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'The Office of Equity and Diversity has found junior Armaan Premjee responsible for charged policy violations after a nearly yearlong investigation into sexual assault charges from last April. A hearing will be held on Friday to determine sanctions.
In July, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office decided not to continue pursuing a criminal case against Premjee after a judge ruled that Premjee would not be held to answer.
“There is no indication of any withdrawal of consent,” the judge wrote in his ruling in July. “There is a very strong indication that the alleged victim in this case was the initiator of any conduct between the defendant and the alleged victim.”'
'New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand asserted at a Tuesday conference that if women ran Lehman Brothers, then they might not have caused a financial collapse.
During a Center for American Progress conference, Gillibrand intended to talk about the importance of women but instead ended up tacitly blaming men for the 2008 recession.
“If it wasn’t Lehman Brothers but Lehman Sisters we might not have had the financial collapse,” she asserted.'
'The wife of PGA Tour star Lucas Glover was arrested Saturday for domestic violence after she was upset over his poor performance, according to the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office.
Police say Krista Glover, 36, intentionally attacked and injured another person at a home on Marsh Hawk Place in Ponte Vedra Beach. Glover Tweeted Tuesday that an incident did occur.
According to a St. Johns County Sheriff's Report, Krista Glover told deputies, "When the [PGA] Tour hears about this, you will lose your job. Wait til I talk to the judge ... you will be (bleeping) fired."'
'The material teaches that women can change their mind about consent the day after an encounter, effectively leaving women with the ability to re-write history and accuse sexual partners of inappropriate behavior despite receiving consent.
Sydney Jacobs, a former student at American University, told Red Alert Politics she was threatened with academic probation when she did not complete the online training during the Spring semester of 2017.
“As a reminder, any undergraduate student that does not meet this requirement will be referred to Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Services and be assigned an educational sanction,” an email sent from the AU Wellness Center to Jacobs read in part.
“This is a program that is now mandated by public schools, as in school’s paid for by the taxpayer, saying that it is okay to rescind consent and then man is always at fault. That’s a problem,” Jacobs said.'
'One third of able-bodied American men between 25 and 54 could be out of job by 2050, contends the author of “The Future of Work: Robots, AI and Automation.”
“We’re already at 12% of prime-aged men without jobs,” said Darrell West, vice president of the Brookings Institution think tank, at a forum in Washington, D.C. on Monday. That number has grown steadily over the past 60 years, but it could triple in the next 30 years because of new technology such as artificial intelligence and automation.
It could be even worse for some parts of the population, West argued. The rate for unemployment of young male African Americans, for instance, is likely to reach 50% by 2050.
'Networking. Sharpening skills. That's the concept of an initiative organized last summer that is hosting Karen Pence's former chief of staff at a June 1 forum.
Brenda Gerber Vincent will speak at a free, women-only event that First Fridays is holding at Sweetwater Sound. Seating is limited, and those interested in attending must RSVP through for the 8 a.m. event. More information is available at'
'From our news headlines to sitcom punchlines, we're awash in a culture that portrays men as knuckle-dragging troglodytes. The trope is so pervasive that we've come to blame such poor behavior on masculinity itself. We've taken tremendously positive strides in addressing gross generalizations about women. That doesn't require us to concede completely irresponsible stereotypes about men.
Men, husbands and fathers aren't a poison to American culture; they're an essential part of its success.
In a 2014 study entitled "The Causal Effects of Father Absence," Sara McLanahan, Laura Tach, and Daniel Schneider found "strong evidence that father absence negatively affects children's social-emotional development, particularly by increasing [problematic behavior]." They concluded, "father absence can affect child well-being across the life course."
'The U.S. Department of Education has launched a Title IX investigation into Yale University amid allegations that the institution offers educational programs and scholarship opportunities that exclude men.
According to a letter dated April 26, the department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is investigating seven Yale initiatives, including the Yale Women Faculty Forum, the Working Women’s Network, the Yale University Women’s Organization, and the Yale Women’s Campaign School.
These initiatives allegedly provide, to varying degrees, scholarships, professional development, academic opportunities, and summer programs exclusively to female students and professors, the complaint alleges.'
'While movements like #MeToo ensure that women’s voices are heard and have helped usher in a new era of celebrating more female heroes, Michelle Kennedy, founder of the "Tinder for moms" app Peanut, wonders what this means for her 4-year-old son, Finlay.
Eldor: Do you believe we’re now swinging too hard the other way to only promote amazing women? And if so, what effect do you think that imbalance will have as we raise kids?
Kennedy: It's less that I think we are, and more that there is a danger of doing so. The consequence in decades to come, is creating a group of disenfranchised young men, questioning their own self-worth. That's so sad and so scary, we don't need to do that. We can address that now, by continuing to call out where we need change, but also to celebrate people who are brilliant, regardless of gender.'
'After a three-month national debate and lobbying from all over the world, a parliamentary committee in Iceland has shelved a proposed ban on male circumcision. The penalty for performing or organising a circumcision would have been a sentence of up to six years in prison.
The ban was proposed in February by Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir of the Progressive Party in the Althing, Iceland’s parliament. She described her bill as an attempt “to protect the interest of the child”. Circumcision of females had already been banned, she reasoned, why not of males? “Every individual, it doesn’t matter what sex or how old… should be able to give informed consent for a procedure that is unnecessary, irreversible and can be harmful,” she declared. “His body, his choice.”
'A Maryland House candidate says in a new ad that she is running for Congress because there is too much "mansplaining" in the federal government about health care.
Nadia Hashimi says in an ad announcing her campaign for Maryland's 6th District that Congress has “too many multimillionaires and politicians ‘mansplaining’ health care."
“Is there a female doctor in the house?” a narrator asks in the 30-second ad, running on Maryland television stations, as the camera shows the exterior of Hashimi's home. “There is in this house.”
“But zero female doctors are in this house,” the narrator adds, as the camera changes to show the U.S. Capitol.'
Article here. Gee, I always thought it was the right of any given eligible adult citizen in a republic like ours to try to run for political office. Guess if they're not of "the right sex", SOME people think otherwise. Excerpt:
'Just as the women’s marches and #MeToo helped define 2017, the surging numbers of female candidates have defined the midterm races now underway. Yet for all that, the November elections may not produce a similar surge in the number of women in Congress.
Republicans, meanwhile, have endorsed a woman, Pearl Kim, a daughter of South Korean immigrants and a former county prosecutor and deputy state attorney general who could appeal to the well-educated women who have long been considered swing voters in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
“I honestly feel the men who stepped in are out of line,” said Rachel Amdur, the vice chairwoman of the Haverford Democratic Committee, which has stayed neutral in the race. “This is what women do, women recognize it’s not their year all the time. Men do not.”
'Two men who wrongly served a combined total of almost 39 years in prison for a gang rape that never happened were exonerated by a Manhattan court on Monday.
VanDyke Perry and Gregory Counts were convicted of kidnapping, raping and sodomizing a woman in New York’s Central Park in 1991, but the woman made it all up, the Manhattan District Attorney, Cy Vance, told Acting State Supreme Court Justice Mark Dwyer on Monday.
She did it, Vance said, so that her boyfriend could escape a debt he owed the men.'
'Suffering sells, especially when it’s women who are doing the suffering, and as with any trend, the pressure is for each new iteration to outdo what came before. The results sometimes skirt absurdity: in Vox by Christina Dalcher, due to be published in August, women are fitted with bracelets that deliver electric shocks should they speak more than their allotted 100 words a day. And there’s more to come. At the London Book Fair in March, the big announcements were driven by stories of dreadful things happening to women: Joanne Ramos’s The Farm, to be published by Bloomsbury next year, is set in an industrial surrogacy facility; Vardø, by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, about 17th-century witch trials, was acquired by Picador for a six-figure sum after a 13‑way bidding war. In YA, the same fascination holds sway: Louise O’Neill’s Only Ever Yours, published in 2014, established the tone, revisiting The Handmaid’s Tale for the teen market.
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- The Men's Activist News Network
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