The Punk-Rock Porn Movie That Lays Waste to the Patriarchy

Article here. OMG, I've gotta see this. It looks freaking hilarious. Excerpt:

'Having spent much of his career making films about—and with—gay male actors, LaBruce turns his strict attention to the fairer sex with his latest, although it’s not fairness that his female protagonists are after, but rebellion and domination. Playing like the bonkers bastard child of The Beguiled and Cecil B. Demented, The Misandrists (debuting in New York on May 25, and L.A. on June 1) situates itself in Ger(wo)many circa 1999, at a remote institution of revolutionary learning run by Big Mother, the charismatic leader of the Female Liberation Army (FLA), who sports long bleached-white locks and two crutches to help her get around. At this forested place of higher learning, Big Mother tends to a group of girls committed to the cause of overthrowing the hegemonic capitalist patriarchy and establishing a system in which women don’t simply stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their male compatriots, but cast them aside in order to establish an estrogen-infused new world order.'

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Woman who falsely accused DPS trooper of rape won't face additional charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman who made false rape allegations against a Texas DPS trooper will not face any additional charges.

The Ellis County District Attorney made the announcement Friday that no criminal charges will be filed against Sherita- Dixon Cole for “blatantly false and malicious allegations” since a formal complaint to an authorized officer was never made.

Dixon-Cole was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving in Ellis County last Sunday. She claimed the trooper raped her during her arrest. However, body cam video of the arrest released on Wednesday disputed her claim.
The catch is only sworn peace officers can take a formal complaint. Dixon-Cole made her complaints to the jailers, who are not sworn peace officers. According to the DA’s office, it means she cannot be charged with filing a false report.

Dixon-Cole also did not make a false claim of being in imminent danger, which means she cannot be charged with what's referred to as “creating a false alarm.”'

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Women CEOs still a rarity, but pay tops that of men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female CEOs remain scarce at the biggest publicly traded companies but those who hold the top job receive pay competitive with male peers.

Women make up only 5 percent of the CEO ranks at S&P 500 companies. Yet median compensation for a female CEO was valued at $13.5 million for the 2017 fiscal year, versus $11.5 million for their male counterparts, according to an analysis by executive data firm Equilar done for The Associated Press.'

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"Ladies Get Sued": How A Civil Rights Law Could End Women-Only Events

Article here. Excerpt:

'Claire Wasserman says she had never heard of men’s rights activists until she was sued by those affiliated with one group last fall. Now she’s well-informed about the world of incels, MGTOW ("mig-tow," Men Going Their Own Way who want as little as possible to do with women), and some of the determined individuals around the country who believe her work is sexist — and illegal.

Wasserman founded Ladies Get Paid 18 months ago to provide salary education and professional advancement tools for women around the country. The company hosts events, workshops, and webinars (ranging from free to ticketed at $15-$25) on topics like negotiation and career pathing. Hundreds of women have used the platform online and in person to network, recount their experiences with harassment, find mentors, and share job opportunities.'

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Video: N.J. woman shatters ex's car windows with kids inside

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman in North Jersey exacted vengeance against an ex-partner by smashing the windows and headlights of his car with a hammer — all while children cried in the back seat.

Video of the incident, which took place in Paterson at an unknown time, was uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday and later picked up by Univision.'

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#Mentoo: Sexual harassment is not just a female problem

Article here. Excerpt:

'Paula McDonald at Queensland University of Technology and Sara Charlesworth at RMIT University analysed all 282 formal complaints of sexual harassment in Australia during a six-month period. Almost four out of five – 78 per cent – involved a man sexually harassing a woman.

The next largest category was men harassed by men (11 per cent), then women by women (5.7 per cent) and men by women (5 per cent).

Some female harassers behave in ways associated with "toxic masculinity" to get ahead in the boys' club.

One male journalist disclosed how he was sexually harassed by an alpha female: a trailblazing national news and current affairs host. "She kept crossing her legs on my lap, and draping herself across me," he says.'

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South Africa: Drive to promote medical male circumcision as initiation season nears

Article here. Excerpt:

'As June fast approaches, many young boys in the Vhembe district in Limpopo will be sent to mountain schools for circumcision at the annual winter initiation schools.

But because of the dangers of contracting HIV/Aids and other diseases, some parents now no longer want to send their boys to the mountains, preferring them to undergo medical male circumcision performed at a hospital or clinic.

Despite medical male circumcision being offered for free at most government health facilities, many families who live in villages far away from public health facilities, have great difficulty sending their sons for circumcision, preferring the mountain schools which take place near their villages during the month of June.

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"Women Owe Almost $400 Billion More in Student Debt Than Men. You Can Blame That on the Patriarchy."

Article here. Excerpt:

'Graduation season is upon us, and it's a time of celebration across the nation. But a new report revealed that seven out of 10 women will leave school this month not just with a diploma: Over 70 percent will also have to pack up student debt as well.

New data released this month by the American Association of University Women finds that women owe around $2,700 more than men do at graduation. Crunch the numbers, and arrive at this stunner of a statistic: Women hold two thirds of the $1.4 trillion in student loans in the United States. That’s $890 billion—still more than the GDP of Austria and Norway combined—and $400 billion more than men.'

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More men seek shelter from domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is estimated that nearly 50,000 abuse victims have lived at Working Against Violence Incorporated. Before, that number was only women and children; until now.

Domestic abuse or sexual assault is not gender-specific. It can happen to anyone - no matter your race, age or gender. WAVI was the first shelter in South Dakota to allow male victims to live in the buildings in 2017. Since then, dozens of men have used the facility.

"Once we were able to change that mindset and be able to open our doors we found that they're being victimized just as females are being victimized," says Kristina Simmons with WAVI.

WAVI is a huge part of the male victim's healing process. Now they have the option to get out of the home where the abuse occurred. WAVI wants its victims to overcome the feeling that it's their fault or they could have prevented the abuse.

"We should be changing the conversation saying why did that abuser hurt you, instead of saying why did you allow that to happen to you," says Simmons.'

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University blocks appeal by accused student after accuser caught inventing evidence: lawsuit

Article here. Excerpt:

'George Washington University is refusing to grant an appeal to a student it found responsible for sexual assault, choosing to ignore the revelation that his accuser fabricated a key piece of evidence and likely mischaracterized her inebriation.

“John Doe” filed a motion for partial summary judgment in his lawsuit against the private university last week, asking a federal judge to force it to hear his appeal, which GWU deemed not “viable.”

The litigation has grown more heated in the two months since it was filed. Doe’s accuser leaked his name on social media (below), calling him a “rapist,” hours before he received phone records showing that she didn’t call a friend while allegedly incapacitated with him.

The university’s failure to promptly investigate Doe’s retaliation claim against “Jane Roe” has also prevented him from starting graduate school on schedule, he claimed. Last month Judge Rosemary Collyer refused to block Doe’s suspension, saying that a “gap” year did not constitute “irreparable harm.”'

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Michigan State quietly settles ‘touching’ case, clearing accused male student

Article here. Excerpt:

'Months before the female victims of Larry Nassar reached a $500 million settlement with Michigan State University, administrators quietly settled a very different battle over sexual misconduct.

For more than two years, the parents of a male undergraduate student had waged an expensive legal battle to clear their son’s disciplinary record at MSU. He’d been found in violation of the university’s sexual misconduct policy for touching his on-and-off girlfriend’s breast in the hours after the couple had engaged in sex.

For that, the student had been put on “indefinite” probation, restricted in visiting the campus after graduation, and endured the stigma of a sexual misconduct violation on this record ‒ a blot that threatened his ability to get a job after leaving school. It was not until late February of this year, after being threatened with a lawsuit, that MSU quietly agreed to clear the student’s record.'

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Woman who injected husband with lethal dose of heroin may have killed 9 others, served lover's remains at BBQ

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Indiana woman who injected her husband with a lethal dose of heroin before smothering him with a pillow may be responsible for nine other deaths -- and is suspected of serving her lover's remains to unsuspecting neighbors at a barbecue.

Kelly M. Cochran, 34, was sentenced to 65 years in prison last month after admitting to killing her husband, Jason Cochran; but she was already serving a life sentence for killing and dismembering another lover, Chris Regan, who vanished in 2014, Indy Star reported.

An upcoming documentary called “Dead North,” set to air on May 28 and May 29 on Investigation Discovery, probes other possible murders that may be linked to Cochran. Cochran’s family told investigators she may have killed as many as nine people and buried their bodies throughout the Midwest.'

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Lawyer apologizes for falsely accusing trooper of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'An attorney is apologizing for spreading allegations that a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper sexually assaulted a woman during a traffic stop and arrest in North Texas. The apology came hours after DPS released two hours of the trooper’s body camera video.

Around 1:30 a.m. Sunday, a state trooper pulled over 37-year-old Sherita Dixon-Cole on suspicion of drunk driving. She told the trooper she was coming from Downtown Dallas and was heading to her fiancé’s house in Waxahachie. She claimed she only had one drink.

During a field sobriety test, the trooper poured out two bottles of alcohol he found in her back seat. He places her under arrest and asked her to sit in the front seat of his patrol vehicle.

That’s the point when Cole said the trooper offered to let her go in return for sexual favors. However, the exchange is never heard in the body camera video.'

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UK: Woman who walked free after false rape claims on three men is finally jailed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anna Costin, 30, of Shrewsbury, was originally given a three-year community order after admitting seven charges of perverting the course of justice in January.

Between January 2016 and March 2016, Costin accused three men of rape and another man of physically assaulting her at home.

Her case was referred to the Court of Appeal in London on Wednesday on the basis that the sentence was ‘too lenient’.

Imposing the term on Costin, who was not in court but must surrender to custody tomorrow, Lady Justice Hallett said that although the judge at Shrewsbury Crown Court recognised the consequences for the victims, he placed too much emphasis on Costin’s mental health problems.'

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UK: Chief inspector wins £870k after suffering sexist bullying from female boss

Article here. Excerpt:

'A riot squad chief inspector has won a landmark sexism case against a female boss who objected to beers being in the work fridge and male officers walking around in towels.

Chief Inspector Adrian Denby won £870,000 after being unfairly treated by Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Maxine de Brunner.

Mr Denby, 49, was removed from his role in charge of a tactical unit, after de Brunner launched a campaign to challenge the squad's macho culture.

Ms de Brunner became angry after seeing a police officer with just a towel around his waist in the office as he left the shower room, which was her 'pet hate'.

And she launched an investigation after beer was found in a fridge with a price list on the front.'

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