling and manspreading in public receive up to 74 lashes.

The Tehran municipality has been presented with a series of posters designed by a feminist group calling attention to a law that provides for corporal punishment for men harassing women.

The posters, which the activists reportedly want the authorities to place in public, recall that Iran's Islamic Criminal Code punishes "immoral acts" in public, which they say includes harassment against women.

The proposed posters show men occupying outsized spaces on public transport - a practice known as manspreading - men in cars and motorbikes catcalling a woman; and men chasing a solitary woman on a street.'

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