Activists Mad Men Won’t Face Double Jeopardy In Campus Kangaroo Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Kentucky has updated the way it handles sexual assault claims, and activists aren’t happy with some of the changes.

The school will no longer allow accusers to appeal rulings, as they have in the past. The accused will still be able to appeal, but they will no longer face double jeopardy in campus tribunals.

UK is allowed to make changes to its campus sexual assault policies thanks to an announcement from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in September 2017 that rescinded Obama-era guidance that encouraged schools to conduct biased investigations against accused students. By rescinding the 2011 and 2014 guidance documents, DeVos allowed schools to make changes to their policies in line with previous guidance adopted during the George W. Bush administration. In the immediate aftermath of DeVos’ announcement, many schools across the country stated they would maintain Obama-era policies.

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Help SAVE End VAWA Abuse in Divorce Cases

From SAVE:

Recently White House staffers met with victims of marriage fraud. Each victim shared their sad tales how their spouse used VAWA as a tool to falsely allege abuse without any evidence or proof. ( This is the first time the White House has been appraised of this serious problem.

SAVE published a special report "Incentives to Make False Allegations of Domestic Violence" that outlines many of the reasons why people make false allegations of domestic violence, including immigration related marriage fraud in order to gain U.S citizenship:

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Six-figure judgment against uni after calling student accused of rape ‘motherf—er’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Southern California is paying a steep price for calling a student a “motherfucker.”

A California judge ordered the private institution to pay a student accused of rape $111,965 in attorney’s fees after finding that the Title IX investigation of “John Doe” was not “fair, thorough, reliable, neutral and impartial.”

The June 28 ruling by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Allen White approved the six-figure fee request by Doe’s lawyer Mark Hathaway. That followed the judge’s March 19 order implementing her “tentative” ruling last year that USC didn’t follow its own policies in the investigation and must reinstate Doe, who was expelled.

The university let a biased official “advise” the review panel, omitted much of Doe’s evidence from the final report and failed to seek relevant evidence, including the testimony of the only person who allegedly saw Doe and his accuser together after the encounter.

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Male Feminists Gather in Aspen to Ponder How to Fix Men — the 'Heterosexual White Ones'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In case you were unaware, leftists are concerned about men. Believing there to be a "masculinity crisis," leftists recently convened at the Aspen Ideas Festival to brainstorm ways to "fix" men. Specifically, in the words of The Atlantic, "heterosexual white ones."

Counted among the "heterosexual white ones," I am touched. And by "touched," I mean that I feel violated. You see, according to Michael Kimmel, the founder of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at SUNY Stony Brook, I feel like my "power is slipping."

Except I don't. And neither do any of the other "heterosexual white ones" that I know.

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Of women and frozen eggs

Article here. Slow news day so I thought I'd post this. Excerpt:

'In the years since, many more women across the world have frozen their eggs. Many are highly educated. But the decision may have very little to do with work, at least according to a new study. In interviews with 150 American and Israeli women who had undergone one cycle, career planning came up as the primary factor exactly two times.

Instead, most women focused on another reason: they still hadn’t found a man to build a family with.

“The stereotype that these ambitious career women are freezing their eggs for the purposes of their career — that’s really inaccurate at the present time,” said Marcia Inhorn, a medical anthropologist from Yale University, and one of the authors of the study, which was presented Monday at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology’s conference in Spain.'

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South Australia (again): "'Mansplaining' ad removed from future university building site, following online criticism"

Please avoid, boycott and divest from South Australia. Link here. Excerpt:

'An advertisement outside a future university building in Adelaide which attracted big criticism on social media has been replaced just days after making international headlines.

The ad hoardings outside the old Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) site featured an image of five women surrounding a man talking with his arms raised.

It wasn't long before the image circulated online, with many describing it as "mansplaining".

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19 Cornell Law Professors: Dismiss Title IX Complaint Against Graduate Student and Give Him His Ph.D.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nineteen Cornell Law School professors signed onto a letter condemning the University’s decision to withhold a student’s Ph.D. because of the “mere filing” of a Title IX complaint against him. They urged University officials to immediately dismiss the Title IX complaint — filed just three days before the physics graduate’s anticipated graduation — and to award the student, Yogesh Patil, his diploma.

The professors’ June 3 letter, sent to Cornell’s president, lead counsel and two Title IX officials, said the complaint against Patil is rife with “glaring factual errors” and, even if true, does not amount to a Title IX offense. Patil’s accuser, a woman identified as LA, says he retaliated against her for filing a Title IX complaint against Patil’s advisor, Prof. Mukund Vengalattore, by operating a website which includes information about that complaint.

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More female leaders at big companies plan to give themselves raises—here’s why it’s a big deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new survey shows that more female executives plan to give themselves a raise next year. That's good news not just for them but for American working women generally, argues the president of the Women's Presidents Organization and the founder of EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women, since it could help in the long-term fight for equal pay.

“One important part of closing the gap starts with those lucky enough to set their own salaries,” Marsha Firestone and Lisa Schiffman write in the Harvard Business Review. “What women in this category accomplish matters not only to them but also to our entire economy.”

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Uni Teaches ‘Male Privilege’ With Its 'Men and Masculinities Project'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stanford University is pushing the myth that male identity is a “social privilege,” despite numerous studies indicating that men disproportionately suffer from unique issues that circumvent their economic, educational, and social pursuits.

The claim was made by the school’s Men and Masculinities Project. The project aims to convene male students with counselors to help them develop “healthy and inclusive male identities,” almost as if male students oppress women by their very existence.

“We acknowledge that male identity is a social privilege, and the aim for this project is to provide the education and support needed to better the actions of the male community rather than marginalize others,” explains Stanford officials.

Instead of aiming to help men regain parity with women in academia -- men nationwide are less likely to attend college, and less likely to graduate in four years than women -- the school instead aims to help men “redefine masculinity.”

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Report: Gareon Conley suing rape accuser over false allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gareon Conley has apparently decided to fire back at the woman who made a huge accusation about him just over a year ago.

The situation ahead of the 2017 NFL Draft was well-documented, and it wound up costing the Oakland Raiders cornerback in a big way. Conley was accused of rape after police were told the former Ohio State star sexually assaulted a woman in a Cleveland hotel room just weeks before the draft.

When all was said and done, Conley was eventually not indicted on any charges after the case went to a grand jury. Unfortunately, this decision came after the draft was in the rearview mirror and the cornerback's image had taken a pretty big hit.

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Ireland: Woman avoids jail after being found guilty of false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who falsely claimed she was raped "for attention-seeking purposes" has been given a suspended sentence.

Gail Chambers, who uses a wheelchair and who has a history of wasting police time by making false allegations, concocted a "very lurid and graphic account" that she was raped in her Lurgan home in October 2015.

Newry Crown Court, sitting in Belfast, heard that the man she accused was arrested, had intimiate samples taken and was then subjected to a police interview. The court also heard this is the second time Chambers has perverting the course of justice by making a false rape claim.

After providing an alibi which proved he was shopping at an Asda store in Belfast at the same time Chambers claimed he was raping her, he was released. However, the incident has had a lasting affect on him, he had considered suicide and is having trouble living with the shame and embarrassment of being suspected of rape.'

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Book Review: 'Sex Matters: How Modern Feminism Lost Touch with Science, Love, and Common Sense'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Conservative writer and bestselling author Mona Charen tackles the hot button issue of modern feminism in her latest nonfiction book “Sex Matters: How Modern Feminism Lost Touch with Science, Love, and Common Sense.”

Mrs. Charen does not hold back on her criticisms of radical feminists and their attempt to change the movement from one that sought equality to one that tries to exert supremacy over academia, science, the arts, and society.

Using facts and statistics, she challenges the talking points of modern feminists and their allies in the Democrat Party.

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How to file a Title IX complaint

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thousands of persons have filed Title IX complaints to the Office for Civil Rights in recent years. These persons have made complaints pertaining to sexual assault, sports opportunities, and other issues. In the past, most of these complaints alleged sex discrimination against women. But recently, complaints have been filed alleging Title IX violations against male students. Media reports have highlighted complaints that have been made against Yale University, University of Southern California, and the University of Michigan.

Whether you are male or female, SAVE encourages you to file a Title IX complaint if you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of your sex. If you are considering such an action, SAVE offers these considerations and recommendations:'

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Australia: Sarah Hanson-Young rejects Senator David Leyonhjelm’s list of demands for an apology

Article here. Excerpt:

'DAVID Leyonhjelm has unearthed a past video of Senator Sarah Hanson-Young that he says shows her making comments similar to those he took offence to.

The Liberal Democrat senator has been under fire after telling Ms Hanson-Young to “stop shagging men” during a debate in the Senate about his proposal to let women carry pepper spray and mace.

Mr Leyonhjelm has said his comment was in response to misandry from the Greens senator and while he can’t remember her exact words, he said they implied all men were rapists.

While there is no record of the exact exchange in the Senate, Mr Leyonhjelm has unearthed an interview from last month that he says illustrates Ms Hanson-Young’s offensive attitude.

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"Vulnerable Women Are Routinely Prosecuted – And Imprisoned – For False Rape Claims In The UK"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Britain’s approach stands in stark contrast to that of the US, Australia, Canada, and other European countries. Women in these countries do not typically face prosecution – let alone prison – for lying about rape, state prosecutors and experts said, because it’s not considered to be in the public interest. Norway’s public prosecutions authority, for example, said its priority is encouraging more victims to come forward and warned that “a low threshold for opening a false accusation case could counteract this goal”.

A spokesperson for the CPS told BuzzFeed News that it prosecutes “very few cases” of false rape complaints and this should not dissuade rape victims “from coming forward to report their assault”. Prosecutors treat these cases “extremely carefully” and consider the mental health and other vulnerabilities of the suspect before deciding whether to move forward.

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