Blaming the victim is apparently OK when the accused in a Title IX proceeding is a feminist literary theorist

Article here. Excerpt:

'That would seem to be the takeaway from this remarkable letter (written, I am told, by Judith Butler) in support of Avital Ronell, who teaches in German and Comparative Literature at NYU: Download BUTLER letter for Avital Ronell. The signatory list reads like a "who's who" of "theory" (as they call bad philosophy in literature departments), from Butler to Zizek (with a few honorable exceptions, of course). But far more revealing is the content of the letter.

Professor Ronell, it seems, is the target of a Title IX complaint and investigation at NYU; the details are not known to me, and are not revealed in the letter. But this is apparently irrelevant. From the remarkable first paragraph (boldings added by me):

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Mindy Kaling's candid advice for men on dates

Article here. Excerpt:

'The actor and author gave some rock solid tips on pancakes (just order one) and toilet plungers (buy one before you need one), and recalled (very little of) her own commencement -- when Madeline Albright spoke.
"This one is just for guys: When you go on dates, act as if every woman you're talking to is a reporter for an online publication that you are scared of. One shouldn't need the threat of public exposure and scorn to treat women well; but if that's what it's gonna take, fine. Date like everyone's watching, because we are."'

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South Korea: 220,000 people demand heavy penalties for false rape claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than 220,000 people have signed an online petition calling for the government and the National Assembly to toughen the law against false accusations of sex crimes.

As of Thursday, 220,450 people have signed the petition on the Cheong Wa Dae website. The person who posted the plea on May 25 said Korea needs a law that punishes those who take advantage of its faulty justice system with heavier penalties.

"False accusations destroy the lives of the accused and their families. Nevertheless, accusers rarely face legal consequences, and when they do, they get off lightly," the person said.

The call came after YouTube star Yang Ye-won's controversial claims that she was forced to model for pornographic pictures at a Seoul photo studio in 2015. After it was revealed that she asked the accused photographer to give her more photo opportunities, which she did not mention during her YouTube "confession," many people have doubted her claims and expressed fear of false allegations.

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UK: Teenager, 18, who lied that her ex-boyfriend drugged and raped her is fined £200 for wasting police time

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teenager who got back at her ex by falsely claiming he drugged and raped her has been fined £200 after she admitted wasting police time.
Prosecutor Ryan Seneviratine said: 'Miss Sandover is extremely lucky that she didn't get charged with perverting the course of justice, only due to her age and the fact she has no previous convictions.

'Her ex-boyfriend has said his confidence in approaching girls has been completely ruined.

'He was kept in custody for five-and-a-half hours and underwent intimate tests.

'And all because she wanted to get back at him.'

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Complainant admits to false allegation concerning contact with accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'There was some drama in provincial court in Stephenville on Wednesday as the alleged victim in a sexual assault case admitted to making false allegations against the accused in the case.

Continuing his cross-examination of the alleged victim, Mark Mills, defence lawyer for the accused teenage boy, asked the complainant if she had made false allegations by saying he had contacted her through Snapchat after she unblocked him from the social media site.

The alleged victim said she had, and her reason at the time for doing so was to avoid having to testify at the impending court hearing.
She said the morning after she made the complaint at the Stephenville detachment of the RCMP, she emailed a female RCMP officer and copied the email to a second RCMP officer and notified them of the false statement. The arrest was still made.

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Canada: Report of shocking Oshawa sexual assault false, police say

Article here. Excerpt:

'A report of a sexual assault that led police to canvass an Oshawa neighborhood and issue repeated calls for tips from the public has been determined to be false.

Durham police said Thursday that the report, first received May 1 from a resident in the Ritson Road and Olive Avenue area, was untrue, and that there is no risk to the public.

“After looking into this incident and working with the complainant (investigators) have concluded this event did not occur,” police said in a media release June 7.

The initial report, made May 1, was shocking: A woman reported a man knocked at her door about midday, asked about a nearby house for sale, then forced his way in and sexually assaulted her. The report said the man fled after the woman fought him off.
There was no indication from police the complainant would face charges.

“Investigators are working with the complainant to ensure she receives appropriate assistance and support moving forward,” police said.'

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Cameroon Man Says His Life Is In Ruins Following False Rape Accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Cameroon man living in Thailand has told Thaivisa that his life is in ruins after a Swedish woman falsely accused him of rape in Bangkok.

The case is similar to one involving a French policeman and a British teen. The Frenchman was released earlier this week after being held for nearly two months on spurious charges.

The Frenchman, like the Cameroonian, was also black.

Didier (assumed name), now 32, was locked up for more than nine months with another Cameroon man after the Swedish woman said they raped her at the Fuse condominium in Wong Wian Yai, Thonburi.

The other man had consensual sex with the woman but Didier refused to have anything to do with her because she didn’t have a condom.

Later she went to police and said she was raped. Only the DNA from his friend was on the woman but both men were held regardless of that fact.

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UK: Tommy Robinson update

The Robinson case isn't being followed in the US but his arrest and detention for the "crime" of standing outside a courthouse with a cell phone is making a lot of people there pretty pissed off. I doubt he would have been so treated had he been female. And to think, he is trying to protect GIRLS from being preyed upon by men who view them as trash because they are not Muslim. Videos below.

Wikipedia on current issue here. Take with a grain of salt. Wikipedia has been overrun by SJW types.

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Sentencing disparities highlighted in pedophile case

Article here. She got only 20 years for renting out her daughters repeatedly to be used as little sex-toys. The men who committed the child abuse deserve what they get, perhaps more. But what about mom and grandmom? Don't you think they got off easy? I do. They actually enabled it to happen and profited by it. Clearly they were fine with it and the only reason they didn't abuse the girls themselves was that they were not to their tastes. Excerpt:

'A MOTHER from hell who allowed sick paedos to rape her young daughters blew kisses to her family as she was jailed for 20 years.

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Doctors warn masculinity forces men into loneliness

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the world reels in the wake of Anthony Bourdain's suicide, experts warn he is just one of many men whose suicides and preceding struggles with mental illness often go overlooked.

Men in the US kill themselves at 3.5-times the rate that women do but may be less likely to seek medical help or community support. In comparison to New Zealand, for every woman that dies by suicide, three men do. In 2017, an alarming 606 people were reported to have killed themselves. That's one person dead every 15 hours.

Bourdain spoke openly and often about his own depression and fight to stay sober, but his fame and fortune may well have disguised even deeper troubles, reports Daily Mail.
Dr Jonathan Gerkin, a University of North Carolina psychiatrist who says he takes a therapist's approach believes that our culture - particularly in the US, but worldwide - has not conditioned men to be reflective about, let alone accepting of their own emotions, and that can lead them to a profound sense of loneliness.'

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Why can’t we hate men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? For all the power of #MeToo and #TimesUp and the women’s marches, only a relatively few men have been called to task, and I’ve yet to see a mass wave of prosecutions or even serious recognition of wrongdoing. On the contrary, cries of “witch hunt” and the plotted resurrection of celebrity offenders came quick on the heels of the outcry over endemic sexual harassment and violence. But we’re not supposed to hate them because . . . #NotAllMen. I love Michelle Obama as much as the next woman, but when they have gone low for all of human history, maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts.

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Justin Trudeau in trouble over 2000 groping incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'As it turns out, ensuring that your cabinet has an equal number of men and women for the first time in Canadian history doesn't grant you immunity from your very own #MeToo moment.

That's right: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has won widespread praise from the world's liberals for his commitment to supporting intersectional feminism and multiculturalism, has been accused of a woman.

In an editorial published in the Creston Valley Advance back in 2000, a small paper in British Columbia, a woman recounts her experience of being groped by Trudeau, followed by an audacious apology where he admits that he wouldn't have groped her if he knew she would report on the incident.
Most recently, Trudeau unveiled a "gender equity" budget back in February hoping to eliminate the pay gap.

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The More Young Men Are Bathed in Femininity, the More 'Toxic Masculinity' You Will See

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the most ironic things about the constant "toxic masculinity" complaints that we hear these days is that we live in an overly feminized culture where most of the "toxic" males seem to have either been raised without fathers or claim to be adherents of feminism. The statistics on men raised without fathers are grim almost beyond belief.

"70% of gang members, high school dropouts, teen suicides...and teen substance abusers come from single mother homes.

...80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger (Source: Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978.)

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Dana Loesch: Some women “wouldn’t know what masculinity was if it hit them in the face"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am so tired of this matriarchal witch hunt on young men. There is nothing toxic about masculinity, but there are plenty of toxic things about third-wave feminism and the matriarchy that’s attempting to assert authority and also be the ombudsman over all characteristics and definitions of that which are either masculine or feminine. As a boy mom, kind of had enough of this. Especially like women who just need to stay in your lane and don’t be telling men how their masculinity is toxic. No, the problem that we’re having with society is that there’s an attack on masculinity where toxic masculinity isn’t an issue in all of the homes where there are absent fathers.

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"Start by believing" presumes guilt

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the reasons people believe in the Deep State — government bureaucracies that are said to wield power from the shadows — is because there is little transparency in so many agencies.

With a constant flooding of agencies and programs that implement their policies, even seasoned political observers find it difficult to keep track of what is really going on. The program Start by Believing is an example. Few people have heard of it. 

Launched in 2011, Start by Believing describes itself as a “global campaign” with the mission of “transforming the way we respond to sexual assault.” Its focus is in the U.S.

The program is an offspring of End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI), which is supported by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW); EVAWI has reportedly received 20 grants from the DOJ, totaling $7,502,332.00, which is “supplemented with other sources of income.”

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