Patriarchy or no, it’s good to have dad around on Father’s Day

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'The radical feminist assault on men is certainly no gift to our children. To be sure, single moms can achieve great things, and grandparents, as was the case for President Obama, can raise an outstanding human being. But both girls and boys clearly benefit from the presence of two parents, which usually means a mom and dad. Of course, we should also favor the adoption of children into gay couples or by a single parent as vastly preferable to an abusive home or none at all.

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Israel: 'You've declared war on the male gender!'

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'Family Movement Chairman Gil Ronen was expelled today from a Committee for the Advancement of the Status of Women hearing chaired by MK Aida Touma Sliman (Joint Arab List), after MK Merav Ben-Ari (Kulanu) interrupted Ronen, shouting "every week a woman is murdered here."

Sliman deprived Ronen of the floor, and when he replied that the committee had "declared war on the male gender," she ordered the Knesset Guard to expel him.

The meeting was intended to discuss data presented to MK Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) showing about 70% of cases against men accused of domestic violence close without trial.

Police and prosecution representatives explained the reasons for closing or not closing a case are professional and based on preponderance of evidence, witnesses, etc. The Committee Chair did not accept the statements and claimed a decline in the domestic violence prosecution rate, warning that if the trend continues, women might be afraid to complain.

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Feminist Academic Launching Masters Program in 'Masculinities'

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'Stony Brook University in Long Island, New York, will soon become the first college in the nation to offer a master’s degree in the emerging field of “Masculinities.”

The Master’s Program in Masculinities will be a 30-credit online program offered through the school’s Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities, which aims to “disseminate research that redefines gender relations to foster greater social justice.”

The center counts feminist icons such as Gloria Steinem, Eve Ensler, and Jane Fonda among its Board of Directors, and it is led by Michael Kimmel, a feminist academic who most recently wrote a book on “angry white men” suffering from “aggrieved entitlement.”
If Kimmel’s proposal is approved, it will become the first master’s degree in “Masculinities” ever to be offered.'

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Karen DeCrow: We should cease thinking about men as the enemy of children and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every day should be Father's Day.

We've been hearing about the barbecue tools which dad would like to receive. Or, gardening equipment.

What dad should get this year is new attention to fathers. The men have been getting a bad deal.
For decades I have been urging equality between fathers and mothers. Although there has been progress in this direction, fathers still have a difficult time being recognized as equal parents.

Father's Day each year makes me grateful for what my father did for me. This has little to do with our relationship, and much to do with what he taught me.
Most of us believe that women can do what men do. The challenge is to convince employers, legislators, mothers, that men can do what women do.

So last week we celebrated Father's Day and this week I reflect on it with this message: Every day should be Father's Day.'

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Humor: 'Father’s Day Updated To ‘Toxic Masculinity Awareness Day’'

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'WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a special session called to order Friday, Congress voted unanimously to do a complete overhaul of Father’s Day, renaming the holiday “Toxic Masculinity Awareness Day” and redefining the day’s meaning to encourage citizens to heap shame and disgust on all fathers, current or potential.

Americans across the country excitedly prepared to celebrate the updated holiday designed to shame fathers and all things masculine as the weekend approached.

“It was just time,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan, citing the high numbers of depression and anxiety among men as “a good sign things are progressing in the right direction, but we still have a lot of work to do before all men, everywhere do the right thing and hate themselves with the appropriate level of vehemence.” The new initiative seeks to have all men wailing in the streets in sackcloth and ashes, flagellating and weeping with shame and regret for their harmful, problematic masculinity.'

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Lydia Forson tweets her disregard for fathers day celebration

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'African Movie Academy Award winning Ghanaian actress Lydia Forson has found herself facing twitter backlash after she posted a controversial tweet to her page on Fathers Day.

In a tweet which has since been deleted, the “Keteke” actress said “I don’t see Mother’s begging and reminding everyone when it’s Mother’s day. We celebrate our mothers because we want to,not because they try to guilt us into it. So focus on being GOOD fathers and you don’t have to beg to be celebrated on Father’s day. #HappyFathersDay”

The post which was sent at 4:40am on a day which is supposed to be special for fathers who have been there for their families understandably did not go down well with people on the internet who bombarded her page with furious replies which then prompted the actress to make her account private.

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Abolish Father’s Day? Is Misandry (man hating) Killing Our Men?

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'If you were to suggest abolishing Mother’s Day, there would be a hue and cry of ‘misogyny’. If you were to suggest renaming Mother’s Day to ‘Special Person’s Day’, thousands would march in the streets in protest.

But abolish Father’s Day? Hmmm, yes. Let’s have a conversation about that. What a jolly good idea. (I jest of course.)

This morning Good Morning Britain hosted a segment seriously discussing the abolishment of Father’s Day. But it’s not a new discussion. Two years ago, Judy Finnigan on Loose Women, thrilled the largely female studio audience by saying, ‘I think mothers deserve a day rather more than fathers.’ She got away with it. Had a man mumbled, ‘I think fathers deserve a day rather more than mothers,’ the nation would have screamed ‘Misogynist!’ and his career would have been summarily over.

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This Father's Day let's call toxic masculinity what it is

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'This Father’s Day, men should take the left’s attacks on manliness as men should – with our chins raised and a warm, manly humor in our baritones as we point out all that is good in old-fashioned manliness.

The academic left accuses manly men of having “toxic masculinity.” They insinuate that manliness is to blame for the actions of sexist workplace monsters.

Instead of trying to understand the deep philosophy men of honor try to live up to, those on the left pretend manliness is only as deep as the phrase “man up.” As they do, they portray men in TV sitcoms mostly as cases of arrested development – beer-swilling, barely literate frat boys.

This sexist treatment of men is pervasive throughout the mainstream media and Hollywood-led popular culture. Even Microsoft Word’s thesaurus offers “chauvinist” as a synonym for “macho.”

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Feminist Bookstore Closes From Lack of Sales, Blames White Men

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'An “iconic feminist bookstore and community space” is closing in Portland, Oregon.

What could be the cause of this retailer’s failure? People don’t want to buy their books? Perhaps the rise of e-commerce?

Not in the slightest, obviously. The problem lies in white power, patriarchy and white cisgendered feminism.

That’s the takeaway from a statement posted last Monday announcing the closing of In Other Words, a volunteer-run bookstore made famous by the television show “Portlandia.” According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, the store will be closing at the end of this month — and it’s all the fault of you blue-eyed devils.

“The current volunteers and board members stepped into and took over a space that was founded on white, cis feminism (read: white supremacy). It’s really difficult, actually, impossible, for us to disentangle from that foundational ideology,” the statement said.'

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Kenya: It is not masculinity, young men are just broke

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'As I scrolled through twitter this week — when I really should have been studying for my looming exams — I stumbled upon a trend #MasculinityKE.

In a long Twitter “thread”, a young man called Mariga W. Thoithi narrated how he was invited for drinks by a bevy of beauties who ordered expensive beverages, thinking that he would pay. Knowing that he was broke at the time, he only had two beers throughout the night and proudly declared how shocked his friends were when he told the waiter that he would only be paying for his drinks and the ladies would foot their own bills.'

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Mindy Kaling Blames ‘Ocean’s 8’ Mixed Reviews On ‘White Male Critics’

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'So why the blah reviews? According to the critics, the all-female cast actually did a fine job in replacing the all-male cast for "Ocean's 11" and agreed the film had its charming moments. Most were in agreement, however, that the film failed in the heist portion of the script, saying it lacked originality and cleverness. In sum, the all-female cast was the least of the complaints.

Despite that glaring truth, "Ocean's 8" cast member Mindy Kaling blames the film's failure to wow critics on the overabundance of, yep, white males.

Speaking with Yahoo, Kaling said she agreed with Meryl Streep that Rotten Tomatoes allows too many white male opinions to poison the review pool.

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'Why do feminists want us to hate men?'

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'It’s easy: If it’s a guy - he’s bad.

Such is the status of the culture wars here in the Unites States that a professor at a prominent university was able to run a piece on the respected Washington Post entitled: “Why Can’t We Hate Men?”

In her article, Suzanna Danuta Walters, a professor of sociology and director of Northeastern’s Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University, argues that it’s time for men to simply quit, to abandon any ambitions and let women run things for a while.
Yeah, there’s a lot of #BecausePatriarchy stuff bouncing around American culture these days. For years, Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has displayed portraits of the retired chairmen who led the hospital to greatness. Now they’re taking the wall of portraits down and dispersing them. Why?

Because they’re all guys. White guys.

“We need to make sure that our culture creates a sense of belonging for all,’’ said Dr. Betsey Nabel, president of the hospital.

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Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters

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'In a series of meetings this month, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signaled strong disagreement with the Obama administration’s aggressive erosion of due process protections for college students accused of sexual assault. While deploring the horrors of the offense, DeVos added that “a system without due process protections … serves no one.”

This was a welcome change from the decrees issued by the Obama-era Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which had told colleges to avoid any due process safeguards that would “restrict or unnecessarily delay the protections provided by Title IX” to accusers.

Surveying the damage to fundamental fairness from the Obama-era policies, a recent study by UCLA professor John Villasenor concluded that an innocent student has as much as a one-in-three chance of being found guilty by today’s campus sexual assault tribunals.'

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Yale lifts Khan’s suspension

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'Three months after a New Haven jury found him not guilty of rape, Saifullah Khan can return to Yale College — at least for now.

On June 7, Yale College Dean Marvin Chun informed Khan in an email obtained by the News that he could re-enroll in classes as early as this summer, while the University continues to evaluate a sexual misconduct complaint filed against him shortly before his arrest in November 2015.

In March, Khan was found not guilty of sexual assault in New Haven Superior Court. But he still faces an investigation by the University-wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct — which uses a lower standard of evidence than a criminal court — into the assault allegations that led to his arrest.'

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Lawsuit challenges uni's sex assault policy, student claims uni biased against males accused of assault

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'A lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court by Deborah Gordon Law on June 4 on behalf of a male University of Michigan student, claims the University’s sexual misconduct policy does not provide due process to males accused of sexual assault and thereby discriminates against them on the basis of gender. The allegation follows a complaint brought forth by a female student who approached U-M’s Office of Institutional Equity on March 12 saying she and the male student had engaged in non-consensual sexual activity several months earlier.

In April, the University sent out a no-contact order against the male student. The female student then claimed the male student violated the directive by staying in the same dining hall as her, and the University reprimanded him via email. According to the lawsuit, however, the male’s Mcard records prove he was not in the dining hall at that time.'

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