Masculinity detox: redefining what it means to be a man

Article here. Excerpt:

'So what’s the solution? How do we engage men in discussion when the loudest voices are MRAs like former Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes’s Proud Boys or the more innocuously named Canadian Association for Equality?

“The reason MRA groups are successful is they have some really valid points around parental rights and alimony,” says Jake Stika. “Broader societal systems have changed but the justice system hasn’t, so MRAs view it as a zero sum.

Based in Calgary, Stika is the co-founder and executive director of Next Gen Men, a non-profit aimed at developing better men through youth and peer engagement, education and empowerment.

“For us, we acknowledge those are real and pressing issues, but we approach it from a ‘rising tides lift all boats’ point of view,” Stika continues. “We need more women in leadership and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math studies) just as much as we need more men in early childhood education and caregiving roles.”

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Police: Florida Woman Set Ex-Boyfriend on Fire at Easter Dinner

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Florida woman is accused of attempted murder for allegedly dousing her ex-boyfriend in gasoline and lighting him on fire at an Easter Sunday dinner.
The Orlando Sentinel reported that Shivon Perez, 38, allegedly invited her ex-boyfriend over for Easter dinner and asked him to fix a leaky pipe under the bathroom sink.
When the man got down on the floor to fix it, he noticed Perez with a container in her hand, police said.

After the ex-boyfriend asked her what she was holding, she responded, “It’s gasoline, you son of a [expletive],” according to a police report.

Police said the woman held a blowtorch, sprayed him with gasoline, and yelled, “You are going to pay,” then set him on fire, WOFL reported.'

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British Police Force Cuts Ties with Its Own Male Voice Choir for Lack of ‘Gender Equality’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police in Derbyshire have severed ties with their own male voice choir and taken away their rehearsal room on the grounds it does not promote ‘gender equality’.

The Derbyshire Constabulary Male Voice Choir, which was founded in 1956 and has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity, has been told it must rebrand and will no longer be allowed to rehearse at St Mary’s Wharf Police Station, leaving members “heartbroken and devastated”.

Chief Constable Peter Goodman said that having a male voice choir representing his “organisation”, as he termed the police force, was “incompatible” with its “need to represent our communities in every aspect of our public presence”.'

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Feminists Complain That CNN's YouTube Shooter Coverage Is Sexist

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a dramatic situation unfolded in California, feminists on social media were less concerned that a woman had just attacked several people in cold blood in YouTube's headquarters, and more concerned that "sexist" CNN was reporting that the shooter was involved in a domestic dispute.

CNN came by the information rightly: initial reports indicated that the shooter, a 39-year-old woman from Southern California was, indeed, involved in a domestic dispute and that one of the victims was her boyfriend. As facts are often hard to pin down in the midst of a major news story, it's no surprise CNN got that bit wrong, and the network eventually walked back their claim, but not before catching heat for assuming a woman would only shoot people if motivated by hormones.

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23 Cornell Law Profs Support Suspended Student in Sexual Assault Appeal

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Twenty-three Cornell Law School professors have requested to file an Amicus Brief in support of a student who was accused of campus sexual assault and later suspended. The Cornell statement is the fourth statement from law professors calling for the restoration of due process rights on campus.

Two Cornell students had a sexual encounter in August of 2016. The woman filed a complaint, claiming she had consumed too much alcohol to give valid consent. The university panel later recommended that the male student, “John Doe,” be suspended for two years. The student has now appealed the suspension to the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, which is the intermediary appeals court in that state.

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Unlike Canada, U.K. has learned sex assault 'victims' aren't always victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hooray for Cressida Dick, the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London, who has formally led her force in abandoning its policy of automatically believing victims of sexual assault.

As The Times of London reported Monday, since taking over the Met about a year ago, Dick has told her officers that of course they are to keep an open mind, treat complainants with respect and dignity and “we should listen to them. We should record what they say.”

But, Dick said, “From that moment on, we are investigators.”

What seems so elementary — that the first job of police isn’t to “support” victims or anyone else, but rather to investigate complaints — got lost in 2014, when the notional acceptance of victims as inherently “being truthful” went to a flat-out recommendation that “The presumption that a victim should always be believed should be institutionalized.”'

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Woman 'shoots her boyfriend before killing herself' after going on gun rampage

Article here. I'd like to think that these kinds of events would help bring attention to DV against men, but alas most times they are usually twisted around to impugne the victim. Nymphotropism knows no bounds. Excerpt:

'Four people have been injured by a female shooter who shot and killed herself after going on a gun rampage at YouTube's California headquarters.

The shooter, who was reportedly a white woman dressed in a headscarf, shot at her boyfriend before turning the gun on herself on Tuesday, witnesses told Fox News.  

Officers and federal agents swarmed the company's headquarters complex in the city of San Bruno just before 1pm after dozens of panicked employees called 911 to report gunfire.

Upon arrival, police found the woman dead inside the campus with self-inflicted gunshot wounds. 

San Bruno Police Chief Ed Barberini said four people were taken to hospitals in San Francisco, three of whom had gunshot injuries.'

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UK: Man recounts sexual abuse by nun

Article here. Excerpt:

'He wanted to speak out over the Easter weekend to lift the lid on sexual abuse by nuns and encourage other victims to finally come forward after years of secret torment

While horrific historic sexual abuse of boys by priests has been widely exposed, he believes his case could be the “tip of the iceberg” in revealing how nuns may also have targeted vulnerable boys.

Mr Hayes’s ordeal over nearly three years happened at the former John Reynolds Home in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, run by The Franciscan Missionaries of St Joseph, a Catholic congregation of nuns.

He said: “I never thought I would hate people as much as I hate those in the Church for what they allowed to happen to me.'

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NWLC Petitions Secretary DeVos re Title IX

SAVE obtained a copy of a letter sent by the National Women's Law Center to Sec'y of Education Betsy DeVos with some... interesting claims in it. See for yourself here. Excerpt:

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UK: Police dept. withholds evidence officer falsely accused

Article here. I get the impression things in the UK are pretty bad. The police depts. are throwing their own troops under the bus. Why does any man want to do certain jobs these days? Like being a cop in the UK? Excerpt:

'A police force withheld evidence which showed an officer was falsely accused of rape, a lawyer has claimed.

PC Ryan Canning, of Cornwall, was cleared of raping a woman after charges relating to two others were dropped.

The 44-year-old's lawyer, high court advocate Kevin Hopper, said Devon and Cornwall Police's actions were either "professionally negligent" or "corrupt" and called for an inquiry.

The force has refuted the claim, saying the matter was thoroughly investigated.

In February a judge ordered two charges of rape against PC Canning, from Burraton Combe, be dropped when it emerged that police knew the women involved had sent messages which could "undermine the prosecution case or assist the defence".

He faced trial on a third count of rape, but was found not guilty by a jury at Truro Crown Court on 21 March.'

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College student pleads guilty to lying about rape on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Michigan college student pleaded guilty to falsely reporting to campus police that she was attacked and raped.

Mary Zolkowski, 21, admitted in court Tuesday that she lied to authorities about being raped by a stranger in the parking lot of Delta College in Bay City, according to MLive.

"I called Delta College and falsely reported the rape on their campus,” Zolkowski told the judge, according to the site. “My mother made the initial call and I took the phone and continued to report.”

The student claimed she was silently suffering from a separate incident when she reported the bogus crime to her mom Feb. 22.

“I was assaulted previously, not at Delta’s campus,” Zolkowski said. “And because I was ashamed of circumstances of that, when my mother called, I vented through Delta, which was very wrong of me. I should have been truthful from the very beginning, and I used Delta.”'

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No Prison Time for Teacher Accused of Having Sex with Students on Prom Night

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Arkansas art teacher will face no jail time despite being found guilty of having sexual relations with four male students, two incidents of which occurred on prom night, court papers reveal.
Jessie Lorene Goline, 26, was sentenced to serve 42 months of probation for inappropriate relationships with four students, one of whom was under the age of consent, the Daily Mail reported.

Last September, prosecutors alleged that the married art teacher used her cell phone as a tool to seduce the boys while she taught at Marked Tree High School in Marked Tree, Arkansas.

Police found four students from two different high schools engaged in a sexual relationship with the now ex-teacher after engaging in a series of smartphone texts—which included explicit photos of the teacher. The text messages were sent during the 2016-17 school year, investigators discovered.'

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Feminists are to blame for the plight of boys and men

Article here. Excerpt:

'On his program "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Carlson and his team gave men in America a voice every Wednesday in March. It is only the beginning of a much-needed conversation, but it was a great start. I can't think of anyone in the media other than Carlson who's courageous enough to tackle this sensitive topic. He covered many, many facts about the plight of boys and men with sincere interest each Wednesday and afterward interviewed a different expert to discuss the problems he'd just described.
... The relentless feminist narrative Americans are exposed to every day, and have been for decades, is that women live in a "patriarchy" designed to hold them down and back. That egregious analysis of men is simply false. "There isn't a shred of hard evidence to support that Western society is pathologically patriarchal; that the prime lesson of history is that men, rather than nature, were the primary source of oppression of women," writes Jordan Peterson in 12 Rules for Life.

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Slack is developing tools to tell if someone's mansplaining

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the early 1990s, newly minted Internet evangelists promised a gender-free utopia. Hierarchical identifiers like race and class would be obscured online, they argued, and biased judgements would therefore become obsolete. That didn’t quite work out.

Gender norms infiltrate digital communication today as powerfully (and as detrimentally to women) as they do in-person, show decades of linguistic analysis. Whether on listservs, text messages, Facebook, or Reddit, men tend to “digitally manspread,” as Susan Herring, a leading linguist studying digital communication dynamics, calls it. Meanwhile, women self-segregate in private, women’s-only spaces, like direct messages.

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No men allowed: UVM hosts women-only debate championship

Article here. Excerpt:

'The first rule of a North American debate tournament to be held in Vermont this weekend: No men allowed.

Some 150 debaters from 18 schools across the U.S. and Canada will compete in the special tournament, which is designed to be a safe space for women who complain of bias when they debate against men.

Although some men will be allowed to serve as judges, organizers say the tournament at the University of Vermont offers women a chance to hone their speaking and arguing skills and gain confidence and friends without being subject to sexism.

"There is also a lot of sexual predation that happens in the debate community," said UVM debate director Helen Morgan-Parmett. "The tournament, I think, provides a safe space where people feel they are debating other women, and their bodies aren't necessarily on display."'

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