S. Africa: Ward 32 hosts women-only firefighter selections

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'RURAL Metro in conjunction with Gauteng based company Advanced Fire Suppression Technologies (FST) recently held a project selecting five females for a learnership programme involving firefighting detection and suppression systems at Ward 32.

The project seeks to focus on education, youth and female development and environmental sustainability and targets previously disadvantaged communities.

Assisted by local councillor Shawn Adkins, who assisted with facilitation of the recruitment process by soliciting applications through the local community, the project aimed to:

• Provide access to learning for the unemployed and those who are not in education, employment and training'

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The Decline of Boys

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'Today’s boys are in very bad shape. That’s the key takeaway from The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It. The new book, a joint effort from Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power, and John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, combines wide-reaching research, analysis, and self-help advice.

In the first, and most striking, of its six parts, The Boy Crisis explains how “boys are declining in a dramatic way in virtually every key metric.” This section contains many startling findings.

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Canada: ‘Toxic masculinity’ behind assault, judge says

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'A judge cited "toxic masculinity" in sentencing a motorist who chased another driver through the streets and punched him in the face at a stoplight.

On Aug. 23 at 7:30 p.m., four young men got into an argument with four other young men in the Fairview Park mall parking lot. One of the men allegedly uttered a racial slur at Javier Bonilla and then took off in a minivan.

Bonilla, 22, planned to just drive away but when someone in the minivan threw blue liquid at his car, he decided to take up the chase.

Both vehicles were driven erratically. At one point, Bonilla cut in front of the minivan. At a red light on Weber Street East, Bonilla got out and repeatedly punched the minivan driver in the face, breaking his glasses and causing a small cut.

It was a case of "toxic masculinity" with one man getting insulted and going after another in a "game" to prove who is toughest, Justice Elliott Allen said.'

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Syracuse refused to give accused student written allegations or record Title IX hearing: lawsuit

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'How convenient that “technical difficulties” prevented the recording of a rape accuser’s testimony in a Title IX proceeding, blocking “John Doe” from challenging procedural errors.

So says the third lawsuit filed against the private university this school year by a student found responsible for sexual misconduct, according to The Daily Orange.

The accused student claims Syracuse failed the most basic due-process requirements by refusing to document anything he could use to appeal the decision in favor of “Jane Roe”:

"Doe, in the lawsuit, claims that the first set of allegations were not documented and relayed to him only verbally. When Roe allegedly changed her story, Doe said in court documents there was “nothing concrete” he could reference to point out the variations in Roe’s account. …

Doe appealed the board’s decision, according to the lawsuit. He requested a transcript of the University Conduct Board hearing, which did not include Roe’s testimony or questions asked to her by the board, according to the lawsuit.

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Current Title IX Regulations Deny Accused Students Fundamental Rights

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'April is Consent Month at Oberlin. I think extremely highly of those who work in the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and work to raise awareness about consent and sexual misconduct. However, while we are having these necessary conversations this month, Oberlin must confront the Orwellian underbelly of the national Title IX system: its enforcement.

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Australia: Set targets for men working part-time to help promote women, gender equality body says

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'The director of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency has urged employers to set targets for men working part-time.

Libby Lyons told the ABC's National Wrap program "it's not difficult" to create a working environment where men can take more responsibility for caring for families at home.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency found that women are three times more likely to work part time than men.

The latest ABS figures show women constitute 68.6 per cent of all part-time employees and 36.8 per cent of all full-time employees.'

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The first person on Mars 'should be a woman'

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'Allison McIntyre, who puts prospective space travellers through their paces at Johnson Space Center in Houston, noted that all 12 people who have walked on the Moon were men.

She believes women should be at the forefront if and when the agency sends its first human missions to Mars.

BBC Radio 5 live has been behind the scenes at Nasa in Texas and Florida.

They have been meeting women at the forefront of the 21st century space race.

It's more than half a century since Russia sent the first woman into space, and 40 years since Nasa selected its first female astronaut.

But there still hasn't been a woman on the Moon, and women remain under represented in science and engineering industries on both sides of the Atlantic.'

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‘No boys allowed’ rule unites women-only workspace members. Still, they say ‘we’re not men haters.’

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'Women-only workspaces are trending in Chicago, WBBM-TV reported.

“We’ve seen the impact of uniting together and raising our voices,” Alicia Driskill, CEO and founder of Evolveher, told the station.

“We are ready to speak up for ourselves,” Zhazha Casanova, owner of Studio G, added to WBBM. “We’re being unapologetically ourselves.”

“No boys allowed,” Casanova declared to the station. “Sorry.”

Still, Driskill told WBBM there’s no war on men afoot: “We’re not men haters. We love men. It’s more about supporting women and giving back.”'

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With mayor’s blessing, women-only social club heading to Chicago

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'Mayor Rahm Emanuel rarely wastes an opportunity to take a dig at his East Coast rival cities.

Earlier this month, he sent a letter to a Manhattan-based all-women’s club — which faces an investigation in New York for its membership policy — urging the organization to set up shop here.

“Though you may face obstacles in other cities, we welcome spaces dedicated to empowering women and understand and respect your mission,” the mayor wrote in the April 9 letter to the founders of The Wing, Lauren Kassan and Audrey Gelman, who, among other things, worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Gelman told the Chicago Sun-Times Monday she was “thrilled” to receive Emanuel’s letter, and that it’s the first time a mayor has personally written to The Wing, encouraging the club to come to his or her city.

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UK: Girlfriend stabbed boyfriend, starved him and poured boiling water on to him

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'Jordan Worth, 22, was handed a seven-and-a-half-year sentence at Luton Crown Court on Friday after she admitted carrying out several cruel acts against her ex-boyfriend.

The assaults included her scalding him with boiling water and stabbing him at their home in the village of Stewartby, in Bedfordshire. The college sweethearts had started dating in in 2012 when they were both 16 but there were worrying signs from the beginning, the court heard.

The victim suffered from hydrocephalus that caused by a build-up of fluid inside the skull and made him vulnerable.'

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Do men need to fail in order for women to succeed?

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'She insisted that men have to actively give up power in order for equality to be achieved: “Power is not a possession. Power is a relationship. We have more or less power in relationship to each other.”
James Millar, political journalist and co-author of The Gender Agenda, disagreed. “There is one place where there is finite number of jobs – and that’s the House of Commons. There are only 650 seats, a vast majority occupied by men.” He insisted that more men must “fail” to become MPs in order for true equality to be achieved.
Traditional ideals of masculine success don’t make men happy, she argued. “This requirement of the alpha male is something that does not suit very many men, it creates a huge amount of pressure on men . . . suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45.” A more equal contribution to domestic labour and less pressure on men as breadwinners would help enrich men’s lives, she said.'

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After working in a world of 'tech bros,' this woman founded a female-only island

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'We've all had those moments, whether you're drowning in work in a cramped cubicle or just tired of the daily grind. In those moments, a thought might cross your mind, like "I wish I could escape to a private island."

Well, entrepreneur Kristina Roth actually made that happen. She's not just escaping to an island, she owns it. And she's opening it up to women worldwide. But men? They're not allowed.
SuperShe Island, however, is not free from criticism. Roth says a week-long all-inclusive stay will likely cost between $5,000 to $6,000, which is expensive for many people. Plus there's the unique vetting process. So some say the retreat is elitist and disproportionately counts out people of color, those with disabilities, trans people or those who are gender non-conforming.

Roth disagrees and calls it a "totally equal opportunity group," and while the island might have capacity limitations, she adds that "In the broader SuperShe community, we welcome everyone."'

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It's OK to criticize the #MeToo movement

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'Self-help celebrity Tony Robbins got himself into hot water last week when he suggested that many women speaking out as part of the #MeToo movement are taking advantage of the instant attention and, in doing so, turning victimhood into personal gain.

"If you use the #MeToo movement to try to get significance and certainty by attacking and destroying someone else, you haven't grown an ounce," Robbins told a crowd gathered at a self-help seminar in San Jose. "All you've done is basically use a drug called significance to make yourself feel good."

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Boston Marathon winner mis-reported again this year

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'Two-time Olympian Desiree Linden became the first American woman to win the Boston Marathon in 33 years on Monday when she broke the tape at the finish line with a time of 2 hours, 39 minutes, 54 seconds.

Linden, 34, won with a time more than 14 minutes slower than her previous two races, but course conditions were not conducive to personal- or course-record performances.
In the men’s 26.2-mile race, Japanese amateur Yuki Kawauchi won in 2:15:58, his first major marathon victory. Kawauchi is known in the running community but works full time for the government in Japan and is without sponsorship. He is not regularly viewed as an “elite” marathon runner.'

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Feminists don’t care about the gender gap in ballet. Why should we care about the one in tech?

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'What, if anything, do ballet and tech have in common? The obvious answer is that both fields show highly disproportionate gender distributions.

Less acknowledged but no less relevant is this uncomfortable commonality: Both are industries where it pays to be in the sexual minority. I know, because I was a ballet dancer for 16 years.

In the ballet world, men’s unfair advantage in hiring and casting is as widely understood and as rarely acknowledged as is the rampant anorexia. A less skilled male dancer is more likely to land a role or get a job than a female dancer of comparable skill. Due to the scarcity of men, the hurdles to a professional career are distinctly lower than they are for most women.

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