Why can’t we hate men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? For all the power of #MeToo and #TimesUp and the women’s marches, only a relatively few men have been called to task, and I’ve yet to see a mass wave of prosecutions or even serious recognition of wrongdoing. On the contrary, cries of “witch hunt” and the plotted resurrection of celebrity offenders came quick on the heels of the outcry over endemic sexual harassment and violence. But we’re not supposed to hate them because . . . #NotAllMen. I love Michelle Obama as much as the next woman, but when they have gone low for all of human history, maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts.

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Justin Trudeau in trouble over 2000 groping incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'As it turns out, ensuring that your cabinet has an equal number of men and women for the first time in Canadian history doesn't grant you immunity from your very own #MeToo moment.

That's right: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has won widespread praise from the world's liberals for his commitment to supporting intersectional feminism and multiculturalism, has been accused of a woman.

In an editorial published in the Creston Valley Advance back in 2000, a small paper in British Columbia, a woman recounts her experience of being groped by Trudeau, followed by an audacious apology where he admits that he wouldn't have groped her if he knew she would report on the incident.
Most recently, Trudeau unveiled a "gender equity" budget back in February hoping to eliminate the pay gap.

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The More Young Men Are Bathed in Femininity, the More 'Toxic Masculinity' You Will See

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the most ironic things about the constant "toxic masculinity" complaints that we hear these days is that we live in an overly feminized culture where most of the "toxic" males seem to have either been raised without fathers or claim to be adherents of feminism. The statistics on men raised without fathers are grim almost beyond belief.

"70% of gang members, high school dropouts, teen suicides...and teen substance abusers come from single mother homes.

...80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger (Source: Criminal Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978.)

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Dana Loesch: Some women “wouldn’t know what masculinity was if it hit them in the face"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am so tired of this matriarchal witch hunt on young men. There is nothing toxic about masculinity, but there are plenty of toxic things about third-wave feminism and the matriarchy that’s attempting to assert authority and also be the ombudsman over all characteristics and definitions of that which are either masculine or feminine. As a boy mom, kind of had enough of this. Especially like women who just need to stay in your lane and don’t be telling men how their masculinity is toxic. No, the problem that we’re having with society is that there’s an attack on masculinity where toxic masculinity isn’t an issue in all of the homes where there are absent fathers.

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"Start by believing" presumes guilt

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the reasons people believe in the Deep State — government bureaucracies that are said to wield power from the shadows — is because there is little transparency in so many agencies.

With a constant flooding of agencies and programs that implement their policies, even seasoned political observers find it difficult to keep track of what is really going on. The program Start by Believing is an example. Few people have heard of it. 

Launched in 2011, Start by Believing describes itself as a “global campaign” with the mission of “transforming the way we respond to sexual assault.” Its focus is in the U.S.

The program is an offspring of End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI), which is supported by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW); EVAWI has reportedly received 20 grants from the DOJ, totaling $7,502,332.00, which is “supplemented with other sources of income.”

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CDC: Suicides increased by more than 30 percent since 1999 in half the states

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than a decade of steadily rising rates have made suicide the nation’s 10th leading cause of death and one of only three causes of death — including Alzheimer’s disease and drug overdoses — that are increasing in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a report that examines trends in suicide at the state level from 1999 to 2016, the CDC says suicide rates have increased in nearly every state. In half the states, the agency found the rate rose more than 30 percent.

In releasing the report — the same week fashion designer Kate Spade was found dead by suicide — CDC officials noted that more than half of those who died by suicide — 54 percent — did not have a known diagnosed mental health condition.

A new study on suicide trends in 27 states found that many victims acted after relationship problems or loss; substance misuse; physical health problems; or job, money, legal or housing stress.

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Is Modern-Day Feminism Giving Women Rights Men Don’t Have?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Unfortunately, as extreme feminists push for further establishment for women in society, they often ignore the problems that men also face because these women are completely focused on female empowerment.

As it turns out, there are now several areas where women have won not only equality, but also an advantage over men. Men are actually beginning to see disadvantages in the society as the patriarchy falls further due to the feminist movement. Because of feminism, women now have several distinct rights that men do not possess but perhaps should.
Although there are still some issues for women to overcome in the American society, they have almost reached the point of full equality with men. Despite the extensive feminist complaints, women actually have more rights than men in some very important areas.

The government and society are consistently correcting the remaining social disadvantages, and women are now allowed to live in ways that would have seemed impossible less than a century ago.'

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Attorney: Student charged in sex assault had rights violated

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man under investigation by the University of Michigan on charges of sexual assault against a student says the school is violating his civil rights and is now suing the university - but it could have a ripple effect for other universities.

Deborah Gordon is representing the student - who is not being identified. She says he was accused of sexual assault but his rights are being violated during the process.

"Suddenly his world stops. At this point, there's nothing he can do," Gordon said. "The University of Michigan placed a hold on his official transcript and his degree. Here you have a young man who has graduated and preparing to enter graduate school. He's unable to do anything."'

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UK: When Fathers Day isn't

Article here. Excerpt:

'Greeting card company Paperchase has created a line of incredible Father’s Day cards to celebrate single mums this year.

The new line, called Happy Father’s Day Mum, features humorous yet sweet cards that recognise that in some families, mums do both jobs.

Designed by London-based creator Stevie Rowing-Parker, who lost his father at the age of five and was raised by his mother, the cards are a fun way for children without fathers to feel included on the day - and to show their appreciation for their mums.'

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Australia: "Far right nationalists open private men-only clubs in Melbourne and Sydney"

Everything I've read about this group leads me to the conclusion that they're a bunch of silly yobbos with a myopic 'beer & bacon' view of masculinity, but I support their right to freedom of assembly.

Link here. Excerpt:

'Blair Cottrell, leader of far-right group United Patriots Front, said he had been working with others to establish the Lads Society "social clubs" for the past six months.
"Values once venerated such as courage, strength, nobility, resourcefulness and loyalty are being sapped from our young men before they come of age…," the club said on social media.
Griffith University criminology expert Professor Geoff Dean said the formalisation of the group into a bricks and mortar social club was a concerning development.

"They concern me these sorts of groups that get cloistered away — it almost becomes cultish," Professor Dean said.

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UK: Rape evidence flaws may have put hundreds of innocents in jail

Article here. The inevitable outcome when law enforcement and prosecutors are pressured/threatened by feminist groups to "increase rape convictions". Excerpt:

'Hundreds of innocent people could be behind bars for rape and other serious offences because of the failure to disclose crucial evidence, legal experts have said.

The warning came after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was forced to drop 47 serious sex assault cases in just six weeks after a review found key material had not been shared with the defence.

The review was ordered in January this year after a string of rape cases collapsed at the last minute due to failures by the police and prosecutors to hand over evidence that could have proved a defendant's innocence.

Liam Allan, 22, a student who was accused of six counts of rape was cleared by a judge in December, after it emerged that his accuser had bombarded friends with hundreds of messages setting out her rape fantasies.'

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Canada: Supporters rally for women's only taxi-services in HRM

Article here.

'Supporters of a women's lead taxi company rallied at Halifax City Hall Tuesday morning for female only taxi-services in the municipality.

Chrissy McDow’s women only car service shuttles passengers back and forth to Halifax Stanfield International Airport, where she and her fleet of drivers are licensed to operate.

McDow says she’d love to expand into the highly competitive taxi business, but there is one problem, there are only 1000 permits to go around the municipality, and the waitlist to get one is in the hundreds.

She hopes Tuesday’s rally will convince city hall to make an exception for her unique company.'

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Demi Lovato sorry over sexual prank on bodyguard

Article here. Excerpt:

'Demi Lovato’s best-known songs include “Sorry Not Sorry.” But when it comes to sharing details of a sexual joke on her bodyguard, she is sorry — mostly.

The pop singer triggered a flurry of negative reactions over the weekend when, in a largely innocuous exchange with fans on Twitter, she was asked to name the funniest prank she has ever pulled off.

Lovato said that she hired a sex worker to enter the hotel room of her bodyguard when they were staying in Las Vegas, where prostitution is legal.

“She walked into his room without permission and grabbed him in his ‘area’ and he freaked,” Lovato said, sharing her amusement.

A number of Twitter users took Lovato to task, saying that she was admitting to a serious episode of sexual harassment, an issue that has drawn growing attention amid the rise of the #MeToo movement.
But she also urged upset people to revisit her song “Warrior” in which she speaks of being a survivor of sexual abuse.

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Why the War on Men Is Hurting Everyone

Article here. Excerpt:

These days, it appears that being a man means you’re crazy. You’re a rapist waiting for a woman to rape. You’re a misogynist, just looking for a woman to oppress. You’re a brute, looking for a woman to punch in the face. You are violent, domineering, and angry.

At least according to the University of Texas at Austin.

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Melinda Gates goes Hillary

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here are other portions of her interview where Gates specifically says some criteria for how she invests in startups are race and sex. She clearly says she preferences women and non-whites over men and white people, specifically for these immutable characteristics that have nothing inherently to do with business success. “Over-index” is essentially a financial or data version of affirmative action.

"I am specifically looking at funds who over-index on women-led and minority-led businesses.

I’m asking a lot of business questions about how they will go about their funding, how they will over-index on women’s businesses, and how they will hold themselves accountable for a great return.

Some of these big firms often believe in the white guy in a hoodie disrupting a whole industry. So we’re going to disrupt it by making sure we’re indexing for women and minorities because they’ve got great ideas.

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