'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'After 26 years, two men have been exonerated of a gang-rape that the alleged victim now admits never happened.

The 1992 convictions of VanDyke Perry and Gregory Counts for rape, sodomy and kidnapping were vacated in New York court Monday. Prosecutors had joined attorneys for Perry and Counts on a motion asking a State Supreme Court judge in Manhattan to vacate the convictions because of new DNA evidence and the woman's revised story.

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The war on masculinity is a war on men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Summary: The gender wars have grown hotter in the past few years, as the assault begins on masculinity. We use our children as guinea pigs to test leftist theories about gender. This will reshape America profoundly, in ways we cannot predict. I doubt future generations will forgive us if this does not end well. But we can still change course.

Multiculturalism: the appreciation of diverse cultures, including their behaviours, cultural assumptions, values, ways of thinking, and communication styles. It is the foundation of modern liberalism. Every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every gender deserves respect. Society must accept each as they are. All have the right to exist on their own terms.

There is one exception, however.

Men must change!

Lots of articles, mostly by women, telling guys how to change their nature. Men telling women to change would be evil sexism.'

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Study Warns of 'Toxic Masculinity' in Boys as Young as 14

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling warns that boys as young as 14-years-old suffer psychological problems from “hegemonic masculinity” and its derivative, “toxic masculinity.”

Vincent Marasco, a former professor who now works as a mental health counselor, argued in a recently published article that mental health professionals should be cognizant of hegemonic masculinity since it can “influence the counseling relationship.”

“Counselors working with adolescent boys need to take into consideration these social influences, their impact on the counseling relationship, and the unique ways adolescent boys perform masculinity,” writes Marasco.

Hegemonic masculinity, as Marasco explains in his article, is a term that refers to the “oppressive characteristics of masculinity boys and men must assume and perform to be considered a ‘real man.’” These characteristics include “dominance over women,” “being heterosexual,” “exerting control and toughness,” among others.

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Why campus sex ed training is anti-men and why I am a men’s rights activist

Article here. Excerpt:

'While a student at American University, I was required to take an online sex education course that focused on consent. I was taught that women can change their mind about consent the day after an encounter, effectively leaving women with the ability to rewrite history and accuse sexual partners of inappropriate behavior despite receiving consent.

Feminists think misandry isn’t real, but campus culture shows otherwise. Modern day “feminism” is pervading on college campuses and is perpetuating an irrational fear of hookup culture, all while vilifying men. What I was taught by my college’s online sex ed course provides a foreshadowing of a sad reality: misandry in the 21st century. This misandry will surely trickle into other aspects of life, like workplace culture and our daily interactions with each other.

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Male professor won't apologize over lingerie 'joke'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male political theory professor said Friday he won't apologize to a female gender studies professor for a joke about "ladies' lingerie" he made while both were riding in a crowded elevator. The public spat comes amid heightened sensitivity to sexual misconduct propelled by the #MeToo movement.

Professor Ned Lebow, who teaches political theory at King's College London, told The Associated Press that he has refused to apologize because he did nothing wrong and because a complaint filed by Professor Simona Sharoni against him with the International Studies Association is "frivolous."

Sharoni, a professor of women's and gender studies at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, said in a complaint she filed last month that she was standing near the elevator at a San Francisco hotel and she offered to press the elevator buttons when Lebow "said with a smile on his face, 'women's lingerie' and all his buddies laughed."

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Concern grows over performance pressure on girls while boys fall further behind

Article here. Girls who feel too much pressure to excel have my sympathy. I might say I feel the same for boys except the pressure they're under is to renounce their maleness and act like girls and women are the world's salvation. Whose situation is less desirable? Excerpt:

'It's a great time to be a girl -- or is it? Because behind all these possibilities is a troubling development: Girls' anxiety and depression are climbing and increasingly turning tragic.

Between 2007 and 2015, the suicide rate for girls between the ages of 15 and 19 doubled, reaching a 40-year high in 2015, according to new data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

"I think no one can dispute the wholesale kind of collapse of girls' wellness right now," said bestselling author Rachel Simmons, who has been working with and doing research on girls for the past two decades.

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Hell just froze over: Ginsberg slams #MeToo

Article here. Possibly one of her grandsons just got #MeToo'ed by some nutcase? Dunno. Anyway, check the news tonight about reports of Hell freezing over. Excerpt:

'Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg — widely recognized as a leftist, feminist icon — shocked her fans this week when she took American colleges and universities to task for failing to follow Constitutional guidelines regarding due process when using Title IX "kangaroo courts" to handle claims of sexual abuse against students.

Speaking to the Atlantic, Ginsberg talked at length about "due process" after being asked about the #MeToo movement, and handling allegations of workplace harassment. She ignored the movement nearly altogether before pivoting into a rant about how America's institutions of higher education are subjecting accused students to a bizarre and potentially unconstitutional process.

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Ezra Klein Explains Why Men Are "So Shit At Friendship"

Article here. Excerpt:

'American men’s hidden crisis, Slate tells us, is that they need more friends. At the same time, society tells men that friendship is girly—and men respond by not having friends. So perhaps it’s unsurprising that loneliness, not obesity or smoking, is the biggest threat to men’s health, per the Boston Globe.
It’s a question that Vox Media founder and editor Ezra Klein unpacks on “Call Your Girlfriend,” a popular feminist podcast. For their 4/20 episode, co-hosts Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow invited listeners to “Ask A Man” anything they’d like. One listener asked, “Why are men so shit at friendship?”

“That’s an important question,” Klein replied. “Because we literally are—it is literally the case that men have fewer friends than women, and as we get older we have fewer, and fewer, and fewer friends. Some of us have no friends at all, and the resulting loneliness becomes a huge health risk.”'


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False college rape case set for trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Sacred Heart University student, accused of making up rape allegations against two football players, is heading for trial on June 18.

“We are ready to go forward,” Stamford lawyer Ryan O’Neill, who represents the now 20-year-old Nikki Yovino, said Tuesday.

Ryan and state prosecutors Tatiana Messina and Emily Trudeau met for more than an hour with Superior Court Judge William Holden to set a trial schedule while Yovino paced the lobby of the Golden Hill Street courthouse.

Ryan said later that jury selection in the case is set to begin on June 4.

Yovino, who left Sacred Heart and now works in real estate on Long Island, is charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence. If convicted of the charges, one a felony and the other a misdemeanor, she could face up to six years in prison.'

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Connecticut Senate adopts bills to safeguard domestic violence victims, incarcerated women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Senate unanimously approved a bill late Tuesday to reduce instances when victims of domestic violence are arrested alongside their attackers.

The chamber also unanimously adopted a second measure that mandates a broad array of changes to the treatment of incarcerated women, particularly those who are pregnant.

Both bills now head to the House of Representatives.

The domestic violence measure would implement a broad strategy to reverse a longstanding philosophy of “dual arrests” effectively imposed on police departments by existing law, said Sen. Paul Doyle of Wethersfield, Senate Democratic chair of the Judiciary Committee.

In effect, police officers currently are encouraged in many instances to arrest both parties in a domestic violence incident. The bill, which was developed with bipartisan support, would direct officers to try to establish if there was a “dominant aggressor” in an incident, and if so, arrest only that person.'

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UK: Woman stabbed boyfriend during sex after telling him men should only be used for 'human sacrifice'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A young mother has been jailed for 11 years for stabbing her occasional boyfriend as they has sexual intercourse after texting him to say men should only be used as "human sacrifice".

Zoe Adams, 19, has dressed up as a clown and put a pillow over Kieran Bewick's head to make their encounter more exhilarating on July 29 last year, Carlisle Crown Court heard. 

In what she described as an "overreaction", she whispered, "Trust me", to the then 17-year-old Bewick before stabbing him five times in the chest, arm and thigh with a 10-inch knife, collapsing his lung.'

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Boy Scouts Plan Name Change as Girls Join Its Ranks

Article here. Excerpt:

'For 108 years, the Boy Scouts of America's flagship program has been known simply as the Boy Scouts. With girls soon entering the ranks, the group says that iconic name will change.

The organization on Wednesday announced a new name for its Boy Scouts program: Scouts BSA. The change will take effect next February.

Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh said many possibilities were considered during lengthy and "incredibly fun" deliberations before the new name was chosen.

"We wanted to land on something that evokes the past but also conveys the inclusive nature of the program going forward," he said. "We're trying to find the right way to say we're here for both young men and young women."'

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We shouldn’t blame toxic masculinity for Toronto’s van attack

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past few days, the word “incel” has found its way into the mainstream vernacular as the result of Toronto’s devastating van attack making international headlines. On Tuesday, Alek Minassian, 25, was charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder, with an additional charge to come. As the worst mass killing in Canadian history in almost 30 years, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called it “a senseless attack and a horrific tragedy.”

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Fraternity Changes Cancer Charity Event After Claims of Sexism and Elitism

Article here. Excerpt:

'In response to negative feedback from sororities about the sexism and elitism that occurred during earlier Derby Days, the Cornell chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity made efforts to improve this year’s event with a series of reforms, including the elimination of a controversial brotherhood auction.

Derby Days is an event hosted annually by Sigma Chi chapters nationwide to raise money for the fraternity’s philanthropy, the Huntsman Cancer Institute. This year’s event will take place from April 29 to May 4.

A member of a sorority — who asked to maintain anonymity since she felt uncomfortable being identified — told The Sun that she found Derby Days “disrespectful” in general when she attended the brotherhood auction event in 2015. The auction was a talent show in which girls would bid on the brothers based on their talents.'

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University of Texas to Treat Masculinity as a 'Mental Health' Issue

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas at Austin recently launched a new program to help male students “take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity.”

Treating masculinity as if it were a mental health crisis, “MasculinUT” is organized by the school’s counseling staff and most recently organized a poster series encouraging students to develop a “healthy model of masculinity.”

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